Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 179 Autumn and Winter Come

【Same as us, ugly, with long ears...】

Combining the limited information of the three, Zhou Xu really didn't have much idea.

[It's almost the same as us, it should be in human form, not to mention ugly, with long ears...]

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on Drogo's head.

Centaurs also have long ears. Even compared to humans, hyenas also have long ears. There are too many people with long ears.

Zhou Xu, who still wanted to find out, tried to learn about the information from Drogo, but Drogo's understanding was really limited.

From Drogo's limited information, it is not difficult to see that the two of them belonged to a state where well water does not interfere with river water.

In this era, whether it is humans, centaurs, or even hyenas, they are constantly running for food every day.

And within their own territory, Drogo and the others can obtain food relatively stably.

Taking this as a premise, Drogo and the others naturally don't need to venture to other areas.

Not to mention that the guys in the next area are not easy to mess with.

He didn't tell Zhou Xu all about the encounter with the sheep.

At that time, he rushed to the opposite area after chasing the flock of sheep, and then encountered the guys in the opposite area. In a simple round of confrontation, he directly suffered a loss, and then hurriedly withdrew.

Right now, Drogo is so eager to get copper arrows from Zhou Xu, not only to deal with the hyenas, but also to improve the combat power of the tribe, so that they can deal with the next area when necessary The gang of guys.

But the current situation is giving him a big headache, this business is not easy to do!

Looking at Drogo's expression, Zhou Xu, who seemed to have thought of something again, said with a smile...

"Oh, by the way, the corpse of a hyena can also be used. A corpse of a hyena can be exchanged for an arrow."

Drogo was taken aback when he heard this, and combined with the second half of the sentence, he felt that Zhou Xu's words seemed to be joking.

"Are you serious?"

"Really, if you bring a hyena man's body over, I'll give you an arrow in exchange, and it will be considered as a contribution to hunting the hyena man."

On this matter, Drogo did not ask that the hyena man's corpse was only worth one arrow, and after getting Zhou Xu's affirmative answer, he agreed to this matter.

After confirming the new transaction content with Zhou Xu, Drogo didn't stay any longer, and quickly left with his clansmen.

If nothing else, they should have gone to catch bison.

After all, the other goals he raised were either not seen before, or they were not easy to catch.

As for the hyena man, they would have killed him on sight, nothing to say, but he was worthless.

Right now, the only buffalo on their territory that is relatively easy to catch and worth some money.

After Drogo and the others set off, Zhou Xu waved to Zhang Xiaoshan beside him.

"Leader, what are your orders?"

"Xiao Shan, you will turn around and inform the capture team that you don't need to catch bison for now."


At this point in time, it was time for them to prepare for the winter. There were a lot of things to do at the moment, and the tribe was short of manpower.

Anyway, the number of buffalo in them is enough for the time being, and Drogo and the others are going to catch them, so he simply called his manpower back to make preparations for winter.

From the perspective of climate, the grassland is definitely not a good place. It is hot in summer and cold in winter. This is the grassland.

But here in Grassland Village, the houses have already been built, and their ability to keep out the cold is undoubtedly two or three levels better than that of tents.

In addition, in Heiyue Village, the handicraft team has followed Zhou Xu's intention and started making winter clothes to keep out the cold.

No wool to be found, but they still have rabbit fur anyway.

Now that the meat rabbits have grown to a certain scale, while they are eating meat, they are hoarding the fur with rabbit fur, which can now be used to make winter clothes and bedding to keep out the cold.

Under this premise, in order to obtain more fur materials, the supply of chicken in the internal market of their tribe has rapidly decreased, and a large amount of rabbit meat has begun to be supplied, and the dishes in the cafeteria are also the same.

In addition, there is no doubt that food must be prepared for the winter.

The most common way is to make bacon and pickles to facilitate their long-term preservation.

In fact, even before time travel, their family would make their own bacon and pickles every winter.

So in this matter, Zhou Xu is also very skilled.

In this way, in the busyness, time passed quietly, and soon, Zhou Xu ushered in his first winter after crossing...

Inside the house in Grassland Village, Zhou Xu, standing in front of the window, let out a breath of steam.

The winter in the grassland is very cold, and it has just entered the winter. At this moment, the temperature during the day is only two or three degrees, and at night, it is directly below zero.

At this time, Zhou Xu had already put on a rabbit fur coat with fur and fur. Leaving aside the matter of Fei Rabbit, the coat's ability to keep warm was quite impressive.

At least it can make him feel clearly that he won't be frozen to death in this winter.

But from the point of view of the entire tribe, this winter may not be easy for them.

The rabbit fur coat with fur and fur does have excellent ability to keep out the cold, but the question is how many rabbits are needed to sew one?

Even if their meat rabbit breeding has formed a scale, they still can't do it all.

The handicraft team had already reported this problem to him before the winter.

In this regard, Zhou Xu has no way to completely solve it, so he can only make appropriate adjustments.

For example, make less leather-based coats and more vests. As long as you can protect your torso and ensure the temperature of your torso, your whole body will be much warmer.

Turning around and walking back to his desk, as soon as Zhou Xu sat down, Chitose, who was lying in the room, immediately jumped onto his lap and curled up into a ball.

Zhou Xu is obviously used to this situation.

Then he stretched his cold hands directly into Chitose's thick hair.

Chitose regards him as his parents, and he was originally a clingy follower, but now that the weather is getting colder, Chitose has undoubtedly become more clingy.

Because compared to other places in the house, Zhou Xu's body is the warmest.

But this is the same for Zhou Xu. Chitose has thick fur, and his body temperature is higher than that of normal humans. When he lies on his lap, he is a ready-made warm baby.

While covering his legs and knees, he can also cover his hands at any time. The two of them hug each other to keep warm, which is a good season to enhance their relationship.

But leaving this aside, this winter brought him more troubles...

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