Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 655: Icelandic Horror (183)

Who is Bingling?

For a moment, An Xuefeng analyzed and thought about this problem extremely seriously.

The tour guide never has a zero order, but Wei Xun will never think of this out of thin air. Was it the message that the Mingxing people had left for him in reality? Or is it the clue conveyed by the ominous scarlet crack in the sky? Is there really a special tour guide zero in the hotel? Is there Ding zero, Yi zero, A zero? Bing Ling and Bing Jiu are both life-seeking back-up men? Bingling is dead? How did you die? What's the impact?

An Xuefeng thought a lot in an instant, and used his sharp reasoning ability to analyze and deny each one, but he still couldn't dig out any clues from the various information collected on the way back.

No, Wei Xun's current knowledge is limited, and his ideas may be biased.

For example, An Xuefeng didn't know why Wei Xun became more and more determined that he was dead. How could he, An Xuefeng, die? Uh-huh?

An Xuefeng suddenly had a flash of inspiration and felt that his thinking had gone into a misunderstanding. It's not his fault. There are probably not many people who can be as important as An Xuefeng in Wei Xun's heart. Wei Xun's parents disappeared, and their appearance in the old dream basically confirmed their death. It couldn't be Bing Ling, so this person...

‘I’m not dead, and neither is Bingling’

An Xuefeng pretended to laugh and cry and said decisively, communicating with Wei Xun mentally.

'Your brother...although he is not on this journey, you can almost see him when you go out'

Captain An cunningly connected the concept secretly, and said it vaguely. The two sentences were connected together, calculated mentally and unintentionally, which really made Bingyi's eyes light up. However, he was cautious and did not reveal anything. He just said firmly: "You know my brother."

Although Bingyi didn't say much, based on his words and his emotions, An Xuefeng was basically sure... Haha, Bingling.

Because I am Bingyi, will my brother become Bingling if I move up to the next level? An Xuefeng suddenly understood Wei Xun's logic and felt happy in his heart. However, he pursed his lips tightly and did not show any smile. He still looked very serious, sincere and reliable.


An Xuefeng said, not hiding the relationship: "Your brother and I have fought many times."

During the years when the East District Butchers Alliance was most active, Huilu fought many butchers. There was never any competition, it was always fight to the death. He had defeated those who wanted to kill him, and he himself had suffered a nervous breakdown. With such life-and-death enemies, no one would know that their mothers had a connection in the past without looking at old dreams.

An Xuefeng said a few words casually. He understood Wei Xun's temper. After knowing that Ah Feng and Xi Mingren were enemies, not only would he not stay away and be on guard, on the contrary...


Bingyi turned over and sat up, his eyes shining, Qi looked A Feng up and down, as if he had gotten to know him all over again.

‘Are you that good at fighting? ’


‘My brother entered this hotel and he is so good at fighting? ’


'improvise? ’

Bingyi looked at Ah Feng with a half-smile and leaned forward. The interior space of an RV is inherently narrow, and the bed is even smaller. When he sat up, he was only an arm's length away from Ah Feng. When he leaned forward, the distance between the two became even closer. Heavy snow was hitting the car window, the fire was burning, and the temperature inside the car was a bit high. Bingyi's eyes reflected the dim light of the wall lamp, looking like two shining stars.

He stared at Ah Feng intently, as if he had discovered some rare and precious prey, or like a silent and ambiguous devil, planning how to lure interesting souls.

‘My brother is very powerful’

His voice was very soft, like a subtle vibration of spirit, like a cicada rubbing its wings, extremely gentle.

'You... look weak'

He was talking about the puppet Wei Xun. Compared with the scarlet sky crack, this puppet must be weak. But he looked into the depths of Wei Xun's eyes, provocatively, like a hook, trying to draw out the soul deep inside the puppet and draw out the real person.

An Xuefeng knew at a glance what Wei Xun was planning, but no man could bear to be called weak by his lover, especially when compared with an old enemy. The male's instinct screams to let his mate know how strong he is. An Xuefeng's eyes were deep, and his gaze fell on Bing's eyes, which made Bing's pupils shrink, but his eyes became more interested. The distance between them was now very close, so close that when Bingyi stretched out his hand, his fingers could almost touch A Feng's collar. It was so close that An Xuefeng subconsciously wanted to put the small pot of porridge-based bread aside so as not to stain Bingyi's clothes.

