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922 Plan to Save George (37) George’s Fall…

In order to cover the invasion and occupation of Babylon as quickly as possible, George's resonance was indispensable. Wei Xun immediately jumped down from the gate of the Lost Paradise, fluttered his six wings and flew towards George, while the Lizard Duke and others were with him. The seven fallen angels headed by Michael followed closely behind him. But they are not the ones who can support Wei Xun the most——

Rather, it is a horrific amount of Babylonian contamination that is out of control.

As the rapidly spreading Lost Paradise invaded and devoured this place mercilessly, the originally out-of-control and chaotic pollution of Babylon was further compressed and isolated at the forefront of the expansion of Lost Paradise. The violent torrent of pollution was like a piercing sky. The terrifying wind wall is like a huge tornado. As Wei Xun moves forward, the Lost Paradise expands and retreats. From a distance, it looks like a terrifying tornado formed by out-of-control Babylonian pollution surrounding the dark demon. , as he marches to the front where the pollution war breaks out.

On the other side of the pollution source, there was also a large amount of chaotic Babylonian pollution that was attracted by George and condensed into a terrifying tornado. Wei Xun's approach was like two tornadoes about to meet and merge. Even the broken and desolate world was gradually coming together because of this terrifying situation. The storm shook and shattered, and the chaotic pollution under the bottomless pit was faintly gathered together by constant pressure and suppression. There were signs of penetrating into the darkness. This was Wei Xun's purpose!

It doesn't matter how Babylon is destroyed now, it won't last long. What matters is how to maximize its destruction. An Xuefeng and the Life-seeking People gathered together the three major 30 Degrees North Latitude Pollution. The astrologers and Dream Chasers also put aside their old grievances and did not hesitate to mobilize their own 30 Degrees North Latitude Pollution Power to help. This pollution energy is already heavy enough to destroy the source of pollution. on the surface, but it has not shown any sign of being 'pried up' until now. Wei Xun believed that his eldest brother had not retreated until now, so there must be no major problems with the plan. So why hasn't there been enough progress yet? Is the current pollution power insufficient, or are there any conditions that have not been met?

Before Wei Xun entered the hotel, there were only six journeys to the 30th degree north latitude in all these years. Wei Xun believed that there must be some reason for this, perhaps because all the journeys to the 30th degree north latitude in the current era had concentrated the pollution energy. Only then can it work on pollution sources that have been weakened to a certain extent. Yes, that must be the case. With the strength of An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren, it was impossible for them not to discover George. But the people allowed him to stay there, surely with the intention of using George's resurrection to attract the pollution of Babylon. This was the gathering of six kinds of pollution.

But most of the pollution was first absorbed by George's reshaped body, and then a lot of it overflowed. The current concentration there was simply not enough. The pollution in Babylon, which was on the verge of destruction, was extremely chaotic and unsystematic. The pollution in Babylon was always blocked by the dark space and could not be melted. In the five major pollution torrents, it is impossible to reach the surface of the pollution source. Wei Xun saw everything that happened on the front line with the help of George's eyes.

And this is what he wants to do - Wei Xun and George's resonant aggression can drive the chaotic Babylonian pollution to the source of pollution like a whip driving a flock of sheep, attracting them to attack the source of pollution, and laying the foundation for a complete breakthrough of it. This requires They must move quickly and cover the invasion comprehensively, so that all the pollution energy can be driven to the source of the pollution.

The key is that the coverage of aggression must be wide, which requires the resonance of him and George to complete together. Secondly, it needs to be fast. Now Babylon may completely collapse at any time. If the pollution is not gathered before then, the pollution will completely collapse and spread out of control in all directions, spreading to Iceland and even the entire world. It will be difficult to control the source of the pollution. Enough of a threat.

Once something goes wrong on that side, it will have adverse consequences. Wei Xun believed that George could understand his plan, and he also believed that he had a good eye for people. It was impossible for George to betray him at the critical moment, and there was no need. There must be something really wrong on his side. Through the heavy pollution storm, Wei Xun We can't see it clearly, but we can guess that there is either something wrong with George's resurrected body, because he was too close to multiple pollutions and his body was eroded and distorted, and he can no longer be counted as an 'angel', or he was the first pioneer of Babylon. related!

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George is too close to the source of pollution. No matter how holy the light is, it cannot withstand the repeated erosion of multiple 30 degree north latitude pollution and pollution sources. Not to mention that he still has a body reshaped with the powerful energy of the Babylonian pollution explosion, and the power of light. It is more difficult to resist the erosion of a large amount of pollution than the power of the dark system.

Especially for powers related to mythological beliefs like angels and seraphs, when reshaping them, they should choose a bright and holy place, or at least a place with strong beliefs like the Holy City. But the problem is that George himself is a false angel. Although Wei Xun has given him the key to the door of heaven in advance, so that he can divert it at critical moments to avoid pollution, or temporarily borrow a place - even if George really goes to heaven, he will If you are beaten out, you will at least have time to relax.

