Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 159 The advantages outweigh the disadvantages

"What do you mean sell?"

In this era, the concept of transactions does not yet exist.

Drogo suppressed the emotions in his heart and asked a question hastily.

"Well, you want to exchange something."

"Okay, what do you want?"

Drogo's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he agreed without thinking.

He knew at a glance that if they could get this arrow, the fighting power of their centaur clan would be significantly improved!

Zhou Xu could clearly feel Drogo's desire for copper arrows.

This time, since he decided to play a part and shoot the bow at the same time, he must have been mentally prepared to expose the copper arrowhead in front of Drogo's eyes.

And the situation in front of him was undoubtedly still under his control.

"It takes a lot of work to polish a stone arrowhead like this, you should know, Drogo."

Drogo nodded in agreement and understanding of what Zhou Xu said.

Of course he knows that it is not easy to polish every arrowhead, so this arrow is precious. Every time an arrow is shot, they must try their best to ensure that the arrow can be retrieved. It's all a loss.

In this matter, he is really empathetic.

After seeing Drogo nodding, Zhou Xu spoke again.

"The arrowheads of our tribe are stronger, and it takes more effort to polish and make them. It is not easy to make each one."

In response, Drogo nodded again.

What faults could he find in these words?

Compared with stone arrowheads, copper arrowheads are stronger, and he can fully feel this.

Following this line of thought, the production is more time-consuming and labor-intensive, which is also a matter of course.

Invisibly, Zhou Xu has already raised the value of his copper arrowhead.

After seeing that he was almost done laying the groundwork, he coughed twice, and picked out his purpose...

"Do the wild horses know?"

Zhou Xu made a rough gesture while talking.

According to Zhou Xu's thinking, the centaur clan should know the creature 'horse'.

Sure enough, Drogo nodded upon hearing the question.

"I know, we have encountered it when we were hunting before."

Zhou Xu, who received this answer, immediately beamed with joy.

"Do you want us to trade Mustangs?"

Drogo wasn't stupid either, Zhou Xu had already said it so clearly, there was no way he couldn't react.

Before Zhou Xu could speak, Drogo frowned and spoke again.

"But horse meat is not tasty, and the leather is not as durable as bison hide. Are you sure you want this?"


Well, the reaction is that the reaction is over, but the thinking is wrong.

Unlike Zhou Zhongshan and the others who originally lived on the mountain, as a race living on the grassland, the centaurs have a relatively comprehensive understanding of the species on the grassland.

Zhou Xu was not surprised by this. After all, civilizations existed in this world before, and it was only the knowledge passed down from the previous civilization.

"I'm sure, but what I want is not a dead wild horse, but a live one. I need you to capture the wild horse alive without hurting it!"

Hearing this, Drogo frowned even tighter.

In their living area, there seems to be no group that can tame wild horses and ride them, and they obviously don't need centaurs themselves, so he really can't understand Zhou Xu's request.

Of course, he doesn't really care about this, he is thinking about capturing wild horses alive now.

Compared with directly shooting wild horses, it is undoubtedly more difficult to carry the corpse back, but it seems that it is not impossible.

Thinking of this, Drogo nodded.

"Okay, how many arrows can one wild horse exchange for?"

Facing this question, Zhou Xu stretched out a palm.

"Five, this arrow is too laborious to make, a wild horse, I can give you five arrows at most, and the wild horse must be healthy."

While Zhou Xu was talking, he quietly looked at Drogo's expression from the corner of his eye.

At this moment, if a modern person stood by and heard Zhou Xu's price, he would definitely be stunned on the spot.

This price. Isn't it too unscrupulous? !

Five copper arrows for a wild horse? Only fools do this kind of business!

But Drogo didn't know that.

From Drogo's point of view, he doesn't know what the wild horse is for. From Drogo's point of view, the wild horse is a kind of grassland species whose meat is not tasty, its leather is not as durable as bison hide, and it is troublesome to hunt.

Therefore, he didn't think there was any problem with the price Zhou Xu offered.

He even agreed quite readily, making Zhou Xu, who was already prepared to bargain in his heart, really feel a little empty.

The deal was established, and after the two sides returned their arrows, Drogo didn't stay any longer, and soon left with his clansmen.

When Drogo and the others were completely gone, the smile on Zhou Xu's face couldn't hold back any longer. The smile was so bright that it dazzled the eye.

This wave, he can be said to have made a lot of money!

Not just this wild horse deal, but also the six hyena corpses lying there.

Drogo and the others were not interested in these corpses at all, and left after collecting the arrows, leaving the corpses there.

Even if he is lucky next time, he will be able to find four more hyena corpses. Once he comes out, he will directly gather a team of ten hyena skeletons!

To some extent, this is the fastest way for him to improve his combat power.

He piled all the corpses of those hyena people on the wooden cart. At this moment, Zhou Xu was not in the mood to catch the bison, so he hurriedly followed the path that Drogo pointed out to him, and led people to find the other four hyena people's corpses. .

During this period, Ye Jinghong, who was full of thoughts along the way, couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked aloud...

"Boss, are we really going to sell the arrows to the centaurs?"


"But this will obviously increase the combat effectiveness of the centaur clan. Although we have joined forces with the centaur clan now, no one knows what will happen in the future..."

Speaking of this, Ye Jinghong didn't go any further, but his meaning was already obvious.

He believes that the centaur family may become their enemies in the future, and it is not a wise approach to enhance the enemy's combat power.

It has to be said that Ye Jinghong still thinks farther than Zhou Zhongshan when it comes to such matters.

At this moment, Zhou Zhongshan was still thinking about how to transport so many hyena corpses back, and Ye Jinghong was already thinking that he might confront the centaurs in the future.

In this regard, Zhou Xu smiled and comforted him.

"Don't worry, it's just a few arrows. Arrows need to be in sufficient quantity to be of value. How much can Drogo and the others take away from us?"

Regarding this matter, Zhou Xu undoubtedly thought about it seriously.

If possible, he certainly doesn't like to upgrade equipment for outsiders.

If they had found wild horses instead of bison, it would not be the case now.

But the reality is that they can't find wild horses, let alone capture them alive.

Now Drogo is helping them with this matter, exchanging wild horses for arrows, this deal, no matter what they think, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

At the same time, it can also be seen from Drogo's previous behavior that he didn't know how to speak, that the opponent's temper is actually not bad.

They are not guaranteed to be able to coexist peacefully in the future...

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