The Adam's apple moved slightly. Even with the mask on, An Xuefeng could still think of Bingyi's appearance under the mask, as if he could find it in his pupils. Damn it, An Xuefeng cursed secretly in a rare vent, restraining his instinct and leaning back slightly. You can't use this puppet to really get intimate with Bingyi in the competition. This is An Xuefeng's bottom line.

He was about to get up, but the next moment Bingyishi closed the distance from him and leaned against the bedside again. The hand that was very close to An Xuefeng just now did not touch his body, but held the pot he wanted to put next to him.

"The porridge is cold."

Bingyi smiled, as if he was so close to Wei Xun just to get the small porridge pot. With his pale and slender fingers, he picked up a piece of bread that had a hard and dry edge and was mostly softened by the goat milk and wheat porridge, and took a bite with a smile. White goat's milk flowed on his lips, with the sweet aroma of grain and milk. This piece of bread was exactly the piece next to An Xuefeng's previous meal.

An Xuefeng couldn't help but take a deep breath secretly and share the food. This was a normal thing for travelers who were used to a hard life, but it was of great significance to Bingyi, who was obsessed with germs. If he dared to deliberately eat like this at the station, An Xuefeng would definitely make him even dirtier. But now An Xuefeng just raised his eyebrows and looked at him without saying a word, just staring at him eating bread.

On the contrary, Bingyi was stared at after taking this small bite and couldn't eat anymore. The rich milk on the bread dripped into the pot. They stared at each other like a silent competition. No one spoke, as if they were playing. Whoever looks away first loses the game.

It wasn't until there was a knock on the door outside the RV and Miao Fangfei and the others arrived that the deadlock was finally broken. An Xuefeng stood up and opened the door. From the corner of his eye, he saw Bingyi hurriedly throwing the bread into the small pot and placing it under the bed, smiling to himself.

Of course, An Xuefeng knew that Bingyi would not easily believe what he said, that both his brother and A Feng were still alive, and that his brother would appear after the journey was over, but he was used to taking precautions, just like he did before. Whether provoking or deliberately creating further atmosphere, Bingyi was testing and planning whether Ah Feng was a partner he could choose to cooperate with.

When the journey is over and my brother really appears, we can join forces to catch him. This kind of thing has happened before, and arresting people for their lives is not something they have done before. It is equivalent to going through the process all over again. Of course An Xuefeng knows what Bingyi is thinking.

He seemed tired of being left behind, so when someone he wanted to see showed up, he would not consider whether the other person would stay, but would just take the initiative and catch him.

Once you catch it, it will naturally stay.

If Ah Feng and his brother are really evenly matched, and Ah Feng catches his brother, then the brother is equivalent to catching Ah Feng. Bingyi wasn't sure if he could catch the two of them at the same time, so of course he had to pull one and catch the other. But agreeing too quickly won't work. Too soon will make him suspicious. It doesn't work if it's too slow. If it's too slow, maybe in old dreams, he will still have some conspiracy with the phantom cat Miaomiao, such as working together to catch Ah Feng.

An Xuefeng could hardly suppress the pity and love in his heart. Fortunately, Miao Fangfei and others were able to dispel all the ambiguous atmosphere as soon as they opened their mouths.

"The snow outside is really heavy... Director Bing is really awake! Director Bing, how do you feel?!"

Upon hearing the news that Director Bing had regained consciousness, all the passengers from the two brigades came to visit him. After a few exchanges of greetings, most of them left. After all, there was really not much room in the RV, and the snow was getting heavier and heavier outside. Soon the RV became quiet again, with only Di Feiyu taking the initiative to stay. Di Feiyu is currently the only East End passenger who is still alive in reality among the group of people who have been incarnated in old dreams and survived.

"Director C, how about you eat first and I'll come back later?"

The RV was filled with the aroma of goat's milk, wheat, and roasted wild boar ribs. The smell made Di Feiyu feel hungry. It seemed that Director B had just woken up and hadn't eaten much yet.

"Let's eat together here."

Bingyi smiled and took the plate of wild boar meat from An Xuefeng: "Try Wei Xun's craftsmanship."

