Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 610 Let’s go together

After that, Zhou Xu asked about the troop configuration on the opposite side. The overall configuration was quite satisfactory and there was nothing special about it.

After temporarily ending the questioning, Zhou Xu walked out of the cell. After taking two steps, he couldn't help but ask Shi Lei next to him.

"Shi Lei, what do you think of the name Long Aotian?"

Shi Lei was confused by this question, but he still answered truthfully.

"My subordinates think it sounds pretty awesome."


Zhou Xu could tell that Shi Lei really thought this name was pretty cool.

In his original world, such names have basically become synonymous with vulgarity and lowlife.

If he named his child Long Aotian, he would probably be laughed to death.

But if you think about it carefully, there is actually nothing wrong with the name itself. It’s just that in the early days of Internet literature, similar names were used more often, and even became obsolete, so everyone felt that they were low. When they saw similar names, they felt It's so embarrassing, it's simply poisonous.

Putting aside these external factors, is the name itself really that bad?

You know, back then, this was a name that only the protagonist deserved.

He didn't bother too much about the name of the Four Dragon Generals, he just asked casually.

Then Zhou Xu's eyes fell on the soldier who came out with him.

"You did well just now."

The soldier was immediately flattered by the sudden praise from their king.

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty. I will definitely work harder and serve Your Majesty!"

During the interrogation just now, his small movement was not something Zhou Xu knew he would do.

It is not difficult to see from this that this is a soldier with some skills.

With curiosity in his heart, Zhou Xu directly opened the 'Eye of Insight' to confirm the other party's panel.

This soldier's name is Liu Dahe, and his five-dimensional attributes are two stars. There is nothing surprising about him, but his talent is somewhat interesting, called 'psychological pressure'.

"I plan to set up an interrogation department, which will be responsible for interrogating prisoners of war and prisoners from now on. You will be the director of this department."

Liu Dahe never expected that such a good thing would happen to him so suddenly. In his excitement, he knelt down on the spot.

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty!!"

At the same time, other soldiers around him also cast envious looks at him.

Although they don't know what the position of 'Director' is now, there is no doubt that this guy has been promoted.

"Let's go and see the soldier who said he has a strength of five thousand."

Although Shang Xijun's mental breakdown didn't seem to be a lie, Zhou Xu didn't believe him completely.

[The soldier guessed the strength of five thousand troops just like him. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not. 】

With this doubt in his heart, Zhou Xu went directly to interrogate him.

Just like what Shi Lei reported to him before, the soldier said that he didn't know how many troops there were, and that the five thousand troops was just a guess by him.

In response to this situation, Zhou Xu called out to the soldiers behind him without saying anything, and directly executed him.

This soldier collapsed faster than Shang Xijun, crying and shouting that he didn't know, he was just guessing.

From the current point of view, it should really be a simple accident.

But this also made Liu Dahe and the others, who had experienced the second torture, become more curious about this punishment.

Seeing the disbelief in the other person's eyes, Zhou Xu smiled, with a hint of bad taste in his heart.

"You will be the director of the interrogation department from now on, and you must have a thorough understanding of the effects of this torture device. I see that you are also very curious, so why not, Liu Dahe, you will be the first one, and you all will go and experience it. "

Liu Dahe was stunned on the spot when he heard this.

He admitted that he did have a flash of the idea of ​​trying it, but the miserable appearance of Shang Xijun and the others was right there. Just looking at their appearance, Liu Dahe and the others were unconsciously concerned about this punishment. A little more fearful.

Now that the king proposed to let them experience it, everyone including Liu Dahe had the urge to refuse, but no one dared to speak.

[Just give it a try, it should be fine. 】

With this thought, Liu Dahe lay down.

It was okay at first, but I just felt uncomfortable with the ice water dripping on my forehead, and it was a bit uncomfortable to be tied up so that I couldn't move, and I couldn't see or hear clearly.

But as time went by, Liu Dahe gradually became a little irritable, and his body made struggling movements unconsciously, and even had a slight urge to vent his emotions, but he could bear it and would not explode.

Zhou Xu just wanted them to experience it and had no intention of torturing them. After seeing Liu Dahe start to struggle, he ordered people to put him down.

At that moment, Liu Dahe looked at the execution chair with a bit of fear in his eyes.

Although he did not have a mental breakdown like Shang Xijun and others, he knew in his heart that something was very wrong with him at that time.

The others behind him went up one by one to try. As for Zhou Xu, although he was curious, he had no interest in finding fault for himself.

It’s enough to know this kind of thing, there is no need to experience it personally.

"Shi Lei, why don't you also experience it?"

Upon hearing their king's proposal, Shi Lei, who was standing next to him, stiffened immediately and then coughed dryly.

"Your Majesty, my subordinate suddenly remembered that there are still some military matters to be dealt with..."

Zhou Xu laughed 'haha' after hearing this.

"I think I have one too, are you going with me?"

"Let's go together! Your Majesty, please."

The monarch and his ministers just walked away laughing.

This matter is quite time-consuming. Zhou Xu had no intention of staying here from the beginning.

After today, the horrific punishment called "Drip Punishment" quickly spread among the soldiers on the border of the mountains. The rumors spread to as many evil groups as possible.

These rumors undoubtedly got into the ears of Zhou Xu and Shi Lei, but neither of them had any interest in taking care of them.

Soldiers are human beings too. They are stationed at the border all year round. In addition to training, they also perform patrol tasks. They must have some fun and relax. They don't mind chatting about harmless gossip.

At the same time, this incident also reminded Zhou Xu.

"Shi Lei, do you think we can create a training or game that has a certain exercise effect and can also relax the soldiers?"

This training and execution of tasks also requires relaxation, enough relaxation, so that they can better carry out training and tasks.

When this idea came up, the first thing Zhou Xu thought of was some sports similar to basketball and football.

While exercising, it can also play a role.

But after he thought about it later, he realized that no, there was no such environment for them in these mountainous areas.

As for basic one-on-one and doubles sports such as tennis and badminton, when there are so many soldiers, they simply cannot be arranged.

After eliminating the easiest options to think of, Zhou Xu suddenly had an idea.

That’s ghost hunting!

To put it simply, the so-called ghost hunting game is divided into two camps: humans and ghosts. People can escape or hide, while ghosts are responsible for catching people.

The ghost catches the person and locks him up, while the person can rescue the person depending on the situation.

This game can mobilize a large number of soldiers to join. At the same time, chasing and escaping will test physical strength and leg speed. Hiding will test observation and the ability to use the environment for cover. Saving and arresting people will also test strategy.

After listening to Zhou Xu's description, Shi Lei was stunned for a moment. He never imagined that their king, who wanted to have fun for the soldiers, could actually come up with such a training game.

While this game is simple and easy to learn, it is also difficult to master. If you want to play it well, you have to put a lot of effort into it.

For a moment, Shi Lei admired their king deeply.

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