Thriller Tour Group

866 Icelandic Horror (359) Punish the Devourer severely...

The Devourer didn't come?

Hearing what An Xuefeng said, everyone present was stunned for a moment and looked around subconsciously, feeling surprised in their hearts.

Indeed, the Devourer did not come. Apart from him, the most powerful of the group of tour guides, the Mingximan and the Black Widow, were not present either. However, it was normal for the Life-seeking Man and the Black Widow not to come. The former was still practicing in the Inca Sun Gate, and everyone in the latter knew exactly what she was doing, and did not want to provoke the crazy female spider at this time.

But what about the Devourer?

Hiss, could it be said that he really had a hand in the competition? Just now, when the hotel was busy with Taoist Master Kongkong and Cen Qin having no time to control the competition, they completely revealed their true colors and had already single-handedly controlled the competition? Many people had ugly faces and frowned, and they couldn't wait any longer and disappeared back to their base. Some of them were eager to see the current situation of the competition, some were seriously injured, and some wanted to quickly add another person in charge, but they were not the same as the original ones. The news of the breakup of the body spread back to his own brigade. The addition of each person in charge means the division of power, so preparations must be made in advance.

But there are also many people who stay here, looking at Hei Cenqin and... the corpse, wanting to get a piece of the pie. Is there anyone who is happy with life? ? ? This is a good example, and everyone is envious of such a free agent. Even if they all have their own problems to a greater or lesser extent——? ? ? The pessimism is indeed a bit unlucky. The fact that the Ming people have been trapped in the Sun Gate for the past five years has left a lot of psychological shadow on people. As for a 'ruthless' boss like Hei Cenqin, the possibility of biting the boss may be higher - but this is the boss!

In other words, the person in charge of such a 'ruthless' slice should pay more attention to interests, and perhaps he can be hired with a heavy profit. However, just when some people's thoughts were wandering, An Xuefeng quickly asked Hei Cenqin who he wanted to follow.

[Of course it’s Director C]

Hei Cenqin said without hesitation, raised his chin, without any nostalgia for the distant metaphysics, and said in a cold tone: [Excess emotions will only make people weak, and they are all worthy of being abandoned. I have a ruthless Taoist heart, so naturally To pursue your destiny wholeheartedly]

Well, everyone was stunned after hearing this, and even the principals had mixed emotions. As expected of Cen Qin, this slice makes him more pure and loyal! However, in the past, Cen Qin had too deep feelings for metaphysics. Even if he did follow Bingyi, Bingyi would not necessarily reuse him. Now it's good, Hei Cenqin can even kill Taoist Master Kongkong, and no one will question his ruthlessness.

But this kind of break...has the smart person in charge looked at it thoughtfully? ? ? , it is also a coincidence that the astrologer and? ? ? Break up, then? ? ? After following the life-loving man, Black and White Cen Qin broke up, and then Cen Qin Slice wanted to go with Bing Yi. It just so happened that a pair of brother tour guides each had a boss who was not their own. It was really a coincidence...

Is it a coincidence?

But in any case, there is no hope for Hei Cenqin. The eyes of other people have fallen on... the corpse. The hotel has always recovered the corpses of tourists and tour guides, because those corpses are very valuable assets. , although the tourist guide is dead, his title and improved strength will not dissipate and will still be condensed in his body.

Just like the head of the Angel of Dawn, after devouring and fusing it, you can obtain a series of angelic titles.

However, only the hotel can do this kind of segmentation/extraction of the body. Even if other tourist guides get the body, they cannot extract the title. At most, they can only use the power escaping from the surface, such as the bones of the tour guide that Wang Pengpeng took back then.

But the principal is different. Those who can "legally" kill the principal in the hotel are basically the principal, or the tourist guide with a legitimate purpose. This is considered a battle at the level of hotel rules. After killing the principal, the other party's body remains in the hotel. It will not be recycled directly, but it will depend on the situation.

For example, when An Xuefeng killed the person in charge, he was avenging his own team members, and he had legitimate reasons. And after killing the other party, An Xuefeng said that he was just taking revenge, and took the initiative to let the hotel take back the power and resources of the person in charge, without taking any of it himself. Therefore, according to the comprehensive evaluation of the hotel, An Xuefeng's actions were reasonable and compliant, but revenge was not an attempt. Money kills life, so there is no punishment for him killing his principal.

