Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 207 Pay attention to the image

In the instant of life and death, according to the normal reaction mode, he must have been unable to react. At that time, Zhou Xu could be said to have completely followed his instinct.

Don't forget, his upper limit of bravery has also reached the excellent level of three stars. From the perspective of talent and potential, he is definitely not some hopeless fighting scum.

But I have to say that this result is still surprising, even Zhou Xu himself did not expect it at all.

This seemed to be like a divine help, and it cut the hyena man's throat precisely. If there was no element of luck in it, even Zhou Xu himself didn't believe it.

To be honest, in Zhou Xu's own opinion, his knife was purely based on luck.

It never occurred to him that the hyena man was so cunning that after being pierced by the crescent halberd, he could still hold back his screams, and then collapsed on the ground and pretended to be dead, trying to deceive them!

Seal the throat with a knife! Hot blood spattered his face.

The hyena man, who was pierced through the chest by the crescent halberd, was already seriously injured. Zhou Xu's throat-sealing knife was undoubtedly a fatal blow to him.

At that moment, the Hyena's body lost its support, and its huge body fell directly head-on, which surprised Zhou Xu.

After walking outside the gate of hell, after the outbreak, he only felt his hands and feet go weak for a while. Looking at the fallen hyena man, he wanted to hide, but his legs couldn't keep up.

Fortunately, the crescent halberd was still stuck in the hyena man's chest. When the hyena man's body fell down, the handle of the crescent halberd inevitably touched the ground, causing the hyena man's body to fall directly to the other side. , perfectly staggered Zhou Xu who was still maintaining the posture of drawing his sword and slashing.

This situation made Zhou Xu feel relieved. After taking a deep breath, he slowly got up, and put the knife into its sheath very gracefully.

There is no way, the subordinates are still there, as the leader, he must pay attention to his own image.

At this moment, not to mention the few cavalry who followed behind, even Zhou Zhongshan, who had outstanding strength, looked at him with amazement.

[The movement of drawing the sword and the slashing are completely integrated, why didn't I think of it before? As expected of the leader! 】

But after regaining his senses, Zhou Zhongshan hurried forward to plead guilty.

No nonsense, just kneel down when you come up.

"Leader, please punish!"

He didn't expect that the fact that the hyena man pretended to be dead was on the one hand, and on the other hand, he actually wanted to intercept and kill the hyena man after seeing the "deceitful corpse" of the hyena man.

However, his crescent halberd was stabbing into the hyena man at the moment, and his wrist was twisted in the previous battle, which caused his movement to be a beat slower, and he failed to intercept him.

As for the next thing, there is no need to say more.

"Okay, this hyena man is cunning, even I was deceived by him."

While speaking, Zhou Xu signaled Zhou Zhongshan to get up.

Zhou Zhongshan has never been a talkative person, but he has a stubborn temper.

From Zhou Zhongshan's point of view, when Zhou Xu took the initiative to make up the knife, he clearly saw that the hyena man might be pretending to be dead, but he was negligent, or he didn't think about it at all.

From this point of view, he is really to blame!

Zhou Zhongshan was one of his subordinates who had been with him for the longest time, so it was impossible for Zhou Xu to be unclear about his stubborn temper.

At this moment, Zhou Xu sighed as he looked at Zhou Zhongshan, who was on the tip of his horns again.

"Then let's do this, pay a one-month fine, and improve your memory!"


"Take this hyena man's body and go back to the village!"

While Zhou Xu was speaking, an accompanying cavalry had already brought his mount back.

After taking the reins, Zhou Xu got on the horse without saying a word.

At the same time as they returned to the village, Ye Jinghong had gathered the cavalry squad and returned.

As mentioned earlier, the hyenas looked similar to them, and it was hard for them to know which one was the hyena queen when all the hyenas were scattered and fled.

But according to Ye Jinghong's temperament, since he was dispatched, there is absolutely no reason to return empty-handed.

Find the two hyenas and suppress them with force to win! He directly brought back the corpses of two hyena men to Zhou Xu.

In this process, Zhou Xu's skeleton soldiers also had their share of credit.

Knowing that he couldn't catch up, Zhou Xu still didn't release the mantra, why?

It's to deter those fleeing hyenas!

This is to tell those hyena people, as long as you dare to turn back and fight, my skeleton soldiers will immediately surround you!

It is this deterrence that makes the hyena people only want to escape for their lives, and they have no fighting spirit at all, which greatly reduces the difficulty of fighting.

"Jinghong, Li Ce, take care of the post-war work and report back to me."

Back in the village, Zhou Xu, who had already released the mantra, could not hide his tiredness. He undoubtedly wanted to take a good rest.

"Leader, don't worry, leave the rest to me and Li Ce!"

After Ye Jinghong patted his chest to take over the matter, Zhou Xu nodded and went back to the house to rest.

This time he didn't fall asleep.

From the middle of the night to the present, he used the mantra twice at a high intensity. Although he was exhausted, it did not reach the point where he was exhausted.

There is no doubt that with the continuous use of the mantra, his upper limit is also constantly increasing.

The dinner was delivered directly to his residence, and while eating dinner, Ye Jinghong told Zhou Xu about the deal he had made with Drogo during the day.

"The subordinates make decisions without authorization, please punish the leader!"

From Ye Jinghong's perspective, the saber-toothed tiger was undoubtedly a greater threat to them than food.

Not to mention that according to the content of the cooperation he proposed, they were only prepaying part of the centaur's food in advance. In contrast, after hunting the saber-toothed tiger, the saber-toothed tiger's body would belong to them.

That sabre-toothed tiger was as big as a car, and even if it was already skinny and boneless, it would definitely be able to produce a lot of meat.

From this point of view, they don't actually have much to lose.

Lifting Ye Jinghong up, Zhou Xu patted Ye Jinghong on the shoulder.

"Since I appointed you as the village head of Grassland Village, you have enough discretionary power. You did the right thing this time. Compared with that little food, quickly deal with the threat of the saber-toothed tiger. Saying that is the most important thing.”

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Zhou Xu's expression became a little worried.

"The saber-toothed tiger has benefited from us before, and if there is no food, it may come again."

Having said that, Zhou Xu paused.

"How about it, Jinghong, you set off immediately tomorrow morning, talk to Drogo, and suggest that their centaur clan rest in our village first, so that we can act together during the day and ambush the saber-toothed tiger that may attack at night. "

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