Thriller Tour Group

825 Icelandic Horror (331) There will be another update soon...

Yu Xiangyang had indeed discussed with Taoist Ban Ming a long time ago how to sneak people across the sea without concealment. If the hotel had always been very strict in controlling the journey, the possibility of successful smuggling would be greatly reduced, and the gain would not be worth the loss. If the hotel's control is loosened, that's their opportunity.

Just like now, in front of all the animals in the snow cave, and in front of Taoist Master Kong Kong's unconcealed expectant gaze, the red-haired dragon-horned puppy raised its hind paws and scratched the fur on its body, and a small paper man came out.

An Xuefeng could tell at a glance that the workmanship of this paper man should be produced by Mao Xiaole. Just like Zhang Xingzang could take over the clay man puppet business with the title of Clay Man Zhang, Mao Xiaole could also be a substitute paper man for others. It's just that Mao Xiaole has an extreme temperament and is indifferent to outsiders. They are not short of money or connections when they return home. It would be difficult to hire Mao Xiaole to be a scapegoat based on money and friendship. He only does it for people he likes.

For example, Taoist Half-Life, Mao Xiaole has a good relationship with him. At first, because there was no tour guide in the team, and Captain An had been suffering most of the mental pollution of the team, he even asked Taoist Half-Life for advice on how to use zombies. To counteract some of the pollution, and then combined with his title ability, he developed this life-changing paper man that can be used by outsiders.

Normally, items such as puppets and paper surrogates are one-to-one, and only the corresponding owner can carry them. However, it is precisely because of the unique master-servant relationship between Taoist priests and zombies that Yu Xiangyang and Banming Taoist can bring each other's substitute paper figures, so that they can be like a joint guide, receiving spiritual support when the other is injured. Help share the harm during pollution.

But it is impossible to recruit a real person with just a stand-in paper man. There is another mechanism on this paper man. Yu Xiangyang raised his upper body, clamped the paper figure with his two front paws, and shook it three times as if greeting a puppy in the New Year. A golden word appeared faintly in the center of the paper figure.


'nice power'

Daoist Master Kong Kong, who was staring here without blinking, nodded, his tone unable to conceal his appreciation. Even An Xuefeng was a little surprised. He looked at Yu Xiangyang and saw him nodding slightly. The 'question' on this paper man is naturally a question from 'Tianwen', and Taoist Taoist Half Life is not here, which means that this paper man uses the power of Tianwen's original text!

The title Tianwen is extremely powerful. It is so powerful that Taoist priests who have lost half their lives over the years are unable to use the original sentence of Tianwen. On the rare occasions, they only say the word "Tianwen", and then use it Use the force you draw to ask your own questions. Although this has greater flexibility and freedom, the power of the rules it contains cannot be compared to the original sentence. And there is another disadvantage, that is, what he asked himself cannot be recorded on other carriers. It will only be effective if the Half-Life Taoist says it on the spot.

Only the original sentence of Tianwen can be written on other carriers, and it can still retain most of its original power. The half-life Taoist priest Sahara and his party have recovered half of their lives, and now it is the first time to use the original sentence of Tianwen in front of others! Bingyi also felt the power of the fire, and his interest suddenly increased. When Yu Xiangyang asked him to borrow a ball of fire, Bingyi generously gave it to him.

Then he saw Yu Xiangyang transform into a Han Demon, plucked a handful of red hair from his body, lit it with Bingyi's flame, and plumes of green smoke suddenly appeared. He baked the paper figurine with green smoke, and soon he saw the golden word 'Q' on the paper figurine melt and dissipate, and finally turned into two rows of small letters that shone with golden light.

[Yin and Yang triad, what is the origin and what is the transformation? 】

‘Yin and yang are three combinations, what is the origin and what is the transformation? ’

Bingyi thought about it in his mind, and then realized that he was not the only one who was thinking silently.

‘Yin and Yang are three combinations, what is the origin and what is the evolution? ’’

The person who spoke was none other than Taoist Master Kongkong. He praised the little paper man as soon as he started to change: "It's a very powerful title. It's so cleverly used. This man has a lot of ingenuity."

He thought that all this was planned by Yu Xiangyang, and that the person with the title of Chanting was the next generation of metaphysicians. It was rare for him to directly praise and comfort him: "The ranking is only temporary, it doesn't matter. It is a wise choice to lie dormant until new power grows up."


Ah, it seems that Taoist Master Kongkong has some misunderstanding, but Yu Xiangyang is fully controlling the paper man and has no time to be distracted. Bingyi didn't know the inside story and had no memory, so he was watching with excitement. An Xuefeng pondered and wanted to say something, but he still didn't say anything. Who knows that he is the brigade captain of this generation who brought Xuanxue to the top of the brigade? It is not easy for him to intervene in this matter. Xuanxue's own affairs must be solved by Xuanxue people. The phantom cat snorted coldly, waiting for a good show.

"Yin and Yang are three combinations, what is the origin and what is the transformation?"

These two rows of golden characters flashed several times, and then the paper man opened his mouth and began to recite it out loud. At first the chanting voice was dull and cold, but then it gradually gained popularity until it turned into a very clear and powerful male voice.

"Yin and yang are three combinations, what is the origin and what is the transformation--"

As soon as he finished speaking, the little paper figure actually stood up like a wheel, pointing one finger to the sky and the other to the ground, and said with a sound like a roar of thunder: "Yin and Yang are three combinations, what is the origin and what is the transformation?"