However, the most serious problem at the moment is not the pollution that is eroding George's body, but that George finds that the deepest part of his reborn body has been quietly infected with a dark pollution. It is not the Babylon pollution today, but the pollution that George once had. The mark of the opening of Babylon was imprinted deep in his soul, which could not be erased even by death!

The journey to 30 degrees north latitude had such a profound impact on the pioneers. No wonder the pioneers took the journey to 30 degrees north latitude with them when they went to the battlefield at the end of each generation celebration. Originally there were many arguments that the pioneers took the journey to the 30th parallel north latitude on their own initiative in order to last longer on the battlefield, but now it seems that they may not even want to leave the journey to the 30th parallel north!

The connection between the pioneers and the journey of 30 degrees north latitude is so deep, but this is by no means good news for George. He is the most powerful angel of the morning, and the reshaped body must be pure and flawless. This touch of pollution is like Inflamed and pus-producing wounds may seem inconspicuous at first but will quickly spread if left alone.

George can actually feel that this pollution is not very serious. After all, he has been dead for many years, and Babylon has also passed the hands of Black Widow and Bingyi, and now it is about to collapse again. As long as George is given time, he can deal with this pollution, but there is no time! George is at the core of the pollution storm, and Babylon is on the verge of complete collapse. It is the most critical and important time. George himself was in the critical period of reshaping his body and had no time to remove it.

Once the body is reshaped, this pollution will be difficult to deal with! And it will bring about a terrible consequence - the resonance of Bingyi and George is invading the entire Babylon, and George knows what he wants to do. However, Bingyi means that Apsu has become Satan. If George is also a Seraph who implies Babylonian pollution, then their ingredients will be completely impure and it will be difficult to achieve their goals in a short period of time.

The reshaping of the body is about to be completed, but there is no time to deal with the pollution in the deepest part of the soul. George's newly born body is being polluted and distorted at a very fast speed. Even if the Black Widow is not afraid of death and wants to rush down to rebuild the connection and share the burden together, There was no time at all, so I could only watch with anxiety and worry as George’s white wings turned into a black haze——

But in the next second, a massive amount of holy light suddenly fell from the sky like a snow-white waterfall, like a beam of pure energy. George actually opened the door to heaven at this time! This was also the source of Wei Xun's feeling that the resonance between himself and George had weakened. The door to heaven opened in the eye of the storm where multiple pollution and pollution sources were intertwined at 30 degrees north latitude. He was so stimulated that it immediately poured down, and he wanted to use a massive amount of holy light. Fight with force to offset the pollution and prevent it from eroding into the kingdom of heaven through the gate of heaven.

George, who was standing directly under the Gate of Heaven, was just submerged by the ocean of holy light. His originally distorted body was immediately soaked and washed by the pure and flawless holy light. Even the black wings turned back to white, surrounded by the holy light. George's new body was almost successful, but he knew that if he were to be resurrected like this, the deepest pollution in his soul would still not be eradicated, and would even be hidden deeper.

The whole body's strength must undergo earth-shaking changes before it can be completely eradicated! George knew what to do, and he was the most grateful. He owed Bingyi a huge debt of gratitude, and he didn't want his plan to fail at this moment. Like the twelve wings of the morning light spread out, the angel looks up to heaven. George saw that the gate of heaven was slowly closing, and behind the gate of heaven there was a shining, extremely tall silver-white figure——

That is the reflection of God. In order to protect the kingdom of heaven, God withdrew the authority of the key to open the door of heaven and closed the door of heaven himself. Of course, he was even more furious because the gate to heaven would be opened in such a place.

The God's power was like anger. The Creator glanced down coldly through the gate of heaven, and the majestic divine power floated. He hated Babylon, and even wanted to throw the ill-intentioned door opener to hell, judge him and let him suffer all the punishment!

However, God saw George looking up to heaven. The holy light slipped from his hair and cheeks. This was an absolutely flawless body. Even the Creator would admire and stop to admire it when he saw it. His appearance was unexpectedly beautiful. So handsome, with such a pious expression, even Michael's appearance is not so perfect. He is simply God's favorite angel!

Because George was too beautiful, even God's movements were a beat slow, and the door to heaven that closed quickly did not close immediately. However, in just one or two seconds, the twelve wings behind George's back suddenly shook, and he actually tried his best to The wings were squeezed until the bones were broken and the flesh was rotten, but he still squeezed into the gate of heaven! His movement was so loud that An Xuefeng and the Mingxi people were distracted during the fierce battle. Could it be that George wanted to lead pollution to heaven?

But the Black Widow understood what George wanted to do in an instant. The Black Widow, who had just been forced to move aside due to the torrent of Holy Light, covered her mouth in disbelief. Her eight eyes opened to the maximum, and the spider's thick and powerful joints were restless. , as if she wanted to hook George and catch him back for a moment, but she resisted her impulse and watched George fly up to heaven, and then——

Beaten down by God's own hand!

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