Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 709: Iceland Shock (230)

"If Baldur, the God of Light, disappeared in the Kingdom of the Underworld, and Hermode died on the way to pick up Baldur, then there is a high possibility that the angel who took action was Raphael. According to legend, the Archangel Raphael is the guardian of the Kingdom of the Dead. who heal the good who suffer in the kingdom of the dead*.”

Dan Lindao, as the next generation team leader trained by Whitechapel, he knows many secrets in this regard. In particular, there is a strong religious atmosphere in Whitechapel. Seniority is not only ranked based on strength and age, but also people's piety and talent in this area. Dan Lin's most special initial title gave him a hidden status higher than most of the top players in the team as soon as he entered Whitechapel.

The captain of Whitechapel has even made the decision to invest a lot of team resources into Dan Lin less than half a year after going to the battlefield, of which 'Angel' is an important part. If Dan Lin really wants to grow to the highest point of this title, angels are essential. In other words, having angels will help him improve his title. Not to mention his title, he doesn't even need to do anything more. As long as he encounters a wild angel during the journey, there is a high probability that the other party will instinctively protect him, just like the death knight a few days ago.

Therefore, Dan Lin knows a lot about this information: "Raphael's healing power is very strong, and his regeneration ability is also very powerful. It is difficult for the devil to kill Raphael, even if he cuts off his head and crushes his The body, as long as the faith does not die, will be reborn."

As soon as he said these words, the tooth hunter's face darkened, and the corners of his mouth curled up contemptuously, as if he wanted to say that there was nothing he couldn't kill. However, this time he smashed Raphael's head with his own hands but allowed him to escape. It would be difficult to find such a good opportunity again. Thinking of this, his dangerous eyes fell on Dan Lin.

Compared with Maria, Danlin is obviously a better bait.

Not everyone can bear the pressure of being targeted by the Lizard Duke in S2. Even the top travelers will change their color and Werewolf Walker will have to avoid the edge for a while. However, maybe newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and Dan Lin is just pretending. He didn't see it, but he still kept talking without changing his expression: "But if we want to win, we must catch him before the Doomsday Judgment."

In the game, the wet nurse is killed first, and Raphael is captured before the Doomsday Judgment. This is the same thing. Dan Lin also said more that Raphael can not only heal people's bodies, but more importantly, he can heal people's beliefs.

Once Raphael is here, the indigenous people of Iceland, those who waver between the two faiths, may eventually join the angels' camp. It is a terrifying thing to become a continuous living force in the invasion of the outer gods.

[So, we must kill this Raphael]

Dan Lin cleverly used the word 'we' to express that his true heart is still towards the leader B camp. Of course, hearing this, Ymir, the ancestor giant, also felt that this was a human being. After all, the ancestor giant thought that all the passengers in front of him were him. As for the people in the camp, it was rare that they had the patience to listen to what he had to say before finally interjecting and saying majestically: [I will send my grandson Begelmir to kill him]

Bergelir (Old Norse: bergelir) means mountain howler. Legend has it that the six-headed giant Sladegmir was born between the feet of Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, and the six-headed giant gave birth to Begelmir. After Odin and his brothers killed Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, , the blood of Ymir's death flooded the world, drowning almost all of Ymir's descendants, leaving only Bergmir and his wife alive.

The couple fled by boat to live in an extremely remote place (Jotunheim), and gave birth to countless frost giants, ready to counterattack the gods at any time. Theoretically speaking, Begelmir is the true ancestor of the frost giants.

Ymir obviously trusted him very much. After giving the task of killing Raphael to Begelmir, he did not give any other instructions. Instead, he looked at Bingyi. His eyes were obviously different from those of other passengers. There was more. Somewhat kind and tender: [My child, I didn’t expect to see you again]

[I have been trapped in a volcano, sealed under a glacier, and buried in the ocean for who knows how many years. It is your efforts that allow me to talk to you here]


Most of the viewers in the live broadcast room only regarded the words of Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, as a term of endearment. After all, it seems that all kinds of gods and other old guys who have lived for tens of millions of years like to say "my child" when they get close to each other. '.

