Thriller Tour Group

809. Icelandic Horror (318) How can I stay forever...

This ring is wrong! Everything that can make Bingyi feel a strong sense of hunger is related to the abyss. An Xuefeng instantly thought of the blue-purple halo and those strange sounds that the red team was talking about. Could it be that the red team's spiritual imprint was added by Jin Lung? Something deep in the chasm has tampered with something?

And these two rings are obviously more terrifying than the pupa juice, fungus juice and milk before. Bingyi was even so distracted that he couldn't hear him clearly! An Xuebao immediately hit the white cat's paw with his head to knock off the two rings, but no matter how he moved, he couldn't touch them. It's a pull thread. The pull thread can be imaginary or real. The two rings that can be hung on the pull thread are probably the same. They are illusory and cannot be touched by the anxious Snow Leopard.

He wanted to get them away unless Bingyi regained consciousness, unless he wanted to. After realizing this, the snow leopard pressed the white cat tightly, and the leopard's tongue rolled up to stop the white cat from constantly licking the tip of his lips in hunger, enduring the white cat. The cat's claws were summoned unconsciously and irritably, and its heart kept calling for full concentration to call back Bingyi's attention.

‘…Baby, darling, give it to me, okay? ’

'Baby, baby, look at me, look at me...'


Bingdao Cat took a long time to regain consciousness, and found that the snow leopard was kissing it. Due to its size, it occupied all its attention. The long tongue with fleshy spines kept licking the tip of his tongue and the roof of his mouth. At the same time, his spirit continued to call him. . After coming back to his senses, Bingyi sensed it for a while and was shocked to find that the snow leopard had injuries all over its body, especially the bloody wounds in front of him that were scratched by it, and the fatal throat area that also suffered a lot of injuries. It rolled its eyes worriedly and wanted to take a look, but it was still being pressed and kissed by the snow leopard and had nowhere to move.

This time the snow leopard kissed very deeply. The leopard's tongue rolled around the tip of the big cat's tongue and licked deeper into the throat. The licking made the big cat's throat itchy and it couldn't help but purr.

The white cat raised its head, and the snow-white fur in front of its chin and throat trembled slightly. The snow leopard pressed on the big cat's back and forced it to raise its head for a kiss. Its thick and powerful leopard paws rhythmically slapped the silver-white big cat's back. Every time it was taken again, the long hairs on the white cat's back stood up and trembled convulsively, like water ripples.

The back is the most sensitive place for cats. In nature, male animals press tightly on the back of female animals. The heavy pressure will push the female animals into the state, not to mention the snow leopard's long and powerful leopard tail wrapped around the cat's tail. , not giving him any chance to escape, this kind of coercion made Bingyi gradually intoxicated.

Appetite is the most primitive instinct that humans are born with. If he wants to find a way to compete with appetite and bring back Bingyi's consciousness, An Xuefeng can only find another way. Fortunately, this is very effective.

Bingyi, who had regained his sanity a little, immediately felt an electric tingling pleasure on his back. The snow leopard's claws slowly and alternately stepped on its back, which could easily crush the white cat's spine. It was a slight itching, a heavy numbness, and the tip of the sharp claws tickled. Pulling the long hair, the long tail like a snake wrapped around his cat's tail, sometimes the white cat wanted to flip it over, and let out a menacing roar from its throat, sometimes it felt comfortable and comfortable, its eyes were slightly narrowed and tightly wrapped by the snow leopard.

Unable to escape, unable to resist, the strong sense of crisis imprinted in the instinct makes the white cat open its eyes wide and pop out its sharp claws. However, this animalistic desire to escape when encountering a natural enemy is mixed with the peace of mind of spiritual connection, making Bingyi feel unprecedented. The stimulation was as if a hook had hooked his scalp and pulled him upwards, as if his soul was out of body.

Although he still felt extremely hungry, the surging appetite that could destroy one's sanity was still there, but now it was suppressed by another novel instinct. After all, Bingyi has eaten all kinds of abyssal things, but in his memory, he has never been so close to a person, and he has never tried such postures. I don’t know if it’s because of the cat’s curiosity or because he himself has a strong curiosity, Bingyi He raised his head in enjoyment, grunted and arched his back to let the snow leopard step on the key point again, preferably to crush his spine.

