Thriller Tour Group

869 Nutrient Solution 292 The Death of the Founding Giant Ymir

The cow's milk played a very important role in the fact that the Founding Titan Ymir was able to fully revive so quickly! He didn't just drink milk, he also used milk to glue his body together, promote the growth of limbs, and poured it on the skin to dissolve Odin's seal... and so on, so that his body, wounds, flesh and blood, and even the surface of the ice cubes all contained milk.

There were also parasitic spores.

The temperature of the Founding Titan Ymir was too low, which inhibited the growth of contaminating parasites, so there was no problem at present. However, once this parasite encounters Bingyi's blood, it will grow wildly, completely unaffected by any natural conditions! Even blood that has been diluted countless times still has a strong catalytic effect on parasites!

In other words, as long as someone pours Bingyi's blood on the Founding Titan, his body that has just been pieced together and grown will be torn apart again.

Tap, tap, tap——

The group walked quickly along the cracks in the rock toward the deepest part of the earth, stepping on the basalt frozen by ice. The footsteps were as small as a cat moving. However, the cracks were too deep and empty. The footsteps echoed in the deepest part of the ground, seeming extremely distant, swinging out and swinging back to the ears again, as if someone was quietly walking with them in the depths of the rock wall, which made people feel cold in their hearts.

However, there was no coward among the group. They were not affected by the footsteps at all, and their speed increased a bit. The leader was Tang Xiang, who was carrying a bag of milk with a calm expression, as if he was going to deliver milk to the ancestor giant Ymir. In fact, his empty hands in his pockets tightly grasped the reduced tortoise shell, and he could always throw out the strongest defensive tortoise shell to protect himself and the people behind him.

Behind him was Yiwu, who also had a calm expression. He also carried a bucket. The difference was that this bucket was not filled with milk, but a bucket full of diluted blood of Bingyi. Even if it was diluted more, Bingyi's blood still showed a strange color, mixed with blue, purple and dark red. To put it in a perverted way, Yiwu himself wanted to drink a sip of this blood. The silverfish ball on his shoulder pretended to be unstable several times and wanted to fall directly into the bucket to drink blood, but was caught by Yiwu in time.

Bingyi's blood must be special, but Yiwu dared not take any of it. In front of him was the extremely alert Tang Xiang, and behind him was Yier, who was staring at him with a face full of bitterness and hatred. If he was found to dare to take blood, Yier would tear him alive.

Yier stood at the end of the team, with an extremely gloomy aura around him and a frighteningly ugly face. Bingyi released half a bucket of blood in front of him, and looking at Bingyi's paler face, Yier was really abused. He blamed himself for not being strong enough to kill Ymir directly, otherwise his elder brother would not have to release so much blood to activate the parasite. Especially Bingyi actually lent him the Spear of Odin and gave him the power of the God of Wisdom!

In the myth, Ymir was killed by Odin. When the time comes, Otsuji will hold the Spear of Odin and be able to flexibly use the power of the God of Wisdom to trigger or unlock the magic seal left by Odin in the center of the earth. He will definitely be able to give a fatal blow to the ancestor giant Ymir who was stretched to the point of cracking by the parasite.

It can be said that the most important blow was given to Otsuji by Bingyi. What a trust it is, which made Otsuji's heart burn with war. He wanted to fight Ymir to the death immediately and repay his elder brother's trust and dedication with his life! When he is young and has not been properly taught by his parents, his personality is prone to extremes. At this moment, Otsuji's expression is very extreme. Anyone who sees him thinks that this kid wants to kill someone.

Therefore, he was ranked last, and the tallest Tang Xiang and Otsuji, who is slightly shorter but has excellent expression management, completely blocked him, so that he would not be seen by the ancestor of the giant Ymir and all his efforts would be wasted.


Walking quickly through this long, seemingly endless rock crack, the three of them moved forward along the narrow road that sloped downward. As the ice layer became thicker and thicker, more and more rubble was broken by the violent earthquake. From time to time, they could see the terrifying cracks in the rock wall caused by the chain pulled by the ancestor giant Ymir. Finally, with the sudden increase in the sound of the wind and the wind mixed with ice chips, the crack finally came to an end! Passing through the crack, there was an ice tongue sticking out of the rock wall in front of them, and further ahead was a huge ice cave that was extremely deep and could not see the bottom.

