Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 652: Icelandic Horror (180)

Thor, the god of thunder, gave this yew bow not only to hint at the Plague Knight, but also because it had runes engraved on it.

Whether it is to secretly make friends with Bingyi who is collecting characters, or to provide Odin with a medium that can monitor the brigade, the ultimate purpose is unknown.

But no matter what, this bow and arrow were definitely not given to Yu Xiangyang. Even if the God of Thunder threw his bow and arrow to him, it was because Bingyi was sleeping now.

Therefore, it is still unclear who the runes on it correspond to. Yu Xiangyang calmly suppressed his thoughts and naturally took the bow in his hand. Obviously, he had no intention of showing the bow to Lisa and others.

Lisa and others are not in a hurry, as the reward promised by Thor has not been finished yet. After the yew long bow of the God of Winter, the God of Thunder took out six more long golden hairs. These were not given to all the passengers, but only to Yu Xiangyang, Tang Xiang, Yin Qiaoqiao, and Lisa. , Heydrich and Bingyi each have one root.

[This is my wife, Sif’s long hair]

The God of Thunder said solemnly, and threw the six long hairs out. Each of them fell into the hands of the peak traveler, and each turned into a golden ear of wheat.

Sif is the goddess of land and harvest in Northern Europe. Her dazzling blond hair symbolizes the golden ears of wheat. She is the most beautiful goddess after Freya.

There is a famous story in Norse mythology in which the evil god Loki shaved off Sif's long hair while she was sleeping, and was then violently beaten by the God of Thunder.

But God’s long hair cannot just be beautiful, it represents a deeper meaning.

[The end is coming, the world will also fall into chaos, and the cold winter will cause no food harvest. Plant it in your territory, and the ears it will produce will keep your people from starving]

As soon as Thor said this, the faces of the top passengers looked much better. Lisa even smiled at Thor. Obviously, everyone liked this reward more.

The long hair of the Nordic goddess is transformed into ears of wheat. The wheat harvested after planting can be regarded as a 'mythical' crop. Although it is definitely not as good as the golden apple, it is not too bad.

In particular, this kind of wheat can usually be mass-produced, and it is definitely more than enough to supply the outstanding travelers at the front of the tour group. This kind of reward is far more favored by peak travelers than a single weapon that does not match their title.

After all, the best and most convenient weapon is the exclusive weapon brought by the title. No matter how good the foreign weapon is, it is not as important as being convenient and matching the title.

[I will also give each of you a thunder fire, which has powerful power and can kill evil. When you use thunder and fire, my divine power will surely come]

Thunderfire is the thunder and lightning that Thor rubbed with his fingertips. The winter god Urr is the son of Sif, the stepson of the God of Thunder, and Sif is the wife of the God of Thunder.

The God of Thunder rewards the travelers with items belonging to himself and those close to him, in order to show his closeness to the travelers.

He said that he would not do anything to the remains of the Knight of the Apocalypse, and gave wild boar meat and goat's milk to all the passengers, goddess blond hair to the peak passengers who took action, and purple engraved runes to Loki who killed the archangel Uriel. Shamwood bow.

In addition, both brigades will become ‘friends of the Æsir’ and will gain the friendship of the Nordic gods, who will provide them with convenience in their subsequent experiences.

Thor declared that this was only the first wave of rewards for killing Archangel Uriel, and there would be others after dealing with the other six angels. However, Yu Xiangyang and others argued hard and refused to give in, and finally succeeded in getting Thor to relent, and were given two mines and a promise.

[From now until Ragnarok, all trophies obtained by tourists and tour guides will belong to themselves]

Thor thought that what the travelers ultimately wanted was the mine. After all, there were a large number of dark elves who were good at crafting artifacts living around the mine. Only after being forged by the dark elves can those artifacts become truly personal artifacts.

The promise at the end was just a preamble. It was probably because these humans were worried that God would interfere with their spoils later.

Human beings are indeed still afraid of God. Thor thought and felt better. But never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that the most important goal of all the top travelers was the God of Thunder's promise!

What is this gain now? Wait until Ragnarok, the battlefield between gods and giants is the biggest treasure trove! With this promise from the God of Thunder, they can go retrieve the corpses at Ragnarok.