He would not feel pain. The thought of his spine being crushed by a snow leopard and being torn apart from the snow-white fur. His poor spinal cord had nowhere to hide and was touched by the leopard's claws. It would be such an extreme soreness and numbness. He couldn't help but feel excited at the extreme pleasure. His heartbeat was racing. He liked this novel and comfortable feeling, the mixture of danger and pleasure. He liked it very much.

But An Xuefeng was certainly not such a crazy leopard. After Bingyi regained some sense, he began to lick the white cat's tongue and throat vigorously again, begging for food from it like a cub, for fear that Bingyi would fall into the twisted appetite for gold rings again. The white cat narrowed its eyes slightly and allowed the snow leopard to lick and kiss it roughly, showing its animalistic and human nature. The animal nature says that if he wants to mate with a female, he has to use prey to please her to prove his strength. The human nature is alert and says that there is definitely something wrong with the ring. He almost lost control completely just now. It is most likely caused by the butterflies in his heart. If it weren't for An Xuefeng tried his best to stop him, maybe he would have swallowed the ring long ago.


The white cat grunted and tilted his head. He suppressed his appetite and let the string turn into a physical object. He swung two rings to the snow leopard's side, then cut off the string on his side and let the two rings fall. The gold ring fell into the snow next to Snow Leopard. During this process, they didn't stop kissing and rubbing each other's backs, for fear that B would be seduced by appetite again and again and lose control.

The snow leopard bit the back of the silver-white cat's neck, hugged it and rolled in the thick snow. The snow mist rolled up and touched their thick white fur. The snow leopard's sharp canine teeth bit the big cat's soft fur, and its prickly tongue stirred its body. , the hot breath soothes its sometimes anxious and sometimes eager mood, listen to the sound of its heart beating rapidly and its thin and unbearable gasping. The big snow leopard arched its body and almost held the white cat in its arms, entangled with its long tail. Until Crystal Xiaolong got the news and rushed over, wrapped Bingyi with the power of dreams and forcibly took him out of his old dream.

A few minutes later, I returned to my old dream. There were still traces of rolling on the snow, but the snow leopard had already walked away with two gold rings. The distance was far enough, and Bingyi would no longer be disturbed. Recalling the energetic snow leopard just now, the white cat licked his lips knowingly. He always felt that the snow leopard crossing the open road in front of the red team seemed to be more relaxed. .

'Fortunately, fortunately the red team was awakened'

An Xuefeng's voice rang in his ears, and the two could communicate spiritually even if they were not together.

‘Why, are you worried about not getting a status? ’

Bingyi heard the joy in An Xuefeng's tone and joked. The red team has revealed so much information that it takes time to digest it. At present, their purpose of exploring the Jinlunga Chasm, the composition of the team, the participants, the distribution of forces, etc. are almost clear, but they still don’t know what happened to the red team in the depths of the chasm. What did they do and how did they leave? I don’t know what their detailed plan was to destroy the Primordial Abyss.

But that was enough. The two rings given by the red team particularly concerned Bingyi. He was just about to ask An Xuefeng about the rings again when he heard him let out a sigh of relief.

‘As for status, as long as you recognize me and I recognize you, that’s enough. What other people think is none of my business’

An Xuefeng whispered: "I'm glad that you didn't enter the Jinlunga Chasm. Fortunately, you planned to seal it and didn't enter the depths of the bottomless pit."

An Xuefeng felt scared when he thought of the news revealed by the red team. The red team repeatedly emphasized that only those with butterfly fragments can enter the deepest part of the Jinlunga Chasm, saying that they must be pioneers and have butterfly fragments. . Otherwise, even if they are a united tour guide, even if they jointly participate in the development of the journey to the 30th North Latitude, the end result will be death, and everyone as powerful as the red team will end up in the depths of the Jinlunga Gap.

Although the red team repeatedly said that they are not strong enough, it depends on who they are competing with. It was weaker than Taoist Master Kongkong, the strongest metaphysics captain at the time. Taoist Master Kongkong was the pioneer of two journeys to the 30th North Latitude, and he had at least two butterfly fragments himself. The red team gave all the rights and fragments of the Blazers to the red guide, so naturally their hard power was not strong enough.

