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895 Rescue George Plan (14) The arrival of the phantom cat...

‘Nothing, I just care about you’

Hearing the phantom cat's calm question, it was Wei Xun's turn to be silent for a moment, and then he answered as if nothing happened. How can we say this? Can we say that he was not looking for a cat but was looking for An Xuefeng? That is definitely not possible.

Moreover, Wei Xun has been a younger brother for so many years and knows very well that if you don't give face to the elder brother, the elder brother will not give you face either. He will have to deal with it in the future. So although it is quite interesting to think of the phantom cat pretending to be An Xuefeng's voice and being found out in seconds. Yes, it's worth recalling over and over again. Wei Xun didn't even say anything to tease him, he just pretended that it didn't happen. The phantom cat also wanted to lose face.

But the phantom cat didn't go down the steps as Wei Xun wanted, and it didn't say greetings. It said directly: 'Who did you get the information from when you came to find someone? Astrologer?'s the Devourer, right? He sent someone to write you a letter? Actually, you want to pass the information to me, but you want to give the information to An Xuefeng? ’

'what's the message? About the petals. Are they the conditions required to get petals? Only people in Whitechapel can get the petals. ’

It reasoned too quickly and asked too accurately, causing Wei Xun's spirit to fluctuate for a moment. Then he immediately understood that the phantom cat was still trying to deceive him, and was trying to probe him with extremely fast questions when he was not prepared. Reaction, and then adjust the questions at any time based on his reaction after hearing these words, with terrifying accuracy. It's just that Wei Xun reacted quickly. When Phantom Cat said, "Message to An Xuefeng," he calmed down all his mood swings and didn't give Phantom Cat any feedback.

And the best thing is that Wei Xun really doesn't know what message Devourer is conveying.

‘He gave me a letter, but I couldn’t understand the words on it’

Wei Xun said generously: "You also know that I don't know as many languages ​​as you do."


The phantom cat stopped asking and chuckled, seeming to be saying 'you deserve it', which made Wei Xun unconsciously recall the interest classes he took when he was a child - he had always been interested in those ancient cultures. Anyway, his family was rich and he had taken many courses. Interest classes also invited many professionals to give him enlightenment lectures. But his interest came and went quickly, and it lasted for a week at most.

In particular, he still has a photographic memory, and his interest in various language classes is not that fast, so that the language he has learned is not too few, but it is still not enough compared to his elder brother.

‘What language? Mythology or pollution type? The letter written by the Devourer is an abyssal character? ’

The phantom cat seemed to remember the past, but it was only silent for a moment, and soon asked again. Wei Xun regarded its questions as "meow, meow, meow, meow", and his mood did not fluctuate at all. He secretly marveled that the phantom cat's guess was so accurate. Why the hell hasn't An Xuefeng contacted him yet? He would give him ten more seconds at most——

‘Abyss characters? Who the hell wrote you the Abyss characters? Devourer? I remember--'

Fortunately, the next second An Xuefeng's voice sounded in Wei Xun's mind, slightly nervous: 'Baby, are you okay? Put on your cloak and be careful of those butterfly fragments.’

Although An Xuefeng's tone was right this time, he was wary of the phantom cat pretending to be a double act. Wei Xun waited cautiously and then probed An Xuefeng's mental fluctuations until the phantom cat couldn't listen. As An Xuefeng continued to chatter and taunt, the two voices gradually became more and more explosive, and Wei Xun finally felt relieved.

After all, the phantom cat was just a mental illusion, and it couldn't stop him from chatting secretly with An Xuefeng. It also knows to simply leave. But the phantom cat is Wei Xun's spiritual illusion, and the abyss character has its own energy. As long as Wei Xun uses his spirit to pass it on, even if Wei Xun only tells An Xuefeng the character's secret chat, the character will still let him The spirit is fluctuating, and the phantom cat can also learn the content of the letter, but it will be delayed.

I'm afraid that Devourer wrote letters specifically in Abyssal characters for this purpose. But this little time difference is enough, and there is no time to think of other solutions now. Wei Xun quickly sent Devourer's letter and the cause and effect. An Xuefeng immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. After getting the news, he started to decipher the characters with all his strength, and at the same time communicated with Wei Xun about the situation on both sides.

Not only communication, but also maintaining mental contact with Wei Xun at all times to relieve the pollution caused by deciphering the abyss characters, so that his efficiency will be higher.