This 'plate' is a very dry and hard bread, the same kind that An Xuefeng uses to make porridge. After being sliced, it can be used as a ‘dinner plate’ and eaten, which is very convenient. Di Feiyu was really hungry, so he accepted the bread plate after a few rejections. It was okay to have three people in the RV, so Di Feiyu sat directly on the ground leaning against the door. He brought two of his own wild pork ribs. Arrange them, cut them into pieces, and put them on the stove to roast. It’s like having dinner together. When Bing sees him, he doesn’t just eat it himself. Instead, he shaves the wild boar meat from the bones and feeds it to something hidden in his jacket. thing.

The thing was eating meat very quickly, and you could only vaguely see the sharp black-gold tip of its beak. Jian Di Feiyu didn't bring Kun Dan with him this time, and Bing Yi had a guess in his mind.

"Hatched out?"

Bingyi took a few more glances with interest, wondering if Kunpeng could be a good match for Xiaocui. As if aware of the strange look in his eyes, the little thing refused to eat meat and shrank his whole body into Di Feiyu's jacket.


Di Feiyu shook his head and sighed. Seeing that it refused to eat meat anymore, he touched Kunpeng's feathers lovingly and started eating it himself: "It was hatched in my old dream. If it hadn't hatched, I would have died inside. "

While eating Di Feiyu, he talked about the old dream. Time was tight along the way, and there were many tasks and dangers. In order to keep an eye on the unconscious Bingyi, An Xuefeng did not enter the old dream. He only knew a little about the situation inside. perhaps. While Di Feiyu was telling the story, he tapped his fingers on his thighs and listened carefully while thinking.

"When I first entered Old Dream, the situation inside was particularly bad. Everyone was scattered."

Di Feiyu's incarnation in the old dream was a puffin, which had some mutations and could adapt to the cold and windy weather in Iceland. But even so, he almost froze to death less than five minutes after entering the old dream.

"There is a cataclysm happening outside. The knights of the apocalypse, angels, Norse gods and frost giants are fighting, causing the heaven and earth to collapse. The ice field is like a dough cut by random knives, and there is a mess everywhere."

Recalling the scene in his old dream, Di Feiyu smiled bitterly, with memories and a hint of pain in his eyes: "My grandfather and the tour guide got lost. When I woke up, he was already dying. He fell into the glacier. He still tried to hold his head high and used his horns to lift me up."

The elder in Di Feiyu's old dream was Grandpa. He was very young and looked to be in his twenties. He was a hunter from the ethnic minority in Changbai Mountain. In addition to various hunter titles, he can also tame a herd of deer, and he can also turn into a strong white elk, blessed by the Deer God.

But this title is not strong among the brigade in the old dream. It is more difficult for the deer god in the East to respond to his believers during Ragnarok in Iceland. When the canyon collapsed and his teammates dispersed, and the underground glaciers surged and swallowed everything, he could only transform into a more cold-resistant elk and try his best to survive. However, the frost giants revived, and the glacial water was extremely cold, and the elk could not hold on.

Before being submerged by the glacier water, it used the last bit of strength to lift the still sleeping little puffin and a small amount of supplies with its antlers.

"My grandpa can't swim. As soon as I woke up and started flying, I was hit by a wave and couldn't get up again."

Di Feiyu's tone was very calm, without too much sadness, only a touch of nostalgia. He has never seen his grandpa, only an old photo. The hunter in the photo is tall and simple, holding the newly caught prey in his hand and smiling happily. He looked young in the photo and he looked young when he died.

"I went into the water to fish out Grandpa's body."

Although it is said that the elders in old dreams have a special chance to be resurrected after death, the resurrection with a corpse should be more likely than the resurrection without a corpse. Di Feiyu did not die in vain. Some special items can be brought into his old dreams, such as the frost giant blood dug up by Bingyi. In addition, items engraved with rune characters are also included in this category.

Di Feiyu's Kun egg absorbed the fire-breathing black stone that killed Charlie, and the egg shell had the rune characters corresponding to Charlie. Therefore, in the old dream, even if Di Feiyu had not recovered his title, he could summon Kun Egg.

There were Kun eggs to avoid wind and waves, and the blood of the frost giant he had eaten in reality also dissipated some of the cold. Di Feiyu quickly found his grandfather's body underwater, but he was also lost in the chaotic glacier.

