Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 498 An unexpected gain

Since the war between the lizardmen and the ratmen has hardly stopped in the past two years, the young adults in the lizardmen tribe have basically concentrated on the southern battlefield.

Of course, considering that there are still old neighbors here, the Centaur clan, they also left some troops to be on guard.

There is no need to elaborate on where this part of the force ended up.

To put it simply, there are only a group of old, weak, women and children left in the clan.

Although the fighting in the border area has not stopped, because the tribe is hidden deep in the rain forest and the war cannot spread here, the internal atmosphere is still relatively peaceful.

Until the arrival of Chitose...

Amidst the screams, extraordinary creatures that should not appear in the rainforest area completely broke the tranquility, and the lizard people who discovered the existence of Chitose fled in a hurry.

Compared to these panicked lizard men, Chitose was much calmer. A pair of dark golden eyes curiously looked at the group of buildings located deep in the rain forest in front of him, and he walked slowly towards it. .

And at this moment, along with the sound of dense and fast footsteps, the speed dragon cavalry who rushed back for help rushed out of the rain forest.

After discovering Chitose's existence, he immediately sent out a signal and surrounded Chitose.

During this process, they kept a distance from Chitose throughout the process and continued to move, thereby reducing the possibility of being killed by Chitose.

At the same time, Thoros, who was also riding a velociraptor back, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the signal.

Although the extraordinary creature on the opposite side took action before them, the other side did not know the route after all and needed to search along the way. This made the two of them arrive here almost in tandem.

However, before Soros could finish breathing a sigh of relief, a deafening roar came from not far away.

Sound waves visible to the naked eye spread out along with the roar, and at the same time, the branches and leaves of the surrounding plants rustled, causing Soros's expression to change suddenly.


At this moment, the expression on Soros's face was full of annoyance.

This roar was like a signal. Once captured by the opposite party, the location of their tribe would be completely exposed. This was not a good thing for them.

He could be lucky and think that the other party might not notice it, but... is this possible?

Zhou Xu, who was in the plain position, moved his ears and vaguely heard the movement coming from the depths of the rain forest. He subconsciously raised his eyes and saw the large number of frightened birds. He guessed that something must have happened inside. .

And while he was pondering this, a messenger rushed out of the rain forest and reported the latest situation to him.

After listening to the report and analyzing it based on what happened just now, Zhou Xu suddenly had some ideas in his mind.

[The lizardmen troops suddenly gave up the fight and retreated in an emergency. Is it possible that Chitose broke into their camp or even their residence? 】

According to the information provided to them by the Centaur clan, the lizard people's residence is deep in this rain forest.

This was an unexpected gain that he had not thought of before.

Even being able to take down the opposite camp would be a great thing for them, let alone the lizard people's residence.

Isn't this a direct attack on Huanglong? !

During this period, Zhou Chongshan also reported to Zhou Xu the latest situation of their mountain troops through the messenger. They were still capable of fighting.

Now, there is no reason not to continue the attack!

"Send the signal to attack!"

After receiving the order, the passionate attack horn sounded.

Inside the rainforest, Zhou Zhongshan suddenly knew something in his heart when he heard the sound of the horn.

"Continue the attack!"

After the order was issued, the sword and shield troops immediately advanced aggressively.

And Zhou Xu, who was in the plains, was undoubtedly ready to leave.

After all, as the large army continues to deepen, if the distance is too far, the power of the mantra he blessed on the skeleton soldiers will dissipate.

Under this premise, as an important component of their infantry force at this stage, in order to ensure that the skeleton troops can continue to play their role, Zhou Xu, as the controller, will undoubtedly have to follow suit.

At the same time, on the lizard people's side...

Without any words, the old, weak, women and children in the tribe had already fled towards the direction of the temple.

They didn't know that all the temple guards had been taken away by Thoros.

Or even if they knew, they would still run there.

In the eyes of the lizard people, the temple with the high priest is the safest place.

Such a big thing happened outside, and the cronies arranged by the high priest in the army had already rushed back to report to him.

After listening to the report, the high priest's face looked extremely ugly.

With its back to the edge of the world and hidden in a large area of ​​lush rainforest, the tribe should be able to sit back and relax.

After all, in the energy channels that are opened from time to time, even if outsiders come in, as the defenders, they can completely block the exit and easily annihilate the opponent.

The high priest never dreamed that one day they would be attacked by the enemy.

Every time he thought about this, the high priest would feel an uncontrollable anger in his chest.

At the same time, as the Zhou troops headed by Zhou Chongshan advanced towards the lizard people's clan, one of the two speed dragon cavalry who followed Thoros's order and hid in the dark to monitor the follow-up actions on the other side... Ming hurriedly ran to report.

"Commander, the enemy troops are moving this way!"

"Damn it!"

Thoros couldn't help but let out a curse.

The situation he least expected to see happened.

The fighting power of the old, weak, women and children in the tribe cannot be said to be zero, but it is also very limited. According to their current combat power, once the large army from the opposite side arrives, coupled with the existence of the extraordinary creature, there is a high probability that their tribe will not be able to save it. .

While his thoughts were whirling, Thoros rode the dragon cavalry and hurriedly went to the temple from the outside to explain the latest situation to the high priest.

At this moment, the high priest's expression was so grim that it even made him feel panicked, but Soros could only bite the bullet.

"Please ask the high priest to take action to reverse the situation!"

After hearing these words, the high priest's face became uncertain.

They were created as servants of the 'god', and therefore their power and heritage are closely tied to the 'god'.

Simply put, the weaker the 'god', the less power and blessing they receive from the 'god'.

Thousands of years ago, the 'god' who slept deep in the temple could still appear as a saint every hundred years, but as of his generation, the 'god' had not appeared as a saint for at least five hundred years.

During this period, as the high priest, he could feel that the connection between himself and the 'god' was becoming increasingly weak, and his power was also declining. This all proved that their 'god' was changing. Getting weaker and weaker.

From that time on, the high priest no longer took action easily and stayed in the temple all year round to serve the gods.

In fact, the purpose is to hide the fact that his power is constantly weakening.

But now, the enemy may have reached the outside of their temple, and he has no room for further avoidance!

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