Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 548 Cavalry Charge

Zhou Chongshan gave an order, and the Zhou cavalry immediately responded and rushed into the battlefield with the sound of rumble of horse hooves.

At this time, the area where the rat army and the lizard people were fighting was a plain. After breaking away from the outer cover, their existence was immediately exposed.

Zhou Chongshan, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, didn't care at all and rushed straight towards the Ratman regular army position.

Talon saw it and shouted on the spot...

"I knew that old immortal must want to trick me!"

At this moment, seeing through the sharp claws of Boleven's trick, I felt so happy in my heart.

But at the same time, he also noticed that something was wrong with this cavalry unit.

In terms of eyesight, rat men have always been average, or rather poor. It was not until the cavalry team approached a certain distance that he discovered that the ones coming were not lizard men at all, but humans!

This discovery shocked Talon.

Although at this moment, he couldn't understand what was happening at all, but as the leader of a clan, Sharp Claw's reaction was relatively fast. No matter what the situation was, he immediately gave the order to let the rat tide pass. Intercepted the cavalry team headed by Zhou Chongshan.

Facing the rat tide, Zhou Chongshan had already learned from the mistakes of the speed dragon cavalry in front. At this time, without saying a word, Zhou Chongshan charged directly forward to kill them!

At that moment, the rat tide composed of rat slave soldiers, although they seemed powerful, were as brittle as thin paper under the iron hoofs of their Great Zhou cavalry.

This feeling was something they had never experienced before when they attacked the lizardmen's position.

If, facing the frontal charge of their Great Zhou cavalry, the strength of the lizardmen's position can be compared to a thickened board, then the strength of the rat slave soldiers is really like a piece of thin paper!

There is no doubt that this is a gap in strength.

These rat slave soldiers are weaker than the lizardmen, which also makes it easier for them to crush them completely!


Amidst the roar, the Zhou Chongshan cavalry, led by Zhou Chongshan, rushed into the rat tide with a devastating momentum. The fragile rat slave soldiers were easily crushed by the iron hoofs of their horses.

Seeing this scene in the distance made Sharp Claw's eyelids jump.

He knew that the strength of the slave troops under his command was not high. After all, the slave troops always won by quantity, not speed, but the strength of the opposing Zhou cavalry was somewhat beyond Talon's expectations.

It is not difficult to see from their performance of charging into the rat tide that in terms of charging power alone, these human cavalry are obviously stronger than the lizard people's velociraptor cavalry!

This made Rat Chao, who was used to intercepting the Velociraptor Cavalry, obviously uncomfortable after switching his opponent to the Great Zhou Cavalry.

In order to effectively encircle and kill the opponent, the sharp claws signaled the rat tide to attack, and at the same time, they also let the rat tide spread out quickly, in order to directly encircle and kill the opponent when they charged up.

But this move will weaken the rat tide. If it is the speed dragon cavalry, he can also mobilize his troops to outflank and intercept. However, this human cavalry has shown a significantly stronger thrust than the speed dragon cavalry.

A wave of charges broke out, completely in a straight line, and with that momentum, it penetrated directly through the blockade of their rat tide.

Watching this scene from a distance, Sharp Claw's eyes couldn't help but flash a flash of surprise.

He had never thought that humans could unleash such powerful force!

At the same time, while quickly running through a wave of rats, Zhou Chongshan immediately visually measured the distance to the regular rat army positions.

Within their Great Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Chongshan is a first-rate archer. Most of the archers like them are able to skillfully use one skill, which is visual distance measurement.

At this time, after Zhou Chongshan took a quick glance, he immediately signaled the cavalry team that had just broken through the rat tide to slow down.

On the battlefield, the cavalry does not just charge at full speed. According to the actual distance between them and the rat men's regular army positions, if they maintain the charging speed just now, it is estimated that their horses will be exhausted halfway through the charge. As a result, the speed began to decline.

Sprinting at full speed requires explosive power, and the duration of explosive power is often limited.

In order to effectively avoid this, the best way is to slow down in advance, then calculate the distance and accelerate again to ensure that the strongest charge you burst out can effectively hit the target.

And it was during this period that another wave of rat-men swept towards them.

At the same time, the wave of rats that they had penetrated before was reuniting at this moment. The two waves of rats were invisible, forming a pincer attack from the front and back.

According to the movement efficiency of the cavalry troops, as long as they did not stop, it would be unrealistic for the rat tide left behind to catch up with them.

Zhou Chongshan glanced at it without paying much attention, and focused all his attention on the rat tide in front of him.

After pinpointing a certain distance, Zhou Chongshan gave an order and the cavalry troops began to accelerate.

Using the rat tide as their attack target, the powerful advance ability of their Great Zhou cavalry was once again demonstrated.

The rat men who were at the front were the first to bear the brunt, and with the sound of broken bones, flesh and blood flew everywhere in an instant, and howls filled the field.

The Great Zhou cavalry led by Zhou Chongshan swung back and forth in the rat tide, showing an almost invincible appearance.

During this process, the Zhou soldiers including Zhou Chongshan couldn't help but have such an idea.

That is, 'The rat-men are at this level, and the lizard-men can still get into a bitter battle with them?' At best, there are only a few more. ’

However, they don't know that quantity is a terrifying thing.

If Zhou Xu were here, he would definitely tell them what quantitative change means qualitative change.

Soon, they paid the price for their naive idea...

No matter how fragile the rat slave soldiers themselves are, the moment the Zhou cavalry collides with them, their own momentum and speed will inevitably be lost.

Under this premise, the opponent's claws also showed their sophisticated methods.

I saw multiple waves of rats released directly from the opposite side, outflanking and intercepting the Zhou cavalry. The distance between the rat waves shortened, making the distance simply not enough for Zhou Chongshan and the others to complete the adjustment from deceleration to re-acceleration. A set of operations, invisibly, directly curbed the cavalry's biggest weapon, the charge!

"No, I have to rush out quickly!"

Continuously suffered from the impact of the rat tide, the state of the Zhou Chongshan cavalry led by Zhou Chongshan continued to decline. In addition, the speed could not be increased, and the rat tide became denser and denser. If this continued, the cavalry troops stalled and were besieged by the rat tide. Death is only a matter of time.

The Great Zhou Cavalry, who had never fought against the Rat Men before, finally realized the terror of the Rat Men army at this moment!

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