Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 659: Icelandic Horror (187)

No one can sleep tonight. Even after midnight, the private chat group in the hotel live broadcast room forum is about to explode with excitement. Ever since Di Feiyu was seriously polluted by the abyss, the top tourists and tour guides have become excited. This person has definitely seen it. A true primordial abyss!

But after the excitement, there was regret. It was a pity that I couldn't get more information because I was not at the scene. What did Di Feiyu see? What happened in the old dream? Everyone understands that this secret will probably be sealed with Di Feiyu's death - Di Feiyu will definitely die. He is so polluted that he will never survive.

This is the pollution of the primitive abyss. Under the pollution of the abyss, even the rules of the hotel cannot fully take effect. Valuable tourist guides can be recovered by the hotel after death, and those who are favored by the goddess of luck may be resurrected in the future, but Di Feiyu's situation is obviously dead. His soul and body will be completely contaminated by the abyss and become part of the terrible filth.

The part of Di Feiyu's image in the live broadcast room was directly covered with thick mosaics, making it impossible to see anything clearly. Even so, judging from the pollution situation of Lisa and others, the audience can also perceive the horror of this pollution from the side. To a certain extent, it is no less dangerous than the contamination of butterfly fragments, and is even more elusive and difficult to deal with.

At least the butterfly fragments still have entities. Di Feiyu's pollution came from the primitive abyss in the old dream. Who can go to the old dream, go to the Jin Lunga Chasm, and seal the source of pollution so that pollution will no longer spread to the world? For a time, countless large brigades and tour guide alliances in the east and west districts arranged for their subordinate brigades to prepare to go to Northern Europe.

Once the pollution of the Primordial Abyss spreads completely, the warm-up match will definitely be seriously damaged. The rules of the hotel are difficult to work, and a host or jury will inevitably be summoned to deal with the pollution of the abyss. And when the preliminaries are ruined and the host and the jury have not yet arrived, it is the best time for their major brigade teams and tour guide alliances to intervene!

This is the Kinlunga Gap, the primitive abyss. If you miss this opportunity, it will be hard to come back again——

However, the development of the matter was completely unexpected. Even the most resolute brigade captain had not arranged for his subordinates. The rapidly spreading pollution shown in the live broadcast room was arranged by Director C.

It was outrageous. The audience saw the explorer pull out his vampire knife and pierce Di Feiyu. The terrible pollution stopped spreading and was even swallowed back quickly! When did the explorer think of the vampire knife? He remembered the vampire knife during his secret chat with Di Feiyu! The vampire knife is the mouthpart of the Maria butterfly. Could it be that Di Feiyu glimpsed the primitive abyss in his old dream and saw things related to butterflies? Moreover, when they heard what Bingyi said, part of it was also blocked by the hotel. The first few words did not match the words at the end, but they shocked the audience.

What does it seal? What's locked? there is nothing?

This is definitely the source of the vampire knife, and the blocked vocabulary definitely involves Maria Butterfly!

What happened tonight was enough to make people excited, but what no one expected was what happened next, which pushed everything to the extreme of fanaticism!

Di Feiyu, who was severely polluted by the abyss and had no chance of survival, was decontaminated and saved by explorers.

The live broadcast room was filled with excitement when I saw this scene, with so many barrages that the screen was almost obscured.

[Can this be saved? ? Di Feiyu doesn’t have a human form anymore, right? Oh my god, he’s so awesome! 】

[Church, it's all a black mosaic, but it can even sort out the soul. It's worthy of being an explorer! 】

[Quiet, everyone be quiet, this is the basic thing for explorers. Everyone sit down, I will tell you that you are right to follow the guide! 】

[To be honest, when I saw the explorer stabbing Di Feiyu with a knife, I didn’t think he was going to kill someone. My first reaction was that he was saving people. Did I get PTSD from the tour guide? 】

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuitu by,,by angel Bing Dao, I also want to go to his kingdom of God! 】