"Cen Qin is the foundation, paper is the basis!"

The first sentence is the original sentence of Tianwen, but the latter sentence is an answer to "Tianwen". The fusion of yin and yang gives birth to all things. The zombie drought demon is the most yin thing, while the fire of the Vulcan is the pure yang thing. It fits this sentence perfectly. Tian asked. The fusion of extreme yin and extreme yang on the paper figurine gives the paper figurine the power of 'birth'. If not for the last sentence, given time, this paper figurine might actually become a spirit.

But it is Taoist Half-Life's substitute paper man. Taoist Half-Life felt the existence of the paper man when Tianwen was activated. Using it as a medium, he only needs to add that this paper man is just evolved from him, and he is half-life. The Ming Taoist is the origin, and he can use this power to temporarily 'transfer' to the paper man!

In terms of difficulty, this is even more difficult than narrating the original text. An Xuefeng and others further felt the recovery and even improvement of Taoist Ban Ming's strength. Taoist Master Kongkong also looked forward to it more and more. After this sentence, this small piece of paper He was completely transformed into a thumb-shaped figure. He was wearing a Taoist robe. He was tall and thin, with straight shoulders and clear eyes. The corners of his lips curled up even when he was not smiling. His aura and demeanor were somewhat similar to Taoist Master Kongkong. He looks like a serious Taoist priest.

Taoist Master Kongkong's eyes fell on the sword box behind him. When he felt the familiar aura, his heart was filled with mixed feelings and it was difficult to calm down. He couldn't help but ask: 'You...inherited Chen Cheng's inheritance? ’

That is the power of Hanshan Sword, the power of the sword coming out of Hanshan. It is unmistakable. This little thumb is the heir of Chen Cheng.

'Huh? ’

Taoist Ban Ming knew that their summoning process was complicated, and Yu Xiangyang must have summoned him under relatively safe and non-urgent circumstances. Therefore, as soon as he arrived, he put on a somewhat fairy-like attitude. He stood on the hand of the red-haired monkey with a beautiful posture, showing an air of independence from the world. He glanced at the target big white cat and connected it to the lead wire.

But before he could talk to Bingyi, he heard someone in the thread asking in a gentle tone, and also mentioned Captain Chen. Taoist Ban Ming raised his eyes with something in his heart. When he saw Taoist Master Kongkong, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart. Taoist Ban Ming thought a lot in that moment. The old dream live broadcast has been blocked for a long time. With this feeling of pollution, I am afraid that the Taoist priest in front of me is a 'waking up' parent. But no one in the Icelandic brigade has a Taoist priest, unless this is an extremely rare situation. The spiritual mark imprinted on Iceland is not the corresponding parent, but the brigade captain of the brigade where the parent was.

Then everything is clear.

Taoist Ban Ming was very solemn and respectful, and asked with a hint of excitement: "Senior, I dare to ask, are you the captain with the strongest metaphysics, Captain Kongkong?" ’

This is the old captain that Captain Chen often told him before. He is the strongest figure in the legend of a generation! It is said that the two scriptures that tortured the half-life Taoist to death were passed down by this old captain! Wow, Taoist Half-Life really didn’t expect that he would be able to meet this strange man. He is truly worthy of Bingyi. Letting Yu Xiangyang squeeze into the competition was really the most correct decision made by Taoist Half-Life!

‘A poor Taoist is an empty Taoist priest’

The more Taoist Master Kongkong looks at Cen Qin, the more satisfied he becomes. He has inherited Chen Cheng's legacy and is a swordsman, which shows that his will will not be diverted by external objects. It looks like a Taoist zombie soul contract with Yu Xiangyang. Yu Xiangyang has just upgraded to Jian, which can withstand resistance. The Taoist priest's own resistance blood bar has also increased. In addition, he can also sing sutras. Where can I find such a good heir?

Thinking of this, Taoist Master Kongkong's tone became gentler: 'How old are you and what sutra are you singing? ’

He thought that this little man should not be too old. Such a talented and intelligent person would not let reality wear off his aura, and he would usually be dragged into the hotel early. Likewise, with this kind of talent, the purple title of "Singing Sutra" must have been used with great proficiency.

But before the scriptures were passed down, I could only sing some ordinary scriptures, such as the Taoist daily recitation of morning and evening lessons. But it doesn't matter. As long as he has talent and foundation, Taoist Master Kongkong is confident that he can pass on the Qingjing Sutra and Tao Te Ching even if he doesn't have much time.

'My boss is not young anymore, and it's time to go to the battlefield. What kind of sutra is he singing...'

Taoist Master Kongkong asked casually, but Taoist Banming answered like an elder. He answered very seriously: 'I sing Tianwen, and I know other Chu Ci to some extent. If the old captain wants to hear it -'

‘Wait, what are you singing about? ’

Taoist Master Kongkong interrupted him and asked again, his tone was quite kind. Taoist Ban Ming felt that something was wrong, but now that everyone was connected by a thread, he couldn't talk to Yu Xiangyang. He didn't know what was going on in his past relationship. replied again.

‘I sang about Tianwen, but I didn’t sing about sutras——’


Taoist Master Kongkong's face instantly turned as black as the bottom of a pot, and a bolt of thunder fell out of thin air, striking hard on the snow nest where they were hiding.


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