Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 476 You say something and I say something

Although in this battle with the lizardmen, they were passively protecting themselves after being invaded, as long as it was a war, the consumption would be huge. When the consumption was high, they had to consider a question of interests.

They paid losses, and while neutralizing the threat, they occupied the lizard people's resource areas to gain benefits. This was a normal process.

But if this resource land is replaced by a piece of scorched earth, then Zhou Xu will definitely not be as proactive as he is now, and he will be more inclined to reduce his losses.

As for Silk and Diack's anger, it basically comes from Wang Pengfei's destruction of natural resources.

You know, for them living in this era, natural resources are the foundation for their survival.

This is like there is a freshwater lake nearby, which is the only source of water in the area, but you are a bitch poisoning it. It has nothing to do with your position. Isn't this supposed to cause public outrage?

Zhou Xu, who saw this, naturally did not forget to comfort them with a few words.

"Okay, stop being such a brat and keep talking about business."

Before time travel, Wang Pengfei was naturally the king of keyboards and bars on the Internet, and he had no rivals in all major sectors.

But now the situation is different after all. In reality, he will directly have to bear the blow of dimensionality reduction.

That sentence just now was the last sign of his stubbornness.

Now, after the initial embarrassment, he had shrunk aside with a look of despair on his face, wanting to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Zhou Xu ignored him and regarded it as a small interlude. He followed the general below and told him that from a strategic perspective, he hoped that the lizard people would take the initiative to attack.

But the lizard people are not stupid either. It is not easy to achieve this goal at this stage.

Maintaining this state, the situation fell into a brief silence. Then, Zhou Xu's eyes suddenly lit up as if he thought of something. At the same time, Li Ce on the side also reacted in the same way.

At that moment, the two people who noticed each other quickly looked at each other, and then Zhou Xu was the first to speak...

"Maybe we can go on the offensive first."

Upon hearing this, Li Ce knew that he and their king wanted to go together, so he quickly picked up the conversation.

"Then they deliberately retreated, leading the lizardmen's troops out to pursue them, or even doing it more thoroughly to make them switch from defense to offense."

At this moment, both of them were happy, with unconcealable smiles on their faces.

Show the enemy weakness and lure the snake out of its hole! Did they just want to go together?

"However, this matter cannot be too fake, otherwise the lizard people will definitely notice it."

Zhou Xu emphasized.

Li Ce nodded.

"Our crossbow unit has just exhausted the giant crossbow arrows before, and now it has been replenished. The opponent must know that our logistics supplies have arrived. Under this premise, if the strength is not increased at all, the opponent will most likely be suspicious."

"Then let's just let the fifty mountain soldiers I brought this time go into action together. If we can get in directly, we will do it. If we can't get in, we will follow the plan to show the enemy's weakness and lure the snake out of the hole!"

Inside the camp, Zhou Xu and Li Ce just talked to each other and completed the entire plan. Others present looked at each other in confusion. For a moment, they didn't know what to say.

After that, the two of course did not forget to add some details, and at the same time considered how to deal with some unexpected situations if they happened.

It is better to make this plan as comprehensive as possible.

Of course, after this, this plan cannot be implemented immediately.

Because of the crazy harassment from the armored dragon on the opposite side day and night, their frontline troops are now in a terrible state.

After all, the next action is related to the lives of the soldiers, and it is impossible to let them just do it. If they die in battle, won't they become unjust victims?

No matter what, they had to rest for two or three days to allow the soldiers to recuperate before carrying out follow-up operations.

However, during this period, if the armored dragon on the opposite side maintains harassment tactics and continues to carry out operations, it will really be a trouble for them.

"Then simply evacuate the frontline camp first. In this way, if the other party wants to harass us, they can only go straight to the garrison camp. The armored dragon moves slowly, and the outer carapace has basically been destroyed by us. We are inseparable, as long as the opponent dares to send out, we will be sure to shoot the armored dragon directly on the plain!"

As soon as Zhou Xu finished speaking, the order was quickly executed.

During this period, although the Lizardmen lost the aerial reconnaissance unit of the Pterodactyl Riders, major actions such as the all-round retreat of frontline troops could be easily confirmed by just sending a scout.

After receiving the news, Soros frowned slightly.

"Judging from the previous situation, the opponent's logistics supplies should have just been delivered yesterday. Now they have begun to retreat. I am afraid they want to avoid our harassment, adjust the status of the troops, and officially launch an offensive."

"Then what should we do now? Let the armored dragons continue to harass them and prevent them from recovering?"

Gruul, who was sitting next to him, asked casually without thinking.

After this period of time, he has completely left all the thinking to Soros.

In response, Soros just glanced at him sideways but said nothing.

That night, Zhou Xu still maintained due vigilance. If the other party really continued to send out armored dragons to launch harassing attacks, then they would definitely let the armored dragons die in this night!

But the result is that the armored dragon did not appear.

It was a quiet night, so peaceful that the frontline soldiers, who had been used to the armored dragon appearing every night, were now a little uncomfortable with it.

On the contrary, they did not have a good rest in this long-lost peaceful day.

The next morning, Zhou Xu, who received the report, couldn't laugh or cry for a while. It is not difficult to see from this that habits are really terrible things.

However, judging from the situation this night, the commander on the opposite side should also realize that if the armored dragon is sent out again, his life will be in danger, so he does not dare to act rashly again.

In the following time, Zhou Xu was not in a hurry. On the premise that the other party would send troops to return reinforcements, on the front line, how long had Li Ce and the lizardmen on the opposite side been fighting at each other? The other side wanted to send troops back for reinforcements, and they must have arrived by now, so he didn't miss a day or two.

Three more days passed, and it was still a peaceful three days. There was no big movement on the lizard people's side. Occasionally, lizard people's scouts would appear, but they would be driven away by patrols as soon as possible.

This allowed the soldiers on the front line to finally have an environment where they could rest peacefully, and Zhou Xu had also begun to confirm with Li Ce the number of mountain soldiers that could be mobilized on the front line.

"Including the reinforcements brought by your Majesty, there is currently a hundred-man team on the front line. In addition..."

At this point, Li Ce's voice paused.

"A part of the cavalry led by Li Tie applied to join this operation as infantry."

"Li Tie. I remember this name is..."

"That's Hongshi, the leader of the Hongshi tribe."

Zhou Xu nodded.

"Li Ce, what do you think about this matter?"

"Reporting back to your Majesty, according to my subordinates' opinion, Li Tie and the others are mountain people who grew up in the mountains. Their combat capabilities in such a complex environment are quite good. At present, our frontline troops are relatively limited, so we can allow it."

Zhou Xu nodded after receiving this answer.

"Okay, that's it."


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