Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 664: Icelandic Horror (192)

"Director C!"


The passengers present were shocked. No one expected that Director Bing would suddenly draw his sword and kill the pupa! No matter how tough the pupa shell was, it couldn't withstand the vampire knife. The blood-red pupa shell was split in half, and pure black mucus spilled out like ink, accompanied by a strange, strong and weird smell. This smell can't be said to be unpleasant, but it can't be said to be good either. It is a very strange and indescribable smell. After people smell it, they will subconsciously avoid it. Someone accidentally smelled it too much, and suddenly felt that the brain was like a kaleidoscope. Mottled and bizarre color patches.

This is an illusion caused by pollution!

Miao Fangfei and others' hearts trembled, and they instantly thought of the abyss pollution riot last night. But since Bingyi used a knife to split the pupa, he was obviously sure of it. It was seen that the pure black mucus did not spread like the abyss pollution last night, but all surrounded the vampire knife and stuck to the vampire knife, like a big black sesame ball, very quiet and tame.

Bingyi asked Yu Hehui to bring out the container and collect the mucus. He could vaguely feel that the butterflies living in his chest were eager for this mucus - or rather, it was butterfly fragments. Yesterday, A Feng briefly said that the ones in his body were not A complete butterfly, but some butterfly fragments. Even if they inhabit his body and Bingyi dominates them, these butterfly fragments are extremely dangerous.

Not only that, Bingyi felt that the vampire knife also had some need for this mucus. If the vampire knife had a butterfly mouthpart, then the butterfly fragments in his body and the vampire knife might have come from the same nest - or the same butterfly. Bingyi can feel the butterflies' love for the mucus, as if they have discovered a ball of extremely delicious food, but the more so, the less likely Bingyi will let them get what they want.

With Bingyi's caution, unless he reaches a desperate situation with only the last way left, he will never allow the butterfly fragments to become stronger before completely controlling them. And his caution is not unfounded.

‘What does the mucus you smell like? ’

He asked Wei Xun, Yu Hehui, Tong Hege, Xiao Cui and other people in his mind, and got different answers. But what is not surprising is that people have an instinctive aversion to this kind of smell. Xiao Cui and the others have some instinctive fear and covet the smell, but the smell they smell also gives them "very dangerous, not pleasant, but Very insect-inducing' feeling.

Bingyi even used a string to connect b1. As the only tour guide in the team, b1's answer was similar to Xiaocui's. He also felt that the mucus made him a little eager, but it smelled bloody, like large piles of blood clots, which made him subconsciously alert.

Only Bingyi is different.

When the chrysalis burst open, B could smell an extremely sweet and mellow milk smell. It's like the milk trucks that used to go around the streets. After the nanny bought the milk, she heated it in a small pot. There would be a thick layer of milk skin on it, and a little sugar was put in it. The rich and warm sweet fragrance reminded Bingyi that her memory was blurred. In his childhood, he seemed to drink this often when he was a child——

Fart, how could he eat insect pupae as a child? Bingyi's face was cold and he was in an extremely bad mood. According to Di Feiyu's description last night, the butterfly mouthparts protruding from the door in the primordial abyss would suck the juice that flowed out after the pupae on the door burst open. Obviously, he was probably affected. Severe impact on butterflies.

This matter must be solved in a way, Bingyi thought to himself, and asked Tong Hege to collect the container filled with mucus so that he could study it, and then picked up the red pupa skin. Without the squirming mucus, the pattern on it seems to have dissipated a lot. It looks like a bright red skin, which feels good to the touch. It is light and soft like a second layer of skin, even in cold weather. It's still warm.

Is it still alive? Although even Tong Hege, who had the keenest sense of vitality, didn't feel anything unusual about it, the desire for the insect egg that Xiao Cui mentioned made Bing Yi feel wary. The butterflies in these abyss may have completely different ideologies from ordinary creatures. Even if Tong Hege cannot feel the vitality, this thing most likely has special activity. To some extent, it may be more sticky than the black inside the pupa. Material things are more important.

‘Betty gave birth to the pupa first’

Wei Ferret's voice came to Bingyi's mind and told him in detail what happened at that time. When Betty first gave birth, the only people around her were Roger, Miao Fangfei, and Wei Xun and b1, who sensed something was wrong with the team members and rushed over immediately.

However, as the tour guide approached, Betty, who was just in the middle of giving birth, suddenly began to bleed profusely. The pain was so painful that she almost fainted, so B1 immediately retreated away. An Xuefeng, who had just caught the squirming pupa shell, was afraid that Betty would bleed and die, so he personally invited Tong Hege to come over.

Tong Hege got on the snowmobile and began to give first aid to Betty, who was bleeding and fainting. However, what was flowing out from Betty's body was not only blood, but also mixed with large piles of thick black mucus. It looked extremely evil and terrifying, even Tong Hege for a moment All difficult to cope with. Betty's breath suddenly weakened, and in just ten seconds, her entire body was almost reduced to a skeleton. If she continued like this, she would definitely die soon.

Fortunately, An Xuefeng remembered the pupa shell that Betty originally produced, and felt that it seemed to be extremely eager for the black mucus. He simply used the dead horse as a living horse doctor. Unexpectedly, the pupa shell actually absorbed all the black mucus and turned into a pupa shell. The round insect chrysalis looked like that. Betty's heavy bleeding stopped naturally afterwards. Tong Hege gave her some medicine to nourish blood and Qi, and reluctantly ate some wild boar meat, and she finally managed to survive.

