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823 Nutrient Solution 277 Token of Death

Fortunately, there was no delay in the mental communication during the pulling of the thread. The long finger bones of the empty Taoist priest had already touched the top of the crystal dragon's head, and the cold jade finger bones were just a little bit close to pouring the petal pollution into it——

The little dragon in the Crystal Dream is originally spiritual and has the keenest sense of pollution. Now it has frightened eyes but is completely powerless and unable to escape from the hands of Taoist Master Kongkong. If it is really poured into the petal pollution again, it will at least be in a coma for a long time. You can only let others slaughter you.

Fortunately, Bing immediately opened his mouth to save the dragon as soon as he saw it, and Taoist Master Kongkong was able to control his power freely and stop in time, so it didn't lead to a tragedy. Since this crystal dragon brain is my own dragon, it must not be eaten. Before Taoist Master Kongkong regretted that Yu Xiangyang would miss this advancement, he saw that while cutting the petals, Bingyi actually took the time to throw out some borneol soup stock!

This was really an unexpected surprise. It turned out that Bingyi had already had borneol and was willing to give such a precious thing to Yu Xiangyang to eat. Taoist Master Kongkong was relieved. The Xuanxue generation seemed to have pretty good luck. But when Taoist Master Kongkong's eyes fell on Yu Xiangyang again, he couldn't help but sigh - Chen Cheng just couldn't sing sutras, and in other aspects he could be regarded as having received orthodox Taoist influence. Yu Xiangyang turned out to be a zombie, which would have been impossible in their time. Recruiting people into metaphysics!

This is not because Taoist Master Kong Kong is discriminating against zombies. He will only feel relieved and happy to see the people of Xuanxue again in this last moment. However, the most regrettable thing is that zombies and Taoist priests are completely different paths. Taoist Master Kongkong himself only has this last bit of spiritual imprint. When his power is exhausted, he will be completely swallowed up by pollution and disappear into the world.

He is undoubtedly lucky to be able to see the newcomer of Xuanxue again at this last moment. He still has the opportunity to use his afterglow to pass on some Taoism to the people of Xuanxue's generation - who wants to open his eyes and see that the person from Xuanxue is actually a zombie? ! What kind of teachings can zombies teach? As long as all the magical tools, talismans and seals can be worn, Taoist Master Kongkong had already passed them on to Chen Cheng. The remaining and most precious thing is naturally his experience of singing sutras. This kind of thing can only be understood and hard to be explained in words, unless there is singing. The title of the sutra, otherwise it would be difficult for the other party to understand it even if he tried his best to explain it.

Chen Cheng did not learn his true teachings at the beginning. Even if he originally handed over the Tao Te Ching and the Jing Jing Jing to metaphysics, without him leading the introduction of exhalation, it would be almost impossible to be able to sing these two sutras. Possible things. Taoist Master Kongkong felt so sad when he thought that this powerful title could not be passed down, so when he first woke up, he saw that Yu Xiangyang was a metaphysics zombie. Apart from him, there were no other metaphysics people here. Kongkong Taoist For a long time, he was so frustrated that he didn't want to talk to Yu Xiangyang.

But his mentality has always been good, and now he has put aside the deepest regret in his heart. He can wrap the dragon around his fingers habitually and rub it (unfortunately, the small crystal dragon is a Western dragon, not as good as the long Eastern dragon wrapped around the hand!), and he is happy at the same time! Got to watch the little red-haired monkey swallow the dragon brain.

At present, the growth of the bone fragments is still within the controllable range. Bingyi has slowed down the harvesting speed and waited for Yu Xiangyang to advance. However, Nidhogg is a foreign dragon after all. The amount of these dragon brains is actually not very high. Bingyi can only survive so much. The chance of reaching the threshold of advancement based on this dragon brain alone is quite slim. It depends on the metaphor. Whether Xiang Yang has this kind of luck, it won't take him a short time. What is more likely is that this advancement cannot be completely completed and will only come in stages.

But An Xuefeng has a way.

'Eat the sun sparingly. This is the power of the sun in the country. It's best to save some to advance to the sun when the time comes. It's too wasteful to use it as pure energy consumption.'

An Xuefeng suggested to Bingyi: 'You are the God of Fire, you can completely extract the power of spiritual fire and the faith of your flame believers, you try it'

Heeding people's advice to eat enough, Bingyi has always been good at taking opinions. He just saw that the drought and high temperature did have some inhibitory effect on pollution, and the whole big cat was on fire. Bing has been proficient in using various flames for a long time, and the flames he displays are also his own power, but he does not draw energy from the flame believers like An Xuefeng said.

But Bingyi is the god of fire after all, and he will roughly understand it after tinkering for a while. If you want to draw energy from the spiritual fires and believers, you must first be able to contact the believers or find the core items where the spiritual fires reside. Bingyi originally thought that the spiritual fires were born in the flames and lived in the flames. However, this time he sensed carefully and found that this was not the case. The big silver-white cat shook its paws and shook its fur vigorously, and then unexpectedly came from itself. A token emerged from the thick silver-white fur.

Token of Death.