"My grandpa and I were carried very far down by the glacier. At first, there was a little light coming from above, but then even the light disappeared. The water was very cold, the surroundings were dark, and only the characters on the Kun's egg shone brightly. I In fact, I was worried that we would hit some ice edge or something, and we would be dead. Fortunately, we were pretty lucky. I guess it was Director B who gave me the luck."

Di Feiyu was very open-minded. My grandfather died, he was floating in the turbulent underground glaciers, and he was running rampant in the dangerous darkness without knowing the direction. It can be said that he had a narrow escape from death. His mood at that time was probably indescribable. In the end, he even joked that Director B gave me Good luck.

"In this current, the Kun egg hatched."

After absorbing the remaining rune character power, Kun Dan was on the verge of hatching. The reason why it has not been able to hatch even though it has enough energy, Di Feiyu guessed that the hatching conditions were not met.

As a result, after being washed for thousands of meters in the glacier, the hatching conditions were unexpectedly met. The egg needs to swim a long enough distance in the water to reach hatching conditions and break out of the shell into a kun.

After all, Iceland is far away from its homeland, and it is also the time of Ragnarok. The Kun who was born here is far from being as big as in "Escape" - luckily not that big, otherwise Fat Kun would have been stuck there. The newly hatched Kun is only over two meters long, but it is so powerful that it can hold up both the dead grandfather and Di Feiyu. It also glows when swimming in the glacier, reflecting the surrounding scenery.

"I saw a lot... many statues on the ice wall, like the Banshee of the Abyss. I looked up and saw that the crevasse was pitch black, with no light visible, just like deep inside the iceberg."

Di Feiyu's voice trembled slightly, as if he was remembering something terrible: "We must have fallen very deep. The ice around us is not a normal color, but a light pink color. It's strange. It should be solid ice, but it's It looked surprisingly soft. I bit off a feather and touched it. It was indeed soft, as if it was not ice, but flesh that had been soaked in water and turned white. "

"It's very fragile, very fragile. I scratched it with a feather and the outer layer broke, revealing the darker flesh inside. A thick black viscous liquid flowed out, like blood. I seemed to see circles of vein-like lines in the flesh. It's squirming, God, it's alive."

The glacier water was too fast and Xiao Kun swam too fast. Di Feiyu couldn't see clearly - luckily he couldn't see clearly.

"If I look carefully, I might be mentally contaminated."

Di Feiyu smiled bitterly. It was obvious that the water was flowing along the glacier, but the terrifying scene around them seemed like they had fallen into some underworld, the underworld.

"The deeper you go, the scarier it becomes... At first, the pink-white ice walls were intact, but then they became broken, like mashed flesh and blood, sticky, thick black viscous liquid wrapped in the broken flesh and dripping in the water. In the depths of the glacier water, there is a thick black slurry with big lumps of minced meat floating on it. Xiao Kun said they are just ice slag. I don’t know if I’m crazy or if it’s crazy.”


As if hearing that its owner didn't say good things about it, the little roc couldn't help but poke its head out of Di Feiyu's arms, and unhappily pecked away the roasted pork chop in his hand. Only then did Bingyi see the appearance of the little roc. It must have been deliberately reduced in size. It was far smaller than the legendary one. It was not even as big as the two-meter Kun Di Feiyu said. The little roc looked like it was only as big as two palms, and it was golden. It's like a big pile of gold.

Seeing it like this, An Xuefeng raised his eyebrows and muttered in his heart. This little bird looks like Wan Xiangchun's nickname of "Golden-winged Dapeng" in his team, not quite like Kunpeng. Although they are both 'Peng', they are still more or less different.

Because of contact with rune characters, Di Feiyu's Kunpeng mutated? But Iceland doesn’t have the conditions for mutation of the Garuda.

"Okay, I'm crazy."

