Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 623: Icelandic Horror (155)

Under the magma river, a huge shadow quietly and gradually approached the golden-red little phoenix bird, but it was still floating above the magma, seemingly unaware of it.

But is it really unaware? Such a young bird can survive in the magma river, and it has attracted so many flame fragments from the Fire Country. It is definitely not a good thing at first glance. Bingyi did not come forward rashly. The charred bird calmly huddled behind the crack in the stone, quietly watching the scene in front of him.


As if the distance was close enough, the giant thing under the magma stopped pretending when it was four or five meters away from the golden-red bird, and suddenly pounced on the bird from the magma. The hot magma was absorbed by its huge body. After being surrounded by splashes, it finally revealed its true form. It actually looked like a giant salamander five or six meters long! The dark and hard scales were covered with magma, and the terrifying momentum was so overwhelming that even the Binggui bird that was only affected by it stopped breathing and its feathers exploded behind its head.


Then there was only a loud bang, and its huge body fell heavily into the magma after being thrown out. A large amount of crimson magma was smashed by its huge body, and it surged up like a blooming flower of fire or a blazing fountain. The splashing magma even fell in front of the guide bird.

There was no more golden-red bird on the raging magma river, only the monster covered in magma was left stirring the magma wantonly. The hunt was over. Bingyi felt his mouth was dry and his eyes were burning. It should have fled the scene immediately. The monster in the lava river looked like it was eating birds, but Bingyi did not move. He did not believe that the little golden-red bird The bird was eaten so easily and is still waiting there.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, the big lizard finally stopped moving. However, instead of diving into the magma after eating and drinking, it is still floating quietly on the magma river, like a blackened wooden pile, or...

As if already dead.

Bingyi saw with his own eyes that little golden-red phoenix bird quickly emerged from the lava river, flapped its wings and climbed onto the big lizard, carefully combing its feathers with its beak. One of its wings was drooped and bleeding, one of its paws was curled up, and there was blood on the edge of its beak. The whole bird's feathers were matted and fluffy, and it was obvious that it had suffered serious injuries. But it was able to kill this big lizard alone...

Bingyi turned around and left without hesitation. If they could hurt both of them, he would have a chance, but that wasn't the case now. The magma river is no better than the open space above. It is difficult for many of his methods and various demonic insects to exert their power. Not everything can be greedy, and it is not worth dying here.


But as soon as Bingyi turned around and climbed up the crack with difficulty, the sound of birds chirped behind him. The bird's cry sounded as childish as a baby bird, but it made Bingyi startled and broke into a cold sweat. A very existential gaze fell on him, like a hunter locking his prey. Bingyi didn't run anymore. He turned around and met a pair of golden-red eyes.

The little phoenix bird was staring at him, with no human emotion in its eyes. Having been discovered, Bingyi's heart sank. He calmly looked at the little phoenix bird and saw that it had a dark hard scale in its beak. In just a few seconds, the scales on the lizard's back looked extremely hard. It actually peeled off a layer of it! Bingyi was afraid, how sharp the beak was. He didn't make a sound, but the fur all over his body was exploding, his nerves were tense, and he was ready to fight.


Seeing him standing there motionless, the little phoenix spit out its scales and screamed again. Are you talking to him? And he didn't seem to be too aggressive. Maybe he regarded him as a similar person? But Bingyi couldn't understand the bird's language, so he slowly moved forward a few steps, and the little phoenix bird sang more happily. It even picked up a piece of tender white lizard meat with its pointed beak and shook it at Bingyi.

But to C, its friendly appearance looked like a mousetrap using a cheese trap to lure mice. The brutal scene of the little phoenix killing the big lizard just now was still vivid in his mind, and he would not take any chances in any case. However, now that we are in a dilemma, we can only take a gamble.

Amidst the chirping of the little phoenix, Bing took a small step and moved to the edge of the crack. Less than half a meter down was the scalding lava river. The lizard corpse and the little phoenix bird were in the middle of the magma river, still two meters away from him.

Two meters...

Bingyi estimated the distance in his mind and jumped down decisively, as if he was about to jump into the magma and swim across. But just when he was about to touch the surface of the magma, several pairs of illusory wings suddenly appeared from his back! With a sudden beat of his wings, Bingyi flew out like an arrow from a string, and flew to the lizard in an instant. A dog collar appeared out of thin air in the flash of lightning, and was neatly wrapped around the little phoenix bird.

After all his operations, the little phoenix bird still didn't make any attack. It tilted its head and looked at it, with a smile in its eyes, and squatted in the dog collar, just like Tang Monk being protected by the monkey monkey. But in fact, the collar did not play any role, just like when Bingyi used a dog collar to trap the killer whale, it failed.