Not to mention anything else, let’s talk about the God of Thunder who died with the Wolf Fenrir. In addition to the most famous hammer Mjolnir, the God of Thunder also has a crown, each corner of the crown is a shining star; a pair of iron The gloves of Yaenglipel, which can be worn without fear of any fire, and the magical belt of Mejinjiod, which can be worn to double the strength.

In addition to artifacts, divine corpses, divine blood, and even divine hair and beards are all good things. The God of Thunder did not know that these sanctimonious peak travelers had already passed him and the other Aesir gods over like locusts in their hearts.

After he gave the reward, Thor breathed a sigh of relief and stared at the Frost Giant Ufa. The Frost Giant should at least give equal reward.

Ufa is also a bachelor. He has no wife, stepsons, or magical weapons. When he saw the peak travelers looking at them, he said directly: "All travelers participating in the war can drink the blood of the frost giants in this blood river.

I will get rid of the toxins in it. After drinking the blood, you will not be afraid of the cold and will have infinite strength. "

"My strongest travelers, I will condense the poison of the giant's blood into ice and give it to you. It contains the breath of the Kingdom of Mist and can guide you to discover the Kingdom of Mist. I will also send snow zombies to bring this to you. The flame crystal under the ice sheet is mined for you. It contains the breath of the Fire Kingdom and can guide you to the Fire Kingdom."

The poisonous ice and flame crystals correspond to the thunder fire and blond hair given to the peak travelers by the God of Thunder, but they are slightly lacking in comparison.

Allowing travelers to travel to the Land of Mist and the Land of Fire far outweighs the value of the ice and crystals themselves. But this is still too stingy in Thor's opinion.

It wasn't until Ufa said the next sentence that Thor's expression changed slightly.

"Loki, who killed the archangel Uriel, you are a true giant, the son of the powerful giant Laufey. You have the minced meat of Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, and the milk of the big cow that fed him, You are the giant chosen by the ancestors, and I will give you the minced meat of Ymir that I unexpectedly obtained."

Ymir minced meat! Everyone looked at the frost giant Ufa. The piece of meat he took out was as big as an adult man's head!

Such a large piece of minced meat is definitely comparable to the reward offered by Thor in the context of the approaching Ragnarok. Maybe in the warm-up competition and finally entering the volcano to establish contact with the torn apart giant ancestor Ymir, enough minced meat will be needed. Meat.

After taking out the minced meat, the Frost Giant Ufa made some promises similar to those of the God of Thunder. Tauru gave them the precious gems erupted by the volcano, and promised that the trophies obtained by the tourists and tour guides in Ragnarok would belong to them personally. The team will become 'Friends of the Giants' and gain the friendship of the Frost Giants. The Frost Giants will provide convenience in the following experiences.

And the frost giant Ufa said it more straightforwardly.

"With your experience, one of you is destined to join the Gods and the other to join the Giants. I hope you can make your decision soon."

This is indeed the case. The voice of the hotel rang in the minds of the passengers. It was almost time to stand in line, but they still had time to think about it.

As long as the camp is determined at the end of the seventh day at the latest and before the final attraction opens.

After negotiating the remuneration, the next step is to clean up the battlefield. The frost giant Ufa promised to filter the poison in the blood river and condense the poison into ice as a reward for the brigade. The God of Thunder sometimes looked at Bingyi and sometimes at Danlin with cold eyes.

Regardless of whether Thor or Ufa, the rewards they gave did not count Dan Lin and Maria at all. These two people will not be accepted by the Gods camp, nor will they belong to the Giant camp. They are regarded as the third outer god camp.

Even if you want to kill them, now is not the time.

Thor's eyes fell more on Bingyi, but he hesitated to speak.

Bingyi is still sleeping, and the devil's wings still tremble slightly in his sleep, allowing him to float in the sky.

Thor wanted to discuss many things with him, such as Archangel Uriel's body, spirit body, and Ymir's minced flesh. However, Bingyi remained asleep and in the end, Thor, who was already weak in power, had to Sorry to leave first. @Unlimited good articles, all in @

The Kinlunga Divide was triggered, and the invasion of the outer gods led to the acceleration of Ragnarok. The countries affected were not only Iceland, but also the five Nordic countries.

Things have come to an end here, and Thor has to rush to other places to put out fires. Who knows that today is Thor's Thursday.

