Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 661: Icelandic Horror (189)

"team leader?"

Wu Yun's strange behavior attracted the attention of other passengers in the Fengdu brigade, but Wu Yun's expression remained normal, as if it was just a small accident.


He waved his hand calmly: "Continue talking."

"That's right, the clothing director -"

Vice Captain Fengdu glanced at him and continued without saying anything else. Although almost everyone's attention in the east and west districts of the hotel is probably focused on Iceland Bingyi, the Fengdu Brigade in the east district is definitely different. Their joint guide Silverfish also participated in the warm-up competition. As long as there is a joint guide, it will be difficult for the entire brigade to pay attention to other people.

Therefore, other big brigades and tour guide alliances all broadcast live from the perspective of B on the big screen, and the small screen occasionally switches to the perspective of other contestants who are interested. Only on the Fengdu side, the big screen of the live broadcast is always a split-screen image of Silverfish, while the Bingyi side, which is currently making a fuss, only occupies a small corner screen. A meeting was held in Fengdu tonight. Before they could discuss Bingyi and the Primordial Abyss, the topic turned to silverfish again.

——It’s no wonder that Fengdu has never had much ambition to strive for first place. After all, the focus is still somewhat different from other brigades.

Not many people should have noticed the chrysalis in Bingyi's hand.

Wu Yun was a little absent-minded during the silverfish discussion, and he tapped his thighs with his fingers. B took out the chrysalis and held it in his hand for a moment, so that no one else could see it. But maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe it was the guidance of fate. At that moment, Wu Yun glanced at Bingyi's live broadcast split screen and saw the palm-sized butterfly-shaped human chrysalis.

It is a white pupa with beautiful blue-purple spots on the bottom, which looks pure and luxurious. This pupa only has a roughly human shape, at best it's a little more 'human' than the so-called humanoid ginseng.

But Wu Yun suddenly felt something in his heart. The appearance of this man's chrysalis was very similar to someone he was familiar with.

In fact, what he said would probably be regarded as a daydream. After all, the face and facial features of this man's chrysalis are extremely blurry, and it is not a magnified perspective. Normally, it is not visible clearly, and there is no possibility of any resemblance. Wu Yun knew that his feeling was more like some kind of instinct, just like a father looking at a newborn baby. Even though the baby's face is still wrinkled like a monkey, he feels that everything looks like him.

Father and son are blood, a natural closeness based on emotional sustenance, but he and Bingyi's chrysalis do not have that kind of blood relationship.

That's spiritual.

Some kind of mental involvement.

Could it be him?

Will he rise from the chrysalis?

Wu Yun always knew that the insect master was not completely dead and would come back sooner or later. What he was planning was so shocking that the hotel would not tolerate it. After finding out, Wu Yun did not even reveal it to other teammates in the team. He only made many arrangements in secret. The huge return of the Life-haunting Man could be used as a cover to foretell the news. The end of the heat competition may be the best time——

Or the day when King Tusi was born in his tomb.

But Wuyun never thought that he would be the first to instinctively feel the pull of the spiritual door on Die Da's human cocoon.

This is actually not what Wuyun expected.

Wu Yun knows that he has many slices, both covertly and covertly, and sooner or later he will return from a certain slice. Most of the slices were just a cover-up trick used by the hotel. Among them, the slices of infected people in the West District were the farthest from the East District and had the least contact with Fengdu. The filleting of silverfish in the East District was done recently, and I even worked as a tour guide directly in Fengdu.

Silverfish's selection into the competition this time may be some kind of test by the hotel. In Dark Cloud's view, these two slices are most likely a deception. There is no other reason. Both the infected person and the silverfish hold a high position among the tour guides. They are too close to the hotel and the connection is too close. He was able to cut himself into such small pieces, I'm afraid he knew something incredible back then. Even the hotel has its own plans for the things he has control over, so he allows some slices to get along like a fish in the hotel, but the hotel's support comes at a price after all.

