Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 80 Exploring Northern Tibet (23)

Wei Xun held a gold-plated and silver-embedded skull in his hand, bypassing the gray-white insect corpses that were bent like incense and ash everywhere, and came to the stone door.

The entire second half of the secret room was collapsed by the earthquake, including most of the stone door, which was completely buried by stones. Even if there was a mechanism, it would have been rusted and rotten long ago, and it was destroyed by the earthquake, making it impossible to open the stone door. A fishy-smelling cold wind came from the cracked gap. The gap was only as big as a fist. Swarms of insects and dingoes could get in, but Wei Xun didn't have the ability to shrink his bones.

But Wei Xun had already been prepared. While he was attracting the audience's attention by turning on and off the bright flashlight and repeatedly summoning swarms of insects, Wei Xun quietly released the mink cubs. At this moment, it had dug through the ruins and dug out a hole that Wei Xun could bend down and get into.

As Xu Yang detected, behind the stone door was a long and narrow ramp downwards. Behind the stone door, there was also a hill-like pile of gray and stiff insect corpses. They really looked like stones when they were dead because of their skulls, and they creaked under their shoes. They were neither dirty nor smelly, but Wei Xun was more accepting of them.

The golden mosquito is still further ahead, and Wei Xun continues to move forward. The slope was extremely steep and not high. Wei Xun had to half-bend to walk in it. A normal person would probably feel extremely cramped when walking in. Coupled with the thin air on the plateau and the pitch-black darkness with no end in sight, it was difficult to see the road ahead. It can put great psychological pressure on people.

Dingo has never been here before. It mainly explored the side of the Shuang·Xiu mural. It didn't know how it got caught by the evil ghost insect. When it ran away, it didn't choose the way. Most of the dog holes it drilled were stone cracks, but this serious corridor didn't. Walked by.

I saw that the rock walls on both sides were covered with dense cracks, even on the top of my head. I don’t know whether they were natural or artificial. Wei Xun suspected that those evil ghost insects crawled in through these cracks, but now they have completely disappeared.

Obviously, when he used gold-plated and silver-embedded skulls for the last time, there were still a handful of evil ghost insects that escaped behind the stone door, but now they are completely gone.

The gray and white stone-like insect corpses under the shoes gradually became rarer, while the rock walls on both sides also had some weird and terrifying murals. It has been closed to this day, but these murals are still bright and eye-catching. Most of them depict scenes of sacrificial rituals. Some of them depict eggs piled up like a hill. Human animals are pressed and their chests are cut open. The blood soaks into the eggs, and the eggs hatch. Countless evil ghost insects emerged.

Some paintings show Bon wizards holding bone flutes and wearing masks driving thousands of evil ghost insects to attack the enemy army, causing the enemy to flee in panic. Some enemy troops fled into the city, but the city built of earth and stone could not resist the invasion of evil ghost insects. There was only a blank space wherever they passed. Not only did the enemy troops become the flesh and blood food of the evil ghost insects, but even the cities disappeared.

There are also paintings of snow-white mountain peaks and holy lakes. The place between the snow-capped mountains and the sacred lake was crawling with evil ghost insects. All the animals and humans around them knelt down and kowtowed to the evil ghost insects. Only King Xiangxiong, who is wearing a golden-winged roc bird-horn mask, and Gu Xin, who is holding a bone flute, stand above the insects on the top of the mountain.

Sure enough, He Wei Xun's guess was right. The ancient Xiangxiong Kingdom should have mastered the method of driving evil spirits and insects, and also used human and animal sacrifices. Wei Xun even suspected that the skull in his hand might be a 'sacred object' that could once restrain evil ghost insects.

It’s just that thousands of years have passed, and the Shang Shung Dynasty has long been destroyed. No one comes to feed these evil ghost insects anymore. It’s okay that they are not extinct. Why are they still living here together in such large numbers? Northern Tibet is desolate, and there are no other villages around except Wenbunan Village. It is impossible for wild beasts and plants to eat such a huge swarm of insects.