Trapping a killer whale with a dog collar... Something suddenly flashed in Bingyi's mind, and he looked at him suspiciously.

Alas, with the psychological shadow of the killer whale on the first day, it seems that pretending to be a wild bird will not work here in Wei Xun.

An Xuefeng, who didn't wait for Wei Xun to take the initiative to post it, thought regretfully. Seeing Wei Xun's feathers gradually exploding with anger, An Xuefeng smiled and chirped twice.


While Bingyi was still hesitating, he saw the little phoenix slowly lowering its head and pecked at the feathers under its wings, and took out a handful of white curly hairs.

The face of the blackened bird finally turned completely black, and the white curly hair was clearly Wei Xun's hair! His eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, but there was no trace of Wei Xun. Did the little phoenix kill Wei Xun, or was it the transformed one? !

Bingyi found that no matter what kind of conjecture he had, he didn't want it to be true... Unable to speak and unable to feel the spiritual connection, Bingyi launched a variety of tests on the little phoenix, some of which were even more extreme. But Xiaofengniao has been indulging him, seeming to know that he is suspicious by nature, and has been actively cooperating, even feeding a piece of meat into Bingyi's mouth when he was deep in thought.

The meat was glutinous, soft, smooth and juicy, with a strong roasting aroma. The bird's beak had no teeth, and Bingyi swallowed it without tasting it. The rich aroma of meat surged up from the throat, leaving an endless aftertaste, and there was also the power of pure flames!

Bing's eyes lit up and he jumped next to the little phoenix bird to take a look. He saw a flame crystal embedded deeply into the back of the big lizard, almost piercing through its body and destroying all the surrounding lizard flesh. Did Xiaofengniao kill it with flame crystals? Bingyi made a guess in his mind. He raised his head and took a few glances. When he saw that the little phoenix bird did not protect his prey, but instead gave way to him, he lowered his head and pecked it unceremoniously.

However, his beak was charred and rotten, which was the most rotten part of his body. Although it was hard enough, it dyed the flesh it touched black as if it was contaminated, and began to faintly decay.

Bingyi had no choice but to stand on the lizard's black scales, not daring to touch the meat again. Although the food was so close but he couldn't eat it, the bird sighed with regret. When the little phoenix came again with meat sticks in his mouth and was eager to feed it, Bingyi glanced at him sideways. After all, he couldn't hold back his instinct and opened his mouth like a young bird begging for food. Mouthed.

The two birds cooperated tacitly. After a while, the lizard's most tender back meat and the meat next to the heart, which contains the most power, were fed to him by the little phoenix bird. Bingyi's belly was like a bottomless pit, and it was clear that it had no lizard. His eyes are big, but he has eaten dozens of times more meat than his body, but he still doesn't feel full. The aging sun is about to go out. No matter how much energy is given to it, it can't be ignited again.

An Xuefeng watched Wei Xun eat and absorb the sun fragments obtained from the Dead Sahara. He knew that Wei Xun's goal was to collect sun fragments from various mythological systems and become the sun himself. However, Yu Hehui told him that the piece of solid ice from the Jin Lunga Gap that he obtained from his old dream contained the cocoon shell of the butterfly in the primitive abyss and the polluted light. It seriously polluted the Bingyi sun, causing It fell into its dying years.

That piece of ice was pushed down by the phantom cat. Is this really an accident? Doesn't it really know what's inside? As the founder of the Inca Sun Gate, he should have the deepest grasp of various sun-related energies.

If it was intentional, what was his ultimate goal?

The sun, the butterfly fragments, the dying sun, and the primitive abyss connect the Xi Ming in the distant Sun Gate with Wei Xun in the old dream. What does he want to seize from the primitive abyss with his own hands? This made An Xuefeng worried. Maybe Wei Xun didn't mind helping, and would even actively contribute to the return of the Life-haunting Man, but An Xuefeng didn't want it to happen when Wei Xun lost his memory, when he didn't know what the consequences would be. This happens.

Wei Xun is an independent person and he should have the right to make his own choices. An Xuefeng never thought about reversing the dying sun. The title of the dying sun might also be an opportunity for Wei Xun. But he should also choose between the rising sun or the aging and dying sun.

For others, the title has been advanced, and obtaining the same title as before is simply a fantasy. But for An Xuefeng, he has experience in this matter. In particular, the animal state related to the sun in Wei Xun is birds.

