Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 569 New Department

Soon, the canteen came out with new dishes, using new ingredients obtained by their king from the New World. News about the extremely expensive prices spread throughout Black Moon Village.

Taking advantage of this momentum, the cafeteria also continued to introduce new dishes every day. Within a few days, all the new dishes taught to them by their king were introduced.

As the headquarters of Dazhou, Black Moon Village has many departments, many cadres, and naturally many rich people.

We cannot rule out the possibility that some people are not used to spicy dishes. Taking this into account, Zhou Xu undoubtedly also arranged non-spicy dishes, with the main theme of 'there is always something suitable for you'.

This strategy is successful. Despite the high prices, these high-priced new dishes are always sold out every meal time.

It is not difficult to see from this that some of their people in Dazhou indeed have too much money and nowhere to spend it.

Nowadays, when you catch a place to spend money, there is no ambiguity at all.

On this day, Wang Dachui went to the canteen late because of the work at hand, which directly caused all the new dishes to be sold out, making Wang Dachui feel melancholy.

Seeing their minister's appearance, the subordinates who came with him for dinner were a little curious.

"No, minister, is the new dish really that delicious?"

"How should I put it? Now that I eat these, they feel a little tasteless."

As he spoke, Wang Dachui couldn't help but sigh.

But the subordinate who heard this felt even more surprised.

The members of the Ordnance Forging Department have a pretty good income. In addition, their king also gave them many rewards for building weapons during the war. They all have some savings, but they are not rich enough to spend five cents to buy one. The level of dishes.

Now that he heard what their minister said, he couldn't help but be a little shaken.

[How about I buy one to try next time? Five cents is a bit expensive, but I just want to taste it, and I don't want to eat everything. 】

Similar thoughts flashed through the minds of many villagers at this time, and were quickly transformed into practical actions.

After all, they have endured similar temptations for a long time.

At the same time, this also directly caused that after ten days and a half, the villagers who originally had some spare money, except for a few cadres whose wallets were indeed big enough, felt the pressure from the economy for the first time in a long time.

Of course, these are all things for later. After Zhou Xu finished his work at noon, he had a simple lunch in the kitchen, and then ran to continue busy with his own things.

After all, when he came back this time, he didn't just simply arrange the development here and the brick-burning factory.

There is another very important thing that only he can do that needs to be dealt with by him.

"Your Majesty, the personal file of the prairie elf you requested has been sent over."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

The prairie elves have a sparse population, and now that there is paper, their personal files are bound together into a thin book.

Although he had seen the attribute panels of these grassland elves one by one, with the increasing population of their Great Zhou and the passage of time, it was impossible for him to remember them clearly all the time.

The easiest way is undoubtedly to create a personal file and record all this information.

Now after flipping through it quickly, Zhou Xu quickly clicked on five of them.

"That's the five of them, and they all happen to be here in Black Moon Village."

While muttering to himself, Zhou Xu gave instructions to the attendant beside him.

"Go and call Zhang Xiaoshan over."


Zhang Xiaoshan's office is not far from here. After receiving the summons from Zhou Xu, he rushed over immediately.

"I see you, Your Majesty."

"No gift."

While waving his hand to signal Zhang Xiaoshan to waive the courtesy, Zhou Xu quickly got to the point.

"Xiaoshan, come here and take a look at these five prairie elves."

Taking the book handed over by Zhou Xu, Zhang Xiaoshan quickly scanned the five names and immediately knew what they were.

When Zhou Xu saw him raising his head, he spoke again...

"Do you have any impression?"


Zhang Xiaoshan nodded neatly.

Within their Great Zhou, the number of grassland elves is very small. At the moment, the soldiers are all in the New World, and the rest are assigned to work in Black Moon Village and Salt Lake Village.

When the two villages were divided, each village would only get a few. Considering their identities as prairie elves, Zhang Xiaoshan was originally the focus of attention, so he naturally remembered them clearly.

"How do the five of them behave on weekdays? How are their interpersonal relationships?"

Faced with this problem, Zhang Xiaoshan thought for a while.

"I perform very well, work hard, and have a very harmonious relationship with other people. It can be said that I have completely integrated in."

"Call me a subordinate who can identify the five of them. I want to observe them myself."


Their king didn't say what he wanted to do, and Zhang Xiaoshan didn't ask any questions, and quickly found a subordinate.

In the next few days, Zhou Xu's main job was to take his subordinate to inspect the work and internal development of various departments, while also finding opportunities to observe the five prairie elves.

I have to say that compared to when they first surrendered, those grassland elves have really changed a lot.

The 'big change' here does not refer to their appearance, but their entire state.

When they first arrived, you could see them at a glance when standing in a crowd. This was not just because the prairie elves were all handsome men and beauties, but because their entire atmosphere was incompatible with the crowd, even intentionally or unintentionally. is excluding people.

But it's different now. They work, eat and rest together with other people of the Great Zhou Dynasty, talk and laugh together. They seem to be completely integrated into the atmosphere, and there is no longer any sense of disobedience.

In essence, the prairie elves are a peace-loving and kind race, and their character can be guaranteed to a certain extent. Coupled with the observation during this period, Zhou Xu basically made up his mind.

"Okay, call those five prairie elves over, I want to see them."

After the order was issued, the five prairie elves quickly received the summons.

After the ceremony, Zhou Xu quickly got to the point after sensing the confusion of the five prairie elves.

"I called you here this time because I have an important job to arrange for you."

Hearing this, the five prairie elves looked at each other for a while, not knowing what to say.

Zhou Xu didn't care about this and continued talking directly.

"I plan to establish a new department within Dazhou called the 'Census Bureau', and you five, I plan to make you the first members of this department."


If nothing else, there will be an extra update tonight, probably after 10:30

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