The first time he saw it, Bingyi understood that the endless stream of spiritual fires came from here, and the memories he had lost were automatically completed when he regained his strength. Bingyi vaguely remembered that he seemed to have seen a lot of sinister things in the Ming Tombs, and even called some emperors ghost brothers - these memories were so vague that Bingyi even made breakthroughs several times in a row when he tried to recall them. At the limit of mental power, he obtained three more mental lancets, rounding off all the blades consumed on Taoist Master Kongkong's body.

But now is not a good time to pull out the knife. I tried several times but couldn't think of Bingyi, so I gave up temporarily. Although he did not recall anything more specific, he also knew that the Death Ming Token was connected to the Ming Tombs to some extent, and he could also use it to communicate with the ghost emperor who was his brother-in-law. So Bing kicked the death token to Yu Xiangyang and asked him to stare at the token while eating borneol.

Although this is not the imperial city, this can definitely be regarded as watching the emperor. With the dual help of Death Ming Token and Dragon Brain, coupled with Yu Xiangyang's past accumulation and firm belief, he finally touched the threshold of title advancement, and his appearance began to change accordingly.

It turns out that Yu Xiangyang's incarnation in the old dream was a little red monkey, which mirrored the description of "a monkey with loose hair" in "Zi Buyu". But now the red-haired monkey has become like a red-haired puppy, with the tips of its ears as long as rabbits, and two dragon horns growing on its forehead, which looks mysterious and weird.

"This is the Jong. It is said in "Ji Yun" that the Jian is like a dog, and "Yansuo Yutan" also records that the Jian is shaped like a rabbit with long pointed ears."

Taoist Master Kongkong said happily: "But no matter what the appearance is, the strength of the dragon transformed from eating dragon brain will be the strongest."

There are two views on the dragon in the classics. One is that it is the nemesis of the dragon and likes to eat borneol. There is a popular saying that "one dragon can fight three dragons and two dragons". It stands on the Huabiao to supervise the emperor. It is said that it is the son of the Dragon King, who can convey God's will and watch the emperor on the top of the Huabiao Pillar.

Theoretically speaking, Yu Xiangyang could awaken the title of Jian without eating borneol and recognizing a dragon as his father, but he never mentioned it at all. He has been at the top for many years. No matter how gentle and humble his tone is, he still has pride in his heart. Why should he be the child of a dragon when he can eat it? He couldn't bear that the juniors in metaphysics were particular about getting stronger. Only when they were strong at the beginning could they stay strong later.

Yu Xiangyang also felt the benefits. His title of 'Hanban' was not replaced by Jian, but he had an additional top-notch orange title, which he could switch freely. With stronger strength, he could naturally withstand more pollution. After he initially mastered the title, Yu Xiangyang He immediately cooperated with Bingyi and successfully cleared away the bone fragments and petals in the snow cave in just a few minutes, basically returning them to their original state. But after all these twists and turns, it was inevitable that Taoist Master Kong Kong would become even weaker. All his black hair turned into white hair, as pale as a pile of snow, and his face was as white and transparent as if he was about to fade away at any time.

The rhombus-shaped bone fragments that are tightly attached to his skin are difficult to remove, like pieces of dragon scales, making him look like a White Dragon Flower Man, mysterious and cold, coupled with the feeling of diseased bones being torn apart, there is a very special feeling. Fierce, breathtakingly handsome. Vaguely feeling that his end is coming, Taoist Master Kongkong has been extremely calm about the matter of complete elimination. He is grateful that Yu Bingyi and others can do their best to bring him back from the petal pollution regardless of the danger. Taoist Master Kongkong has no reservations this time. , told everything that could be revealed.

We can’t mention what happened behind the Gate of the Abyss, so let’s talk about what happened after leaving the Gate of the Abyss. Taoist Master Kongkong once again started with "Red Guide Destroys Flowers" and talked about the heaviest past events.

'Pindao once said that the spirit of the fetus in Little Hong's belly was completely destroyed and it has lost its soul. But when she appeared in front of Pindao again, the fetus in her belly had a soul again.

'The soul that is destined to the mother's body can be reincarnated into her body many times as long as she is not born normally. There is a saying in the secular world. You may be reincarnated into her belly again. Even in the primitive abyss, there is such a thing. possible'

'Even if a poor man opens his eyes, he can still see that the soul of the fetus is indeed a human being, but'

The key point is this, Taoist Master Kongkong said with profound meaning: 'But, you are very smart, you can sense the existence of Pindao in the womb and can communicate with Pindao'

His tone was brisk, as if he was talking about an interesting past event, but his eyes were very deep: 'Pindao still remembers the first sentence you said at that time - you complained, 'You are so noisy, you woke me up.' '

Babies can instinctively communicate with people in the womb. They are confused and don't know where the noise comes from. They complain about the noise. It sounds so childish and innocent that people can't help but smile. But An Xuefeng and Bingyi heard it Taoist Master Kongkong said this, but his heart skipped a beat and he almost suffocated.

They all remember that when the red team talked about the past and said that they sensed the light group when they were dying, the first words the light group said were also the same!

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