This is the deepest hole in the earth's core, which is so large that it can be used to seal the ancestor giant Ymir. Only when you get here can you see how tall the ancestor giant Ymir is. From the outside, his head and half of his upper body have already struggled out of the crater, but from the deepest ice tongue in the earth's core that people can reach, the ice tongue is just at Ymir's waist!

Standing on the ice tongue, one cannot see the whole picture of this terrible giant. Even a piece of ice that falls from his body is taller than a person. His upper body is as long as the height of the entire Snæfell volcano plus the depth of the underground leading to the center of the earth. Looking down from the suspended ice tongue, there is an ice wall standing in the bottomless depths like a cliff. That is Ymir's legs.

The legs of the ancestor of the giants Ymir stepped on the depths of the Kinlunga Chasm, stepping the primordial abyss to the deepest part of the universe. It can be said that once he is completely freed, the primordial abyss will also emerge from the deepest part of the universe to the door of the human world! With the roar and struggle of the ancestor giant Ymir, the whole volcano was rumbling and shaking, as if the world was about to be destroyed and collapsed, but this seemingly shaky ice tongue was very stable and was not affected by Ymir's power. Because this is the road that has been used to transport milk from the big cow. At the waist of Ymir, where the ice tongue goes straight, a wide and terrifying crack like a canyon can be clearly seen on the ice wall as wide as a city wall.

Ymir's forcibly pieced body has not yet been completely closed. The ice walls on both sides of the crack are extending at a speed visible to the naked eye, like intertwined ice cones trying to grow up and down, but every time they extend to a certain extent, there will be a magical light. It flashed past, cutting off the growing ice like a knife. This is Odin's magical seal that prevents Ymir's remaining body from truly closing up.

This epic scene made Yi Wu feel amazed and sighing in his heart. As his horizons broadened, his ambition also grew rapidly. But before he could feel any emotion in his heart and make any vow to become stronger, Yi Wu felt a strong wind blowing behind him, and the colorful The butterfly wings stretched and fluttered in front of his eyes, blocking Yiwu's sight. The sweet smell that came with the wind poisoned his face and turned blue, but no matter how violent the poison was, it could not suppress Yiwu's collapsed mood at this moment -

Why did Ouji rush out like that? ! He hasn't spilled any blood yet! Damn it, Ouji, I’m afraid that people will disrupt the rhythm! Yi Wu cursed Yi Er in his heart, but could only rush forward immediately following him. When Ouji stabbed the gap in Ymir's waist with his own sword (fortunately, this kid was not crazy enough to use Odin's Spear directly!), traces of the power of the God of Wisdom flashed on his wrist, and Odin's seal The force was temporarily released, and the sharp knife that was no longer affected immediately stabbed Ymir's body fiercely. The ice around the knife mark collapsed, densely packed like a spider web. Tang Xiang and Yiwu, who were following him, poured milk and Bingyi's blood into the crack. The three people's movements were orderly, as if they were deliberately cooperating like this!

After splashing the blood, Tang Xiang immediately enlarged his turtle shell and pulled Yi Er back, firmly blocking them in front of the three of them (Yi Wu hid behind Tang Xiang after splashing the blood). Tang Xiang's movements were fast enough, but he still almost failed to block the large amount of parasitic bacteria that suddenly bulged out! The contact between Bingyi's blood and the newly poured milk immediately awakened the parasitic spores in the milk, causing them to grow crazily at an extremely fast speed. The blood-catalyzed parasitic bacteria are not just short, soft blankets. Each of them can grow into a giant mushroom tree several meters high!

The parasitic fungus spores that grew first continued to spread with B-1's blood. As the various ice layers containing milk in Ymir's body penetrated and extended, a large number of parasitic fungi suddenly grew like a swollen dry sponge, as fast as B-1. Wudu couldn't maintain the calmness on his face, and rarely showed a dumbfounded expression.