But his own strength is by no means weak. In a comprehensive comparison, he might be able to outlast Taoist Master Kongkong in terms of battery life. After all, he is a tour guide. Such a powerful traveler died in the depths of the Jinlunga Chasm without any resistance, which shows that the pollution in the depths of the chasm is terrifying to a terrifying level, or that this is the 'rule' of the depths of the chasm.

If you are not a pioneer and do not have butterfly fragments, you cannot enter.

But there is a problem. Are the butterfly fragments mentioned by the red team the fragments corresponding to the journey of 30 degrees north latitude that the red team has embarked on?

Just like Bingyi, he made a journey to 30 degrees north latitude and there were many butterfly fragments, but none of these butterfly fragments were from the tomb of the Tusi King. So would anything happen if he entered the Jin Lunga Gap?

An Xuefeng felt horrified and broke into a cold sweat just thinking about it. He knew clearly that different pollutions would compete with and restrict each other, which was why he was getting stronger and stronger even though he had multiple types of pollutions on his body. The butterfly fragments from the journey to 30 degrees north latitude are probably somewhat different from the scattered butterfly fragments obtained from other places.

The pollution at 30 degrees north latitude is somewhat related to the butterfly fragments on my journey. For example, Ancient Oasis and Butterfly Fragments in Ancient Oasis, Dead Sahara and Butterfly Fragments in Sahara. The pioneers of the Thirty Degrees North Latitude journey, and bringing the butterfly fragments on this journey, may be the key to truly going deep into the bottom of the primitive abyss without being completely polluted, so that the pollution of the Thirty Degrees North Latitude and the butterfly pollution can be Achieve a delicate balance.

But this kind of balance does not exist for Bingyi. The tomb of the Tusi King has not been opened yet. He did not get the butterfly fragments in the tomb. Instead, he had a bunch of other butterfly fragments on his body. If he entered the Jinlunga Gap like this, An Xuefeng couldn't even think about the consequences.

Fortunately, fortunately.

Before the tomb of the Tusi King is completely opened, and before Bingyi transfers other butterfly fragments and integrates them into weapons, he must not go to the primitive abyss.

'You're right, luckily I didn't go down'

Bingyi's thoughts were different from An Xuefeng's: 'If I really go on, I'm afraid I won't be able to control my appetite.'

Thinking of the nearly out-of-control hunger just now, Bingyi couldn't help but lick his paws with lingering fear. To be honest, it is hungry now. It is so hungry that it is panicking and breaking out in cold sweats. No matter how much food it eats, it cannot make up for the hunger deep in its soul. Only when it is spiritually connected to An Xuefeng can it feel somewhat comforted.

This is just a small thing deep in the chasm brought by the red team's spiritual imprint. If it really goes down to the chasm, what's the point? I'm afraid that by then, even if An Xuefeng and he were on home plate, they wouldn't be able to stop their terrible appetite. Thinking of this, Bingyi became a little curious: ‘What are those two gold rings? ’

‘There is a high probability that it is a product from the depths of the primitive abyss, and the ‘ring’ is just a disguise’

An Xuefeng said, I'm afraid these two gold rings are not the relics of the red team. What they are in essence is hard to say. An Xuefeng had some vague guesses and was planning to stalk Director Huang again - the red team's spiritual imprints could contain some private goods from the original abyss, and maybe other people's spiritual imprints might also contain something.

'The two rings are essentially one, but separated'

He told Bingyi about his current research on the ring and asked for his opinion: ‘Put it here first? To be honest, they should be very precious, if you don't worry about me——'

‘Of course I’m relieved’

Bingyi interrupted him jokingly: 'You have changed your mind in front of my dad, what else do you have to worry about? By the way, what did you call me then? ’

'Dear, baby, wife'

There is no word "naughty" in Captain An's dictionary, so he just called him "conformist". But I heard Bingyi scolding me with a light smile: "Isn't that right? My dad said you are my wife." Why, you dare not scream in front of my dad? ’

"I dare to bark in front of anyone. Next time I will bark in front of the phantom cat."