"Isn't it true that their staple food is not flesh and blood?"

Wei Xun thought of the murals in which the evil ghost insects were driven to fight, conquering cities and territories, and even the cities disappeared wherever they went, and a subtle thought arose in his mind.

In fact, these bugs don’t mainly eat rocks, right?

Is it so simple and easy to raise?

But if they really eat rocks, then it makes sense that they have lived in this mountain for thousands of years.

The ramp reached the end, and Wei Xun stood in front of the last mural. This mural depicts evil ghosts and insects crawling into a mountain. There is a huge, bottomless cave in the mountain. There is an image of a woman painted deep in the cave, but although she has a beautiful face and is solemn and majestic, she has the face of a human and the body of an insect. There were countless evil ghost insects surrounding her, moving many oval-shaped things.

"Is there really a mother insect?"

Wei Xun stared at the woman with a human face and an insect body on the mural and looked at it several times.

"Although it is very likely that the ancient Xiangxiong people exaggerated and deified, but -"

Wei Xun was a little excited. I remember that when he was bored and recuperating at home, he got interested and pointed at Bibing and recited "Change me" a dozen times, but Biping didn't have any reaction other than walking over and rubbing him.

Now he is pointing at the black insect and saying, ‘Change it for me’, so there might be an insect mother?

Wei Xun couldn't help but quicken his pace and walked forward while communicating with Golden Mosquito.


A crisp sound of broken bones came from under his feet.

Wei Xun lowered his head and saw that he had crushed the bones of an unknown animal. The bones were full of cracks and extremely fragile, turning into bone powder when crushed. And such white bones are densely packed, covering the entire platform.

The cold wind roared in, bringing with it a stale and sweet smell. The view outside the corridor was wide, and a small, unfenced platform extended outward from the corridor. Wei Xun used his feet to push open the broken bones, and found that there was gold and silver shining under the bone fragments, which were gold particles as fine as sand.

The ancient Xiangxiong people used buffalo horns filled with gold sand to worship the gods. Now the gold sand is hidden under the bone fragments and covers the entire platform. In addition to the gold sand, there are countless precious gems, gold, and bronzes. This is breathtaking magnificence. treasure.

Wei Xun had a premonition, so he passed the dizzying gold jewelry, walked to the edge of the platform, and looked down. Looking from here, this platform looks more like a cliff, because in front of us is a huge underground cave that cannot be seen to the bottom or the edge.

Wei Xun turned on the strong flashlight, and the bright white light ripped through the darkness, as if it had substance. The bright flashlight provided by the hotel was of excellent quality, with strong concentrated light and an effective range of more than 500 meters, but it still could not illuminate the other side. The bright beam of light gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared completely in the darkness.

In other words, the diameter of the huge hole is upwards of 500 meters, and may even reach 1,000 meters. Such a terrifying underground cave can even be regarded as hollowing out an entire mountain, straight up and down, with no trace of human excavation at all. There are countless honeycomb-shaped holes on the square rock walls. The small ones are only as thick as the belly of your finger, but the big ones can hold a yak.

Wei Xun is now more convinced that the evil ghost insects eat stones. It is even possible that this huge hole has been eaten by them generation after generation for thousands of years, because Wei Xun saw a stone beam extending from the side of the hole. It spanned about a quarter of the hole and looked like it was hanging in mid-air.

Perhaps during the Shang Shung Kingdom, this cave was only a quarter of its current size, and the stone beam was the 'bridge' across the cave. But now, no one can cross this terrifying cave unless they have wings.

Wei Xun was standing on the edge of the cliff, and one step forward was the abyss. He stared at the bottomless hole, his pupils slightly dilated, as if he was in a trance.

Nietzsche wrote in "Beyond Good and Evil" that when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring into you. If you stare at this bottomless underground hole for a long time, a huge, terrifying sense of oppression comes from the darkness. It seems that looking at it for a long time will make you feel in a trance, and you will be tempted by the darkness and jump involuntarily.