And... he was ordered by the hotel to test Cen Qin, but he was killed by Wan Anpong. But now the captain of metaphysics was not punished by the hotel at all, and left so easily, which is really unusual. Some people speculated that it was because the person who completed the compulsory beheading mission in the hotel was a slice of Xuanxue Cenqin, so the hotel not only failed to hold Wan Anpong responsible, but also rewarded him with... his body?

After all, the hotel had made it clear that the reward would be generous, and the corpse of a principal plus all his resources would definitely be considered generous. If this is really the case, it would be really exciting. No matter how weak he is, he is still the person in charge who has been running the hotel for ten years! Even the principals were slightly tempted with twinkling eyes. They didn't look at the small treasury that was about to go bankrupt, but instead looked at the relationship network with the peripheral principals.

The Yamata no Orochi, Dragon Triangle and Mount Fuji god who came to help this time are really eye-catching!

[* * *,...the corpse hotel has not yet been revealed——]

Therefore, when seeing the body of * * * walking towards..., the person in charge couldn't help but say. Although everyone knew that the body was most likely to be awarded to Hei Cenqin, as long as the hotel did not report it thoroughly, anyone could pretend to be stupid in the face of such a huge benefit. However, before he could say anything else, a scene that left the principals stunned appeared——


* * * He kicked hard... without any force, causing... his body to sink inwards! Then he kicked him hard several times, as if he had a grudge, and the kicks made... his body made an explosion-like sound, until it completely exploded into pieces - "Boom!"

A loud explosion made people's hearts beat wildly. For a moment, no one understood why * * * was done. Only a few principals were thoughtful, frowning and staring at the slowly dispersing smoke. When they saw the smoke in the smoke, He took a sharp breath when he picked up something.

【This is? ! 】

What appeared in the center of the smoke was not the corpse of the principal who had been kicked to pieces, but a snow-colored corpse that looked very familiar. This turned out to be the body of the God of Mount Fuji! The wound that exploded was unusual, like a tear like a piece of paper. If you look closely, this Mount Fuji god was made into a shikigami at some point. Li Daimomo was replaced... Go to hell!

But the real thing... Wang Pengpai cursed bad luck on his way back, but looked a little confused. In the melee just now, they were the ones who seriously injured and captured the God of Mount Fuji. Because of the strange pollution on his body, they did not kill him. I am preparing to take it back for study! Under An Xuefeng's gaze, Mao Xiaole took out a gloomy wooden statue with a gloomy face, which contained the soul of the God of Mount Fuji. He stabbed the wooden sculpture hard with his sword, and then threw it to the ground. He heard a scream, and the statue carved from gloomy wood bled from its seven orifices, and then fell apart. Then a tall, thin figure with a light color and illusory color floated out from inside, with a face full of unwillingness. If you look closely, it is...!

Everyone present was speechless for a moment, and they didn't know how to express the complicated and intense emotions in their hearts. ···When did you use shikigami to replace yourself? How did you pretend to be a mountain god? Why didn't even their principal realize that the... body in front of them was fake? No, the most important thing is why the hotel didn’t even notice it? !

···Have you found any way to deceive the hotel’s perception? !

The place went dark, and the people in charge, who suddenly realized the importance of this matter, simply drove all the other tourist guides in the place back. You know... if a way to block the hotel is really found, then this will be an earth-shattering event! The principals cleared the place, and soon only the principal and the two brigades of the Return and Mysticism were left in the venue. The person in charge was about to ask something, but suddenly fell silent. Everyone felt an invisible pressure coming from above their heads, as if countless pairs of scarlet giant eyes opened and stared at them.

This was the hotel's 'attention'. Obviously, the hotel also noticed that something was wrong. As soon as the hotel noticed it, it kicked out all the other passengers, leaving only the principals in the room. If the person in charge felt only the confinement of rules and mental oppression, then... the experience at this moment was undoubtedly terrifying. His body suddenly twisted, as if he had been captured and twisted for study by some being. His body ached. He was shaking violently, his mouth was wide open but he could make any sound, and his body twitching and convulsing under the dark robe made everyone in charge feel chilly, but they also knew why the hotel was 'angry'.