However, the peak passengers and Tang Xiang and others who were present during the Nordic Journey had different meanings. Before they could think about it, Bingyi suddenly showed a smile and said kindly: "Father, I see you. Being able to resurrect means that my previous efforts were not in vain.”

Audiences:? ? ?

Why do you call me father? !

No, isn't Loki's father the giant Fabuti? The thunder struck the trees and produced flames. Didn't Director Bing use this to reenact Loki's birth and solidify his identity as 'Loki'? How come he now recognizes the ancestor giant as his father!

But no matter how full of questions the viewers of the barrage had, at the remains of the Diamond Black Beach Altar, the atmosphere between the giant statue of the ancestor and Director Bing was actually more joyful. One said lovingly that I didn’t expect you to be alive, and the other expressed filial piety and said, “Even if I die, , also wanted to come back from the Kingdom of the Underworld to avenge his father. The scene was once so harmonious that even the psychic could rarely remain silent.

He knew that the explorer liked to recognize his brother, so it was nothing. He just thought of it as his longing for Lord Ximing, and the deep brotherly love could be replaced. But it’s different to recognize your father. Doesn’t it mean that Mr. Xi Ming is also... this... ah...

"The Explorers made a great choice."

Equivalent to the silence of the psychic, the astrologer praised the explorer and talked about the origin of Loki, the god of fire. The natural phenomenon of lightning striking wood to create fire is of course one of them, and it is the best to reenact, so Bingyi used this line to reenact the birth of Loki. But neither Fabuti nor Laufey have any background or power in Nordic mythology. They are just two phenomena representing nature.

Now the situation is different. New angels have quietly invaded Northern Europe. More than half of the passengers have died. There are still journeys and old dreams to juggle. Of course Director C, who is overwhelmed, needs to find new foreign aid.

The Ancestral Titan Ymir is the best choice. The explorers worked so hard to collect the minced meat of the Ancestral Titan in the early stage, and now they should enjoy some benefits. The most important thing is that they are not just father and son on the surface, they are really based on mythology.

"Regarding Loki's origin, there were two theories circulated among Icelandic poets in the past. One is that Loki is the son of Bergmir, the son of the ancestor of the frost giants."

The astrologer talked eloquently: "The second is that Loki is the son of Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, which means the original underground fire. He also has two brothers, Kari (air) and Heller (hler, water)."

Water, air and fire are the basic elements of the world, and in Icelandic mythology, fire is roughly divided into three types - fire in the sky, fire in the hearth and fire under the ground.

The fire in the sky is the fire created by lightning striking the wood, which has no roots and sources. The fire in the kitchen is the fire lit by humans and is closely related to humans. And underground fire, this is volcanic magma, underground lava.

The ancestor of the giants will recognize Director Bing as his son. The first reason is that he is optimistic about his future and intends to win over him. After all, he cannot move freely now, and the frost giants are targeted by the gods. The target is too big, so it is most cost-effective to have a brigade to serve him. The second is to plan ahead. Most of the giant ancestor's body, including the most important head, is sealed deep in the Snæfells volcano, making it difficult to escape. If Bingyi can really take advantage of the situation and become the personification of underground fire, he may be able to indirectly control the volcano for his own use.

Of course, Director B naturally used each other with him. Understanding volcanoes first, and even manipulating magma to control volcanoes, will be extremely beneficial to Director Bing and the Eastern District! Even put another way, with Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, as his backing, Director B became the elder of the frost giant ancestor who went after the angel Raphael, and he could also have certain orders and restraints on him.

From all angles, this is a good deal. Of course, a good deal also means danger. Director B will become a thorn in Odin's side from now on - but the altar was destroyed and the statue of Odin was also destroyed, that's not bad.

[Okay, very good, you are worthy of being my child]

Seeing Bingyi's approach, the ancestor giant Ymir was very happy. He dug out his own eye, turned it into a black ice cube as big as a palm, and threw it to Bingyi.

