Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 383 This girl Mengdie

The main purpose of Zhou Xu's visit to Prairie Village this time was to make arrangements for Ma Guotao and to confirm the situation here.

Other than that, there was basically nothing for him to worry about here in Prairie Village.

In comparison, there are more things going on in Black Moon Village.

So after sending Ma Guotao and briefly confirming the situation with Ye Jinghong, he returned to Black Moon Village that day.

After a night's rest, Zhou Xu, who had regained his energy, started his work early the next morning.

I first went to the forging department. After a while, the two sets of molds with the ancient elven characters engraved on them were all ready.

One set is used to cast swords, and the other set is used to cast gun heads.

Considering that the next battlefield is on the grassland and cavalry is the core weapon, the spear is probably the more important weapon.

At this moment, the forging department has already prepared a sample of the sword and spearhead engraved with ancient elven characters.

Picking up a gun tip, Zhou Xu directly launched the mantra combination without any ink.

[Elementary weapon blessing! 】

At that moment, the power of the mantra was released along with the words, and the iron spear head lying in Zhou Xu's hand had an invisible edge!

"It's done!"

Zhou Xu was overjoyed when he saw this. The comprehensive equipment of enchanted weapons would definitely greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of their troops!

As his thoughts whirled, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on the model maker.

"Thank you for your hard work during this period. You have made great achievements in making the mold. I will reward you with five hundred coins!"

After saying that, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on the people of the forging department headed by Minister Wang Dachui.

"Calculating the time, the first batch of iron ore from the Tieshan Mine should be delivered soon. By then, everyone in the forging department will need to work hard to cast new versions of iron guns and swords."

"Prioritize the casting of iron spears. The first batch needs to be cast with two hundred spear heads, and the sword needs one hundred handles!"

As soon as this workload came to an end, there was an uproar in the forging department.

You know, the gun head and the sword are not just poured into the mold.

After taking off the mold, in order to improve the toughness of the weapon, they need to polish it multiple times. The whole process is quite time-consuming and laborious.

Considering the productivity of this era, two hundred gun heads and one hundred swords?

This workload can be said to be quite huge.

In fact, Zhou Xu currently does not have two hundred cavalry to arm.

As confirmed at the horse farm in Prairie Village yesterday, the total number of horses they can use at the moment is only seventy-three.

In other words, there are up to seventy-three cavalry units, including the more special five centaurs, and seventy-eight iron spears are enough to arm them all.

Zhou Xu immediately asked for two hundred spearheads to make two hundred iron spears. This took into account the problem of damage during the battle.

Suppose that in a battle, the iron gun of your cavalry is damaged. Repairing it will take time, but the next battle may not break out until you repair it.

For this reason, he needs enough spare weapons to ensure that after the weapon is damaged, it can be replaced with a new one immediately, ensuring that his own troops can fight at any time, instead of passively waiting for the weapon to be repaired. .

At this moment, Zhou Xu was not surprised at all by the reaction of everyone in the forging department.

"I know this is a lot of work, but please rest assured that I, Zhou Xu, will never treat you badly. From today on, the people in the forging department who participate in this forging work will not count the salary they would have received originally. An additional bonus of 100 yuan will be added, and the person with the best work performance that month will have his bonus doubled and a reward of 200 yuan!"

On the basis of the original salary, adding a bonus of 100 yuan is enough to significantly improve their lives, let alone doubling the bonus!

The stimulation of money made the members of the forging department, who were already under a lot of pressure due to the huge workload, now cheer with excitement and excitement! I can’t wait to start work immediately!

Seeing this, Zhou Xu smiled and then did not stay here to affect their work. He turned around and left the forging department and walked towards the outside of the village.

As soon as they reached the entrance of the village, they saw Wang Dong coming on horseback.

It is worth mentioning here that Wang Dong can ride a horse, because his hometown is over the grassland, and his family's playground is also near the grassland, so he is quite skilled in riding.

"Teacher Wang, you came just in time. I am about to go to inspect the results of the equipment department. Come together."

He also called Wang Dong here. Yesterday, he had someone take the news to Salt Lake Village and ask Wang Dong to come over.

Wang Dong had breakfast there, arranged the things to be arranged, and then set off. He just arrived now.

Faced with Zhou Xu's invitation at this moment, Wang Dong didn't say anything. He just pulled the reins and followed Zhou Xu towards the testing site.

"Leader, Teacher Wang."

Wang Dong's arrival gave Zhuang Mengdie a little surprise, but he didn't say much.

"Mengdie, are everything ready?"

"Everything is ready."

While speaking, Zhuang Mengdie pointed in a direction.

Looking in the direction of their fingers, a bed crossbow that was several times larger than an ordinary wooden cart came into their eyes.

"Is this a bed crossbow?"

Seeing this object, Wang Dong was stunned.

Although it is in the primitive era, due to the existence of Zhou Xu, many things here cannot be judged simply by the background of the era.

However, Wang Dong never expected that he would see Bed Crossbow here!

"Is this for those lizard men?"


Zhou Xu nodded.

"There's a big guy among those lizard men. I can't think of any other way to deal with him other than bed crossbows."

While talking, several people quickly approached.

After closing the distance, Wang Dong saw it more clearly, and at the same time, the shock in his heart became more intense.

"Good guy, this is not just an ordinary bed crossbow, this is a three-bow bed crossbow, right?"

The bright combination of three strong bows was there. It was not difficult to judge that it was a three-bow crossbow, but Zhou Xu still explained.

"I just borrowed a rough design, but at this stage, the power may not reach the level it has historically been. There is probably a lot of room for improvement in the future."

After all, it was the first-generation three-bow bed crossbow they made themselves. Although Zhou Xu had high hopes for it, he did not dare to speak too highly of it.

"This girl Mengdie, I knew she was handy, but I didn't expect her hands to be so skillful?"

Squatting down and looking at the parts connected by the mortise and tenon structure inside the three-bow bed crossbow, as well as the various mechanisms, Wang Dong was amazed.

Being able to make such an instrument in this era, this craftsmanship is definitely worthy of the title of 'master'.

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