Just when Wei Xun was standing still, as if he was lost in thought, danger came quietly in the deep cave on the rock wall above his head.

[You have observed the resentment of the Evil Ghost Insect Mother, resentment level: B level]

[Task progress: 4%]

[You have observed the resentment of the evil ghost insect, the resentment level: -]

[You have observed the resentment of the evil ghost insect, the resentment level: -]

[You have observed the resentment of the evil ghost insect, the resentment level: -]

[Task progress: 14%]

Good guy, Wei Xun was stunned by these two notification sounds!

You must know that evil ghost bugs are real bugs, unlike ghost ghost Pingping, whose corpse turns into a flying fox, etc., which has great resentment in itself. It stands to reason that creatures like insects should have no emotions and six desires, let alone resentment. Just like Wei Xun used the skull to play with the insect swarm just now, there was no hint of resentment.

What on earth did the golden mosquito do, and why did it make them all resentful? ?

What shocked Wei Xun even more was the increase in the progress of that task. It was really incredible!

You must know that what he got in Drunk Beauty Xiangxi is an unknown title mission. It is extremely difficult to increase the progress of the mission. A-level ghost Pingping's resentment can only increase by 1%, B-level Wu Laoliu's resentment can only increase by 0.5%, and C-level zombie flying fox commander is even worse, only 0.25%, which is better than nothing.

The resentment of the evil ghost insect is even lower. It is a bug after all, and the resentment level is simply '-', which means it is omitted, too low, and does not count. There is not even an increase in the task progress below it.

But just now, thousands of prompts flooded the screen, which completely confused Wei Xun. When he finally looked at the progress of the task, he saw that it had increased by another 10%!

Is it a qualitative change caused by the huge number of bugs and the quantitative change?

Wei Xun realized it!

It turned out that he was still thinking that this task would last forever. Now it seems that whether he wants to quickly improve his strength or speed up the completion of the task, he cannot do it alone, no matter how strong it is, it will be useless.

If you want to do it, you have to make a nest!

Wei Xun seemed to have opened the door to a new world, his mouth slightly curved, and the next moment he suddenly raised his hand without warning. The bright beam of the bright flashlight was like an indestructible lightsaber, directly illuminating the top of Wei Xun's head, completely Disrupted the attacker's position.


【what is that? ! 】

[Holy shit, what kind of monster is this! 】

The audience in the live broadcast room who were passionately discussing the cave and the disappearing evil insects were startled when they saw a pale and twisted human corpse clinging to the rock wall like a gecko above Wei Xun's head. Being hit by the strong light, it had nowhere to hide. It tried in vain to block it with its forearms, and let out a hoarse and terrifying roar.

But it is extremely adaptable, and within a few seconds it is no longer affected by strong light, and it roars towards Wei Xun like a wild beast hunting for prey. It had a weird bronze mask on its face, with vermilion paint outlining its facial features. The mask reflected by the strong light was particularly weird and terrifying, like a ghost coming to capture people's hearts. In an instant, the monster rushed in front of Wei Xun.

【Danger! 】

[Wei Xun is in danger! ! ! 】

Wei Xun was standing on the edge of the cliff. There was no place to hide on either side. If he took a step back, he would fall into the bottomless hole. The monster had already jumped in front of Wei Xun. In an instant, he was in a dilemma.

At this moment, Wei Xun put away the strong flashlight, and the live broadcast room instantly became dark. The audience could not see in the darkness, but Wei Xun's eyes shone with green light in the darkness. He jumped up without dodging, and collided with the monster in mid-air, like two biting and fighting beasts.


In the darkness, their tangled bodies rolled over the bone fragments on the ground. Wei Xun rolled over, his eyes stern and his throat growling menacingly. If you listen carefully, he looked very similar to a snow leopard. Wei Xun's action when he pounced on the monster just now was vigorous and powerful, showing a wild fierceness and charm, like a big cat on the hunt. The battle between them at this moment was really like a fight between wild beasts.


