Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 521 Arrangements from all parties

Normally, after finishing the errands, there would be nothing left for him for the time being.

At that time, Wang Pengfei was wandering in the world, but his name was suddenly called by Zhou Xu.

After coming back to his senses, the whole person was dumbfounded on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, he shook his head like a rattle.

However, even if he shakes his brain, it will be useless.

Zhou Xu, a person who can discuss things, will definitely ask for your opinions and thoughts, otherwise it means that the matter is not negotiable.

Wang Pengfei is also aware of this temperament.

But why is he afraid!

My grandma is going to the battlefield! And this time their king is not around yet, so he can’t hug his thigh even if he wants to. If he’s not careful, he might end up burping there. Who wouldn’t be afraid? !

"Your Majesty, I am your personal attendant, so I must be by your side! Otherwise, who will help you every day?"

Wang Pengfei obviously still wanted to fight to the death, so he directly used the same rhetoric that Zhou Xu had brought him to the front line.

But Zhou Xu didn't accept this trick at all.

"It doesn't matter, just do your best and you don't have to worry about me."

Wang Pengfei's face instantly turned pale.

By Zhou Xu's side, he would literally help organize documents, run errands, and occasionally chat with their king, who would find inspiration while chatting with him.

In fact, Wang Pengfei himself knew that as far as he was concerned, another person could actually handle it. At best, it was just because he didn't know much and his efficiency was low.

At the same time, Wang Pengfei couldn't help but think a lot about why their king must let him be the supervisor, and it was inevitable that he would have some not-so-good ideas during the process.

[Could it be that the king wants me to die? 】

As this thought came to mind, Wang Pengfei's heart suddenly twitched, and his face became paler.

Seeing Wang Pengfei's "It's over, Barbie Q" expression, Zhou Xu was speechless, but he still comforted him for the time being.

"Relax, you are just a supervisor, and I am not asking you to charge into the battle. Your duty is to observe the rat troops. After all, you are a time traveler, and your observation perspective is different from others. I want you to take a look at the rat troops. What kind of person is this person? Then come back and report to me."

Having said this, Zhou Xu added another sentence.

"As for safety issues, Zhongshan will protect you."

Wang Pengfei was greatly relieved by Zhou Xu's words.

When he realized that he seemed to have misunderstood their king, the sadness on his face also diminished a bit.

Although he was still not happy, he also knew that he had no choice but to go.

"Okay, you go down and get ready first."


Wang Pengfei responded with a dull sound and then retreated.

After Wang Pengfei retreated, Zhou Xu ordered Li Ce to go to the plains and call Diack, the leader of the centaur clan, and also inform Drogo and Hill of his reward who were also sitting on the border of the plains. beat them.

The terrain of the rainforest was complicated and difficult to navigate. Li Ce followed Zhou Xu's order and went directly to Soros to borrow a Velociraptor to travel.

Although Li Ce has superb riding skills, he can only ride horses and has never ridden a velociraptor. The two are not the same in nature. Li Ce lacks experience and is naturally unlikely to ride it by himself at this time. Instead, he will let Soros adjust it. He hired a dragon cavalry to take him out.

Velociraptors are weak in physical strength, have average weight-bearing capabilities, and have limited space on their backs. They are basically ridden by a single soldier. Carrying one more person will still have a great impact.

However, no matter how great the impact was, it would definitely be faster than walking. In addition, there was no need to fight at the moment. He was just on his way as usual. There were no problems along the way. Li Ce arrived at the frontline camp on the plain smoothly.

Looking at the speed dragon cavalry who came out with Li Ce, the soldiers on the front line, including Diack, Drogo and Silk, couldn't help but take a few more glances.

It's not that they haven't seen the Velociraptor Cavalry, but they still haven't digested the news that the Lizardmen have surrendered to them and surrendered to their Great Zhou, with a slightly unreal feeling.

During this period, Silk actually didn't have much thought about this matter.

In this battle with the lizardmen, they had already killed many lizardmen. Even Gruul, the leader of the lizardmen who had invaded their world and destroyed their elven village, had died under Zhou Chongshan's gun.

Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its owner. The elves themselves are not a murderous race, and they will not destroy the entire clan or kill the entire family at every turn.

After reaching this point of killing and at the same time that the lizardmen had surrendered, Silk did not have any extreme thoughts about killing them all.

He has long since come out of hatred. For him now, the most important thing is to let the existing tribesmen live better and let their tribes continue.

Li Ce was ordered to come, so he didn't dare to delay. After quickly informing Drogo and King Silk of the rewards given to them, he turned to find Diack, the leader of the Centaur clan.

Li Ce's journey back and forth, even though he had Athlon to move around, which improved his movement efficiency, would probably take some time. Zhou Xu certainly didn't plan to be idle during this period.

An order was issued to collect the sharp crystals that had been collected from the crystal mine. At the same time, he also did not forget to ask people to recover the crystal weapons that had been scattered across the battlefield and load them all into trucks.

He plans to wait for the next time the energy channel is opened and go back with these crystal weapons.

Do some research to see if you can smelt special metals so that they can forge magic weapons.

Judging from the current situation, the output of sharp crystals here is not small. Once the new metal and new weapons are successfully developed, and the lizard people in the south are armed, it will be enough to greatly increase the strength of the lizard people. No matter how bad they are, they can withstand the incoming attacks. On the offensive of the Skaven.

After he finished arranging the sharp crystal stone, Li Ce came over there with Diak.

"Diak, I have met the king!"

"The patriarch is exempt from the gift."

After that, Zhou Xu didn't waste any time and quickly explained the current situation of the lizard people and the situation of the rat people in the south.

Although Diak and the others had already learned about the lizard people's surrender before, but now that they heard it from Zhou Xu, it felt different.

The tribal groups living in this era are very receptive to annexation.

Just like when Zhou Chongshan was able to accept Li Ce, who once destroyed their tribe.

From their perspective, everyone is trying to survive, and there is nothing to say about it. After defeating the other party, they annexed the other party in order to enhance their own strength and enable them to survive better in this era. This It's a natural thing to do.

Although the Centaur clan headed by Diak were allies with the Great Zhou, in the end they were still outsiders. The incorporation of the Lizardmen clan was an internal matter of the Great Zhou, so he naturally had nothing to say.

Zhou Xu's intention at this moment was also very clear, that is, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to deal with the threat from the rat people, and even if he could not completely eliminate them, he would at least defeat them.

Otherwise, they may not be able to live in peace in the future.

Diack basically agreed with Zhou Xu's statement.

Being in this world, they naturally know who those rat people are. If they have the chance to deal with them, they must deal with them.

"Your Majesty, our Centaur clan is willing to send troops to help, but before that, I want to take the people to settle down and take a rest."

"Of course you can. Count the days. The energy channel should be opened in a few days. Then you, the Centaur clan, will follow me back. I will never break my promise to you!"

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