[Actually, we can’t say rescue, after all, only the soul is left... I don’t know what will happen to Di Feiyu]

[Indeed, I don’t know what kind of condition Di Feiyu is in now. Is he still considered a passenger participating in the competition? 】

[Did Feiyu change from a human to a ghost? Is this a new title for Ghost? 】

[I don’t think it’s like...if he was still in the competition, his soul would probably go to the old dream, but why did he go to the explorer’s kingdom]

[Is there a possibility that Di Feiyu really died and was resurrected by explorers? Just like Yu Hehui and others? 】

[Hey, I seem to know what’s going on. Is Mr. Bai Xiaosheng here? Is the big astrologer here? They must know what's going on, I really want to hear the boss's analysis! 】

[Call the special guest bosses! Please solve the puzzle, please solve the puzzle! 】

[I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the big guys seem to have not spoken for a long time]

There was no explanation from the special guest, and the comments quickly changed the topic as the live broadcast screen changed.

[Fuck, I was scared. I thought Maria and the others were going to attack the explorers. Thank God it was a false alarm! 】

[It’s almost midnight and they are about to lose their memory... But I think they must have bad feelings in their hearts. Look at the way Walker the Ripper glared at the Explorer. It was so fierce that it made him cry.]

[Werewolves just look fierce. I understand this very well. I feel that the way Walker looks at the explorer is not actually too cruel and hostile...]

[But I always feel that these top bosses look weird. Is it my imagination...]

The barrage viewers discussed the various weird behaviors shown by the top bosses when digging ice caves and building igloos, and were puzzled. What they didn't know was that at the moment Di Feiyu's soul was purified by the explorer, something District brigades, brigade groups, and even core figures from major tour guide alliances all rushed to each camp late at night to hold secret talks. Everyone's expression was exactly the same, sometimes in a trance, sometimes hesitant, sometimes excited, sometimes fanatical.

"No, I don't think the Explorers can revive someone who is completely contaminated."

In the conference room of the Eastern District Metaphysics Station, deputy team leader Li Hongxue said seriously: "I even think that he resurrected Di Feiyu after his death, just like he resurrected Yu Hehui and Tong Hege."

"There is no doubt that Di Feiyu, who was completely contaminated, was already dead at the time."

"Wrong, you are wrong. Resurrection is within the rules of the hotel. As for Di Feiyu, he was contaminated by the primitive abyss! He is no longer within the scope of the rules of the hotel!"

A grumpy middle-aged Taoist priest retorted, his face flushed with excitement: "Infinite Heavenly Lord, he really saved the people who were polluted by the abyss. This is really a way to get people out of the abyss. No wonder he was possessed for half his life." It seems...Half Life made the right choice!”

"Calm down, the pollution in the primitive abyss is different from the pollution in the battlefield."

Someone said calmly: "It was his butterfly that sucked away the abyss pollution from Di Feiyu's soul, but the same method may not be applicable to battlefield pollution."

"But the explorer has long been in contact with the battlefield, even before he fished people from the abyss."

The travelers on metaphysics had a heated discussion. As an old brigade member with the richest background, Bingyi paid a lot of attention to him because of his secret connection with the battlefield and the half-life Taoist's extreme respect for Bingyi! Of course they knew how incredible what Bingyi did tonight - one thing that many people ignored was that Bingyi was in the same car as Di Feiyu, so he should be the one closest to the pollution! However, he did not return to zero, which was already extremely outrageous.

The first point is that he can peel off Di Feiyu's soul from his completely contaminated body, which is even more incredible. You must know that the most terrifying thing about death due to pollution is that when the pollution reaches the extreme, the body and soul melt and become part of the source of pollution. The hotel even has to give up the control of the soul of the hotel. This is why the passengers who died due to pollution are no longer within the rules of the hotel. , cannot be resurrected.