‘Ahem… let’s forget it’

Bingyi was turned against the general. I have to say that compared to the red team, which he had never seen since he was a child, his brother gave him the impression of being closer to an elder. After all, he was still a little scared: "I don't want to see you fight."

‘Don’t you want to see it? He and I will definitely fight fiercely’

An Xuefeng teased him, suppressed the deepest fear in his heart, and talked to Bingyi about daily topics as much as possible. Listening to his emotions, he felt that this person was around him, in the world, and would not disappear suddenly, and he could be caught. Less than. The news revealed by the red team has been echoing in An Xuefeng's mind. The light and shadow he met, the conversation with the light group, the learning about emotions, the recommendation of the light group to find a red guide...all these things made An Xue confused. Feng's original guess became more and more complete.

But what made him most worried and gloomy was never the origin of Bingyi. Whether they could live together or die together, An Xuefeng didn't care. But what the red team just revealed, the news that the light group said it could change the connection, made his heart feel empty. Since the light group proposed that it could cut off the connection between the red lead and the red team and make the red lead empty, there is a high probability that it can actually be done.

Yes, that's right, connections will be blocked in many places where the abyss is heavily polluted. From here, he should know that connections are not eternal. The life-and-death bond between the guide and the brigade, the bond that gave him so much peace of mind, could actually be easily broken. In the distance, the snow leopard in the snow den halfway up the mountain stood up anxiously, looking in the direction of Bingyi from a distance. It wanted to rush to its lover immediately, imprison and devour him, melt into flesh and blood, and be together forever, but it couldn't I'm not willing to let him get hurt at all.

How can we stay together forever?

Even An Xuefeng, who has always been strong, confident, calm and rational, became worried about gains and losses in front of his lover. The red team's words echoed in his ears, "If a passenger must be strong, he must be the strongest." But what can even the strongest passenger do? Can the strongest one catch it? The snow leopard's eyes glowed bloody red.

"Zhizhi, zhizhizhi!" 'Calm down, Captain An, calm down! ’

Yu Xiangyang, who was next to him, saw that his mood was not right and asked seriously. Snow Leopard's eyes were red, as if he was in a state of mental shock and confusion. Usually when teammates and companions fall into such a dangerous situation and there are no guides or meditation charms that can relieve them in a short time, they usually use pain to wake up their companions and force them to Keep him awake. But the problem is that An Xuefeng is using Bingyi's puppet body now, and he can't feel pain at all.

"Zhizhizhi,zhizhi!" 'Listen, listen carefully, is there any news from Director B?'

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't feel pain. An Xuefeng is a tourist who has contacted the tour guide. As long as Yu Xiangyang reminds him in that direction, he will naturally be immersed in the spiritual connection with the tour guide. Even just feeling the tour guide's emotional fluctuations will gradually stabilize his spirit. Seeing that the snow leopard no longer anxiously circled but squatted down and stared into the distance, Yu Xiangyang breathed a sigh of relief. Then the little red-haired monkey tried to crawl forward. Seeing that the snow leopard didn't stop it, he used an ice crystal to stack the two pieces. The golden rings that were together moved away.

The abyss pollution above them is too thick, and the power of the abyss is too pure. Team An brought them all the way here, no wonder their spirits fluctuate.

An Xuefeng ignored Yu Xiangyang. He narrowed his eyes slightly and was listening to Bingyi's voice. His mind was full of noisy words, like a roaring battlefield. Only by being on Bingyi's side could he find a trace of peace. He had been silent since he asked Bingyi if he wanted to watch him fight with the phantom cat. On the contrary, Bingyi talked a lot.

He generously admitted that he did want to see them fight, mainly because he wanted to see how strong they really were. Of course, if he is strong enough by the time he leaves Iceland, Bingyi would prefer to do it by himself.

Then he corrected An Xuefeng, saying that it wasn't called a fight, it was called a sparring session, but it couldn't be beaten to death. He said that although he didn't know what grudges he had with Phantom Cat before, his brother liked to talk about fair competition regardless of feelings. It didn't matter how they competed, and there was no need to coexist peacefully just because he pinched his nose.

But no matter what, you must never beat people to death. This is the bottom line.

