Thriller Tour Group

900 Plan to Save George (19) Death of Marduk […


The mace is wrapped with thunderstorms and lightning. Marduk is extremely powerful. Not to mention ordinary weapons, even artifacts may be smashed by his furious hammer. Even the vampire knife made of special material can bend downwards in a shocking arc, let alone Wei Xun's arm.


Two crisp sounds were heard one after another, which was the sound of bone fractures. The terrible impact caused Wei Xun's arms to break and lose strength. The blood-sucking knife buzzed and released its strength. It could no longer resist the gravity of the mace and slid down, dodging through a narrow passage. Scarlet blood light. The mace that had no resistance was smashing down on Wei Xun's head, but Wei Xun did not dodge and instead fluttered his wings to meet him, as if he wanted to trade injury for injury and life for life - but both arms were broken. Without weapons, he was like fish on the chopping board to Marduk. How could he exchange injuries for injuries? This scene was so dangerous that the fallen angel Raphael, who was hovering in the sky watching the battle, anxiously tightened his snake staff and mobilized the little strength left in his body to be ready to treat Wei Xun's almost smashed head at any time.

However, something no one expected happened. After Wei Xun and Marduk came into close contact for a short time, it was Marduk who was the first to retreat! There was just a sharp sound, and the mace that was originally hitting Wei Xun's head was redirected by a black shadow, and the crisis was resolved in an instant. This whip-like black shadow was so fast that it retracted back into Wei Xun's cloak after one blow. It should be Wei Xun's transformed demon long tail.

In this brief moment, Wei Xun was completely alienated and returned to zero! The devil's recovery power was terrifying. When Wei Xun raised his bleeding arm, his movements were natural. It was obvious that the fracture had recovered. Drops of blood slipped from his sharp black nails, and the divine blood flashed like quicksand spots. Marduk's face was ugly as he retreated not far away, and the divine robe on his chest seemed to be torn apart by the monster's claws. , the divine blood dyed the divine robe red through the bloody scars.

Although his strength was clearly inferior to that of Marduk, Wei Xun was extremely cunning. He seemed to be in a head-to-head confrontation, but actually made him underestimate the enemy at the cost of breaking his arm. Then he immediately returned to zero and used his devil's long tail to resist the mace, and at the same time recovered with his tyrannical recovery power. Marduk's arm was scratched, and he made a beautiful counterattack from the beginning.

Marduk did not attack again immediately. He gripped the mace and frowned, as if thinking about what the hell Apsu had become. Wei Xun also briefly adapted to his body and spirit after returning to zero. He swallowed the blood droplets on his sharp claws and narrowed his red eyes with satisfaction, showing a strange and dark charm. The broken white bones pierced the outside of his arm, like rugged and bloody bone spurs. The devil's recovery power was so strong that new bones took over their original positions, and old broken bones were squeezed to the periphery of the flesh, piercing the skin in a horrifying manner.

But if you can endure the severe pain of tearing the flesh all the time, the sharp bone spurs can also be like the sharp knives tied to the devil's forearms, inflicting severe pain on the enemy. The blood, bones, and flesh of demons are all weapons. They are born for fighting and are crazy for fighting.


Seeing that Wei Xun became more and more fierce, growing taller and taller, and becoming more and more terrifying with every passing second, Marduk no longer hesitated and immediately attacked again. He would never sit back and watch his enemy get stronger. The speed of the returned to zero alienated Wei Xun was already fast enough, but it was still not as fast as Marduk, who had the power of storms. Seven kinds of storms gathered around him, making Marduk as fast as lightning, and he was approaching Wei Xun in an instant. His mace was wrapped in the strong wind. When it was raised, it was supported by the wind, and when it was struck down, it was assisted by the wind. The fierce hammer struck Wei Xun like a storm, breaking his arm that was trying to fight back time and time again, and smashed through him. The bone wings that block the skull.