The situation on An Xuefeng's side was similar to what Phantom Cat had said before. They broke through the ruins and found the petals, which were inside a huge statue of the Virgin. It's just that neither he, the phantom cat, the King of Babylon, nor the officiant were recognized by the statue and could not get the petals.

This statue seems to be connected to the entire journey to the Tower of Babel. With An Xuefeng and Phantom Cat in their current state, no one can force a breakthrough, and the situation has reached a deadlock.

‘The restrictions placed on the statue during the collapse of Babel may also be broken, but I don’t want to take such a risk’

An Xuefeng said, because he was trying his best to decipher the abyss characters, his words sounded a bit intermittent: 'There are cracks all over the statue. It is too deeply connected with the petals. No one can predict whether the petals will be damaged if the statue breaks.'

The petals were so closely related to the butterfly that they had an unspeakable attraction for Wei Xun. An Xuefeng didn't want anything to go wrong with the petals unless it was absolutely necessary.

‘We are all looking for Dan Lin’

There are restrictions set by Our Lady of Whitechapel on the statue, which naturally leads people to think about this, is it true that only people from Whitechapel can get the petals? To be more precise, can only the ‘Holy Son’ and ‘Mother’ of Whitechapel get the petals?

Anyway, it is impossible for Our Lady of Whitechapel to let just anyone take the petals. The intuitions of strong people are always very similar. An Xuefeng and Phantom Cat almost gave up waiting deep in the ruins at the same time, and instead both came out to search for them in the city of Babylon. Danlin.

"The water flooded most of the city of Babylon. I was fighting with the Phantom Cat in the city just now."

At the critical moment of cracking the characters, An Xuefeng's voice became lighter and more erratic: 'B1 and Dan Lin are both in Babylon City, heading towards your Tower of Babel. Originally, I was faster, but... damn slime , I will let Lu Shucheng stew it when I get back.'

An Xuefeng's mental fluctuations revealed strong dissatisfaction, and it was obvious that the Devourer's slime had caused considerable hindrance to him. The phantom cat's life-loving core cannot be exposed, and the Devourer does not have direct contact with it or communicate with it, but it is still no problem to hinder An Xuefeng. An Xuefeng also felt Wei Xun's call just now, but he still had some slime on him.

There is no problem if the clay puppet gets some slime, but An Xuefeng is also worried that the all-pervasive slime will indirectly affect Wei Xun when he and Wei Xun are mentally connected, so he spent some time to deal with the slime first. It was clean, and this allowed the phantom cat to take the lead.

Anyway, the phantom cat also knew the content of the abyssal characters in the Devourer's letter. Wei Xun couldn't hold it back and muttered in a low voice to disguise the phantom cat's tone as An Xuefeng's, but he immediately saw through it and said it, and warned An Xuefeng not to spread the word. Of course, An Xuefeng agreed wholeheartedly and couldn't hold back his happiness. If he were by Wei Xun's side, he would have already held his lover in his arms. Even now, he couldn't help but say in a dazzling tone:

'Of course I can't hide it from you. He doesn't know how I talk to you.'

''What do you want from me? ’, Tsk, have I never said that before? Your brother can’t even imagine that I’m so kind to you. No, I have to see the expression on his cat face——’

‘Hurry up and decipher your characters’

Seeing that he was so proud, Wei Xun couldn't help but ask him to cool down. He ignored An Xuefeng for a while, but when he heard An Xuefeng's voice suddenly went silent, he immediately asked, 'What's wrong? ''Are you ok? ’

'It's been deciphered...this is really...'

Soon An Xuefeng's voice sounded again, but he was a little more tired. Decoding the abyssal characters in a short time took a lot of energy for him, but no one was in the mood to care about this fatigue now. Those abyssal characters are two very long sentences, but they are not written in the tone of the Devourer, but seem to be the words left to future generations by Our Lady of Whitechapel!

[...The captain is right, the petals should return to where they belong, but I no longer have the chance to return to the original abyss]

[I left it in Babylon, the place that nurtured the journey to the 30th degree north latitude and could resist the pollution of petals. Holy Son or Madonna of Whitechapel who sees these words, please be sure to send the petals back to Northern Europe, to Iceland, and to the captain who is guarding the Great Crack]

[May God bless you, Amen]

really! Only the Holy Son or Madonna in Whitechapel can get the petals! The words left by Our Lady of Whitechapel are very informative, and why Devourer was able to obtain this information is even more suspicious. However, the most important thing for Wei Xun and An Xuefeng at the moment is undoubtedly the conditions for taking the petals. 'This clue, but even when his heart was hot and excited, An Xuefeng still remained calm.

