Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 516 Lizard Man and Dragon Man

The main difference between lizard people and dragon people is whether they have dragon blood.

It seems that there is only one difference, but the problem is that the impact of this difference is enough to make the strength of the dragon people and the lizard people appear to be completely different.

"According to what you said, is it possible that lizardmen can evolve into dragonmen?"

"If you had the same ability as my mother, giving them dragon blood would be a simple matter."

Bam's words were completely unconscious. After saying them, he couldn't help but fell into a brief silence.

Of course, this state did not last long, and he soon continued talking as if nothing was wrong.

"If they don't have that ability, it's actually not difficult to make them evolve into dragons, but the cost is a bit higher."

"What price?"

Bam wanted to change the topic, and Zhou Xu was also happy to ask for the answer.

After all, he had already seen the strength of the lizard people. Of course, Zhou Xu had some thoughts about the dragon people that Bam said were powerful enough to completely crush the lizard people.

"Then use dragon blood to evolve them."

Bam said the answer calmly.

"The nature of dragon blood is very domineering. Once it enters the body of other living things, it will quickly start to assimilate, or it may be more appropriate to say 'occupy'. When the dragon blood completes the occupation, the transformation of the dragon people will be completed."

"Of course, not everyone can do it. You have to consider adaptability. It is currently known that creatures other than dragons have very poor adaptability to dragon blood, and basically cannot escape a sudden death."

"But the lizard people are different. They are created according to the template of the dragon people. They are adaptable to dragon blood, so it is not difficult to transform, but it is a waste of blood."

Using dragon blood to evolve lizardmen into dragonmen is indeed a simple method, but it is not easy to do.

If nothing else, where would he get dragon blood? You can't bleed Bam, right?

Regardless of the fact that he and Bam have a contract with the dragon god Ceylon, and they seem to have a good friendship, let's just talk about Bam's identity.

Bam is not his subordinate, so he can't order Bam to do things that the other party really doesn't want to do, not to mention that Bam is still an ancient dragon!

The existence of the dragon clan itself is at the top of the food chain, and according to Zhou Xu's current understanding, the ancient dragon is the top of the top, and can be regarded as a descendant of the divine race.

Bleeding Bam in order to cultivate a group of dragon people? Isn't this price too high? Are you really not afraid that Bam will settle accounts with his future wife?

At the same time, from a value perspective, how could a dragon man compare to an ancient dragon with divine blood?

In this way, he probably has a long way to go before he can obtain dragon-human units.

"Then with the help of the sacred incubation pool, can I obtain some half-dragons to a certain extent?"

"Okay, after all, there were two half-dragons kneeling there at that time."

Zhou Xu was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"There are two?"

At that time, the lizardmen, except for the particularly eye-catching high priest, all knelt down, which made him not notice the existence of other half-dragons at all.

Until now Bam brought it up.

"Yes, but the dragon blood in the other body is even thinner. If the dragon blood in the big fat man's body should account for 40 to 50 percent, then the dragon blood in the other body should only account for 10 percent. He looked like he was left and right, so as soon as you showed up, he knelt down."

At this point, Bam's voice paused.

"It's easy to distinguish them. They look different from ordinary lizard people."

This is really a simple and crude way of distinguishing.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu casually summoned a soldier.

"Go and confirm. There is another lizard man who looks different among the lizard men. Call that lizard man over as well."


One person and one dragon returned to the temple in the time it took to speak.

After a while, Chitose and Bam were very comfortable here, and they didn't need his attention at all. Zhou Xu was also very happy about this. He leaned directly on the metal seat and opened the 'Dragon Lord' function. The ladder panel is confirmed.

Originally, only two icons were on in the entire class panel, but now it's better. After accepting the batch of lizardmen, multiple arms and professions were triggered in succession, and a large area was lit up for him at once.

However, the levels of these professional projects are generally not high, and they are basically first-level projects.

It is not difficult to see from this that although the lizardmen are versatile in terms of military occupations, they lack a bit of specialization.

The effect of those first-level military professional projects is basically maintained at the level of "slightly" improving the overall quality of the military unit.

As far as the bonus is concerned, there is no need to have high expectations for the time being.

The details will have to wait until the project level is raised later, and then combined with other enhancement projects that may be unlocked to make a judgment.

While Zhou Xu was busy researching the subsequent upgrade of this area, a burst of footsteps came from outside the hall.

"Report to the king, the lizardman high priest and the lizardman commander Thoros have arrived."

Needless to say, this man named Thoros should be the lizard man Bam mentioned, with a bit of draconian blood.

"Let them in."


After receiving permission, the soldier trotted directly to deliver the order.

Outside the temple, the high priest no longer cared about his image. He sat down directly against a pillar and began to breathe heavily.

He has really never felt so deeply that the stone steps outside their temple are so long and high like now!

In the past, when he moved around, he either rode a carriage or an armored dragon, but now the situation has changed. How can he still get this treatment?

After this trip, it was really difficult for him, a big fat man.

As a result, before he could take a few more breaths, the soldiers who went to report ran out.

Looking at the high priest sitting there gasping for breath, the soldier frowned.

"Get up, the king has summoned you."

At this moment, the high priest was really on the verge of tears. He really wished that Zhou Xu could hang him outside the temple for an hour or two so that he could have a good rest.

But reality does not allow it.

Gritting his teeth, the high priest stood up directly holding on to the wall.

"Go, let's go."

Following the soldier into the temple, the high priest lowered his eyes the whole time, not daring to raise his eyes to look directly at Zhou Xu who was sitting above him.

He had doubts about how their god looked like a human being.

But the throbbing that comes from blood instinct cannot be faked.

At the same time, after surrendering, the high priest was also keenly aware that their physical fitness had improved slightly.

This made the high priest even more convinced of Zhou Xu's identity as a 'god'.

Although this slight rebound was far inferior to the blessing that the gods had given them before, and his power had not returned, he only regarded it as punishment because they had betrayed the gods before and let the gods disappoint them.

Now that God is willing to favor them again, it is already a great gift.

In a short period of time, he did not dare to ask for more.

Update sent, thank you to the book friend "Xinqianzhichengovo" for the reward!

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