Thriller Tour Group

889 Saving George Plan (9) There will be another update soon...


There was lightning and thunder, and the rain was pouring. The rain was filled with a strong smell of blood, pouring on the dark and thick fur of the werewolf Walker, sliding down the tips of the black and shiny fur. The rain of blood brought by the fall of God was covered in the majestic rain of blood from the walls of Babylon to the Hanging Gardens and then to the Tower of Babel. The entire journey of 30 degrees north latitude was covered in the majestic rain of blood.

The continuous rain of blood shows that the Babylonian gods are dying one after another. And this blood rain also contains lifeless divine power. Passengers who cannot bear it will twist and go crazy in the blood rain until they melt into a puddle of flesh. The skin (fur) of a strong man who can withstand the rain of blood will become stronger after being tempered by the divine blood after suffering.

Werewolf Walker is the latter. The rain of divine blood soaked into his thick fur, and the strong smell of blood made him feel comfortable. The wolf in his soul howled excitedly in the blood of death. The already belligerent werewolves can be aroused to be more wild in the blood rain and exert more powerful fighting power. The only thing to be careful about is not to be immersed in the bloody battle and to maintain the last trace of sanity.

Werewolf Walker has always been able to maintain his sanity while stimulating the greatest wildness. Otherwise, he would have died in madness, and he would not have become a werewolf mercenary captain step by step, and became the peak traveler tearer Walker. But this time, Werewolf Walker was rarely immersed in the hot fighting spirit. He briefly put aside his reason and let the passionate desire to fight temporarily cover up those unbearable memories. Werewolf Walker wants to kill with abandon.


One second before it rushed into the Tower of Babel, it was thinking about quickly meeting up with Director C, seizing the C position, and fighting side by side - Werewolf Walker always felt that his performance was average when killing the God of Iceland.

But he regained his memory the second after entering the Tower of Babel. He recalled all kinds of things, and the suffocating feeling at that time. Werewolf Walker could remember it for a lifetime.

Shit, shit.

Whoever allows the werewolf's power will make his emotional wildness overwhelm his rationality, so that his emotions will become more intense and vivid, and the embarrassment and suffocation brought to him by those recovered memories will be more terrifying. Even if the top travelers have amazing willpower, if they are distracted for a moment, these fragments of memories will reverberate in Werewolf Walker's mind. This feeling is like eating pizza and suddenly discovering that the filling is mixed with canned herring, as if he is in high spirits. When the team went to smash the window of the neighbor's house, the younger brother yelled, "Boss, you have a hole in the butt of your pants." Its wolf face twisted together unconsciously.



Dispelling his memory, the huge black wolf looked up to the sky and roared in the rain of blood, forcing his thoughts to fall on the present, enjoying the freedom and happiness of being a lone wolf. He was the first to leave the battlefield in the sky garden where the black widow was being killed, and ran Towards the Tower of Babel. To be honest, if the hotel had not issued a beheading mission to kill the Black Widow, which restricted their movements, the werewolf Walker wanted to lose face and refused to sneak away to Babylon City like Danlin B1 and other children, so he could only fish in the hanging garden. support.

Fortunately, the Tower of Babel appeared, and the hotel issued a branch mission. Going to the tower was not considered a violation of the order. Werewolf Walker immediately left all the familiar faces that could trigger his memories and ran towards this place. There were some voices in the distance behind him, like someone. Others are coming. However, the werewolf Walker didn't want to go with anyone. The huge black wolf jumped up and flashed into the first floor of the Tower of Babel like a dark black shadow.

Soon after it, several more people arrived one after another, and broke into the Tower of Babel in the rain of blood. At this time, Werewolf Walker was incredibly fast and had already reached the third-floor high platform. But this is not only a matter of its high speed, but also because every level of the high platform has been swept away extremely clean, without any resources or gods. It is as if it has been burned by fire.

The big black wolf immediately became vigilant, which meant that someone got there first. Who could it be? It raised its ears and sniffed carefully. When it turns into a complete wolf state, Werewolf Walker can smell all the beings around him that are more powerful than him. Even the Silver Moon Killer who is very good at hiding can be smelled by him, but this time Werewolf Walker Nothing gained.

It means that the powerful existence has left, and it is time to go higher. Wolfman Walker stopped lingering and followed up. There is a saying in the East, the mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole follows. Even if he does not intend to get involved in the fight for the journey to the 30th North Latitude, he still has to get something from the Tower of Babel. Only by taking things back can we not waste the opportunity.

...Oh, the East, damn the East End travelers, damn...

Alas, this is still a warm-up match that will be broadcast live, and the hotel will definitely put out posters. When he thought of the mercenaries who were all excitedly wailing to see him off before he set off, and when he thought of his heroic words, Werewolf Walker wanted to bite his own wolf teeth into pieces.

Shit, shit.

The empty high platforms on the next few floors confirmed Werewolf Walker's conjecture. This was definitely someone killing and plundering all the way, but there was no smell of blood. It must be someone strong enough to kill the guards on these floors without seeing blood. Or just take them away and kill them all?

The side mission issued by the hotel is to protect the Babylonian gods, and there will be additional rewards for each god saved. Presumably the hotel wanted to get rid of the Black Widow, but did not want the trip to the Tower of Babel to be completely ruined.