‘Our Lady of Whitechapel knew that Babylon was the place where the journey to the Thirty Degrees North Latitude was born. It is possible that this journey has been opened by Whitechapel many times’

Whitechapel is also a brigade with a long history. Although it does not have a poster gallery like Metaphysics, there is definitely more or less various inherited information left.

"She left the petals in Babylon and left a message. The most important thing is two things."

Not all the Holy Sons or Madonnas in Whitechapel are eligible to get the petals. After all, this thing is too polluting. At least one has to make a journey through 30 degrees north latitude and have butterfly fragments to be able to barely withstand the petal pollution. Therefore, Our Lady of Whitechapel left the petals here carefully. The Holy Son and Virgin who could read her message is most likely the founder of Babylon, so that the petals can be safely escorted back.

However, although Dan Lin is the Holy Son of this generation, he is not the pioneer of the journey to the 30th North Latitude. It is not certain whether he can meet the Virgin Mary's requirement of "taking petals"! In addition to Dan Lin, Babylon also has a ‘former Son’ who opened the Tower of Babel, and that is George, who is more qualified than Dan Lin.

However, if this takes George to open the ruins and get flower petals, it will miss Wei Xun's death of the main god Marduk, and miss this most important hot heart - Marduk's death. The Tower of Babel will definitely usher in changes immediately. , if you don’t eat it for the first time, you may not get another chance.

'Be careful with the phantom cat, it can get to you'

An Xuefeng reminded that he had no idea about George at all. In his opinion, George is safer with Wei Xun by his side. Black Widow is very crazy now and must be careful in everything.

'It may pass alone and order the officiating priest group to kill Dan Lin'

The phantom cat has always been ruthless, but of course, this is not really about killing. Because it knows that An Xuefeng will lead the Wang ** team to protect Danlin to the death. After all, this is the only 'holy son' he can get. This kills two birds with one stone, not only delaying An Xuefeng, but also making the Babylonians suspicious - why would he protect a Holy Son from an outside god?

The king will trust Apsu's envoys, but if Apsu is as obsessed with the external gods as the Dragon Mother, and if it is Apsu's order to protect the Holy Son, then even the king will waver in trust, and those soldiers There is no need to say more.

‘You can also hunt down Dan Lin’

Wei Xun had a flash of inspiration in his mind just now. After thinking about it carefully, he realized that it was feasible. He smiled with An Xuefeng and said, "Dan Lin and B1 are not weak, and they can survive your pursuit."

'you mean……'

An Xuefeng immediately understood Wei Xun's unfinished words. Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and his mental fluctuations also revealed some surprise: 'Could it be that——'

'The captain that Our Lady of Whitechapel spoke of could only be Taoist Master Kong Kong. Since she is going to hand the petals over to him in the end, there is no need to hand them over at all.'

Wei Xun closed his eyes and sensed An Xuefeng's position. At that time in Loki, he could even bring wealth to the gods. Although he was now separated from the outside world in the Tower of Babel, after establishing contact with An Xuefeng, he was still able to send his own puppet to him in a short time. .

‘You can take Taoist Master Kongkong with you and let him get it by himself——’

In just a few seconds of divine descent, he shared the Xiaodie Eyes with his puppet, in which resided the remnant soul of Taoist Master Kongkong!


Wei Xun wanted to give some more advice, but was interrupted by a sudden premonition. He immediately came back to his senses and heard a sound of "vomit, vomit, vomit", and the little owl spit out food pills on Wei Xun's shoulder again. Wei Xun had been climbing the stairs. At this moment, they had reached the eighth floor of the Tower of Babel, the highest. The ninth floor was already close at hand. Wei Xun had not fed the little owl any more heart during this period, and it had not vomited food pellets for a while. How could it suddenly vomit now?

"Ugh, vomit, vomit—"

There was another sound of retching, and Wei Xun saw Xiaoguang's feathers blowing up, as if facing a powerful enemy. This was not a refined vomiting pill, but a nervous stress reaction——


The next moment, an inaudible breath sounded in Wei Xun's ears, sending a chill down his spine. The thick cat claws stepped on his shoulders, and the long fluffy cat tail brushed the side of his neck. The tip of the tail swept across the small light, making it flapping its wings in fright.

The phantom cat is here.

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