The monster pinned under Wei Xun was stunned by the roar. It struggled to stand up, but its hostility and aggression weakened, and it appeared a little confused. Wei Xun took a closer look and found that it was not a pale corpse, but a hairless beast with pale skin. It was easy to be mistaken because of its bare skin.

It looks similar to a tiger or wolf in body shape, but it is skinny and almost deformed. Its strength is actually not that great. It can't even break free from Wei Xun's grip, and its struggle seems a bit weak. Taking advantage of the monster's exhaustion, Wei Xun tried to take off the mask on its face, but the beast screamed in agony. The bronze mask seemed to be tightly glued to its face and could not be peeled off.

Wei Xun did not pull hard, but instead grabbed the mottled iron chain around the beast's neck. As early as when it was frozen and unable to move under the strong flashlight, Wei Xun realized that the bronze mask on its face and the chain between its neck were full of tension. There are no human traces, this is not a wild beast living in a cave, but one that was tamed and fed by someone!


Just when Wei Xun and the beast were in a stalemate, a sharp whistle came from above the head. The beast, which had lost its strength, began to struggle like crazy again, biting Wei Xun's neck countless times with its bloody mouth, and he was clearly holding the chain. He was stuck on the ground, his neck was strangled with a chain and there were blood marks, and he attacked Wei Xun like a madman regardless of everything.

In the electric light of the whistle sound, Wei Xun, who was already prepared, immediately looked towards the rock wall above his head and saw a rickety figure on the rock formation above the entrance corridor. It was pitch dark everywhere at the moment, and he seemed not to have expected that someone would be able to ignore the darkness and not completely hide his figure. He was seen wearing a strange robe covered with bird feathers and a golden mask, just like the Bon wizards from the Zhangzhong Kingdom period in the murals.

As if aware of Wei Xun's gaze, he quietly disappeared into the rock crevice, even leaving the beast behind without any hesitation.

"Mink cub, go."

Wei Xun said in a cold voice, the corners of his lips slightly raised, it was like a smile but not a smile, but it made people feel chilly. The young fox connected with him, and before Wei Xun opened his mouth, it flew up, climbed up the rock wall in twos and twos, and chased the weirdo away.

Wei Xun stood up and ignored the hairless beast. He looked thoughtfully at the cliff, where he heard a familiar, scalp-numbing rustling sound.

It was a swarm of evil ghost insects. Wei Xun had a particularly keen sense of smell and could smell the vague smell of blood. That man not only used his whistle to control weird beasts, but he also used blood to attract swarms of insects out of his mind, just to kill him completely here!

"How could anyone want to harm me?"

Wei Xun sighed, with a very melancholy tone in his voice: "Everyone knows that I am a good person."

As he spoke, the rustling sound of crawling insects was very close. The hairless beast that had been paralyzed on the ground before, unable to breathe, suddenly turned over and panicked as if encountering a natural enemy, and immediately ran away.

Maybe this is their lair. The rustling sounds of the insect swarms are getting denser and denser, showing extremely strong aggression. The evil ghost insects gathered together are like the most powerful army. Even beasts a hundred times larger than them will panic. Escape. Wei Xun, however, still stood there, listening to the rustling sound of the advancing swarm.

Closer, closer. Ten meters, five meters, three meters——

The rustling sound of the swarm of insects suddenly stopped. Wei Xun looked at the rock wall next to him and saw that the dense black insects were like a plush carpet completely covering the rock wall. The leading ones were a few large ones, covered with patches of such as An evil insect with a carapace as bright as obsidian. They raised their upper bodies like caterpillars in nature, and looked towards Wei Xun as if hesitating.

But no matter what, he just refused to take another step forward.


A man fell from the sky, but it was the man who drove wild beasts and attracted insects with blood. He probably couldn't figure out why he came back, no matter how hard he thought about it, he jumped down from a high place like crazy. The Sky Fox does not need to use force, but can confuse all living beings with only illusions.


