Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 764: Icelandic Horror (284)

"Tie the cows up and carry them away?!"

Not only the Dragon Hunters reacted greatly, but also the Fang Hunters who heard about Bingyi's plan reacted even more. He glanced at the thick white pollution surging in the cracks of the abyss in disbelief, then looked at the dragon hunter and asked for confirmation: "Are you kidding me?"

How to tie this? ? To be bound with your life? There are no cows here. Isn’t it all pollution? Is he crazy or is the dragon hunter crazy? The more the fang hunter thought about it, the more ridiculous he felt. He pinched the dragon hunter's face suspiciously, and pretended to be joking: "Are you a dragon hunter now or a Bingyi? He won't leave after a while, and you dragon hunter will use him as an excuse." You want me to die."

His tone was joking, but there was a cold glint in his eyes. Obviously, no matter whether it is Bingyi or Dragon Hunter in front of him, if he is not given a satisfactory answer, Ya Hunter will definitely give up and may even secretly retaliate. He was originally a petty and suspicious person.

"Of course Bingyi didn't leave."

The dragon hunter impatiently waved his hand away. What they were currently playing was that Bingyi's soul was unable to face the pollution directly, and his body was returned to the dragon hunter's control, while he was hidden in the dragon hunter's body and commanded.

"You really think highly of me. Who else but Bingyi can come up with such a... unique plan."

Dragon Hunter emphasized the word unique, but actually the word 'crazy' is more appropriate. The dragon hunter didn't fully agree with Bingyi's whims, and was especially worried about why Bingyi saw something different from them. Has it been seriously contaminated by the abyss? But seeing the fang hunter sniffing and doubting Bingyi, the dragon hunter still chose to stand by his friend: "Since he said that, he must have already planned it."

"If you don't believe me, let him tell you himself."

The dragon hunter spread his hands and showed the string wrapped around his fingers. Otoji was standing next to the dragon hunter, with a loyal look like "I obey my brother." He also had a string tied on his hand. After pulling on the string, Bingyi can naturally communicate with them spiritually. The tooth hunter has seen this thing before, but his pupils shrank when we saw him again.

I didn't expect that Bingyi would be able to use his extraordinary power when he descended from the gods - no, this was a matter of course for Bingyi. The question then arises, can he perform well? Today is Loki's day, and maybe his power will increase. So because he is a member of the Nordic pantheon, the 'cow' he sees is different from what they see?

If the pollution deep in the crack is really a docile cow to Bing's eyes, then it might not be impossible to tie it away. It's just that if he really helped Bingyi in this matter, he would definitely be unable to do business with Odin, and it would be impossible for him to have two boats... Is this what Bingyi meant, implying that he wants to make a decision now?

"The magic chain Gleipnir is yours. You want to use it to bind pollution or cows, it's up to you."

The tooth hunter's face was uncertain, and after a while he said: "It's just that what we see is different from yours. We can't tell where the 'cow hoof' is."

"You don't have to worry about tying the cow's hooves!"

Bingyi didn't react when he said this, but the loyal dog Yier became angry. The young man couldn't stand the stimulation and immediately expressed his stance to the dragon hunter: "Brother, leave this matter to me. You tell me where there are cow hooves. I'll tie it up!"

"Meow, meow, meow, meow!"

Not only Otou, but also the black cat of A5 also expressed his stance. A5 had the same encounter as B5 when he was peering into the pollution of the abyss at close range, and almost fell into the abyss. Fortunately, the dragon hunter grabbed her at the critical moment and saved A5's life. It's just that A5 was too polluted, and he was worried that he would hold him back. A5 didn't stay here, so he decisively returned to the sixth floor to recuperate temporarily, but left the black cat here to help.

Her black cat was also affected by milk pollution. It looked half black but not white like a cow cat, but its resistance to pollution was generally much stronger than that of the tour guide. It was when A5 silently fell into the abyss. He shouted at the top of his lungs to attract the dragon hunter.

The black cat can grow bigger and smaller without being human, and can withstand the invasion of pollution for a longer period of time. It can carry Yiji down to the depths of the cracks to bind the hooves of cows. Of course, this is the most reliable thing for the dragon hunter descended from the gods to do. Spectrum, just——

"We have a more important task. The binding of cow hooves can only be left to you."

The dragon hunter said seriously and glanced at the fang hunter. In Yier, it's like beating chicken blood, "Leave it to me!" ’ As he spoke, the tooth hunter curled his lips unhappily, as if he was being chased by a duck, and said sarcastically: “I don’t think we can handle this ‘big cow’.”