‘Do you like rings? We can choose a pair when we go out’

Bingyi chuckled softly, as if coaxing: 'We will have our own rings, let's put my parents' rings aside, eh? Don’t keep reading it’

‘…put it aside’

An Xuefeng was silent for a long time and said, his spirit wavering a little stagnant, but his heart was filled with warmth, and the blood in his eyes gradually faded. Bingyi felt something was wrong on his side and guessed the ring. He kept talking to him, just to try to restore An Xuefeng's mental stability and stop his mood swings.

Out of love comes sorrow, out of love comes fear. After regaining his composure, An Xuefeng let out a long breath. Thinking of his anxious and paranoid emotions just now, he sighed helplessly and flicked his tail.

Perhaps as long as his lover is no longer with him, his worries will never completely disappear. But this kind of mental fluctuation is only a drop of the rain for An Xuefeng, who has been on the verge of mental breakdown all year round. He will always get over it. What's more, now that he has a lover, it will only make his will stronger.

‘I’m fine baby, I made you worry’

He said in a relaxed tone: 'It doesn't matter, it's just a small pollution impact, I can solve it'

‘Can it really be solved? ’

Bingyi smiled slyly and said in a long voice: "Then it looks like I don't need to give you anything."

‘What did you give me? Of course, of course you have to give me something, I am your wife’

Snow Leopard's eyes lit up, and Laoyoutiao An was able to bend and stretch, and immediately said a hundred and eighty kind words, making Bingyi happy. The snow leopard stood up and looked into the distance, as if he could see the silver-white cat's whiskers trembling with joy. The snow leopard narrowed its eyes, and its tail swung happily and relaxedly. A bright light appeared in the endless darkness, and it was approaching quickly. It was the crystal dragon flying over.

The tip of the snow leopard's nose moved, and without the little dragon flying closer, it smelled the gift from its lover.

It was a small ball of fluffy and soft cat hair. The cat bit it carefully with the tips of its teeth, biting it into a tight ball, and then rubbed it with its cheek. It was full of Bingyi's breath. An Xuefeng's pupils were slightly dilated, and he even jumped up impatiently and wanted to pounce down the crystal dragon with his claws. He ignored the frightened dragon and threw away the hair ball and angrily scolded him for being crazy. The snow leopard bit the hair ball and sniffed it deeply, his face There was an intoxicated expression on his face.

Bingyi knows that his spirit has become fragile under the repeated pollution and is easily affected by pollution again. Before getting rid of the ring, it would be difficult for him to get together with An Xuefeng for a while, so he specially sent Maomao so that he could smell An Xin at any time.

"We went to the Land of Fire. Director B said we would be back soon."

The dragon hunter's cold voice sounded. It looked up and down at the snow leopard, and finally nodded. Bingyi smelled like a leopard, had wet and fluffy fur, and looked like he had been ravaged, which really frightened the dragon hunter, fearing that he would be bullied.

But now it seems that these two people should be two-way arrows and respect personal feelings. The dragon hunter saw the snow leopard looking silly and happy with the fur ball on its head, and told Bingyi the truth after returning.

"As long as it's okay, hey, I also want to study the ring."

Cat Bing sighed, licked the tip of his nose and said quietly, "But I'm really hungry."

He was worried about Snow Leopard, and wanted to wake up Director Hong to hear the story behind it, but if something like the ring appeared again, he might really be able to resist his appetite. Before coming into contact with these things, he had to find ways to improve his resistance to pollution.

For example, becoming the Nordic Sun completely, or gaining more power of fire.

"Let's go, I can't wait to go to the Fire Country and eat a lot."

The big white cat raised its head and smiled at the crystal dragon, grinned and revealed its small white fangs, and complained coquettishly: "I'm really hungry."

"Let's go, let's eat up the Fire Nation."

The crystal dragon whizzed past, turned into a giant dragon and took the cat into its mouth. It turned into a dream and flapped its wings, arriving at the passage deep in the volcanic cave that connects with the Kingdom of Fire. No one noticed that they had been there along the way.

The crystal dragon folded its wings, wrapped the big cat, and crashed into the channel flowing with hot magma. The big white cat closed his eyes when he felt sparks burning through his eyelids. When he opened them again, he and the dragon hunter had arrived in the dark red country.

Muspelheim, the home of desolation, the Nordic country of fire.

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