Marduk, the main god of Babylon, Marduk, the main god of the Tower of Babel in the Thirty Degrees North Latitude Journey, is far more terrifying than the God of Thunder, even better than Odin. The mace can smash everything, and the devil's hard scales and bone spurs are in front of it. Like tissue paper. However, Wei Xun returned to zero only a few times, and he was not able to fully grasp the power after returning to zero. He was suppressed and beaten for a while. Even if he took advantage of every flaw to counterattack, he was at a disadvantage. People outside the field could not even see clearly what Marduk was doing in half. How many hammers fell within minutes, and through the raging storm, you could only see the blood falling like rain, mixed with broken bones and flesh, and soon there was a pool of terrifying blood and mud on the ground, including Marduk's, and more It belongs to Wei Xun, which is shocking.

Plop, plop.

His heart was beating faster and faster, as if it was about to burst out of his chest.

So hot, so hot.

The flesh and blood skin that was smashed by Marduk's mace and regenerated rapidly seemed to be on fire, and Wei Xun's body also seemed to be burning with a ball of destructive fire. The bones broke and blood spurted out. The fast-growing flesh and blood had no time to grow out of the skin before being smashed by the heavy hammer, making him look like a ferocious demon with flesh and blood wrapped around the bones. Wei Xun could not feel the pain, and the fever was so terrible that it was suffocating. Instead of pain, his muscles tightened, his heart beat faster, and his throat became dry and hoarse, but his emotions rose abnormally. The familiar, near-limit death feeling brought long-lost feverish excitement and excitement, and he wanted to vent his wanton roar. But I'm afraid that when I open my mouth, my heart will vomit out.

So the demon just smiled with sick pleasure and used all his strength on the claws to tear Marduk's chest apart. His arms were broken countless times, and the bones regrown countless times. All he could see were clusters of blood-stained and sharp bone spurs extending from his forearms, upper arms and joints. Whenever they were touched, they would hook. A piece of flesh and blood came down.

Marduk has suffered from bone spurs. Even though the golden power can heal wounds as quickly as possible every time, he still has scars on top of scars, blood stains on blood stains, and the divine robe has long been completely broken, revealing his scarred chest. Of course Marduk's condition is far less serious than Wei Xun's. No one's resilience can be infinite. This bloody and flesh-and-blood fight will depend on who can survive to the end.

Marduk was confident that he could last until the end, but his expression became more and more solemn. The mace was wrapped in a thunderstorm and crashed down, causing Wei Xun's shoulder to collapse and become bloody and bloody, and his ribs could almost be seen. But almost the next second, the collapsed and soft flesh and blood swelled up like a balloon. Like the flesh and blood veins of a living creature, they were squirming and weaving to replace the rotten flesh. Wisps of black and golden light were faintly visible in the flesh and blood like silk threads. As the flesh and blood Pulse together and blend into the flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye, allowing them to recover faster.

Divine power! This is the power of Apsu!

Apsu frantically killed so many gods and devoured so many gods. Countless undigested divine powers accumulated in his flesh and blood and spirit. It would take a very long time to digest the divine power at normal speed, but Marduk smashed Wei Xun's flesh and blood body like a violent storm again and again, forcing his body to recover as quickly as possible, forcing the divine power hidden in his flesh and blood bones to integrate The body actually greatly accelerated the speed of his digestion and fusion of divine power!

Wei Xun was not a masochist, but he was hit so hard on purpose. Marduk is the main god of Babylon and the head of the gods. His divine power can naturally activate the divine power hidden in the deepest parts of flesh and blood. No other god would have such a good effect. The only thing Wei Xun has to pay attention to is his mental state. With his SAN value reaching zero, he is becoming crazier every moment and wants to completely indulge in fanatical desires. The deep connection is like an anchor that keeps him from losing his bearings, and the name tag is like a tranquilizer that keeps him from going completely crazy.

Of course, Marduk also discovered that Wei Xun was using his hammering to quickly fuse his divine power, but this seemed more like a provocation to him. Marduk was so angry that he wanted to smash the enemy in front of him into a living pulp, as long as he hit him with the mace. Falling faster than the demon can recover.

However, after a while, Marduk not only failed to achieve his wish, but also allowed Wei Xun's flesh and blood bones to incorporate a large amount of divine power through repeated destruction and regeneration. Moreover, in such a high-pressure and terrifying battle, the devil's instinct was completely stimulated, and Wei Xun was against After returning to zero, the control of his body increased at an objective speed. At first, he was almost completely suppressed and beaten, and occasionally he could scratch Marduk's paw, but now the situation has obviously changed.

