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871 Icelandic Horror (363) Death of the God of War



The shouts one after another swept across the earth like a tsunami. They were the roars of the Frost Giant Legion. Begelmir, the grandson of the ancestor giant who was fighting with the Fallen Angel Legion, was so angry that he broke the ice pick in his hand and threw it at Cingyi, but the angle was different. A little crooked, a huge ice cone whizzed past Bingyi like an ice peak rising from the ground. The huge wind pressure caused Bingyi's long hair to fly, and the feathers of his angel wings were tilted to one side.

But he didn't say much, just raised his eyebrows and smiled. It was meaningless to say anything at this time. Just like Thor and Odin, they were not like the God of War who asked in despair, nor were they like the Frost Giants who roared angrily. When Bingyi smiled and acquiesced to everything, Thor and Odin, who were originally caught in the counterattack of the Fallen Archangel, unexpectedly suddenly suddenly Apply force.


Thunder filled the sky, and Thor's powerful sweep of Thor's hammer caused thousands of thunder and lightning. The majestic power of thunder and lightning instantly shook away the angel army led by Gabriel Maria that besieged him. Two ravens crowed on Odin's shoulders and flew up to bring him an eagle helmet and golden armor. The power of time, prophecy, kingship, healing, magic, war and other powers were like rainbow light flowing around Odin, surrounding him. Firaguel and the other fallen angel archangels felt as if time had slowed down a beat, and Odin teleported from in front of them to behind them in the blink of an eye.

Obviously they still retained their strength when they fought against the Angel Legion before, but now facing Loki who had surrendered to the enemy and the initiator of all the destruction, the two most powerful gods in Northern Europe did not hesitate to use their full strength. It's exactly the same, that is to kill Bingyi quickly!

"Kill! Kill! Kill—!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill——!!"

The frost giants roared and roared, and their deafening shouts of killing resounded throughout the world, making the air boil with murderous intent. The King of the Nordic Gods, the most powerful God of Thunder in Northern Europe, the most famous God of War in Northern Europe, the powerful army of frost giants in Northern Europe - Rare is another rare person. Every camp in the entire mythological system is extremely hostile to one person, full of murderous intentions, and Bingyi provokes him. To the hostility and rejection of the entire Nordic mythology system!


An invisible humming sound sounded, and the world changed in Bingyi's perception in an instant. The cold air was avoiding his breath, trying to suffocate him, and the cold wind was cutting his skin and flesh, trying to cut him into pieces. Skeleton, all his strength was suppressed, the sky seemed like more than a hundred mountains pressing heavily on his shoulders and back, the pressed bones made an overwhelming clicking sound, and a terrifying suction force came from the earth, even if Bingyi was flying in mid-air. It felt as if his legs were stuck in a quagmire, which was so crushed that they were almost deformed.

This is the rejection and hostility of the entire mythological system. The attitude of all creatures in this mythological system will turn hostile towards you. This almost stagnant terrifying air pressure even affected the surrounding war zone. Even Gabriel, who had not yet fallen, looked at Bingyi in surprise. In the past, their faith had invaded Northern Europe countless times, but there had never been any archangel, bishop, or The Holy Son; or Satan, fallen angels, and demons can be excluded from Nordic mythology to this point.

Because the invasion, assimilation and even destruction of mythological beliefs are a part of natural development, and the rules do not favor any party. If the Norse gods really hated whoever they collectively hated and allowed mythology to crush and expel their enemies, then Michael would have died thousands of times. .

But Bingyi is not an aborigine! After he was selected into the hotel, he bore the mark of the hotel and no longer belonged to the original nature. What he is planning and doing now has the tendency to destroy the entire Twilight of the Gods and the journey of this Norse mythology. . Ruining a trip is extremely difficult. Even on the bright side of the hotel, it is impossible for tourists/tour guides to do so. Without the protection of the hotel, facing overwhelming hostility and pressure from an entire pantheon of gods, no matter how strong a person was before, It is very likely that he will die from fear to the point of splitting his liver and gallbladder, because he is facing the hatred and attack of the 'world'!

However, Bingyi was laughing. He didn't feel fear, he only felt excited that his scalp was numb and his soul was trembling. Some people will run away when faced with danger, some will freeze when faced with danger, and some will fight fiercely when faced with danger. Bingyi feels that he does not belong to any of them. His pursuit of the front line of life and death is almost crazy. The serious illness trapped his body and took away his negative emotions, making him love the terrifying and dangerous feeling of walking on the tip of a knife, with bottomless abyss on both sides and void in all directions.

