Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 561 Carapace Shield

Zhou Xu was shocked to learn this fact through the details page of that project.

In the old civilization period, the position of this armored dragon was similar to that of a domestic animal raised in captivity and responsible for producing resources. This can be said to be far beyond Zhou Xu's expectation.

But after thinking about it, considering the various performances of the armored dragon, it feels very reasonable.

Take their big Zhou as an example. Now that they have enchanted crossbows and three-bow bed crossbows, slow-moving and huge units like the armored dragon are directly a living target seeking death.

If they fight again, they will basically no longer be able to pose any effective threat to them. Instead, it will greatly slow down the lizardmen's offensive efficiency, which is worse than nothing.

Putting aside this problem, as an important output unit of military resources, Zhou Xu was quite interested in how the armored dragon's carapace was processed into shields and armors.

In this regard, the lizard man responsible for this piece of work naturally knows everything about it.

"Returning to the king, the strength of the armored dragon's carapace will decrease to a certain extent after it ages and falls off."

"Under this premise, we will soak these carapace in a softening liquid specially used to soften the carapace of Ankylosaurus. After soaking for seven to ten days, the carapace will become relatively soft, and then it can be polished. "

"That's what it is, right?"

Listening to the other party's words, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on the large pool made of rocks not far away.


The lizardman craftsman nodded quickly and led Zhou Xu towards the pool.

As early as when he was approaching this area, Zhou Xu had already smelled a pungent smell that was almost non-existent. Now he has found the source, which came from the pool where the armored dragon carapace was soaked!

The closer he got, the more pungent the smell became, but in order to find out, Zhou Xu still endured the discomfort at the olfactory level, walked closer and looked into the pool.

I saw that the pool was now filled with a dark green liquid that was as thick as mud.

In the words of the lizardman craftsman, this is a recipe passed down from the old civilization. The raw materials are available near their tribe, so it is not difficult to collect and prepare them.

"Your Majesty, please step back."

While he was talking, the lizardman craftsman came over carrying a long wooden stick.

I saw him inserting the wooden stick directly into the pool, and after stirring it for a few times, he pushed out a piece of carapace soaked in it.

"This batch of carapace has been soaked in for almost eight days."

As the lizard man craftsman spoke, he fished out the piece of carapace from the pool. After rinsing the softening liquid on it with the water in the bucket, he pinched the carapace hard with his nails, and the top of the carapace suddenly A clear nail mark was left behind.

"That's pretty much it."

The lizard man responsible for this piece of work is also a green lizard with more dexterous hands. He is not very strong. Even he can easily leave marks on the carapace with his nails, which means that the carapace has indeed softened to a certain extent. .

After making the confirmation, the green lizard craftsman quickly called a group of helpers and asked them to pull the carapace away for processing.

At the same time, he did not forget to explain something to Zhou Xu.

"After the carapace is fished out, its hardness will slowly recover over time, so we usually fish it out piece by piece and process it one by one. The work must be as fast as possible, otherwise the hardness will recover in as little as half a day."

As the green lizard craftsman spoke, he took out another polished shield.

[Looking at the style of the shield, it should be considered a round shield, but the polishing is not very regular. This should be limited by its own technology and material characteristics. 】

With this thought, Zhou Xu reached out and took the shield.

The moment he took it, Zhou Xu was shocked.

The weight of the shield was unexpectedly light.

"Damn! Is this made of plastic? Why is it so light?!"

Unable to hold it back for a moment, Zhou Xu cursed directly, startling both Bo Levin and the green lizard craftsman.

But Zhou Xu ignored them and just kept looking at the round shield over and over in his hand.

He was still wondering how the green lizard could easily fish out such a large piece of carapace based on its strength.

That thing just looks huge, but it's actually not heavy at all!

"Is this carapace so light?"

As Zhou Xu spoke, he couldn't help but weigh the shield in his hand.

At the same size, it's really like a thicker piece of plastic.

For this question, the green lizard craftsman can also give an answer.

"Back to your Majesty, the carapace was quite heavy when it first fell off. At this time, we usually leave it there for a day and a night, and its weight will begin to lighten. We don't know why. Very clear."

Zhou Xu blindly guessed that some ingredients in the carapace evaporated after falling off the Ankylosaurus, so the weight of the carapace became lighter.

Regarding this issue, he was not interested in getting to the bottom of it. Anyway, it was enough to know that there was such a thing.

Holding the carapace shield, Zhou Xu also became interested now.

"Let's go and try how strong this shield is!"

The one-handed round shields of their internal sword and shield soldiers in the Zhou Dynasty are currently made of wood as the main body, and then wrapped with a layer of iron to increase the defense.

In this way, the weight of the shield is reduced while reducing manufacturing costs.

But this carapace shield is a bit lighter than their one-handed round shield. This feeling is very obvious. He now wants to know whether the strength can compare with the previous one.

Without choosing any other place, the space here was huge, so he directly found the trunk of a big tree and fixed the carapace shield on it.

There is no intention to proceed step by step, mainly because at this moment he has no other weapons besides crystal iron weapons.

He ordered one of the accompanying soldiers. After the other party understood, he pulled out the crystal iron sword from his waist. He saw the carapace shield and slashed it directly.

With the blessing of the enchantment effect, a shallow slash mark was left directly on the surface of the carapace shield. This personal soldier of his was also selected from the army and could basically represent the normal level of their Great Zhou soldiers.

Judging from this performance alone, Zhou Xu can confirm that the defensive strength of this carapace shield exceeds their standard one-handed round shield.

However, Zhou Xu was not unaware of some problems with the carapace shield.

For example, this carapace shield is most likely not repairable. Once it is broken, it will be lost directly.

Unlike their standard iron buckler, even if it is chopped to pieces on the battlefield, it can be remade.

Under this premise, manufacturing efficiency is also a problem because the production of carapace shields requires long-term processing.

In peacetime, there is plenty of time and can be stocked up, but once wartime comes, the equipment reserves cannot keep up, and manufacturing efficiency becomes a fatal problem.

[Well, these problems cannot be ignored, but it would be too wasteful not to use a shield with such strength. You can try to equip a small number of elite troops. Of course, the durability must be tested before that. 】

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu directly assigned this task to his own soldiers, while he himself went to do other things first.

After all, this is a time-consuming job, and he can't just wait here without doing anything else.

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