Infinitely good articles, all in @

The abyss has been stirred up, the process of Ragnarok is accelerating, there are problems in various scenic spots in Northern Europe, volcanoes are about to erupt, and more dangers and sufferings will be encountered along the way.

A few minutes passed after Thor left, and Bingyi suddenly returned from his demon state to his human form and fell from the sky.

Fortunately, Lisa, who had been standing by, caught him, then brought him to the ground and handed him into Wei Tao's hands. This is the end of an hour of zeroing, but Bingyi is still asleep and has not woken up.

Not only him, but Yu Xiangyang was originally guarding Bingyi at high altitude. However, he suddenly fell into a coma and fell from the high altitude, smashing a pit of more than ten meters into the ice.

Miranda, Di Feiyu, Heydrich, Betty and Yu Xiangyang, all the people who were still alive in the old dream all fell into the dream at the same time, which surprised the passengers at first, and then suddenly remembered the old dream.

In this battle, except for the brigade, the three forces of the Nordic gods, frost giants and angels suffered heavy losses, and no one took advantage.

But the worst thing is the old dream.

Danger that occurs in reality will be fed back into old dreams. Thinking of this, Miao Fangfei's eyes went straight. The two brigades in the dream were in such dire straits.

Lisa and others were also speechless. It had always been extremely dangerous in the old dreams, but the feedback in reality made the brigade exhausted in reality. As a result, everyone was lost in this confrontation.

There were too many people sleeping and they would not be able to wake up for a while. Everyone simply collected all available trophies on this broken ice field after the war. Thanks to the fact that the ice field did not have any volcanic rocks, they had run and jumped on the ice field in the previous battle. The walk is also considered a glacier hike.

The originally slow progress of the hike was halfway through, but looking at Bingyi who had not yet woken up, B1 was filled with worry.

"Is he in a dream?"

B1 walked up to Wei Tao and asked in a low voice. Wei Tao turned into a big snow leopard, allowing Bing Yi to rest on its soft and thick fur. The snow leopard shook its head when he heard this, and rubbed Bing Yi's forehead lovingly.

Bingyi did not fall into the old dream, he was absorbing the authority of the fused archangel Uriel. Although the hotel puts old dreams to the test, it is not meant to make travelers die violently.

When encountering danger in reality, tourist guides will not fall into old dreams, just like Yu Xiangyang and the others suddenly fell into a dream after the God of Thunder left.

As for Bingyi, he was merging the angel spirit body. Even though most of the pious faith in the spirit body was plundered and divided up by An Xuefeng and Dan Lin, this was still an extremely dangerous behavior in the judgment of the hotel.

So Bingyi finally has the time to fully integrate the authority, instead of being dragged into the old dream. Infinitely good articles, all in @


Archangel Uriel has many authorities, among which the 'Lord of the Sun', 'God's Flame', 'Wisdom Authority', 'Fire Holy Sword' and 'Eden Gatekeeper' and other authorities are all C-1 and will never Missed.

Xiaocui, Yu Hehui, Tong Hege and others also benefited from it with him, and they all shared the spiritual power of many angels.

Bingyi slept for a very long time, until he woke up slowly in the cold and bumps. He blinked slowly and was not yet fully awake.

The person carrying him turned around and came over. The dim light illuminated him. He was none other than Wei Xun.

"Are you awake? Let's sleep a little longer. We will arrive at the temporary camp soon."

Temporary camp? Has the attraction gone today? Did he sleep for such a long time? Bingyi was so surprised that he sobered up a lot. He sensed it subconsciously, and then frowned.

There are a few less people in the team.

There are only fifteen people left alive in the two brigades, especially...

"Yu Xiangyang, where is Heydrich?"


"They are 'dead'."

Wei Hai's words made Bingyi unbelievable, dead? Travelers as powerful as Yu Xiangyang and Heydrich died? ?

What happened during the half-day he was asleep? !

Until the tired and tired brigade arrived at the temporary camp under Vatnajökull Glacier and temporarily lived in the RV.

After taking off the heavy jacket filled with snow, we now have a warm stove, hot water and food.

After everything was taken care of, the remaining passengers from the East District who were still alive in Bingyi's team came to Director Bing's RV. Speaking of what happened today, Bingyi realized how thrilling the half-day he had been sleeping was.

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