The fighting skills taught by An Xuefeng were gradually used by Wei Xun in the face of high-pressure battles, and he became more and more skillful. The Lizard Duke in Iceland, who was the best at fighting, was remembered by Wei Xun every time he fought to the death. He had many killing moves when fighting now. The shadow of the Lizard Duke, the devil's long tail pierced Marduk's spine several times like a poisonous snake, trying to hook his sacred bone. Even though Wei Xun was not proficient in this move, Marduk almost dodged it every time, but It makes God’s heart tremble.

Not wanting to prolong the battle any longer, Marduk's mace no longer vented his anger on Wei Xun's limbs, but focused on his top of the head, heart, spine and other vital parts. Even though the demon with the divine power buff has amazing resilience, Death will also occur if the vitals are severely damaged. However, the devil's wings behind Wei Xun's spine came into play. The seemingly heavy devil's wings were actually as fast as lightning, no less than a mace blessed by a storm. When the devil's wings opened and closed, Wei Xun's figure was as flexible as Ghosts can avoid vital points.

This can't go on like this!

It was obvious that his side had the advantage, but Marduk became more and more frightened as he fought. Apsu killed too many gods, and most of the gods in the Tower of Babel died in his hands. The divine power accumulated in his body is almost endless, no less than his own. It would take a long time to exhaust all his divine power and then kill him, but now this was not just a one-on-one duel between them, there were also a bunch of fallen angels and the damn hotel manager ready to take action.

We must end the battle as soon as possible and kill Apsu by surprise! Marduk made a decision in his heart without showing it on his face, and the mace engulfed by the storm crashed down again. Wei Xun, who was not mentally stable, had particularly sharp combat intuition at the moment. He noticed Marduk's twinkling eyes and the evil wind wrapped around the mace, which was more diverse and more violent than before.

Marduk is serious about it! In this case, Wei Xun must use real methods. Having experienced a decisive battle with Odin, he knows how terrifying and dangerous the Lord God is at all costs, so he must strike first! Marduk raised the mace, and it seemed that he was still going to hit Wei Xun's shoulder with the hammer, but in fact he was about to change his attack. Doesn't this demon like to be hit and beaten without defense? This is a trap he has set for the demon!

When the mace comes into contact with the demon's body, he will immediately let the storm wind leave the hammer head and inflate the demon's body. In the past, Marduk used the storm wind to inflate the body of the dragon mother Diamat, and then pierced her abdomen with an arrow. Kill her - that's how it should be! Since he failed to kill the Dragon Mother who opened the Tower of Babel, Marduk used this trick to reenact the scene of God's Fall to deal with Apsu in front of him!

He is closely related to the Dragon Mother, and the reenactment of the Dragon Mother's death scene can also exert sufficient power on him. Seeing the demon in front of him not dodging, raising his hand to meet the falling mace, Marduk showed an excited grin on his face, almost imagining the scene of his enemy being controlled by the storm. However, the next moment Marduk saw something shining in Wei Xun's raised hand, as if--

“Boom, boom—!!”

In an instant, a terrible explosion resounded throughout the Tower of Babel, the city of Babylon and the Hanging Gardens. The dazzling light was like a nuclear bomb explosion, and the energy detonated at the highest level of the Tower of Babel far exceeded the power of a nuclear bomb explosion, because Wei Xun detonated the four powers of crafts, exorcism, fertility and art obtained from the God of Earth Enki in one breath!

If a god is pushed to the extreme, he will definitely explode his power. Seeing how strong the wind is on the head of Marduk's hammer, and there are faint signs of breaking away from the hammer, Marduk must be detonating the power of the strong wind to plot against him.

Wei Xun will not suffer from this!

Until the dazzling light of the explosion of authority engulfed Marduk, and his expression of extreme shock and disbelief was vaguely visible, as if he was looking at a madman. The strong wind that escaped from the mace was almost completely defeated by the terrifying power of the explosion of authority, and only the remaining A bit of wind hit Wei Xun, who was vigilantly holding the magic power and preparing to detonate it at any time, but there was no explosion, and it was unable to blow Wei Xun up. It only blew up the crazy and terrifying demon...

Maybe I was mistaken.

Wei Xun, who was blown up by the wind, thought as he looked at the charred and miserable Marduk at the core of the explosion.

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