However, Werewolf Walker found this very suspenseful, especially after discovering that there was no shadow queen in these high-rise platforms. He didn't know whether the person in the Tower of Babel was from the God-killing sect or the God-protecting sect. Various conjectures were floating in his mind. It wasn't until the sixth floor of the high platform that Werewolf Walker finally saw something different. It was some dried blood, with some broken bones and flesh stuck to it, and Werewolf Walker's heart sank.

Divine blood, and more than one god!

The big black wolf frowned and sniffed for a moment, and was shocked to find that it was mixed with the blood of eight gods! Could this correspond to the Babylonian gods in the eight-story platform? Moreover, the broken meat and bones in the blood were shriveled into pieces, and they dissipated into powder with a slight touch, which means that this person not only killed the gods, but was also so powerful and evil that he drained all the gods' blood and power!

Who is so cruel, who can kill gods like killing dogs? A white-haired figure reflexively appeared in the mind of the werewolf Walker, and he shook his head violently. No, it shouldn't be Bingyi. He hasn't returned to the hotel to settle the bill. This is in Babylonian mythology, and all kinds of power should be restricted. It is impossible to kill so many gods.

Moreover, when he ran through Babylon, he saw the king's army and the priests and servants fighting fiercely around the palace. The solid and majestic palace collapsed by half, and the surrounding land also collapsed one after another. The crack extended all the way to the Euphrates River at the northernmost part of the palace. The river water was boiling and forming a whirlpool. In the middle of the whirlpool, the river bottom like a deep pit and scattered stone pillars were vaguely visible, which looked like a relic.

But before Werewolf Walker could take a second look, he vaguely saw the shadow of a golden brown cat on the stone pillar of the relic - at that time, his body had automatically slipped away before he could react rationally. The phantom cat was here, and Bingyi must not be far away. This almost escaping action made Werewolf Walker even more breathless after he reacted, but he still comforted himself. The boiling and intense emotions and the flashing memories from time to time made it difficult for him to exert his normal strength. There was a risk of losing control, and he might even be too excited to ignore the original intention of looting treasures.

It would be better for them to go their separate ways and live in peace. Staying away from the right and wrong can also allow Werewolf Walker to retain more rationality. This is the only chance in the past few years to plunder in the journey to the 30th degree north latitude, and he must not miss it.

He turned into a human form and plundered the remaining blood slag and debris. The more Werewolf Walker looked at the shape of the bloodstain, the more he felt that it was a mark left by a knife. The knife... maybe it was the Yin-Yang Butterfly? Werewolf Walker thought about it and found that he had not seen the Yin-Yang Butterfly in the sky garden. Could it be that he came here when he was still hiding in the Tower of Babel?

Yin-Yang Butterfly has the hard power to kill gods, and Werewolf Walker agrees with this. However, even if the knife mark was really left by Yin-Yang Butterfly, he could not relax at all-Yin-Yang Butterfly has come, who else can he come for?

He must be coming for Bingyi!

The big black wolf paced anxiously, his face wrinkled again. At this moment, he was in a very complicated mood. On the one hand, memories came to him, thinking of the days when he was a mount for Bingyi (and he was competing for favor with others! He didn't care about his face!), and he was so ashamed that he wanted to kill all the people who knew about it or retreat immediately and didn't want to face Bingyi directly. But on the other hand, when he learned that Bingyi was in the Tower of Babel, Werewolf Walker felt a strange sense of superiority.

Haha, he found the right place.

What about the black widow illusion cat outside? Maybe it's a trick to divert attention. The place where Bingyi is must be the core point. There is no need to worry about not getting the good things in the Tower of Babel!

In the face of the huge benefits visible to the naked eye, the big black wolf completely convinced himself and quickly reconciled with his memories. He even thought that this journey to the Tower of Babel could not be broadcast live anyway, and Werewolf Walker felt more excited. The ground trembled under his claws, and the Tower of Babel made a rumbling sound under the heavy load. The big black wolf felt that there was a fierce battle not far above his head. Without hesitation, Werewolf Walker rushed to the higher level in two steps. He did not realize that his steps had become extremely brisk.

As expected, the seventh and eighth floors were empty, and Werewolf Walker ran straight out. There was no internal passage between the eighth platform and the Tower of Babel above, so if you want to go up the tower again, you can only come out. As soon as you rushed out of the platform, a strong wind and a bloody rainstorm came in your face. The sky and the earth seemed to be all scarlet, and it was so hard that people could not open their eyes.

But the moment you rushed out, Werewolf Walker saw the bloody corpses of monsters all over the platform. They were piled up like mountains, some big and some small, with curly sheep-like fur and fish-like scales. Piles of corpses stretched forward until they reached a magnificent temple with dark blue glazed tiles on the roof.

Marduk went down to the temple!

The most intense fight was happening there. Werewolf Walker saw Yin-Yang Butterfly and Bingyi's Flame Angel fighting with two Babylonian gods. Found the organization! At the same time, Werewolf Walker suddenly found that the third god was quietly attacking from the side, but the two people in the fierce battle did not notice it!


The huge black wolf rushed over like a phantom in the blood rain with a terrifying wolf howl, and directly pounced on the attacking god with its claws with a terrible impact force, biting the god's throat, and completely forgot the hotel's mission of "protecting the Babylonian gods"!

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