Chapter 164 Aww~

Unexpected big business.

If we really want to talk about this matter, I am afraid that he underestimated the ability of the centaur race.

He really didn't expect that the other party could have such efficiency.

Previously, he paid Drogo ten lassoes in advance, exchanged for two wild horses, and for the remaining eight wild horses, Zhou Xu still needs to pay Drogo forty arrows.

After receiving forty arrows, before leaving, as an ally, Drogo habitually told Zhou Xu that they ran into a hyena man on the grassland a few days ago.

"They didn't fight with us. They separated and ran away as soon as they saw us. At that time, we brought the wild horses we captured, and it was not convenient to chase them. How are you doing during this time?"

After briefly talking about his situation, Drogo threw the question to Zhou Xu.

Regarding this, Zhou Xu also said casually...

"We haven't found any traces of the hyena man recently, and it's possible that the other party deliberately avoided us. After all, although they have elected the hyena queen now, their internal situation is not good, and they probably don't dare to conflict with us. "

Having said that, Zhou Xu changed the subject slightly...

"But the more this happens, the more we can't let them rest in peace!"

Zhou Xu's words can be said to have completely touched Drogo's heart, which made him greatly agree.

"That's right, they must not be given a chance to recover!"

After an ethnic group has lost its population, there are basically two ways to recover or expand, either to annex other ethnic groups or to reproduce.

In the case of the former, according to Drogo, there are no other groups of hyenas in this grassland area.

In other words, the Hyena family can only use the second method.

But for the piece of information about the fertility of the hyena man, Zhou Xu obviously didn't know much about it, so he could only rely on Drogo.

And Drogo really knows a lot, after all, he is a deadly enemy who has lived in the same area for many years.

The two sides have been fighting for a long time, and it is impossible to know some information.

After questioning and answering, after quickly sorting out the information provided by Drogo, Zhou Xu probably had a good idea of ​​this piece of information.

[That is to say, after a hyena is conceived, it takes about ten months to give birth to a child, and a child is basically one to two, which is similar to that of a human being. At the age of three, one can quickly form combat power, which is very tricky. 】

This information is too important to Zhou Xu.

Because this can basically be said to be the period when the hyenas want to recover their vitality. Considering the time of pregnancy, it will take three years sooner.

Before that, although it cannot be said that the hyena clan is no longer a threat, the opponent's actions will definitely be restrained a lot.

Not to mention that at this moment, Zhou Xu and Drogo have already begun to jointly suppress the hyena clan.

After all, none of them wanted the hyena to really recover, and they hit it off in this matter.

After a brief discussion, Zhou Xu asked someone to lead the newly traded ten wild horses back to the camp.

This situation made the soldiers who were training in the camp at that time excited quickly one by one.

With only three horses in the camp, there were too many of them, and they couldn't take turns to practice riding. This also made the daily training effect not good.

Of course, leaving aside the training issue, there is another very direct reason that they are a bit addicted to riding horses.

Even if it's just riding on horseback, it's fun to take a walk on the grassland for a while.

It's a pity that there are only three horses in the camp, and the horses also need to rest, which makes everyone get less time, and they have to come down before they are full of fun.

But now it's all right, their leader turned around and brought back ten wild horses. When the ten wild horses are trained, everyone can allocate more riding time.

Thinking of this, the soldiers jumped up and down to help.

After all, they are all people who can stand on horses and have mastered riding skills to a certain extent. They can still do the simple job of leading a horse well.

Afterwards, there was no need for Zhou Xu to worry about the settlement of the ten wild horses.

The past of midsummer has made the climate much more comfortable. Sleeping in a tent does not feel stuffy and uncomfortable.

On a new day, Zhou Xu was sleeping in a daze. In his sleep, he only felt his face was wet, as if something warm was scratching his face back and forth.

Now his mind is dizzy and messy, he can't even open his eyes, he just wants to hold his head and continue to sleep.

But the other party didn't let him go, and kept scratching his face.

It's okay to make his face wet, the most important thing is that it feels like a rubber brush is constantly brushing his face, which is not uncomfortable at all.

In the end, Zhou Xu couldn't take it anymore, and with a strong willpower, he opened his eyelids abruptly.

In the next second, in the dim tent, the first thing that caught Zhou Xu's eyes was a pair of eyes emitting green light in the darkness, and they were so close!

This situation made Zhou Xu shudder instantly, and he became sober all of a sudden.

Using both hands and feet instinctively, he got up as fast as possible, and at the same time he took out the self-defense dagger under the pillow, and made a gesture of being ready to fight with the opponent at any time.

At the same time, because of Zhou Xu's actions, there was only a 'plop' sound, and the figure that was lying on him fell directly to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a soft cry of '嗤~' got into Zhou Xu's ears.

That voice was milky, somehow, he could still hear a bit of grievance from it.

It also made Zhou Xu, who had just woken up, gradually turn his mind around.

"You, you shouldn't be..."

Zhou Xu, who seemed to have thought of something, quickly reached out to touch the swaddling baby he put in the tent, and suddenly found that the cub in the swaddling skin had disappeared.

Then, when he looked at the figure with green eyes in front of him, how could Zhou Xu not know who it was?

"Is it you? Damn! Finally woke up?!"

The longer the cub slept, the more unusual he felt the cub was.

In other words, it is not usually the drop of painstaking care that the cubs ate by mistake.

At night in this camp, it is still very quiet, even if you say a word casually, the voice will be very clear.

The movement on Zhou Xu's side undoubtedly attracted the attention of the night watch members at the first time, so they hurried over with torches.

"Boss? Is something wrong?"

"You guys came just in time, give me a fire!"


While speaking, the night watch members outside had already lifted the curtain of the tent, and then lowered the torch to let the fire shine in.

With the help of the firelight, at this moment, Zhou Xu could see the whole picture of the little guy clearly.

Now this little guy, not counting the tail, has a body length of fifty centimeters. From birth to now, he has eaten nothing but that drop of painstaking effort, and then he has grown up several times after sleeping.

The lanugo hair on his body has all faded away, replaced by a long body of brown-yellow hair with some black patterns.

Under the light of the fire, the hair on his body was even tinged with a little golden light, and the tail was dragged behind like a big broom.

At the same time, the blue film of the eyes also faded away, revealing its true pupil color, which is a pair of dark golden pupils, even under the light of the fire, they still exude a cold luster, invisible, adding a lot of majesty to it .


If it doesn't make a sound...

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