Zhou Xu, who was in Black Moon City, received the report earlier than Jie Liancheng, and was more efficient in rushing to the grassland horse farm, arriving one step ahead of Jie Liancheng.

As a result, he had just arrived outside the grassland horse farm when he heard a loud bang. A stable in the grassland horse farm seemed to be directly pierced. Accompanied by rolling dust, a black horse rushed out directly from it.

Faced with this sudden situation, Ma Guotao, who was already outside the horse farm preparing to greet him, was obviously confused for a moment. He waved his hands speechlessly and shouted something to the staff in the horse farm.

Although Zhou Xu didn't know what the specific situation was, it was always right to control the situation first.

With this idea in mind, Zhou Xu slapped his horse and chased after him.

The black horse that rushed out during the period obviously noticed Zhou Xu who was catching up. It turned its head and looked at him while galloping, and then a hint of provocation appeared on its face in a very human way.


Just for this arrogant little expression, Zhou Xu also felt that he should teach this evil beast a lesson.

[Beast Soldier Control! ]

Without even a word of nonsense, he directly used the mantra!

The black horse, which had just provoked Zhou Xu a second ago and was about to accelerate to completely blow him up, was enveloped by Zhou Xu's mantra power in the next second.

The body almost lost control in an instant, accompanied by a heavy muffled sound, and the black horse, which suddenly lost speed, fell on its back on the spot.

During the whole process, it was completely confused and had no idea what was going on.

Zhou Xu maintained the mantra, rode his horse slowly and approached, looking down at the arrogant guy who had fallen to the ground.

The obvious "third eye" at the center of his eyebrows allowed Zhou Xu to basically lock the other party's identity, the horse king!

At this moment, in order to fight him, the horse king's muscles bulged exaggeratedly, making his originally agile body suddenly expand, and his limbs exuded a more violent beast aura.

But Zhou Xu just thought it was funny.

This evil beast, the direction of his efforts was completely wrong.

The key to "beast soldier control" is mental strength.

What is needed is the confrontation of will and spirit, and it is useless to use the body.

As a warhorse that can overcome the fear of bloodline level, challenge the essence of extraordinary creatures, and successfully absorb them, the horse king naturally has a certain degree of willpower.

But who is Zhou Xu?

He is a supernatural magician. Before, when facing serious supernatural creatures, he could use "beast soldier control" to control the opponent.

Looking at the horse king again, although he has not used the "Peeping Eyes" to confirm the opponent's panel, but in the brief contact, Zhou Xu roughly felt that the horse king definitely did not reach the level of supernatural creatures, and should be at the level of exotic beasts now.

He also killed the extraordinary creature in seconds. What was a strange beast in front of him?

During the time when Zhou Xu used the "beast soldier control" to control the horse king, Ma Guotao also rode a fast horse to rush over.

Seeing the horse king lying on the ground with a stiff body, twitching from time to time, but the main body was basically unable to move, Ma Guotao was also nervous.

"Your Majesty, this is..."

If the horse king died suddenly, then all their efforts would be in vain!

Feeling Ma Guotao's nervousness, Zhou Xu answered casually.

"I just controlled it forcibly with the mantra."

The strength of the beast was indeed not high in Zhou Xu's place, and he could even distract himself to talk to Ma Guotao.

Hearing this, Ma Guotao first breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the embarrassed appearance of the horse king, and immediately gloated over the misfortune.

During this period, Zhou Xu asked another question.

"What's going on?"

"It's not a big deal. This guy has a bad temper. He became even more crazy after waking up. He is so violent that the stable can't keep him. Basically, he comes and goes as he pleases."

Ma Guotao gets a headache when he talks about this.

"But he still has brains. He usually goes out for a walk and runs around on the grassland. He comes back when he's hungry. He doesn't run away."

"I thought since we can't keep him, we can just let the staff at the stable ignore him and let him come and go until General Jie comes."

"But aren't you coming here today? I asked the staff at the stable to pay more attention to his movements. Even if he runs away, we can find him in time."

"As a result, one of the new staff members was stunned for a moment. Seeing that he was about to go out, he got nervous and stopped him. As a result, it became like this."

Zhou Xu frowned after understanding the situation.

According to Ma Guotao's statement, and thinking of the provocative look of Lord Ma before, it is not difficult to see that this guy is indeed a little inflated.

According to their next process, they need Lord Ma to cooperate with them in their work, and it is not good to be so unruly.

With this thought, Zhou Xu directly increased his suppression power on the spiritual level.

The absolute will that cannot be questioned took away the control of its body in an instant, and suddenly suppressed Lord Ma.

Looking at Lord Ma who collapsed on the spot, Ma Guotao beside him was amazed.

Zhou Xu laughed when he saw this.

"It can still be like this."

While speaking, he controlled Lord Ma to stand up and dance with a twist and a sway, and Ma Guotao kept shouting "good guy".

"Your Majesty, can you teach me this trick?"

If he had not known Zhou Xu well enough, Ma Guotao would never dare to say this.

If he had been replaced by a suspicious monarch, he would have been suspected.

However, in Ma Guotao's view, Zhou Xu was obviously not one of them.

Under this premise, as long as his application was reasonable and well-founded, Zhou Xu would most likely be approved.

"You saw it today. When this guy gets angry, we can't control him at all. If we want the breeding work to go smoothly, I have to have some means to control the situation when necessary."

"What you said makes sense, but I have to remind you first that the strength of the mantra is affected by the strength of the spiritual attribute. Your spiritual attribute is only two stars. Even if I teach you this trick, you may not be able to control it."

Two stars also have strengths and weaknesses. Some two stars are stuck on the qualified line, while some two stars are actually close to three stars.

If Ma Guotao is the latter, it should not be a big problem to suppress a strange beast in a short period of time with full firepower, but the stability here is obviously not high.

But this obviously did not dispel Ma Guotao's idea. He had to practice and try it out to know whether it would work or not.

Zhou Xu didn't care about this and directly agreed to give him the mantra of "beast soldier control" in the future.

At the same time, Ma Guotao's words did remind him that if the exotic beast-level war horses were to be domesticated on a large scale in their Great Zhou territory in the future, ordinary trainers would definitely not be able to control the exotic beast war horses.

From this perspective, the mantra of "beast soldier control" must become a standard means of this profession.

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