Di Feiyu smiled good-naturedly and fed the half-cooked wild boar ribs roasted on the stove to Xiaopeng. It ate deliciously, and half-cooked meat suited its appetite better than fully cooked meat. Di Feiyu continued: "I don't think we can continue like this. I want Xiao Kun to transform into a roc as soon as possible and fly, but it takes time." ... While Xiao Kun was working hard to transform, he continued to float along the river with us on his back. Later, the flesh and ice walls around him became even more rotten, and the red and pink flesh could hardly be seen, only the thick black liquid could be seen. The underground glaciers and rivers were dyed black, and Xiao Kun's body was covered with black water. I saw that Grandpa's arm was stained with black water, and the part stained by the black water soon turned into a ball. "

There was a hint of fear in Di Feiyu's tone: "The skin on the outside is still intact, but the bones and flesh inside have all turned into a thick pulp. I asked Xiao Kun to chop off his arm, and the plasma inside exploded. It flowed continuously outside, and then..."

Di Feiyu swallowed his saliva, his throat trembled slightly, as if there was ice stuck in his throat, and even his words became blurry: "I saw a piece of human skin crawling down the ice wall. It had a long mouth. With its mouthparts, it sucked the black glacial water and Grandpa’s plasma. It sucked in so much that its skin swelled, and finally it became bulging like a human, and then it dived under the glacial water.”

"The glacial water is coming to an end, and I see more human skins ahead, densely packed, like butterflies parked on the river, sucking the black water before falling down. There is a red light further ahead, and the surrounding temperature is also rising. Yes, I suspect it is a lava river——"

“The intersection of magma and glaciers?”

Bingyi said to himself and looked at Ah Feng. In the weird and terrifying environment, where the glacier and the magma river meet, they suspected that Di Feiyu was about to fall into the real Jin Lunga Chasm!

"Fortunately, Xiao Kun turned into a roc in the end and took us flying. We were just a hair away, and we would have hit those human skins."

Di Feiyu said with lingering fear. Even when he returned to reality, the terrible scenes in his old dreams still made him tremble subconsciously: "Fly... we don't dare to fly too far. The other side of the magma river seems safer than this one, we After I went there, I discovered that there was fire falling from the top. It was as dense as fire rain. There was blood in the fire. I suspected that it was brought down by the angels outside. After all, it looked a bit like Archangel Uli. you."

"The fire rain was very dense. Just when we were about to return the same way, Xiaopeng suddenly screamed. It saw something jumping in the fire rain. I took a closer look and saw that on the black basalt wall on the other side of the magma river, It’s Director Hong and Director Huang who are hiding from the lava rain.”

Di Feiyu and the others referred to the two tour guides in the Old Dream Journey by the color of their cloaks. As soon as he said this, Bingyi and An Xuefeng's expressions were a little subtle.

"Has Director Huang found a safe place?"

An Xuefeng asked worriedly.

"They found a relatively safe place and saw no other tourists. There were only two tour guides. It was too dangerous."

Di Feiyu comforted him. The old man's expression and tone were as usual, but both Bingyi and An Xuefeng heard the hidden meaning in his words.

Xiaopeng saw something jumping in the fire rain.

Di Feiyu found Director Hong and Director Huang. They found a safe place and of course they would not jump.

What is that dancing? If it was something that could be said, Di Feiyu would probably just say it. He vaguely explained that this thing cannot be mentioned.

Cannot be mentioned while live broadcast.

What it is?

...Phantom Cat.

Wei Xun said that Bingyi was merging authority while sleeping, not entering into old dreams. Then Di Feiyu and the others shouldn't have seen cats in their old dreams.

Then who was the cat in the lava rain that Di Feiyu saw? It looked the same as the cat that saved their entire team, but it was not Director C.

Who is that?

Di Feiyu is not young, and has accumulated unique wisdom through experience. There is a chance that if this kind of thing is told, it will bring trouble to Director C, so don't say it, don't say it, it's just a sideways reminder. It doesn't matter whether the thing is jumping or not, Di Feiyu just uses this as a reminder. There are only tour guides and no other tourists, and there is a high probability that there are no avatars of other tourists. In other words, only Di Feiyu knows about the cat, and it has not been exposed yet.

Presumably Director C can understand.

"No wonder..."

Bingyi thought thoughtfully, no wonder his brother specifically asked him to kill Uriel quickly to prevent the second angel from coming. The dangers brought by angels, giants and gods in old dreams may be more than reality.

"They're getting close to the Kinlunga divide."

A sharp light flashed in An Xuefeng's eyes: "What happened then?"

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