In Wu Yun's heart, Wu Laoliu was more likely. This person's character was quite close to his own nature, and he had already run into the tomb of the Tusi King on the thirty-degree north latitude journey that had not yet been fully explored, so he could shield the hotel from the attention of the hotel. In addition, it is also more likely that there was a tour guide who was sectioned. The tour guide once stood in a high position and then disappeared. There were silverfish and infected people in front of him. Almost no one can remember him in the past few years.

In the dark under the lamp, this man has always been bold.

In addition, there are some slices, but most likely they are just slices.

Wu Yun thought about many things, but he never thought about Die Da. Its probability is too low, because it is really closely related to Bingyi. So tight that if Bingyi dies, Dieda will definitely die suddenly. Although it was originally a maggot, it has transformed many times along the way. It has almost completely transformed into Bingyi's butterfly. It is difficult to find the shadow of the past. This butterfly even ate grapes!

Will it be Die Da? Or is this also a deception?

If it was a cover-up, it was just another use of Bingyi to cover up his resurrection. If it is true, then I am afraid that there is really some shocking secret hidden in Bingyi, which makes him instinctively make a choice and make a shocking gamble before he fully recovers. If you put it this way, even if life and death are connected, it is probably part of his plan, and it's not a big deal.

After all, Bingyi is a tour guide, and there are always some special little secrets in their tour guide room. He was not one of those stupid tour guides who threatened tourists. When he saw the tour guides socializing, he felt that they had some terrible conspiracy.

What's more, Wu Yun's first impression of Bingyi was quite good. Bingyi, the tour guide, followed An Xuefeng, and the relationship was confirmed not long after he entered the hotel. Moreover, not long after Bingyi entered the brigade, the dream chaser gave Zhang Xingzang to him. After he was found, the puppet master was quickly killed. Wu Yun felt that Bingyi, the tour guide, was quite auspicious and a person who could get along with him. Even if the evil insect master was resurrected, he would probably like to make friends with him.

My thoughts were running wild and the meeting ended quickly. Wu Yun did not continue to stay at the brigade station, but went to the station of the Mutual Aid Alliance - he had become a knight of the Mutual Aid Alliance before and could enter and exit the station at will.

Wu Yun, who has been too lazy to socialize, decided to talk to Zhang Xingzang.

The tour guides are struggling in the competition, and as brigade captains, they should also be prepared outside. Dream Chaser is currently the tour guide who has the best relationship with Bing Yi. Wu Yun also wants to find out. After all, after the Insect Master is resurrected in the future, when the Insect Master, Bing Yi and Dream Chaser get together, he estimates that You have to chat with Zhang Xingzang, An Xuefeng and others.

An Xuefeng... This man has been number one for too long. Although Wu Yun admires him and the strong, he is still used to keeping a distance from him. But Zhang Xingzang is different. They should have some topics to talk about - of course, Wu Yun still found some legitimate reasons for coming to the door.

As expected, Zhang Xingzang was stationed at the Mutual Aid Alliance, but before they even exchanged a few words, the topic was already dead.

"I don't think the explorers will be too happy."

Zhang Xingzang's tone was a little subtle and he glanced at Wu Yun. Since the hunter didn't have a live broadcast angle, Zhang Xingzang couldn't see the dream chaser. He also maximized Bingyi's live broadcast angle to watch. Of course, he discovered that Die Da had formed a cocoon again, and there were subtle changes in the cocoon. Seeing Wuyun taking the initiative to visit him for the first time, Zhang Xingzang became more certain.

However, thinking about the fact that even if he lost his memory and pursued his dream, he had identified Bingyi, and then thinking about the close relationship between various suspected insect masters Slice and Bingyi, Zhang Xingzang felt that there was a chance that Wuyun would be on their side in the future. After thinking about it, he gave a rare reminder.

"Director B attaches great importance to Die University, but..."

Zhang Xingzang wanted to laugh a little in his heart, but he said seriously: "But now, you must have seen the human pupa it made. It looks a bit like that..."

Given the explorer's paranoia, he might have to target the silverfish in the next match.