I saw that the huge crack in the door of Ymir's waist was quickly filled by densely packed mushroom trees, making the crack deeper and deeper, and getting bigger and bigger, almost cutting Ymir in half like thousands of years of ice. Piles of parasitic bacteria are growing vigorously under the dark blue 'skin'. The caps that spread out like umbrellas crack his skin one by one, and grow out from the ice blue skin, like a rapidly spreading... The flora makes the ancestor giant Ymir look like a moldy ice cube.

The ice is covered with parasitic bacteria, and the ice is covered with parasitic bacteria. This scene looks so terrifying that it makes people lose consciousness, but Ymir does not feel the crisis very much. He first felt the power of Odin's seal weaken in ecstasy, and then felt the new milk replenishing the largest remaining gap in his body. A complete resurrection was right in front of him! Then Ymir felt the parasitic bacteria growing rapidly in his body - no, what Ymir felt was the power of the Jin Lunga Gap, because the parasitic bacteria came from the primitive abyss!

All of this only made Him feel that he was about to be completely resurrected and would soon be out of trouble! As for the small things that grew on the surface of his body with the spreading power of the primitive abyss - when the giant got bigger, there would always be something growing on his body. Ymir didn't care at all. He roared and roared more and more excitedly, pulling it apart. The chains creaked. Without Odin's seal, the chains couldn't stop him at all. The chains were pulled out from the depths of the volcano by him, like twisted dragons waving in the air. An unlucky angel was accidentally cut and turned into flesh. Neither the gods nor the archangel could withstand Ymir's huge power head-on, so they could only dodge in confusion.

"Ha ha ha ha--!!"

The ancestor of the giants, Ymir, laughed heartily. He felt that all the anger and resentment that had been sealed for countless years was swept away. It was almost, it was almost. His huge hands supported both sides of the Snaefell volcano and pressed it down. The glacier burst and the earth collapsed. Ymir pulled himself out with all his strength. His body was too huge. It was very difficult to completely walk out from the depths of the earth. But Ymir had the most terrifying power in the universe. As long as Hearing a roar, He exerted force and pulled himself up. His lower body, which had been stuck in a quagmire, suddenly became lighter and seemed particularly relaxed.

Coming out, He is finally coming out! His giant ancestor Ymir is finally returning to Northern Europe and this world! The so-called angel invasion is just a rabble, and when He comes out, he will kill all the angels!

Ymir was so excited that he wanted to roar, but the next second, he was so excited that his expression froze on that extremely huge ice blue face.


Ymir suddenly let out a deafening roar of anger. Where did his legs go? Why can't He feel his lower body? ! The light feeling all over his body just now was not because He pulled his legs out of the abyss, but because He completely disconnected his upper body from the waist down, and raised only his upper body with his hands on the ground!

The crack in the door on his waist was actually propped up by a parasitic fungus tree, which completely penetrated his entire body, causing Ymir to split in half! His upper body emerged from a volcanic crater that was torn to pieces, but his lower body was broken under the center of the earth, firmly stepping on the Jinlunga Gap. How is this going? ! What are these mushrooms!

Ymir was frightened and furious. She was frightened for the second time after Odin killed him so long ago, but it was already too late. At the same time, Odin's seal was once again activated by Yi Er's power to control the wisdom and authority. Countless huge chains wrapped around Ymir's body. At this time, the ancestor giant could no longer use his huge strength to struggle to get rid of the chains. Large swaths of Parasitic bacteria grew from everywhere in his huge body, causing his body to fall apart again.

The final blow to the ancestor giant Ymir was a silver light——


Amidst the sound of the air being torn apart, a bit of silver light suddenly appeared, like lightning or a meteor, penetrating through Ymir's broken waist, all the way up until it penetrated through Ymir's head, and then threw a silver ray. The light drew an arc in the dark night, and then came back to pierce Ymir's heart! The huge eyes of the ancestor giant slowly lost their luster in unwillingness and anger. A very exquisite silver spear pierced Ymir's heart. It was the spear of Odin, the spear of eternity!

But Odin had no time to take back his spear, because at this moment, he and his two sons (Thunder God, War God) were also facing the crisis of death!

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