Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 761 The Horror of Iceland (281)

"Cough cough, uh cough cough cough -"

The old lady who was stuck at the entrance of the ice cave was so embarrassed that she wanted to cough heartbreakingly as soon as she appeared. Fortunately, Wangcai reacted quickly and put the dog's paws on it, covering its head and face with snow. She just blocked his mouth to prevent him from making a sound, but even so, she couldn't hide it for long. B3 was not far away and couldn't avoid her, and Bingyi was reluctant to stuff B5 back again - now all the little ones inside and outside Iceland He has destroyed all the cracks, and only one of the middle cracks outside Iceland is left in Sweden, where B5 is located.

Yi Wu had just fallen into his hands, how could he put it back? But B had a plan early in the morning. Although it was not the best to control the salmon and flies, he also had a solution to the situation of the old lady in B and Wu.

"Woof woof, woof woof woof!"

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Not far away, the puppeteer who was cutting stone skewers over a fire in preparation for grilled fish raised his head warily and looked straight in the direction of the ice cave. Wangcai protects food and prevents her from getting close to her, and she has been staying far away to avoid suspicion. This happens to be the junction of the three countries of Norway, Finland, and Sweden. She is preparing to control the puppet silk to sense the current movement of the silverfish. Who would have thought that the puppet silk has not yet been detected? How far away it suddenly started to fluctuate violently, as if it had fallen into a big fish. At the same time, Wangcai barked and roared angrily, as if he had encountered an enemy!

Something flashed through my mind like a puppet master: "I'll help you!" ’ Then she rushed towards the ice cave in seconds, and saw a scene that chilled her to the bone. Wangcai actually opened his bloody mouth and bit into something in the ice cave. She couldn't see it clearly, but she could clearly feel the strange movement coming from her puppet silk! In an instant, 'I'm here to help you' turned into 'Keep your mouth in check! ', the puppet master hurriedly threw away the pile of thick sheepskin and smashed the dog's head. Seeing Wangcai look at her angrily, he immediately said: "Wangcai! Don't eat people first, she looks familiar to me, it seems, It’s like it was directed by Director C——”

The puppet master quickly glanced at the person in the ice cave. He originally wanted to put her on the leader C, but he choked after seeing it. Where did the old woman come from? Di Feiyu in Team C should be called grandma when she is so old! But she did react that this person should be a traveler and not some Nordic god. What on earth is going on? Why did this person suddenly appear in the ice cave?


"I... I am... Brother C..."

Just as Wangcai was getting more and more impatient, the old lady in the ice cave, whose face was covered with snow, struggled to swallow the snow off her mouth, trembling and said firmly: "C, Director am... …”

How could an old lady be Director B's younger brother? However, Wangcai was so loyal. As soon as he heard Director Bing's name, he stopped attacking her for the time being. Instead, he smashed the ice with his dog's claws and took her out impatiently. By this time, the old lady was so frozen that her whole body was as stiff as an ice lump, and she fainted and lost consciousness.

* *



Am I still alive?

In a hazy state, Yi Wu's eyes were filled with darkness, and his ears were filled with indistinguishable chaotic sounds. He was so groggy that he almost forgot what happened, but his tenacious desire to survive forced him not to fall into a deep sleep, and tried to become more and more awake. Gradually, he could hear the sounds around him clearly and feel the warmth around him. He closed his eyes tightly and moved his fingers slightly, trying to attract the silverfish to save his life, but as he moved, he felt that the body was extremely old and weak, as if it was not his.

Not his body...that's right...

Memories gradually came back, and Yiwu remembered everything. He sneaked into the sixth floor of the volcanic ruins alone. Everything went well at first, but soon the power of the Nordic gods came from behind him. The Nordic gods, who were originally attracted by earthquakes and small-scale volcanic eruptions, somehow quickly discovered that the volcanic ruins had been stolen by someone. Sneak in and immediately turn back to search. With Yiwu's strength, it was difficult to escape the patrols of the gods, and he was unwilling to give up after finally getting here, so he simply did nothing.

On the sixth underground floor of the volcanic ruins, there lives a powerful monster that looks like a male lion but has a poisonous scorpion tail hook. This kind of gregarious lion scorpion is not afraid of poison, its mane can block fire, and the poisonous stinger on its tail hook can't even be tolerated by the flame giant. The Nordic gods would be afraid of him when they saw it. This was what the ghost of the geological team that explored the volcanic ruins told him.

When Yi Wu explored the sixth floor, he was careful to avoid the manticore's nest, but he keenly discovered that the manticores on the sixth floor underground of the volcanic ruins were more alert and irritable than usual, and would drive away everything ruthlessly and crazily. He felt wrong and sent the furry fish to investigate carefully, and the result surprised him - due to frequent underground fire riots in recent days, the underground temperature of the volcanic ruins has soared, which is actually suitable for lions and scorpions to reproduce. Now there are many lions and scorpions waiting to hatch in their nests. Manticore eggs are naturally extremely vigilant, and they will fight frantically against any creature that destroys their nests and threatens their eggs.

This was easy to handle. The extremely evil Yiwu waited in the dark for the Nordic gods to come to him. Then the woolly jersey fish who had been on standby in the nearest manticore's lair quickly broke a bunch of eggs and was covered in egg liquid. It jumped to the Nordic gods, causing the furious manticores to attack the gods frantically, giving Yiwu a chance to escape.

