Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 606 How big is this face? !

This mountain range is made up of rolling hills. When I was in Huangshan Village before, I felt that Tieshan Village was already deep in the mountains.

Little did they know that after passing Tieshan Village, we had only walked less than a quarter of the mountain range.

Over the years, Shi Lei has wiped out all the primitive tribes hiding in the mountains, leading the mountain troops all the way to the edge of the world.

As Zhou Xu led the team deep into the mountains, the climate was getting colder and colder. Zhou Xu had long been wrapped in a fur coat, but he didn't know if it was because he had stayed in the tropical rainforest for a long time in the past two years. I feel that my cold resistance has been reduced. Deep in the mountains in this harsh winter, my two rows of teeth are chattering with the cold.

The team of guards who came with him were not much better at this point.

Two of them were still mountain people, but they couldn't stand it and hadn't come back for too long. When they came back, they encountered the harsh winter weather, which was really a bit unbearable.

In addition, after passing Tieshan Village, the mountain road behind this is not as easy to walk as before.

Walking on this mountain road despite the severe cold gave Zhou Xu the idea of ​​not wanting to do it again.

Of course, he just thought about it casually. As an important part of their territory in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the mountains area was impossible for him not to come.

Before setting off, he misjudged one thing, that is, couriers travel to and from various places all year round, especially those assigned to mountainous areas. They are good at running on mountain roads, and their speed of movement in the mountains is definitely not what they can match. of.

This made Zhou Xu and the others spend more time before they successfully arrived at their garrison camp at the border of the mountains.

"Subordinate Shi Lei, please see your Majesty!"

"No courtesy, let's get down to business. Has there been any movement on the other side since then?"

It took almost a month for the messenger to send him the news, and it took more than a month for him to come here. Although it was not tragic that spring had arrived, looking at this winter now, it was indeed not possible. How much is left?

In the past two months, enough energy channels have been opened several times.

Faced with the question, Shi Lei was also unambiguous and quickly said...

"Just that one time, after that the energy channel opened and there was no movement on the other side."

After receiving the answer, Zhou Xu's eyes flashed with understanding.

"It's normal. There has been no news from the pathfinding troops coming here. They haven't obtained any information yet. The other side is not sure about our situation. They probably won't dare to act rashly in a short period of time."

While talking, Zhou Xu had already walked into the tent here, and the attendant on the side poured a glass of hot water and handed it to him with a quick movement.

"Did you get any useful information from the three prisoners you captured?"

Zhou Xu took the hot water and took a shallow sip.

Except for the three prisoners captured alive, this path-exploring force from the opposite world was all killed in the battle.

Although this was an unexpected incident, Zhou Xu had warned him before when the energy channel appeared.

That is, if there are troops coming out from the other end of the energy channel, then leave a few prisoners for questioning and kill all the others.

He didn't know what the other party was thinking or what his purpose was. He didn't have the capital to bet that the other party was coming to make friends with him. Killing them all was the safest and most trouble-free way for him. .

Facing the question, Shi Lei nodded quickly.

"Yes, they said they come from a country called 'China'."


In an instant, Zhou Xu, who heard the keyword, squirted out the mouthful of hot water that he had just put into his mouth. The explosion shocked Shi Lei on the side.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

This situation was too sudden and completely beyond his expectation. Even Shi Lei, who had always been calm, was a little confused at this time.

There was no time to care about Shi Lei who was frightened. Zhou Xu, whose mind was buzzing at the moment, hurriedly asked.

"What's the name of their leader? He's their king, or maybe an emperor or something."

At this time, although many unfamiliar words came out of their king's mouth that he didn't understand at all, Shi Lei probably understood what their king wanted to ask.

"It's said to be the First Emperor Yan Sheng."


Zhou Xu was indeed startled at first when he heard the country was called "Huaxia", but now he fell silent when he heard the name "First Emperor".

"Why isn't this dog called Ying Zheng?! Forget it being 'Shi Huang', it's also called 'Hua Xia'. How big is his face?!"

Zhou Xu, who roughly understood what was going on, couldn't help but uttered a series of swear words.

"How many cities does the opponent have? How many troops? Have you asked?"

This is obviously the key point. Through this information, he can confirm the opponent's strength to a large extent.

"According to the method that your Majesty gave us earlier, we captured multiple prisoners and interrogated them separately. What we can determine now is that the opponent should have seven cities. As for the strength of the troops..."

Speaking of this, Shi Lei showed a hint of helplessness on his face.

"The three prisoners did not give a unified answer. I guess they really don't know very well."

Zhou Xu was not surprised by this situation.

When there are not many cities, it is relatively easy to remember how many cities there are in your own country. It is a simple question.

But only the people at the top really know how many troops their country has. The soldiers and some junior officers below may not necessarily know.

"Then what did they say?"

"Three of them said they really didn't know. I asked them to roughly estimate the number. One said it should be three thousand, one said it should be five thousand, and another said it should be ten thousand."

Listening to these three numbers, Zhou Xu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Isn't this a big span?"

Let’s not talk about the first two. If the enemy had 10,000 troops, it would be fatal.

Be prepared for the worst, and be afraid that you will have to retreat to the mountains and forests, relying on the mountain terrain to contain the offensive from the other side. The lizard people will not be able to get here, so they will definitely not be able to bear a hard fight.

Of course, at this moment Zhou Xu just thought about it casually, and he was not sure whether these three words were true or false.

The one who said there were 10,000 troops was probably bragging to bluff them, and his purpose was just to make them dare not act rashly and launch an offensive.

From this point of view, he is a somewhat clever and loyal minister.

During this process, a soldier came over holding a set of armor and weapons.

Shi Lei saw it and quickly explained.

"Your Majesty, please look at this. This is the equipment of the soldiers on the opposite side."

The quality of equipment is undoubtedly an important basis for measuring the strength of a party's forces.

At this moment, Zhou Xu's eyes quickly fell on the equipment that was delivered...

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