The man fell straight against the rock wall, screaming in pain, and his leg seemed to be broken. The severe pain made him wake up, and then he saw the evil ghost insects all around him. He didn't say a word and actually fainted from fright.

‘He’s not going to die’

Wei Xun stepped lightly on the rock wall and walked lightly to the man's side. The strange thing was that when he came closer, the evil ghost insects that had crawled on the man's body receded like a tide, always keeping a distance of more than three meters from Wei Xun. Wei Xun was sure it wasn't the skull's influence, after all, he hadn't taken it out since he entered here. Most of the insects that he had repeatedly teased before were already dead.

Thinking of the rising wave of resentment, Wei Xun was already convinced that this was the influence of Golden Mosquito. But he did the whole trick, and even though no audience could see clearly what was happening in the dark, Wei Xun still took out the gold-plated and silver-embedded skull, pretending that the insect swarm was scared away by it.

The man collapsed on the rock wall and was covered in messes. Wei Xun put his hand on his nose and pressed the side of his neck.

"I'm out of breath."

"Squeak woof woof!"

The fox cub felt aggrieved and explained that it was not his fault. The man was frightened to death by the swarm of black insects. If you want to blame him, you have to blame the insects.

‘When a person dies, he dies, but it depends on whether the death is worthwhile. ’

Wei Xun casually lifted the man's mask and found that his mouth and nose were bleeding, his eyes were wide open in shock, and his face was distorted. He died of fright. Even though his face was distorted by fear, Wei Xun recognized his identity.


This man was one of the Tibetans who blocked the way up the mountain and prevented the brigade from going up the mountain. Wei Xun has a good memory, almost a photographic memory, and is infallible.

Why did the Tibetans kill him because he entered this cave?

Is this a Bon Religion forbidden area, or are the living creatures that enter here regarded as sacrifices to evil ghosts and insects?

‘Now that we have caught him alive, we must squeeze out all the information. Now that he is dead, your efforts were not in vain.'

Wei Xun lectured. The fox cub felt wrong and did not dare to act coquettishly. He pretended to repent and responded honestly.

‘Search him and see if you can find anything. ’

Wei Xun stood up. It turned out that this man's body was mixed with blood, dirt, and black hair of evil ghost insects, and there was also a faint fishy smell. He was so frightened that he became incontinent. Wei Xun took off the gloves that had touched the man, threw them into the pit, and took out a pair of brand new combat gloves that he had prepared earlier.

Drawing on his experience when he was drunk in Xiangxi, he prepared a hundred pairs of the same gloves and brought them inside the little fox.

No, I have to find a way to overcome mysophobia.

When Wei Xun put the gloves on his hands, he suddenly remembered, and the next second he felt calm.

No, what I should do to change myself is to let the bugs learn to be hygienic.

Just look at how clean the golden mosquito is. Ever since it followed Wei Xun, it now sucks blood in a polite way. It pays attention to turning the opponent into energy first and then sucking it.

In fact, even the big maggot is quite clean, white and fat, but Wei Xun doesn't want to see it.


The golden mosquito's resentment buzzed in Wei Xun's heart. The crisis came so quickly that Wei Xun never had time to pay attention to it and let it buzz on its own for a long time.

‘Are you down there? ’

Wei Xun closed his eyes to accept the message from the golden mosquito. It was a hundred meters deeper into the cave. If it were positioned according to the stone beam hanging on the huge cave, its position would be below the center of the stone beam.

There is the nest of the mother worm.

‘It’s lighter than I thought’

Wei Xun said that he originally thought that the mother insect nest would be in the deepest part of the cave, at least more than a kilometer away.

But he didn't expect that the nest was almost very close to the entrance of the cave.

Xiao Jin was very anxious and buzzed so much that Wei Xun's ears were covered by the buzz. Its current situation is very strange. It can be said that it has controlled the mother insect for Wei Xun and can control the insect swarm, but it is not absolute, because it is now trapped in the mother insect's nest and cannot leave.