Against the strong pressure of space, Bingyi opened his arms in enjoyment at the sound of bones creaking, and a sickly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The one who attacked from in front of him and wanted to smash him into a pulp was the strongest thunder god in Northern Europe. The person who attacked from behind and wanted to take his life was Odin, the king of gods. He was right next to Odin, ready to hit him anytime. It was Tyr, the god of war, and Bingyi was oppressed by the world of the Nordic gods like a fish on a board, unable to move or dodge at all.

The world wants to kill him, but Bingyi is also plotting their lives! The first thing to look forward to is the timing when all the attention of Odin, God of Thunder and God of War is drawn to him!


The deafening bark of the three-headed dog Wangcai completely kicked off the slaying of the God. The vicious dog that became as huge as a mountain jumped up and bit the God of War fiercely. At the same time, An Xuefeng used the string of the yew bow to strangle it with his backhand. After cutting off the head of the stone sculpture of the dark elf Alvis, the glacier goddess of silence screamed for a moment, and little bits of silver light turned into the figure of Slud, the daughter of the God of Thunder, who was in pain.

However, as soon as she appeared, Yin Qiaoqiao, who had been waiting for a long time, had a cursed black line piercing her heart and spreading into her blood vessels. Slude knelt on the ground in pain with tears on her face. At the same time, in the sky, Thor, who was about to smash Bingyi's head with a hammer, shook his body. His face was twisted with unwillingness and he roared and grabbed his chest. Thor's hammer still fell on Bingyi's head. However, with this pause, he could no longer hit Bingyi's head——

The corn shoots were like a giant snake of destruction. Its huge body was still coiled on the ground, and its raised upper body reached the sky. Hundreds of tender yellow tentacles crisscrossed in the dark sky, like a densely woven net and blooming chrysanthemums, firmly protecting Bingyi.

"Boom!!" Thor's hammer crashed down and attracted countless lightning, but it was completely absorbed by the hundreds of tentacles and huge body of the corn shoots, and more tentacles tightly wrapped around Thor. The corn shoots were very dissatisfied with Thor's attack on his father, and opened their bloody mouths full of sharp teeth. The poisonous mist of the corn snake Jörmungandr mixed with the poisonous dragon Nidhogg was sprayed all over Thor's body and face, making Thor's face pale. Fate destined Thor to be poisoned to death by Jörmungandr's poison, making it difficult for Thor to resist Jörmungandr's poison. The arrangement of fate also brought life-threatening danger to Odin. The pitch-black giant wolf roared and pounced on him, but Fenrir wolf was still in the wilderness battlefield. It was the wolf-like werewolf Walker who killed Odin. After all, it was not the real magic wolf Fenrir, and it could not tear Odin apart and swallow him in one bite. The real danger was not the werewolf Walker. As the giant wolf bit Odin's arm tightly to control his movements, a very hot sword quietly stabbed Odin's heart from behind. The extremely high temperature even melted Odin's golden armor. Is this fire? The fire controlled by Loki? Or the sun? No, this feeling - [Loki! Surtur's flaming sword is in your hands? ! ] The flaming sword that burned the nine worlds actually fell into Bingyi's hands! What does he want to do? Is he going to be the destroyer of the Nordic countries? The power of the prophecy flowed in Odin's one eye. He saw it, he saw it. The God King caught the future of the Norse mythology destroyed by Bingyi for a moment. At this moment, Odin's anger reached the extreme. Odin roared like a lion in his chest, and the next moment, the white healing power instantly healed the scars on his body that were burned by the fire. Odin, whose momentum returned to the peak, tore the golden armor burned by the fire with his powerful hands, and the hot and sharp golden pieces scattered in all directions, and the werewolf Walker who was biting his body tightly and the corn shoots protecting Bingyi were almost shot into sieves.

The golden armor fragments that shot like bullets did not make the fierce werewolf Walker let go, but the majestic and terrifying power that spread with the explosion of the golden armor forced its wolf hair to stand up, its pupils to shrink, and its wolf fangs to tighten its scarlet gums. In the end, it was unwilling to be oppressed and let go. Bing behind Odin saw clearly that the golden light was the royal power held by Odin. The royal power conquered everything and the royal power commanded everything. Odin was putting pressure on the werewolf Walker with his identity as the king of gods and the whole of Northern Europe.

The golden light of the kingship illuminated the dark sky and shot towards all things in the world. The singing fallen angels suddenly fell silent. Wangcai, the three-headed dog biting the head of the God of War, let out a low roar, and the flames of the underworld were suppressed to the extreme. The black bloodline of the cursed Thor became faint from solid, causing the nearly exhausted Thor to roar and swing Thor's hammer again. The tentacles of the corn shoots that were about to pierce Thor's heart suddenly withered, and the worm face was hit by a hammer.