[My child, after all these years, I still miss the land where I was born, the place where ice and fire meet, the place where life originated]

[I will eventually die again, but you still have an infinite future. If you have the chance, use my eyes to take another look at the Kinlunga Gap for me]

After saying these words, the statue of the giant ancestor said that he needed to consolidate his power and would fall into a short sleep. It was obvious that he was sending them away without any further conversation, but no one present paid attention to him, and everyone looked at him. Falling on the black piece of ice in Director Bing's hand, a turmoil arose in his heart.

The Golden Lunga Gap, isn’t that the primordial abyss!

Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, was born there. Of course, he is not afraid of the abyss. In other words, if you obtain the eyes of the ancestor Ymir, you can look directly into the abyss and not be polluted by the abyss and have a mental breakdown! This is an extremely precious prop. If it is placed in a hotel, it will definitely cause all the top tour guide alliances to snatch it at all costs, but now it has fallen into the hands of Guide C!

However, compared to their excitement, a very small number of people sighed and sneered.

"Director Bing's own eyes are better than this thing. Are they not contaminated by the abyss? The abyss in his eyes is completely different from others."

The half-life Taoist in the Mutual Aid Alliance muttered, and the psychic in the Butcher Alliance was also very calm. Lord Xi Ming has long been able to look directly into the abyss with his own strength. Such items are precious, but before that, they were all rewarded by Xi Ming. , his medium got one.

Sure enough, during the journey, Director B took the piece of black ice away in front of the giant statue with great care, but he was not in a hurry to take it out for study on the way out of the diamond black beach by boat. The phantom cat just sniffed it, then turned around and licked its fur lazily, showing no interest in the passengers' discussion.

"Today's attractions are over. It's so early. Next we have to go to the camping spot."

On the amphibious boat, Yao Jinghe sipped hot water and looked at the map Tang Xiang spread out on the table.

"That's right. After landing, we will transfer directly to the Sandfield Heath campsite to resupply. We will arrive at about seven o'clock in the evening."

They didn't waste too much time on the two scenic spots at noon this morning, and they were able to get to the campsite in time for dinner in the evening.

"I hope I can have dinner, I'm kind of hungry right now."

Miao Fangfei smiled, but it failed to ease the atmosphere. The expressions of the bosses were a bit solemn.

Don't think too much. After changing to the bus, they will probably fall into old dreams during the whole afternoon's drive. Almost all the attractions on the itinerary have been visited. If there are no planned attractions, can they still wake up from the old dream?

It doesn't matter if they can fight in their old dreams. The key is that all the incarnations in their dreams are dead. Falling into a dream is no different from falling into a coma. Both eyes are black and they can't control their future. This is the most important thing for peak travelers. Things to worry about.

"I hope Director C can integrate rune characters as soon as possible."

Tang Xiang said calmly: "Perhaps the key to resurrecting old dreams lies in the characters corresponding to each person."

"It would be great if our team coach was a dragon hunter."

Yin Qiaoqiao also rarely sighed. Now the Lizard Duke still has a few key characters in his hands, and he doesn't know what the negotiation with Director B will be like. If it were a Dream Chaser, he might just give it to him.

However, the passengers could not see the exchange between Bingyi and Fang Hunter in the lounge in the cabin. Not only the dragon hunter, but also the fang hunter almost lost control and asked Bingyi for everything.

"You mean, you know where the Gleipnir Magic Chain is?!"

The fang hunter lowered his voice and couldn't hide his excitement. It involved the only chain in Nordic mythology that could trap the Fenrir wolf. How could he not be interested.

But then the fang hunter calmed down, thinking he had seen through Bingyi's plan, and sneered: "Do you want me to completely turn against the Odin camp?"

In mythology, this magic chain is naturally in the hands of the Nordic gods.

"How could this be?"

Bingyi smiled and said: "You are more useful to me if you are there."

"To tell you the truth, this magic chain has been made, but I'm afraid it's not in the hands of the Nordic gods."

Director B lowered his voice, took out the lizard eggshell, and tapped it meaningfully, "Not only you, there are people who are also interested in Fenrir Wolf."

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