It’s best to let Golden Mosquito advance to a higher level in the future.

Wei Xun thought to himself, but he couldn't express it clearly.

According to Xiao Jin's description, it was trapped in a small box and could not leave. You must know that its uniqueness lies in its silent blood-sucking and control. Its own strength is not very strong. It is not the kind of warlike insect race like demon ants. Even among the demon insects, its constitution is weak. Even if it is locked up for a while, You may not be able to escape even in a glass cover.

‘Have you finished searching? ’

Wei Xun is arranging a ball of brown rope. It looks like an ordinary climbing rope, but it's actually a 'super sticky spider silk climbing rope' that Wei Xun bought at the hotel for 3,000 points.

He had just squatted on the edge of the cliff and looked at the cave wall. The cave wall, which had been eaten by swarms of insects for thousands of years, was as smooth as if it had been polished. There were no protrusions or cracks in the stone to serve as a foothold. Not even a snow leopard could stop on such a smooth vertical rock surface.

Fortunately, Wei Xun prepared a bunch of strange props before setting off.

[Name: Super sticky spider silk climbing rope (30 meters)]

[Quality: Special]

[Function: With super long elasticity and viscosity, you will no longer be afraid of the climbing rope breaking or falling off when climbing mountains. 】

[Note: Although you cannot become Spider-Man, it is still possible to climb the Burj Khalifa like Tom Cruise! 】

In Mission: Impossible IV, Tom uses a pair of gecko gloves to climb the Burj Khalifa with his bare hands. In reality, Wei Xun also used special channels to buy a pair of gecko gloves from Stanford that are said to be the most advanced ones at present, but he failed after just a few tries. He was thrown aside boringly.

In reality, his body would never be able to truly fly over walls and walls, and even if Wei Xun had the physique of a special soldier, the gecko gloves would not be as carefree and unrestrained in use as in the movie.

Wearing a climbing rope, leaning on a trekking pole, and fully equipped to climb the mountain, how can you be like a snow leopard running and jumping in the snow-capped mountains?

Wearing gecko gloves and climbing down the rock wall like a gecko is not as exciting as jumping directly into the abyss!

Since entering the hotel, Wei Xun's pursuit of excitement has become even more extreme. Of course, there are also 'gecko suits' sold in hotels. The quality is definitely better than the real ones, and it is much cheaper than the spider silk climbing rope that costs 100 points per meter.

But Wei Xun still chose the climbing rope, and he had no intention of using it as a climbing rope.

'alright! ’

The fox cub was panting. As a ferret, it was really hard to search such a large corpse. At this time, it also felt a little regretful. If this person was not dead, it could easily control him to search itself, so there would be no need to do it personally.

Wei Xun quickly picked a stone of suitable weight and patiently wrapped it with a spider silk climbing rope. It looked like a large golf ball. Then he swung the rock-tied climbing rope like a cowboy lassoing, pleased with its weight.

Then he took away the rope and walked towards the mink cub. I saw a few things placed on the rock wall. Most of them were items that Tibetans would carry with them. Only two things were special. One is a metal whistle engraved with a simple tiger head, used by Tibetans to control the strange beast.

The other piece is about the size of a brooch, made of gold, and has a bird's head and human body.


Wei Xun raised his eyebrows. The Dapeng Garuda is also called Jiagaruda. Except for the Garuda at the Shanqi ruins in India, which has a normal bird shape, other places, including the cultural relics excavated from the ancient Xiangxiong ruins, have large Garudas. Most Garudas have bird heads, beaks, wings and claws, but their bodies and limbs are the same as humans. It looks almost the same as this small gold statue.

Why do Tibetans carry such things with them? Do they want the Garuda to protect them from evil insects?

But he was frightened to death too quickly, and Wei Xun had no way to check whether there were really no signs of poisoning like Ji Hongcai's on his body.

In other words, those Tibetans are likely to be related to the ancient Zhangzhong Kingdom, and they also know some ancient secrets, such as driving wild beasts, avoiding evil ghosts and insects, etc.