He really felt that Bingyi's plan was like cerebral palsy. After tying up the pollution, he and the dragon hunter's alienated state were still required to carry the pollution out? Even if it is really carried out, where will it be carried? Such a big cow, such a big piece of pollution, wouldn't he and the Dragon Hunter have to carry it all the way back to Iceland? Damn it, Bingyi's brain is really not bad, right?

"Men can't say no."

Seeing what the tooth hunter wanted to say, the dragon hunter slapped him back with a simple sentence, implying provocation: "Do you think you can't do it?"

"Hey, don't think I won't beat you up if Bingyi God descends on you!"

The tooth hunter laughed in anger and swallowed all his words alive. He threatened the dragon hunter and waved his fist as big as a sandbag without saying anything more. He looked like I will do whatever you say. However, in the eyes of the dragon hunter, he still seemed to have evil intentions. He shook his head secretly and worriedly chatted secretly with Bingyi:

'Tooth hunters cannot be trusted. He will help you when everything goes smoothly, but if something goes wrong, be careful and he will bite you back.'

The tooth hunter didn't even want to be with Bing Yilian, and obviously didn't want to give him any chance to affect him.

"I'm afraid the Nordic gods won't be able to sleep for long. With such a huge amount of pollution, we will be surrounded if we don't get out of the volcanic ruins."

After all, they are the Nordic gods. Even if the Dragon Hunter puts them to sleep, it is impossible for them to sleep to death. If a big accident occurs, the gods will definitely wake up, let alone lead people out to chase the three-headed dog Thor. Once the Big Cow returns to the earth without the cover of the power of the abyss, it will inevitably alarm the gods. With the strength of the gods, they can return to the volcanic ruins in an instant. By then, they will have the Nordic gods as their enemies in front of them, and they will have enemies and friends behind them. The hunter who identified the teeth would be passive by then.

‘Don’t worry, I just want to contract this middle crack’

Bingyi comforted him: "This cow takes up too much space. I just need to make way for it. You don't think I want you and the tooth hunter to fight it all the way back to Iceland." ’


The dragon hunter smiled awkwardly. He did think so. He was also a little worried about whether he would have enough strength since he didn't eat today, so he secretly pinched the muscles in his arm.

‘Don’t worry, it’s not me who wants the cows the most, but the ancestor giant Ymir’

Bingyi, he was observing the big cow in the abyss while contacting Wangcai at any time. There was a sheepskin tent to block it, and Lei Shen and the others would not find any trace of Wangcai and the others for a while. However, when Team B went down to the sixth floor of the crack, he secretly directed Wangcai to take Yiwu and B3 on the road - not to the volcanic ruins. As soon as Wangcai took them out of the sheepskin tent, they were discovered by Thor on the spot. , the God of Thunder, who had gained wisdom from the experience, did not give 'Loki' a chance to speak and took action decisively, and the two people and the dog suddenly fell into a chaotic fight.

Yiwu and B3 were beaten by the lightning and had no choice but to run away in embarrassment. Fortunately, Wangcai was there. During the melee, Wangcai swallowed the sheepskin of the tent and took them both away quickly towards Iceland. According to Bingyi's plan, they would escape all the way to Jotunheimen and then back to Iceland. The frost giants and the ancestors of the frost giants must know about the big cows in the volcanic ruins!

By then the gods and giants were fighting over the cows, and he would be able to exploit the cracks in the contract in troubled waters.

‘So that’s it! ’

The dragon hunter suddenly realized - but he was still too naive. The Yaoyang hunter and the puppet master would definitely sneer at Bingyi's words and laugh to death. Could Bingyi be a free man? He could willingly give up such a big cow to the gods and giants, so why was there a crack in the contract? Besides, the contract with the abyss crack is to sign a contract with the creature in this crack. If Bingyi wants a contract, doesn't he have to contract with this cow? Even the ghosts don’t believe what he says, so only the dragon hunter does! Seeing that Bingyi was confident and measured, he felt at ease and looked intently at the undercurrent of milky white pollution.

It is not easy to restore the SAN value in such a place, but it is too easy to delete the SAN. Soon, a dreamy colorful halo floated around the dragon hunter. Glaze-like dragon scales grew on his exposed skin. The human nose and muzzle protruded and turned into a dragon's muzzle, growing and growing. The gemstone dragon horn produced shines brightly, even more eye-catching than the polished coral.


