Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 518 Mixed joys and sorrows

Looking at the two figures struggling below, Zhou Xu couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

He really just asked casually out of curiosity.

The two meetings were about blaming each other for this issue, and they ended up getting into a fight, which he never expected.

However, as a bystander, he was still quite happy watching this scene.

When things got to this point, Bolevin and Soros were directly at odds with each other.

But Zhou Xu didn't mind this situation.

Even from his perspective, this might be a good thing.

This wave benefited from the aura of the 'Dragon Lord'. Although these lizard people bowed their heads and bowed, and their words and deeds were considered respectful, who knew what they were thinking in their hearts?

In addition, from the perspective of population strength, for now, Zhou Xu blindly guessed that the total population of lizard people here is definitely larger than them.

Not counting his own special combat power, the military power of the lizardmen is likely to be greater than theirs.

With such a new group of people annexed, if the other party is harmonious and monolithic internally, then their status as a human within the Great Zhou Dynasty may be greatly affected.

There may even be situations where the dominant position is not guaranteed.

Although he is willing to accept other races and even treat them equally, some practical problems are obviously unavoidable.

That is, within the Great Zhou Dynasty, human beings are his foundation. Once this foundation is shaken, it will definitely not be a good thing for Zhou Xu.

As a result, before he could think about it more, the high priest and the commander fell out.

Whether their fight was a real fight or a fake fight, Zhou Xu actually didn't care much. After holding his chin and watching them struggle for a while, he thought it was almost over and called a stop.

"Okay, stop."

Boleven, a big fat man, had already lost half his life climbing the long and high stone steps outside the temple.

Just now, he was full of anger and struggled with Soros for a while, but now his body could hardly bear the stress.

As soon as Zhou Xu told him to stop, he naturally stopped, and Soros stopped quickly.

At that time, his emotions were all over the place, but now that he thinks about it, he feels scared.

After confirming that their king had no intention of blaming him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, Zhou Xu finally figured out the reason why the other party came back.

Zhou Xu, who learned about the situation, felt mixed feelings.

Fortunately, the dragon god's consciousness dissipated, causing the lizard people to lose all the strengthening blessings, and even those abilities and means.

This means that they now have to rely on themselves and get blessings from themselves, which can make him have stronger control over the lizard people, without having to worry about the lizard people rebelling accidentally.

The worry is that if this happens, the overall combat power of the lizardmen will drop significantly.

For a moment, the mood was really complicated.

At the same time, it also made Zhou Xu aware of a rather urgent situation.

[If the lizardmen who have not formally surrendered to me are now in a state of no blessing at all, and their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced, then I don’t know if the large lizardmen army in the southern battlefield, fighting against the ratmen, is considered to have been defeated. If you surrender to me, wouldn't it be dangerous if you don't count? 】

Of course, even if he surrenders, his little blessing may not be enough.

But it’s better than nothing, right?

At this moment, Zhou Xu had already begun to think about dealing with their 'old comrades'.

The lizard men here are an important combat force he uses to deal with the rat men. If they are severely damaged, it will be difficult for him to deal with them in the future.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu's eyes fell directly on Bo Levin.

"Bolewen, I want you to set off immediately and rush to the southern battlefield as quickly as possible to make all the lizard people there surrender to me, Great Zhou."

At this moment, Bo Levin just wanted to perform well and regain their king's trust.

Therefore, he naturally did not question Zhou Xu's order at all and immediately agreed.

As for Soros, he will stay here for the time being.

On the one hand, it is to prevent him from turning around and causing any conflicts over what just happened.

On the other hand, he still had a lot to learn about the lizard people, and he needed to have such a lizard person by his side so that he could ask questions.

After a period of understanding, some of Zhou Xu's questions were answered.

For example, he learned that the natural lifespan of ordinary lizardmen is only about sixty years, while special individuals like Soros often live much longer.

The exact number of years you can live seems to vary from case to case.

The longest-lived special individual they knew seemed to have lived for more than 200 years. Regardless of this individual case, if nothing unexpected happened, it shouldn't be a problem for special individuals to live to be 150 years old.

The special individual Soros and the others mentioned was actually the half-dragon who accidentally inspired part of the dragon-blood lineage during the incubation process in the sacred incubation pool.

Sure enough, those with some dragon blood are more likely to survive.

"So, how many special individuals are there within the group now?"

Zhou Xu is still quite concerned about this issue, because it will directly affect the lizard people's future troop structure and combat strength.

We can't get any dragons for the time being, so it would be a good idea to put together a half-dragon army using the odds.

However, Zhou Xu's idea soon fell through with Soros's answer.

"Counting the high priest and me, there were originally six."

Through this number, Zhou Xu can clearly feel how small the probability of this activation is.

At the same time, he quickly captured an important point.



Soros nodded.

"There should be only four left now. As far as I know, one died on the southern battlefield, and another..."

Soros's voice hesitated.

"Died on the plain battlefield."


Zhou Xu was shocked when he heard the news. He didn't even know that they had killed one before.

Probably sensing Zhou Xu's surprise, Soros explained...

"He is too young, only twenty-three years old."

It is not difficult to hear from Soros's words that he believes that Gruul has not had time to grow up.

But think about it, the current natural lifespan of half-human dragons is one hundred and fifty years old, and Gruul died in the battle at the age of twenty-three, isn't it because he hasn't grown up yet?

Taking this opportunity, Zhou Xu confirmed other questions about the lizard people.

The questions that had been bothering him before were answered.

That is, lizard people are considered adults when they are six years old. Among them, Soluk (blue lizard) can lay two to three lizard eggs in one litter, and the incubation period is ten months.

Baltu (green lizard) can lay four to six lizard eggs in one litter, and the incubation period is also ten months.

The lizard-men's incubation cycle is basically the same as the human pregnancy cycle.

But because lizard people basically give birth to several babies at a time, and they have sacred incubation pools to protect them, their fertility efficiency and hatching stability are currently directly superior to humans.

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