An Xuefeng got the Ankh rune when he opened the pyramid. The Ankh rune in ancient Egypt is the rune of life. He only got this at first. But after merging with the phoenix bird form that can achieve nirvana and rebirth, An Xuefeng reversed the Anka rune when he was in danger and was about to die, from life to death, and then to life again. He can transform into a golden-red phoenix that represents life, or a black phoenix that represents death.

Wei Xun's current state is very similar to that of him at that time. The power of the sun, which represents aging and dying, has affected his phoenix state, and it is more serious than An Xuefeng's at that time.

Even if the dying and aging sun turns one hundred and sixty degrees, it will not turn into a new sun. And even if Bingyi swallows other sun fragments, the power of the new sun will be contaminated and assimilated by the aging and dying power.

But there is another way to go, and that is to use the power of the Nordic pantheon.

In Nordic mythology, after Odin killed Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, to create the world, he felt that the world was too dark and lacked light and heat. So Odin absorbed some sparks from the Kingdom of Fire, and he put them in the sky, and they became stars and the moon. He went to the deepest part of the Fire Country and found the brightest flame. He put the flame into the sky and it became the sun.

An Xuefeng fed all the lizard meat roasted by the flame crystals to the Jiaojiao bird, then pecked out the flame crystal fragments from the lizard meat and fed them to him as well. The little black bird originally closed its beak and kept dodging in an attempt to get him to take a few bites. However, An Xuefeng held the flame crystal fragment in his mouth and nudged it against its beak. After the two birds hesitated for a long time, Bingyi finally ate it. Shards of flame crystals.

Because Bingyi found that after eating so much lizard meat, the feathers on his body were itchy. The power of the most original flame enveloped the feathers, but it seemed that it was more than just flames. The originally charred and rotten feathers had a layer of faint red light, like the newborn sun. The pollution power on the blackened feathers wanted to spread towards it, but the two powers were separated by the power of Loki's fire god and did not interfere with each other.

This is--


Bingyi's eyes lit up, and he called out for the first time in front of the little phoenix bird. The little phoenix chirped in response and fed him all the flame crystal fragments. After eating these fragments, Bingyi felt surprisingly good. He shook his wings, and the burnt black feathers fell down, and a new fiery red feather appeared!

The power of Bingyi fire has reached its peak. It can be called a god in Northern Europe. It can be used to draw on it. In Nordic mythology, the sun extends from the flame. Those fragments of flame crystallization. The mixed flames of Bingyi originate from the phoenix bird. The flame of Nirvana is helping him become the new sun!

It's just that this requires a lot of flame crystals. The source of this magma river may be in the crack between the Kingdom of Fire and the human world, so the flame crystals will float over. After all, they are all too small now, and most of their rest time has passed. They have no time to find the source of the cracks, and it is too inefficient to collect the flame crystals in the magma by themselves.

But there are food delivery services.

An Xuefeng left two flame crystals behind and led Wei Xun forward for a while. He repeated his same trick when he reached a place where the lizard corpse could not be seen. After letting Bingyi hide, he controlled two pieces of debris to float in the magma. After a while, two huge black figures were attracted from the depths of the magma and dived over. They were also black lizards! This time Bingyi saw it clearly. The little Phoenix controlled the flame crystal to pierce the lizards' eyeballs and destroy their brains, causing them to die instantly. Then he neatly dug out another crystal from the two lizard corpses!

Time was running out and the two birds didn't care about eating. They immediately floated into the lava river in the front section where the body could not be seen. This time Bingyi also learned how to control the flame crystal and acted together, and successfully deceived a large lizard and obtained it from it. Two fragments were seized, and Xiaofengniao also gained something. But after the lunch break, they only deceived one more round. Seeing that no lizard took the bait again, the lava river gradually became dim and began to condense, indicating that there were no flame fragments.

The two birds then swooped up the rock wall one after another and left the lava river through another crack.

After passing through an extremely narrow and hot slit and returning to the shaft leading to the surface, Bingyi discovered that they came out of the crack on the east side. Thinking of the big lizard that never appeared again no matter how tempted it was after lunch break, Bingyi's heart moved slightly. Perhaps these lizards are not native species in the magma river, but were released to collect fire fragments.

The guy who released the lizard...ahem.

Bingyi and Wei Xun came out of the crack quietly. The two birds were small and had small goals. They were blocked by Yu Hehui and Tong Hege who were guarding the edge of the crack. They were not noticed by the passengers who were packing their belongings. They went to the tent and transformed into humans, changed their clothes, and came out. Miao Fangfei and the others were shocked, and they all asked about the magma.

"There was a reminder from the hotel just now that we have dealt with a strange incident!"

Miao Fangfei said happily, knowing that Director Bing and the others must have done something underground.