If * * * hadn't pointed out that... there was something wrong with the 'corpse', and the hotel had judged... There are peripheral managers who support him.

If something like this really happened, the hotel's rules would be trampled, and the owners who failed to discover the problem would all be punished, and those who 'let go'... would be even more likely to be severely punished by the hotel on their way back.

So * * * Once we find a problem, we will definitely expose it...

But maybe... he thought that * * * and An Xuefeng would be greedy, and would help him put on a show to help him leave the hotel in order to get a way to deceive the hotel from him. Among the many brigades present, only Huitou is the strongest and most likely to help him achieve his goal, and Hei Cenqin, who is likely to be rewarded with a '...corpse' by the hotel, is also from the side of Guitou (tour guide).'s not wrong that the choice falls into Wang Pengpai's hands.

The problem is that * * * reported him directly without hesitation! ···No matter what, I can’t figure out why! If He were to die, He would never die in peace!

[It’s pollution from the mountain god]

Just when...the body was being distorted and studied by the hotel, *** opened his mouth and said: [What blinds the hotel's perception is the pollution of the mountain god]

Being able to deceive the hotel's perception means that it is outside the scope of the hotel's rules. In other words, the pollution of the mountain god is probably similar to the pollution of the abyss, the journey to the 30th degree north latitude, and the battlefield! It's just that it hasn't reached a large scale yet, and it's not serious enough to be listed as a key observation target by the hotel. If it hadn't been for... this magical move to get the golden cicada out of its shell, I'm afraid it would have been hidden from the hotel for even longer.

【···Can't die, he needs to find the escaped Dragon Triangle. The pollution on Long Sanjia’s body is also essentially related to the pollution of the mountain god]

* * * In a word,... I finally no longer have to be punished and tortured by the hotel. At this moment, his body was twisted into a human shape. He fell to the ground and was lingering. His head was weak and painful and pressed against the ground, but his fingers were tightened, unable to hide his unwillingness and hatred for failing to succeed. * * * He glanced at it and said nonchalantly: [The competition is... responsible for hosting, and all compensation matters should continue to be handled by him. Also, because the hotel's previous control of the competition suddenly transferred to the light path, The second phase of the scenic spot mission that was supposed to be more difficult was not released as planned——]


A burst of grand music sounded, and the words in the hotel sounded like ensemble music to the ears of the hosts. This was the most real sound of the hotel. Those mechanical sounds have been processed and do not contain too much pollution. Even the music in the hotel did not sound when Taoist Master Kongkong came up. But now, facing the new generation pollution system that is suspected to be similar to the abyss, battlefield, 30 degrees north latitude and other polluted places, the hotel has become completely serious.

The meaning of the music in the hotel is that the hosts no longer need to pay attention to the competition. This is not the most important thing at the moment. The most important thing is to recapture the Dragon Triangle and explore the current situation and source of the mountain god pollution that is rampant in reality, etc.——

Now the hotel's attention is not on the competition at all.

* * *Thinking about it, it’s good that Bingyi and the others plan to use Kong Kong Daochang to disturb the hotel, but how long can Kong Kong Daochang survive? He won't be able to last until the end of the match, so once the problem of Kong Kong Dao Zhang is resolved, the hotel's attention will return to the match. It's good now. The hotel is nervous to pay attention to the pollution of the mountain god, and the debts of various problems have returned to... everyone is happy. As for Li Bingyi's side in the confrontation, the hotel must have also punished him. After all, the knife marks on Kongkong Daoist Priest's body were clear evidence.

It's just that punishment in hotels has always been based on strength. When the entire tour guide group is punished, they are also punished in order of strength -

The incident in the Light Road was such a big deal this time, why didn't the Devourer come?

After An Xuefeng led everyone back to the hall where the jury was located, while everyone was still chattering about... and the mountain god pollution, An Xuefeng had already turned on his mobile phone and watched the live broadcast. I saw that the live broadcast of the competition had resumed, and the most thrilling scene was that of thunder chasing A2 and slashing hard. I saw that A2 was badly beaten, and the undead parrot on his shoulder turned into a slime at some point. However, the slime was also struck in an extremely embarrassing manner. After all, this was not Thor's lightning, but the hotel's furious punishment——

Severely punish the S1 Devourer who sneaked into the competition but failed to take the lead!

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