While the power of C1 was weakening, the strength of Thor, the God of War, and even the frost giants suddenly increased after connecting to the golden light of the kingship, and immediately launched a counterattack against the passengers. In the blink of an eye, Wangcai's left head was almost chopped off by the War God's Blade Dance. Yu Xiangyang blocked the War God's Blade for Wangcai in time but was injured internally, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. A2 cursed inwardly and looked ugly. As if it was bad luck, the huge anchor in his hand that attacked the War God's back suddenly became so heavy that he couldn't lift it. The thick-skinned corn shoots were burned black and shattered by the electric shock. He tried to control the Thunder God again but the tentacles were entangled and knotted. An Xuefeng's purple fir longbow, which was aimed at the Thunder God and shot arrows from time to time to interfere with him, suddenly cracked, and the broken bowstring bounced up like a sharp blade and almost cut off his fingers holding the bow.

The angels and fallen angels in the sky were like pencil marks erased by an eraser, and the golden light of the kingship wiped out from the sky. The holy light of Danlin Yuntianhe and other passengers was weak and vomited blood. Lisa, A5, B3 and other demons and fallen angels were suppressed by a 10,000-ton gravity. The fallen angels could not flap their wings and fell to the ground one by one like rain, and were torn to pieces by the frost giants on the ground with wild laughter.

The situation changed instantly. Odin, as the king of gods and the king of the world, truly demonstrated his terrible ruling power. All the enemies of the Nordic countries were rejected by the world, and good luck turned into bad luck; and the combat power of all the creatures in the Nordic mythology increased greatly, and bad luck turned into good luck. In the chaos, only the little owl in B3's arms was still struggling to sing. The slime on A2's shoulder turned its body and looked in the direction of Bingyi. The outline of the phantom cat appeared faintly on Bingyi's shoulder. The murderous intention of the world was directed at Bingyi. The situation seemed to have reached the most difficult moment, but Bingyi still had a smile on his lips and a deep look in his eyes.

An Xuefeng looked up at the sky. Bing Yi's thoughts at the moment were exactly the same as his. The God King Odin was the most difficult to kill. He could combine many forces in the entire Norse mythology into a whole. If you want to destroy this combination, you can only start from the origin of the Norse world. Bing Yi had already calculated all this in his mind.

Odin's royal power can connect and bring together the Nordic world, but he is not the foundation and source of the Nordic mythological world.

The foundation of the world of Nordic mythology is, first, the World Tree. All nine worlds are built on the World Tree. The second is Ymir, the ancestor of the giants. Odin used his body to shape the world after killing him.

Therefore, if you want to kill Odin and destroy the journey of Nordic mythology, you must first destroy the World Tree and kill Ymir, the ancestor of the giants——

【Boom! ! 】

A loud roar suddenly appeared in everyone's heart. At this moment, the world seemed to be shaken. Odin's dazzling golden light of royal power was dimmed a little. Bingyi's eyes narrowed slightly in comfort, and the smile on his lips became more and more joyful, through the dark clouds. In the sky, he seemed to see the World Tree supporting the nine worlds. Nidhogg's dragon soul was released from the root B1 of the World Tree, releasing tens of millions of undead. Who said the soul has no weight? Under the water of Nidhogg's poison, and the squeeze of the dragon soul and the undead, the World Tree, which had been corroded to the point of crumbling, collapsed, causing the nine worlds to shake at the same time!


The moment the nine worlds shook, an extremely harsh and sharp chirping sound came from the deepest part of Snæfells Volcano. Yi Er lived up to C Yi's high hopes and killed the ancestor giant Ymir! Not only that, the huge corpse of the ancestor giant Ymir was still being crazily devoured by parasitic bacteria, and the core supporting the Nordic mythological world died again. At that moment, Bergmir, the grandson of the ancestor giant, howled in despair and fell to the ground. The frost giant army was in complete chaos as the angels killed them fiercely. The angel army, which had seized the opportunity, counterattacked and massacred them.

The Nordic world was shaking more and more violently, and even double images appeared faintly in the space. Odin's face turned extremely ugly, and the golden royal authority suddenly dimmed and was weakened to the extreme. The turmoil in the Nordic world affected more than just him. He heard a roar, and the God of War Tyr, who was originally powerful enough to deal with A2, Heydrich, Yu Xiangyang, and Wangcai without losing, vomited blood, and his divine body was destroyed by the three. While everyone worked together to completely restrain him, Wangcai opened his bloody mouth and bit the God of War in half!

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