After that, Zhou Xu replaced the weapon in his hand with a crescent halberd, and stabbed the vine armor with the crescent halberd.

Because of the different nature of the attack, the gap left by the stabbing was deeper than the scar left by the slashing, but it couldn't pierce the rattan armor either.

And in this primitive era, I believe that the primitive people in those tribes basically still use bone weapons and stone weapons, and the threat they can pose to them can be said to be minimized.

Next, there is one last test left...

"Go get a torch."


With a response, the tribe member trotted all the way to fetch a torch for Zhou Xu.

Taking the torch, Zhou Xu directly lit the fire on the rattan breastplate without saying a word.

I believe many people have heard the story of burning rattan armored soldiers, and Zhou Xu is no exception.

The name of this story clearly exposes the weakness of the rattan armor.

Of course, even so, Zhou Xu still has to give it a try. For him, practice is the only criterion for testing truth!

In this simple test, Zhou Xu quickly discovered that under the burning of the flames, the rattan breastplate was not immediately ignited at all.

He even held a torch and burned it back and forth on the rattan armor several times, and nothing happened.

Faced with this situation, Zhou Xu frowned slightly. Obviously, the facts were different from his expectations.

But Zhou Xu didn't think too much about it, and directly changed the method of Huo Gong.

If the moving fire can't ignite the rattan armor, then he simply held the torch and kept burning it at one place.

In this state, after burning for ten or twenty seconds, the rattan armor began to emit black smoke, and it was actually lit after it was pointed at one place and continued to burn for more than half a minute.

Under this premise, the flame was extinguished as soon as it was extinguished, which made Zhou Xu's expression at the moment extremely subtle.

[Could it be that there is a problem with my processing method, so the material characteristics are different from the original rattan armor? 】

But what Zhou Xu didn't know at this time was that the fire-burning rattan armor soldier itself was just a story in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was a novel rather than history!

The stories in this novel have elements of artistic processing. The most typical one is the empty city plan. In reality, a round of arrows can directly shoot Zhuge into a hedgehog, and it must not be regarded as official history.

Under this premise, rattan armor is recorded in the books of the Ming Dynasty. It is described in the above that the rattan armor is light and strong, and it can shield arrows and blades, which is good for water and fire. If it is cloudy, prepare for rain. '

It is clearly written in this book, which is good for water and fire!

Of course, when he continued to burn the vine armor with a torch, the vine armor was indeed set on fire.

But the problem is that in the case of continuous burning, in battle, it is equivalent to needing to be roasted in the fire all the time.

In this situation, wouldn't it be better for you to switch to Iron Armor?

It is true that iron is not ignitable under normal circumstances, but the temperature of the iron armor continues to rise, like a red-hot soldering iron. If you wrap your whole body in it, the end will be even worse.

"Sure enough, practice is the only criterion for testing truth!"

This test result made Zhou Xu happy.

From the current point of view, this rattan armor is more than enough to defend against copper weapons. The biggest weakness is probably that it is not easy to make and takes too much time to process.

As for this problem, Zhou Xu was very clear from the very beginning.

So when he processed the rattan at the very beginning, he adjusted the amount in one go.

Judging from the current consumption alone, it is more than enough to arm all the soldiers of their tribe.

After successfully completing the test, the production of the rattan armor is also fully launched.

Zhou Xu, on the other hand, waited for the second saber to be polished before launching a test on the durability of the saber.

This kind of weapon, when fighting on the battlefield, collides with the enemy's weapon.

To what extent their own weapons can be used must be confirmed first.

"Two of you hold a saber each, simulate a battle, slash each other's saber, and repeat it one by one, let's start."

The test was not complicated, and the whole result came sooner than Zhou Xu expected. When a sword was slashed for the ninth time, with a soft sound, a piece of the blade was chopped off on the spot , that saber broke directly!

Zhou Xu didn't expect this situation, so he hurriedly asked for the two sabers, including the section of the saber that was chopped off, to be brought over.

There is nothing to say about the completely broken war knife, and the one that has not been broken can already see obvious cracks on the knife at this moment, and at the same time, many holes have been broken on the blade, which is far worse than his. Crunchy as expected.

[It seems that this sword is not tough enough. 】

Just like diamonds claim to be the hardest stone in the world, but they can also be broken easily, the key factor is the toughness!

[However, such a situation did not appear on the previous crescent halberd. 】

With this in mind, Zhou Xu signaled his subordinates to go down and take two crescent halberds for comparison.

The Crescent Halberd has undoubtedly been tested for the same collision and slashing test, and its performance is much better than that of the War Saber.

The same material and the same forging method show completely different strengths.

What is the root cause of this situation?

As a modern person, Zhou Xu quickly realized the problem after opening his mind.

"Length! It's the length of the weapon!"

When the material and forging method are the same, the longer the length, the higher the toughness requirement, and if the toughness is insufficient, it is easy to break.

The crescent halberd is not so easy to break because its metal part is less than half of the saber!

Following this line of thought, the easiest way to increase the durability of the sword so that it is less likely to break is to directly reduce the length of the sword.

As for the reduction, it depends on the length of the enemy's weapon.

Combined with the information sent back from time to time from the barren mountain camp, the most commonly used melee weapon by the primitive tribes there is the stone axe.

After all, the primitive people on the opposite side were not stupid. Weapons such as spears are not easy to use in the mountains and forests. Once you use them, you can quickly come to this conclusion.

Under this premise, limited by technology and materials, the stone axes of primitive tribes were all made relatively short, and the total length was basically only 30 centimeters.

In this way, Zhou Xu only needs to ensure that the sword has a length of 35 to 40 centimeters, so that their soldiers can ensure an advantage in the attack distance of close combat.

When the sword was being tested, the head of the forging department was by his side. Zhou Xu directly told the other party this conclusion and asked the other party to make a new mold.

After receiving the order, with a broken saber, the head of the forging department returned to the department with an uneasy face. This time, he was really ashamed.

"All the forging and polishing of the swords have been stopped. This batch of swords cannot be used, so I melted them and recast them!"

Fortunately, the materials would not be wasted. It was this part of the work that was done for nothing, which made the forging department howling...

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