Not to mention the offensive ability, there are two bones and hyena troops on the grassland village, plus the cavalry led by Li Ce, this defensive force is enough to ensure the stability of the village.

This is also the main reason why Zhou Xu can rest assured and stay in the barren mountain village for a long time to stare at the construction of the new village here.

On a new day, when he slowly opened his eyes from the camp next to the new village, Zhou Xu had already made a decision in his heart.

"Call Shi Lei and Zhou Zhongshan over here!"

The base camp for them to stay temporarily was not that big. After receiving Zhou Xu's call, Shi Lei and Zhou Zhongshan almost rushed over at the fastest speed.

"Zhou Zhongshan (Shi Lei), see the leader!"

After signaling the two of them to waive the courtesy, Zhou Xu went straight to the point.

"After breakfast, I plan to go to the Altar of the Old God. The two of you will bring five rattan armored soldiers with me, just in case."

At the beginning, he triggered a system reminder on the altar of the old god, asking him if he would inject the power of mantra into the altar.

Zhou Xu didn't know what would happen if he injected the power of the mantra, so he hurriedly refused, and at the same time, various guesses arose in his mind.

A long time has passed since then, not that he forgot about the altar, but that he is making preparations.

He planned to thoroughly study all the mantras he had obtained first, and then toss this altar after improving his strength, but found that he had acquired the ability of 'endowing' again, so the original plan was pushed back and forth until now.

At this moment, Zhou Xu's words made Shi Lei's eyes flash with thought.

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"The altar of the old god seems to be able to infuse mantra power, I plan to see what happens."


Zhou Zhongshan and Shi Lei didn't know what to say to their leader's curiosity.

And Zhou Xu was still talking to himself...

"At that time, another God's Chosen may be summoned, so you should be mentally prepared."


Hearing this, Shi Lei, who has always been calm, was the first to be unable to sit still.

"Boss, it might not be a good thing to summon another God Chosen."

For this topic, Shi Lei undoubtedly has the right to speak, after all, he had summoned a God's Chosen.

Later, he was defeated and surrendered to Zhou Xu, and met other God's Chosen.

This made Shi Lei clearly realize that not every God's Chosen is reliable.

On the other hand, Zhou Zhongshan, who was sent into the soul as soon as he came up, successfully summoned their leader, I am afraid it is difficult to have this kind of experience.

In fact, Zhou Xu, who is a time traveler, would only think more about similar problems than him.

Now that you open your mouth to raise this matter, it is natural that a decision has been made.

Looking at Shi Lei with an anxious face, Zhou Xu calmed down the other party's emotions first, and then he opened his mouth slowly...

"I mainly want to touch the doorway of this altar of the old god. If the chosen one is summoned, then let him serve me. If the other party refuses, then kill him."

Zhou Xu, who said the last two words, spoke in an extremely calm tone, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

In fact, at this point, although he would not casually disregard human lives, he would not have any ambiguity when it was time to kill.

No matter the other party is a native of this world, or a time traveler like him.

Anyway, the one who died in his hands was not the first one, let alone the last one!

"As long as we are of one mind, even if we are chosen by God, what kind of waves can we make?"

Seeing the decisive appearance of their leader, Shi Lei felt a little relieved.

At the same time, Shi Lei agreed with what their leader said.

Without any further hesitation, after breakfast, they quickly arrived outside the altar of the old god.

"The four of you continue to stand outside the entrance of this cave, Chong Shan, Shi Lei, you guys and follow me in with the rattan armored soldiers."

There were originally guards on the Old God Altar. After making simple arrangements, this time out of caution, Zhou Xu directly led everyone in.

"I don't know how much mantra power will be consumed later, you must always be vigilant and be mentally prepared to deal with some emergencies."


Hearing their leader's reminder, everyone headed by Zhou Zhongshan and Li Ce responded in unison.

The burrow is not too deep, and the interior space is not too big. After the crowd poured in, the limited space suddenly became crowded.

There was no need for Zhou Xu to speak, Shi Lei directly arranged the positions for the five rattan armored soldiers and lined up.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu didn't say anything more, and walked up to the altar slowly.

【So, what do I need to do now? 】

Almost at the same time as this thought flashed through, the system prompt sounded...

[System prompt: May I ask if you want to inject mantra power into the 'altar'? 】

【yes! 】

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Xu, who was mentally prepared, said silently in his heart.

In an instant, he only felt the power of the mantra in his body surging rapidly, and then transformed into two tangible energies, which were poured into the altar in front of him.

Urged by the power of his mantra, the symbols carved on the altar light up one after another.

At that moment, Zhou Xu only felt that his mind was in a daze, and his consciousness sank into a deep sea like a 'pop'.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of light floated towards him in the distance, and Zhou Xu subconsciously stretched out his hand towards the ball of light.

At this moment, a sound came from the light group, it was a terrified scream...

【Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! Save me, save me! I don't want to die yet! Mother! ! 】

The sound startled Zhou Xu, as if he had been electrocuted, he immediately withdrew his hand.

"What's going on? It sounds like a teenage girl."

Just when Zhou Xu was a little confused about the situation, another ball of light floated over in the distance.

Zhou Xu hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to reach out his hand again.

Not surprisingly, another voice came from the light group.

【who are you? What do you want to do? ! Believe it or not, call the police? ! 】

[I have already called the police! I warn you, I have called the police! ! 】

At this moment, Zhou Xu, who had touched the second light group and withdrew his hand again, already had some thoughts in his heart.

"Could it be that each of these light groups represents a chosen one? Listening to the movement, they seem to have encountered danger. This is likely to be the last information they obtained before they died, that is to say, they can be summoned." Yes, all dead?"

However, just as Zhou Xu was muttering this, he felt his head starting to feel dizzy.

"It's the power of mantra. Every second I stay here, my power of mantra is being consumed continuously. My power is about to be drained by this altar. I have to choose quickly!"

Compared with the first little girl who was already panicking and crying for her mother, the second guy felt a little more reliable.

Just when Zhou Xu was about to catch the second light ball, another light ball floated in front of his eyes.

Gritting his teeth, he stretched out his hand to the ball of light. After sensing the 'message before death' from the ball of light, Zhou Xu's eyes lit up, and he grabbed the ball of light!

"You are the one!"

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