"The underground magma river that this crack leads to contains fragments of flame crystals from the Kingdom of Fire. Ragnarok is coming, and cracks are appearing between worlds due to unstable space."

When Bingyi said this, he glanced at the Eyetooth Hunter from the corner of his eye and found that his expression was quite normal and he was concentrating on playing with the wolf. He held a piece of flame crystal in his hand, which attracted the wolf wolf Fenrir to jump into his arms. After rubbing the wolf's fur, he allowed the wolf wolf to take the flame crystal away.

The little wolf happily took the crystal into Bingyi's hand, knowing that his father needed this. When he saw this scene, the tooth hunter snorted with a stinky face, but he didn't care. He took out another crystal to lure the wolf over, his movements and expressions were very natural.

Bingyi was surprised. Could it be that the lizards in the magma river were not controlled by the tooth hunters?

"Yes, we also found flame crystals deep in the east crack. But the end of the east crack was too narrow, and we did not go down into the magma river."

Yu Xiangyang said that he and the tooth hunter were always together when they explored underground cracks.

"If left unchecked, new volcanoes could form where these fragments lie, and it could allow fire pollution to spread to the ground, causing temperatures to rise and glaciers to melt."

An Xuefeng said that once the flame crystals, as well as the lizard grease ashes and lizard bones produced due to its influence are dealt with, the strange incident here can be considered finished. Miao Fangfei and the others had all participated in the cleanup. The Nordic God was very generous in this regard, and they were considered to have completed an incident. But the Nordic gods were very stingy in terms of rewards. They only used their divine power to process the bones, mud and other items they excavated, erasing the contamination on them, and did not issue additional rewards.

"The temperature is getting lower and lower. The grease mud can resist the corrosive blood. The bones are as hot as a warm baby. The next journey will be easier."

“Continuing the glacier hike, the underground magma river is very long, and on the way we discovered the cracks in the volcanic lava lizard’s lair.

"Complete the attractions on the itinerary first, and everyone pays attention to safety before passing the attractions."

It was getting late, and after packing their bags, the two teams hiked on the glacier again, but one person was missing from the original group of twenty passengers. When Charlie was alive, he was very inconspicuous in the team, making it easy for people to ignore his existence. But after death, it was imprinted in everyone's heart, making them always be vigilant.

Bingyi was still at the back of the team with his tail cut off, his mouth blocked by the thick scarf and charging collar chewing on the flame crystal fragments and some grilled lizard meat shreds given to him by Wei Xun. This time, the Underground Magma River and their party captured a total of fourteen crystal fragments, which was an incredible harvest! Although the pieces were large and small, and none were as big as the one Charlie gave him, they added up to a considerable amount.

It would have been a long night and many dreams, so Bing ate all the crystal fragments in one handful. His whole body became hot after eating, and even the cold-blooded man's power was suppressed. The more these flame crystal fragments the better, Bingyi was still thinking about the lizards in the magma river. Although they lured and killed a few lizards, there were more lizards in the magma river.

Intuition made Bingyi think that those lizards could never be native species of the Land of Fire, and must be related to the volcanic lava lizards. Speaking of which, the crack connecting to the magma river on the east side is indeed very narrow, and it is impossible for people to enter. If those lizards really have nothing to do with the tooth hunters, where did they come from?

Why do they collect flame crystal fragments?

The crack on the east side is extremely narrow. Apart from Bingyi and Wei Xunzhuang, the only ones who can get in are probably small lizards.

Little lizard.

Bingyi secretly communicated with Yu Hehui. Yu Hehui kept the lizard egg in his arms and stuffed the sleeping phantom cat into it to block the opening of the egg. Logically speaking, the little lizard should not have the opportunity to cause trouble. If it could still do something secretly in this situation, it only meant that the little lizard was stronger than he imagined.

Bingyi stared at the lizard egg in his arms. The phantom cat was sleeping in the egg. The fluffy long hair spilled out from the gap on the top of the egg, and the brown ears were twitching. With it blocking the top, Bingyi attached the dragon hunter's scales to the bottom of the egg, then reached out and dug in from the gap between the eggshell and the cat's hair, all the way to the bottom of the eggshell, and then his heart sank.

The little lizard disappeared, the spider silk also disappeared, and there was only the rotten meat strip left in the egg!

This is really terrible! Bingyi immediately wanted to reach out and flip through the eggshell to see if there were any clues, but stopped before he could take out his hand. He felt that soft gray-purple flesh strip, wriggling like a worm, actually writing on the back of Bingyi's hand, as if it was trying to tell him some news!

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