Zhang Xingzang thought about it silently and found it quite interesting. But Wu Yun didn't find it interesting. He didn't even pay much attention to what Zhang Xingzang was saying! At this moment, he was staring at the live broadcast screen, his pupils were shaking and he almost screamed.

His chrysalis!

Why do explorers do such crazy things to chrysalis! !

* *

"Baby corn, are you hungry?"

Under Vatnajökull, in an igloo, Bingyi summoned a tentacle of a corn shoot. After all, it was so big that the igloo would never hold up. Then he put the butterfly-sized pupa into the tentacles of the corn shoots and said with a smile: "Eat it, eat it well."

"Here's your midnight snack."

That is a butterfly-sized pupa. A butterfly-sized pupa is very similar to the Maria butterfly, and it also has a human-shaped pupa. How can it be used as a midnight snack for corn shoots?

However, even Tianhu Yu and Hui, who had witnessed everything, did not say anything to persuade him at this moment. They just put the big fluffy tail into Bingyi's hand to comfort him. He knew that Bingyi was probably going crazy when he looked at the smiling person.

His eldest son Fenrir, the wolf cub, was plotted by the lizards outside, and his tail was contaminated by the abyss.

The butterfly that he valued pupated again, but the pupa it produced did not look like him. Instead, it looked like a tour guide. I am afraid that the pupa was also secretly tainted by a certain tour guide!

These two things happened almost at the same time, which was an extremely bad provocation for the suspicious, cautious and possessive Bingyi! Especially Bingyi has lost his memory now. If he hadn't lost his memory, I'm afraid he would still think of making the best use of everything, but now...

Tianhu came over and rubbed Bingyi's face, thinking coldly that this might be the cruel ordeal they would go through in their third resurrection. After all, Di Feiyu has not been resurrected yet, and there is a high probability that he will not be included in the third resurrection quota - which arouses Bingyi's suspicion. Their road to resurrection is bound to be full of difficulties and ups and downs.

As for George, the two powerful enemies who have stepped in may be his trouble, but under the current situation, it is not without a chance.

'father! Father is so good! ’

‘Father, do you really want me to eat it? Really? My brother must be very delicious, thank you father, I love my father, tweet! ’

Amidst the ecstatic and sticky cries of the corn shoots, Bingyi's anger finally subsided. He let the corn shoots eat insect pupae, not because he was angry for a moment, but because the corn shoots had swallowed Yiwu's bugs, and they might have sensed Yiwu's breath and power. Let it eat insect pupae. The best thing to do is to eat insect pupae and the strange connection between Otogo's door - the big butterfly knot behind the pupa actually looks a little bit like Otogo. What a big deal!

Yiwu must be plotting something secretly!

If something goes wrong, Little Lizard, Fang Hunter, Yiwu...he won't let any of them go. Feeling furious in his heart, Bingyi did nothing. It was already very late at the time gate. He rested on Yu Hehu and closed his eyes. In fact, his spirit was immersed in the angel spirit body of Uriel, and he began to gain further control over the angel's authority.

At any time, improving your own strength is the most important thing.

As soon as I close my eyes and open them again, it's five o'clock in the morning. It's still dark, but the brigade is ready to go. Since they did not finish exploring the ice cave yesterday, the trip to the ice cave was moved to this morning. The two tour guides discussed with the coach to plan the trip as early as possible. After visiting the ice cave in the morning, go directly to the Diamond Black Beach. It is best to visit the black beach at noon and then drive to the volcano in the afternoon.

This way, if we can get to the new campsite at night, we don’t have to walk through the night and spend the night in the car.

* *

"Betty, what's wrong with you?"

Before the team set off, there was a simple breakfast. Since the RV was destroyed and the time was tight, the passengers only had a few bites of bread and cold water, and no one was able to light the stove in the morning.

However, Roger was worried because his girlfriend Betty had been suffering from abdominal pain since night. Passengers cannot avoid things like menstrual period. Roger was so energetic that he let Betty sleep on him and covered her belly with his hands all night. However, this morning the abdominal pain not only did not go away, but got worse.

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