He immediately escaped from the messy sixth floor underground, but did not leave. Instead, he delved deeper into the depths. He couldn't miss the opportunity. If he finally got here and missed it, he would definitely regret it! When he reached the seventh floor, the furry fish circled down to meet Yi Wu, and the long fluff brought him back an extremely precious manticore egg. This is a powerful monster that lives in volcanoes and deep inside. Once If you can hatch it and then contract it, Yiwu will get a big boost!

However, the seventh level was more terrifying than he imagined... What did he see at that time? Yiwu found that he couldn't remember clearly, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying, and his brain's self-protection was causing him to lose his memory. But he had to remember that now he even forgot how he suddenly left the volcanic ruins and came here suddenly, as if the so-called exploration of the ruins was just a dream, just a figment of his own imagination——

"Do you want to eat this scorpion egg? It does look delicious, but it's not tasty enough when eaten raw. There are no kitchen utensils here to fry or fry. Otherwise, I'll make it for you when you get back."


Yes, he knew this was not a dream, his manticore egg!

Not knowing where the strength came from for a while, Yiwu finally opened his eyes with difficulty. The darkness of the eternal night prevented him from worrying about the light dazzling his eyes. In the weak firelight, he saw the three huge and vicious dog heads above his head.

It was this three-headed dog that was barking at the time, and it was it that fished him out!

The female voice next to her was also very familiar.

"You're awake, don't get up in a hurry. You're seriously injured and need to rest."

The female voice was gentle and sweet, making people feel at ease unconsciously. She said apologetically: "It's a pity that I am a fallen angel and don't know any healing skills. Otherwise, I can make you recover faster."

However, when Yiwu heard this voice, he felt chills all over his body! There’s no mistake, this is the sound of b3! It was his instinct to stay away from the tour guide who hated him and didn't want to get close to him. He became her horse on the night of the Icelandic Horse Dressage, but he was almost manipulated by her. What a terrible woman!

How did he fall into the hands of b3? ! The strong desire to survive made Yiwu wake up completely in an instant. He instinctively shrank into the arms of the three-headed dog. Its huge body seemed to make him feel very safe. He was really a good dog. The three-headed dog kicked him impatiently, but failed to swat him away in the end. Maybe it's because he has Loki's transformation power, or maybe it's because he wants the human egg to be soft, but Otogo breathed a sigh of relief. It's great that the three-headed manticore egg is something that the three-headed dog likes to eat. At present, he is still in the state of an old lady. It has almost no fighting power and is in urgent need of shelter.

Then he looked around and found that the three-headed dog, himself and b3 were currently in a strange tent made of some kind of animal skin. It could isolate the cold wind, but there was not much space in the tent. It can accommodate the three of them, so that b3 is very close to him, and Yiwu can even feel her interested eyes, which makes Yiwu's heart sink.

He still looks like an old lady, which means Loki is still watching him, and the power of transformation has not been cancelled. But even though he was covered by Loki's divine power, b3 accurately called out that he was related to Director B. This look... Yiwu has always been afraid of speculating on b3 with the worst malice. He thought that he might have been exposed. If it weren't for the three heads With the dog by his side, b3 might have taken advantage of his weakness to completely turn him into a puppet!

Yi Wu couldn't help but feel the same Loki power on the dog's belly again. This was definitely Bai Yi's three-headed dog. Fortunately, it was there. When Yiwu suspected that he was on the verge of despair, it was precisely because Wangcai was not far away and had contact with Loki, plus he had Loki's gaze on him, that he was able to catch him at the most critical moment. Passed it on and saved his life.

Yes, this was a real life-saving grace. Yiwu's strong willpower finally made him remember everything, and what he saw in the deepest part of the volcanic ruins! Going down from the sixth underground floor, the seventh, eighth and ninth underground floors are connected, like three stacked sheets cut in half and separated into extremely deep cracks. On the left is the flow of stairs. Magma, on the right is the surging extremely cold mist and river water. In the extremely wide crack in the middle, the river water and the flames collide with the power of the thick black abyss. The huge cow that once fed the ancestor giant is sleeping deep in the crack.

But this was just Yiwu's guess that it was a cow. The thing in the crack of the abyss really didn't look like a normal animal. It is soaked in a pool of thick white viscous milk, bubbling slowly. The snow-white milk is covered with black spots that sometimes get bigger and sometimes shrink, like the black spots on the fur of a cow, or like an octopus that confuses the enemy. The ring spots... the topmost milk skin sometimes bulges out, like, it is the 'cow' itself.

The moment Yiwu turned into an old lady, he was briefly awake. He was horrified to find that he had completely returned to zero without knowing when, and was falling into the cracks of the abyss! And from the white milk deep in the crack, white tentacles as long and thin as hairtail fish poked out, as if they wanted to hug him, and as if they were catching him - they couldn't fall, they absolutely couldn't fall. Even though the tour guide will not die, Yiwu has an inexplicable premonition that once he truly falls into the abyss and is completely eroded by pollution, there will be no going back!

“Hiss—cough cough cough cough!”

Just thinking about it gave me a splitting headache, and Yiwu coughed so hard that he was still in shock. Although he finally escaped and ascended to heaven and teleported to Wangcai's side, he now urgently needs a safe place to spend the rest of this difficult period. It's time to become an old lady, sorting out memories and restoring strength. However, this is not a safe place. B3 is standing next to him and staring at him with a false expression of concern.

"What did you encounter? Why did you suddenly appear here?"

Look, this person is already trying to spy on information!

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