Theoretically speaking, Di Feiyu's soul has been fused with his body after being polluted to this extent. How could Bingyi peel off his soul?

What? Did the rune character protect Di Feiyu's soul?

How can this be!

"I didn't know there was an idiot like David on the team."

At the West District Mysticism Station, the astrologer said impatiently and harshly, and a series of stones with runes engraved between his fingers fell on the table: "If the runes were really so powerful, the abyss would have been the back garden of the mysticism."

"It's not like explorers have the power of wisdom, which is different from you."

David was not angry even after being scolded. He groped his chin thoughtfully: "Is it possible that it is the title of the explorer's angel... Okay, okay, I understand. If angels could do this, the abyss would have been Whitechapel. The back garden.”


Someone was amused by David's witty words, but under the astrologer's cold glance, he coughed and said seriously: "Captain, we understand what you mean. Explorers are very special and must be won over... Fortunately, Lisa is in the competition. I watch the exploration I also have a good impression of Lisa.”

"not enough."

The astrologer shook his head, his eyes a little paranoid and gloomy: "It's not enough."

Lisa is not close enough. If he were the astrologer at the scene, he would definitely rush to Di Feiyu's side, be seriously polluted by the abyss, and then personally experience Bingyi's methods and get closer to Bingyi's reality. He had a hunch that this warm-up match was of great significance. If he could not seize the opportunity, the opportunity would be fleeting.

"If I were in a competition..."

If, alas, just if - no.


The astrologer's eyes suddenly turned to David, his loyal vice-captain. After staring at him for a while, the astrologer suddenly laughed. This smile made David and the Charmander on his shoulders tremble.

"David, my good partner, how could I ignore this."

The astrologer's tone was exceptionally soft and silky, dripping with tenderness. He had never spoken to anyone in such a satisfied tone: "I knew it a long time ago, and you always make me feel at ease."

The gloomy anxiety dissipated, and the astrologer was even genuinely happy. He smiled and said kindly to the confused David: "Long before the Knights of the Apocalypse, long before the Archangel Uriel."

"You can already be called his angel - you are his first angel."

David knew immediately what the astrologer was talking about. That was when Bingyi pretended to be the god of fire and deceived the demon spirit Ifrit who guarded the sun altar in the desert oasis where the death Sahara scene was repeated on the previous journey!

Ifrit was supposed to guard the Altar of the Sun for thousands of years, and then was replaced by an angel. But thousands of years passed and thousands of years passed, and no angels arrived, so Ifrit turned black and tried to cooperate with the giants to make the god (the sun) close his eyes (solar eclipse) and escape to regain his freedom.

Bingyi pretended to be the messenger (Vulcan) of the Lord (Sun) and tricked Ifrit into dealing with the rebellious Sun Spider and the Black Sand Giant, promising to free him after the incident was completed. Ifrit was cunning and suspicious and asked him how he could guarantee it.

David was at the scene at that time. Since the astrologer had a very special attitude towards Bingyi, he also wanted to further develop a relationship with Bingyi. For this reason, he came out to rescue, implying that he was on the side of Vulcan. At the same time, he said that he would replace Yi after everything was over. Fleet guarded the altar and set him free.

Oh, of course, the demon spirit Ifrit died in the end, so of course this promise does not have to be fulfilled. But what David said at that time was also true. In conversion, it is: the angel should guard the altar for Ifrit - David should guard the altar for Ifrit - so David is equal to the angel.

David is a third person of the god of fire - David is a third angel.

"Oh no, Captain, but that's not..."

David was helpless. At that time, they just teamed up to deceive Ifrit. They didn't take it seriously. How could he be regarded as Bingyi's angel just by making a joke.

"Let me see... there's always a way."

The astrologer was extremely serious. He whispered: "We can't miss this opportunity."

"I'm afraid there are many people who want to be Explorer Angels."

The astrologer sneered: "Black Widow is going crazy now."

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