So what role do they play in this journey, and what can they bring?

At this moment, the hotel's prompt sounded in Wei Xun's ears.

【drop! You discover the coat of arms of the golden-winged roc and officially enter the main line of the journey! You get 500 points]

Wei Xun was stunned. The term "main line of the journey" sounded familiar to him. He remembered that when he collected three items belonging to Ping Ping in the beautiful Xiangxi, the hotel also reminded him to enter the main line of the journey. But later on, he may have entered the Crying Marriage Project in person, and the hotel was difficult to calculate, so there was no follow-up to the so-called main line of the journey.

Isn’t it true that only tour guides can enter the main route of the journey? Travelers can do it too?

The hotel's attitude towards tourists was much better than that towards tour guides at that time. Wei Xun didn't need to ask specifically, the hotel told him all the information related to the main line of the journey.

There is only one main line of the journey in a journey, which can only be started by the tour guide or tourists. The condition for opening is to open up new attractions or open branch attractions to a certain extent.

The main line of the journey is only related to the core guiding character of this journey, and the opening conditions are also the same. For example, the introduction of the journey of Zui Mei Xiangxi is "Let us walk into the life of the corpse hunter Pingping". Wei Xun is doing the task of opening up a new scenic spot, killing When various corpses turned into flying foxes, they obtained various Pingping items, thus successfully entering the main line of the journey.

At this time, the strange Tibetan whom Wei Xun met, and the Dapeng Garuda emblem found on his body, must have a lot to do with the successor of the Eagle Flute. So he can enter the main line of the journey.

The conditions for completing the main line of the journey are very demanding. Only by discovering all the secrets of the entire journey, and only if you are alone, can you be considered successful. When I was in the beautiful Xiangxi, although all the attractions were perfectly completed, the secret of Qiebi Village was not completely solved.

There are many other mysteries such as why Ma Laosi was mysteriously attacked to death by the black zombie, and where did the village chief's zombie-raising and soul-moving carving skills come from. In this extremely dangerous journey, it is almost impossible to solve all the mysteries alone.

Even in the difficult level of the journey, it is basically impossible to complete the main line of the journey, because it does not have location prompts such as 'Black Dangra Yumcuo' and 'Secret of the Dragon God Waterway' like the branch attractions.

It will only give prompts and show progress when you obtain key items, but there will be no reminders other than that. And the journey is irreversible. According to the travel time, you move forward one by one at the scenic spots. Once you make any mistakes, you cannot go back and make up for them.

One must have extremely rigorous reasoning ability, not miss any clues, have absolute say in the entire brigade, be strong enough, and have extraordinary luck to be able to complete the main line of the journey.

The difficulty is even comparable to starting a journey to the 30th North Latitude. In the entire history of the hotel, the total number of tour guides and tourists who have completed the main line of the journey does not exceed ten. Except for those who died, all of them are now extremely powerful figures standing at the top.

Precisely because the rewards for completing the main journey are extremely generous!

You can upgrade the level of any title, and you can get a super-level piece of equipment or weapon that can increase with your strength and is most suitable for you.

It is said that An Xuefeng's famous sword, the Return Sword that accompanied him in all directions, was the reward he received after completing the main journey.

‘You can never have too little of a good thing’

Wei Xun was very interested and put all the coat of arms of the Garuda and other things into the fox cub's belly. Then he walked to the cliff edge of the cave.

In front of him is a huge, bottomless, pitch-black cave. The howling wind blows from the cave, making people feel chilled all over. Even those who are not afraid of heights still need great courage just to stand here.

But Wei Xun was thinking that if there was wind, it would prove that the bottom of the huge cave was not closed, and there might be a side passage.

After finishing the matter with Golden Mosquito, he planned to go down to the bottom of the cave to have a look.

People have an endless desire to explore the sky above their heads and the huge caves in the deep sea beneath their feet. Wei Xun was even thinking about how happy it would be if he jumped down from the hole.