‘So Tong Hege initially said it was a miscarriage? ’

'That's right, this birth doesn't look like it was full term'

An Xuefeng said calmly, first the pupa shell, then the black mucus mass, and then the two are combined together, losing a sense of innate perfection. Perhaps because of Betty's first childbirth problem, her human body cannot give birth to a complete pupa, so it can only be in this way. After she gives birth to pupae many times and her body is relatively transformed, I am afraid that each subsequent pupa will be advanced.

'I said that I can give Betty a quick death'

Just as Bingyi was thinking, he suddenly felt that Afeng's mood was a little heavy and gloomy. This is the normal emotional reaction of a normal person when he witnesses such a terrible thing happening to his teammates, but Afeng... Bingyi's heart moved slightly, and then he suddenly realized that Afeng's san value was still maintained at 20 points. After witnessing his teammates giving birth to pupae, his san value did not return to zero.

No wonder he was emotional at this moment.

'Roger covered Betty's eyes and told her not to look, and kept kissing her. '

He loved Betty very much and never wanted Betty to die. But seeing Betty in such pain, Roger was afraid that she would have a mental breakdown. He was extremely painful, but he did not beg for anything. If Betty wanted to die, he would not let her hold on in pain for her own selfish desires.

‘Betty wants to survive’

An Xuefeng muttered to himself, and his memory seemed to return to the snowmobile filled with the smell of blood, the sound of insect pupae wriggling, and Betty's screams. With a slight movement in his heart, Bingyi's spirit subconsciously gathered Afeng's emotions and comforted him slightly. After dominating, he became more sensitive to these. But then Bingyi was surprised to find that only a few of Afeng's emotions at this moment were negative, and most of them were calm and resolute.

‘I want her to survive’

An Xuefeng said calmly. He was also contaminated by some pollution in the snowmobile, so he maintained the form of a ferret at this moment so that the little pollution would not affect his spirit. The more the team members were in danger, the more he had to remain absolutely calm and calculate a glimmer of hope. Bingyi understood that it was probably because Betty was dying at that time that Afeng's san value was stabilized. He has always been a reliable and resolute man. When his teammates are in trouble, he will be the strongest backing and will never collapse first.

‘We have to find a way to solve the problem of the primordial abyss’

A Feng said seriously and firmly: ‘Otherwise, even if there are old dreams, I am afraid that few people will be able to revive in the end’

‘Of course’

Hearing the seriousness in his tone, Bing Yi also said seriously: ‘This is also my goal’

The primordial abyss, the Jinlunga gap, the butterfly, and so on, Bing Yi will never allow unstable factors to exist in his body.

‘Cooperation? ’


The two of them communicated with each other in the silent conversation. Bing Yi felt A Feng’s determination. At the same time, thinking of the butterfly fragments in his body, he had a shadow in his heart.

“Guards, Director B…”

The ten-minute break time was up, and Roger walked out of the snowmobile with Betty on his back. He tied Betty firmly to his back with a safety rope, wrapped her very thickly, like a pupa, and the cold wind could not blow through at all. The two of them had not interacted much with anyone in the team, but when Roger and Betty appeared this time, almost all the passengers in the brigade were concerned and happy to greet them.

After Betty gave birth to the pupa before heading to the ice cave, a gloomy and tense atmosphere enveloped everyone's head. If you ask yourself, no one is not afraid of giving birth suddenly like Betty, because they have all experienced the pollution last night. It must be said that Director Bing slashed the pupa with a knife, which made everyone feel relieved. Betty was carried out alive by Roger and greeted everyone quite energetically, which made the passengers feel even more relieved. Maria was even busy planning to perform a purification ceremony for her.

But because Betty's sudden birth had delayed the trip for nearly an hour, there was no time to delay any longer. The tooth hunter led the way in front, and the two teams headed for the location of the ice cave. The journey was surprisingly smooth. The passengers who had been tense finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the ice cave from a distance, secretly saying that they were lucky this morning.

But Bingyi felt that his luck this morning was really bad.

He thought about it and still had a psychological shadow about the fact that the mucus of the pupa aroused his childhood memories. For this reason, Bingyi fell to the back of the team on the road and took out the sleeping phantom cat. He tried to pick up some mucus with the tip of the blood-sucking knife and put it in front of the cat's nose.

Bingyi tried to test and experiment in his heart. The mucus he smelled was abnormal, and it was probably affected by the butterfly. But, but, under the extremely low probability, is there a possibility that he was not affected by the butterfly fragments, but really ate the pupa as milk when he was a child?

This idea was subconsciously denied by Bingyi as soon as it came out, but the inexplicable premonition in his heart made Bingyi unable to calm down, and finally decided to test this conjecture from the side. If he really has a problem, then his brother should also have a problem. The phantom cat should also react to this thing. There is no reason why only he smells mucus like milk, right?

However, as soon as he put the mucus in front of the cat's nose, the phantom cat, who had been sleeping almost all day, suddenly woke up at this moment! Bingyi subconsciously hid the knife out of guilt, but was faced with a pair of gloomy cat pupils.


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