The crystal glass-like dragon wings spread out, and the hunter who was originally standing at the edge of the crack on the seventh floor turned into a silver-white dragon. It was entangled on the rock wall and looked elegant and beautiful. Only the reverse scales at its throat were pure Black, with a matte texture that is extremely low-key, but seems to contain powerful power that can be elicited but not released.

This is a dragon that only appears in myths, but even a dragon is small compared to the milky white pollution of this abyss crack.


There was a sneer not far away. Crystal Dragon looked over and saw the tooth hunter standing with his arms folded, his eyes falling on his dragon wings with great disdain.

"It's all so fancy, that's why it's so small."

The tooth hunter sneered. The crystal dragon was only as big as an Asian elephant. I really couldn’t see where the dragon hunter’s confidence came from. The skinny claws and small tail looked weak. Could it be as powerful as the tooth hunter? As he spoke, the fang hunter also looked directly at the pollution and began to alienate it. The golden scales were as thick as armor and were harder than the silver-white dragon scales at first glance. The golden bone spurs protruding from his back made him look more savage and fierce. Although it has no wings, the fang hunter is much larger than the crystal dragon after almost returning to zero and almost completely transforming into a dragon. Its body is strong and full of strength. At first glance, it seems that it is very good at close combat and has experienced hundreds of battles.


The golden dragon roared intimidatingly at the crystal dragon, but without further provocation, it jumped up across the crack in the middle and jumped to the protruding rock wall on the opposite side. Its sharp claws were nailed into the basalt, and a pair of dragon eyes stared intently at it. Deep in the cracks.

Just when he and the dragon hunter were transforming, Otoji was already riding the enlarged black cat down with the magic chain. Devil's wings sprouted from the big black cat's back, just like the witch's black cat soaring in the cracks. According to Bingyi, the big cow is lying on its back in the abyss, spanning the seventh, eighth, and ninth floors. Its four hooves are at about the height of the seventh floor, so there is no need to go down too deep. However, from the perspective of the tooth hunter and the dragon hunter, the big black cat is just like flying against the white milk pollution. The pollution is rapidly eroding its body, and in the blink of an eye, the cow cat becomes more black and less white than white.

As the big black cat repeatedly passed over the surface of the milk pollution, the sticky and dirty milky white pollution quietly changed, just like the change when the A5 almost fell into the abyss. The white milk deep in the cracks revealed terrifying and weird strips. The polluted tentacles surrounded the big cat and Yi Er on its back, as if to catch them and swallow them into the abyss. The dragon hunter's pupils shrank suddenly, danger!

But at this moment, Oji threw out the magic chain with lightning speed, and it was tied to the hundreds of tentacles protruding from the pollution! The invisible magic chain Gleipnir can even bind the Fenrir wolf. It is not afraid of pollution erosion and can bind its tentacles to death in an instant. The black cat has also reached its limit and twisted and meowed, rising up and flying upwards desperately to escape the pollution. The infinitely extendable magic chain wrapped around the tentacles hundreds of times, but the two ends were thrown to both sides of the crack by Yi Er as the big cat flew high.

"Catch it!"

He just heard a sharp shout in his mind. The dragon hunter spread his wings and flew down without hesitation, grabbing one end of the magic chain in his mouth, as if he had practiced it thousands of times in advance. The dragon wings flapped and whipped up strong winds, and the chain held by the crystal dragon tightened instantly. On the other side, the golden dragon couldn't bear to show its weakness. It had no wings and when it bit the chain, its cheek almost passed by the milky white pollution surface. The golden dragon's pupils shrank suddenly, but it forced out a roar between its sharp teeth, and its extremely powerful dragon tail actually hit the pollution hard. Go up, use your strength to hold on to the rock wall diagonally upwards, and the chain becomes tight in an instant.


The sound that came from nowhere was sharp, terrifying, twisted and terrifying, resounding in everyone's mind. The pollution bombarded by the dragon's tail created a turbulent and sticky wave of terror, as if being angered by a tooth hunter, or being bitten by two giant dragons. Lifting it up forcibly, the originally calm pollution was actually pulled by the two dragons like Bingyi's whimsical plan and began to spread upwards. As the pollution surged up, the cracks in the abyss began to vibrate violently, and the roaring sound was endless, as if it was about to be imploded. Like a collapse. Accompanied by the distorted screams and chirping sounds, the volcano ruins were like a hell on earth for a while!


The black cat, which was already on the verge of reaching its limit, could no longer withstand the pollution attack. It meowed in pain, shrunk its body, rolled and fell from the air, and fell into the thick milky white pollution along with Bingyi on its back!

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