Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 454 Continuous Impact

At this moment, the impact of the increase in the number of armored dragons on them can be said to be completely visible to the naked eye.

Judging from the current situation, it is no longer a question of whether they want to focus their fire on one, but that they cannot do it.

Although the armored dragons move slowly, they are still close to each other.

In the case of one moving backward and one moving forward, the efficiency of changing positions will not be much slower.

On the other hand, if you look at the crossbow unit, after the opponent's change, if you want to attack the opponent again, you may have to make a big detour. This is obviously unrealistic.

Now it seems that being dispersed by multiple big guys on the opposite side has become an inevitable thing.

Li Ce couldn't stop the attack of the crossbow troops just because of this.

After all, if you don't attack, the carapace of those big guys will never be damaged. This is a process that must be experienced.

Prolonging the battle and considering it from a long-term perspective, breaking the armor of these big guys one by one first will also be beneficial to their subsequent battles.

With this mentality, Li Ce directly signaled the crossbow troops to continue the attack.

After receiving the order, the second round of giant crossbow arrows quickly burst out, but the results achieved were completely different from the previous ones.

To put it simply, the defensive strength displayed by the carapace of the big guy as the new target was significantly greater than the one they had faced before.

This result made Li Ce's eyebrows suddenly knit together.

[Is this new one too strong, or is the one we dealt with before too weak? 】

However, just when Li Ce was surprised by the strength of the big guy's carapace, on the lizard man's side, Thoros was once again surprised by the attack strength of the three-bow crossbow.

How powerful is the three-bow bed crossbow? The lizard people actually don't have a particularly clear concept.

All they knew was that the three-bowed crossbow had broken the carapace of their high priest's mount.

But what does this mean?

To put it bluntly, their high priest's mount does not fully represent the armored dragon group.

As the mount of their high priest, the armored dragon had rarely experienced much combat before.

After all, their high priests would not charge into battle, and at the same time, under normal circumstances, they would not take out their mounts for them to use as combat units.

Having made this point clear, we have to talk about another characteristic of the armored carapace later.

The carapace of the Ankylosaurus is actually similar to its cuticle. Take humans as an example. The more menial work you do, the thicker the calluses on your hands become?

The armored dragon is actually similar. After the armored dragon's carapace is damaged, the carapace that grows back will be harder than the previous one.

In this way, the Armored Dragon, which has been fighting on the battlefield all year round, is constantly being attacked. At the same time, its own carapace is also becoming stronger and stronger in this cycle of being continuously destroyed and then restored.

Although there is a limit to this increase in strength, and it will not increase endlessly, it is definitely not comparable to the 'fine skin and tender meat'.

However, how confident Thoros was in their defensive strength before, then the impact that the three-bow bed crossbow has brought to him now is huge.

Originally, according to his plan, he directly relied on the strength of the armored dragon's carapace to maintain the defense of the iron barrel, and then pushed forward steadily, clearing the opponent's camp first.

But now the situation has undoubtedly changed.

If the opponent's attack can still effectively damage the armored dragon's carapace, then considering the possible follow-up battle, Soros certainly cannot allow the opponent to continue doing this!

But now it is no longer up to him to decide whether to adjust tactics.

As his thoughts whirled, Thoros turned to look at the high priest, who was frowning deeply at the moment.

After experiencing the previous consecutive defeats, the high priest finally couldn't sit still and directly arrived at the battlefield in person to supervise the battle.

Of course, it is said that he is supervising the battle, but with the high priest sitting here, the highest command power originally in the hands of Thoros will undoubtedly change hands.

"Soros, is that the weapon you mentioned before?"


Needless to say, the power of the weapon also surprised the high priest.

At the same time, there was also a hint of joy in my heart.

Fortunately, when the battle with the Ratmen had just reached a stalemate, he immediately made arrangements to mobilize troops, preparing to take this opportunity to destroy the Zhou troops here.

Now it seems that this decision is really the right one!

This scourge must be eliminated as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, the high priest simply ordered.

"Let the Velociraptors attack the weapons on the opposite side and destroy them!"

The order was given, the bugle of the attack was sounded, and as soon as the speed dragon cavalry unit, an old rival, appeared, Li Ce's expression immediately changed.

Li Ce actually expected in advance that the increase in the number of armored dragons had already revealed to him a signal that the lizard people's reinforcements had arrived.

Under this premise, the size of other troops will definitely increase accordingly. It is impossible for the opponent to just bring in a three-headed armored dragon, right?

But what Li Ce didn't expect was that the size of the army would increase so much all of a sudden!

At a glance, the number of dragon cavalry is at least twice that of before, probably close to 200 cavalry!

"Is this the strength of the lizard people?"

Li Ce, who gritted his teeth and felt uncertain, quickly gave the order without saying a word.

"Pass my order to have the crossbow troops retreat! At the same time, let the elf knights headed by Second Lieutenant Silk cooperate with the cavalry troops to block the surprise attack of the speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side!"

There is no doubt about the value of the three-bow bed crossbow, and the current production cycle is also long. Once it is destroyed, they will be completely helpless when facing the lizard people's armored dragon.

Taking this into account, even if it is a hard stop, he will definitely intercept the speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side to buy time for the transfer of the crossbow troops!

At present, the speed dragon cavalry has an absolute advantage in terms of strength. If the cavalry troops want to intercept them, the air flow barrier of the elf knights will become the key.

Just like the previous confrontation with the Velociraptor Cavalry, as the horses galloped, the cavalry unit, which was increasing in speed, was quickly divided into two, forming a double-blade formation more targeted at the flexibility of the Velociraptor Cavalry. Launch a pincer attack on the Velociraptor Cavalry.

At the same time, the elf knights headed by Silk also opened the air flow barrier and cut in from one side!

In a flash of lightning, the elf knights collided with the opposite speed dragon cavalry.

The air flow barrier could not withstand the impact of the cavalry and collapsed on the spot, but at the same time, it also successfully gave the leading speed dragon cavalry a head-on blow, which caused a "serial car accident".

The Velociraptor cavalry in the rear relied on the Velociraptor's flexibility to jump away and get away from the 'car accident scene'.

Zhou Chongshan, who did not intend to let the opponent escape so easily, galloped all the way, turned himself into the blade of the cavalry unit, and rushed forward on the spot.

In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere! The screams and neighing sounds are endless!

Facing a powerful enemy, Zhou Chongshan and the others fought fiercely, and it could even be said that they risked their lives.

But leaving aside the advantages and disadvantages of the Speed ​​Dragon Cavalry and the ordinary cavalry, in terms of overall strength, the Speed ​​Dragon Cavalry is not much worse than them.

Now that their troops are completely overwhelmed, it is almost impossible for Zhou Chongshan and the others to continue to have the upper hand, even if they take the lead and gain momentum.

Relying on their strength, the Dragon Cavalry quickly stabilized their position, then adopted an encircling formation and launched a counterattack against them.

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable to them, at this moment, outside the plain, dust filled the sky accompanied by bursts of rapid sounds of horse hooves.

At the end of the field of vision, the centaur clan headed by Diak rushed into the plain battlefield like divine soldiers descending from the sky!

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