"I happen to be short of a handy weapon - and since one is a tour guide and the other is a tourist's, the handy weapon should also have two forms. This is not too much."

Wei Xun was thinking about good things, he had already turned his back, his feet were halfway off the cliff, and he slowly leaned back and fell. He wanted to jump into the hole like lying on his back.

"No, it's not exciting enough."

After falling halfway, Wei Xun straightened his back and stood up. He thought that he might rarely have the opportunity to jump into a giant hole in his life, and this would definitely be a valuable experience that he would keep recalling in the future. Therefore, Wei Xun was extra solemn and looked at multiple angles before finally deciding to jump down facing the huge hole in the abyss.

At this moment, Wei Xun wanted to record his heroic appearance. Unfortunately, there were no professional photographers who could capture him jumping down, and there was no way to leave a video so that Wei Xun could recall it over and over again - wait a minute!

He had a brilliant idea!

Wei Xun took out an ordinary flashlight. It was not very bright, and direct light could only illuminate a distance of about fifty meters. Not to mention that Wei Xun just found the angle and placed it flat on the cliff ground. This light could at best illuminate Wei Xun's trouser legs, but the audience in the live broadcast room still couldn't even see Wei Xun's face clearly.

The thought of doing this kind of thing in front of thousands of viewers, with the hotel's live broadcast recording everything, made Wei Xun even more excited.

Especially he cannot expose the climbing rope, after all, he is a new traveler. It stands to reason that it is impossible for a flashlight to illuminate the live broadcast room. After he jumps down, the live broadcast room will quickly become dark, but there is still a possibility of exposure.

But Wei Xun became even more excited. His eyes seemed to be shining, he couldn't stop smiling, and his breathing was a little quick.

But the viewers in the live broadcast room were puzzled.

[Why don’t you take a strong flashlight? What can this weak thing capture? 】

[I seemed to have heard the roar of a wild beast just now! Is Wei Xun okay? Are you injured? I'm so anxious! I'm so anxious! 】

[It’s time to go, there’s no way to investigate this kind of thing. Even a drone would be difficult to take off on a plateau, not to mention that Wei Xun would not be able to carry a drone with him]

[What a pity. There must be something good under this huge hole. If Wei Xun doesn’t go on, he may not be able to complete the main line of the journey]

[No, are you new Xun fans really so brainless? Have you thought about the main line of the journey? ? 】

[Wei Xun is just a newcomer! It made me laugh so much, and the main line of the journey is still there. Let’s complete the entire journey first! 】

[I’m not saying that, those who can hit the main line of the journey are usually ‘newcomers’ who have joined the brigade and have sufficient preparations and props to support them. Even though I am a fan of Wei Xun and admit that Wei Xun is really good, I never thought that he could complete the main plot of the journey]

[Tsk, that’s all I’m saying. If he can complete the main line of the journey here, I’ll just call him grandpa. I’m afraid those people from the big brigade will also treat Wei Xun as grandpa! 】

[To put things into perspective, it would be impossible for Wei Xun to complete the main line of his journey just by seeing this giant cave appear. Who will jump down? Maybe the 'Lizard Count' can climb such a huge hole that is so smooth that there is no gap at all]

[Tsk, tsk, the more you talk about it, the more outrageous it becomes. Earl Lizard is an S-level boss tour guide in the West District! Is he worthy of being compared with Wei Xun? I think you are trying to bring trouble to Wei Xun. People have to be a little self-aware. Why is he still here? There is no way he can jump down. Why not go explore other ruins quickly——]

【? ? ? ? ? 】

【! ! ! ! ! ! 】

The live broadcast room was suddenly filled with an explosion of question marks and exclamation marks. There were no other barrages to be seen. It was like a group of people whose minds were blank due to shock. People who first entered the live broadcast room were confused, and the barrage asking what happened was suppressed by an exclamation mark within a second.

Until a colorful barrage of krypton gold was placed at the top of the live broadcast room.

【He jumped! ! ! ! 】

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