The situation in front of him was a little beyond Zhou Xu's expectations.

Although it was a good bird choosing a tree to roost in, he did not expect that the other party would bow to him as soon as he came in.

And it wasn't over yet. When the black-haired young man knelt down, the other slave laborers in the mine also gathered around him and knelt down towards him.

From this small gesture, it is not difficult to see that the black-haired young man in front of him, who calls himself "White Tu", has a special status in this mine. At least these hard workers seem to be headed by him.

"Are you the leader here?"

Facing this question, Bai Tu knew that he was asking about his identity.

"He was originally a butcher in his family. After the war between the two countries, he was drafted into the army. He made some achievements on the battlefield and became a centurion in the Weiguo army. Later, the Weiguo was defeated and destroyed, and he was arrested. Coming here is hard labor.”

Having said this, Bai Tu added another sentence.

"The hard laborers in this mine are all from our country."

Weiguo was the country that was at war with this country before, but was later defeated and annexed.

While Bai Tu was talking, Zhou Xu activated the 'Eye of Insight' and took a look at the opponent's panel.

Name: Bai Tu

Sex: Male

Age: 26

Race: Human race

Status: tired, weak

Mantra: None

Talent: Invade like fire: He attacks cities and plunders lands as fast as fire!

Bravery: ★★★

Intelligence: ★★☆

Spirit: ★★★☆

Endurance: ★★★

Command: ★★★☆☆

Zhou Xu, who has seen many panels so far, should have calmed down his mind a long time ago, but when he saw this panel, his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

[Good guy, it’s no exaggeration to say that this panel has no weaknesses! 】

In terms of five-dimensional attributes, three stars is considered excellent, and it is no longer considered a shortcoming in itself.

Bai Tu's five-dimensional attributes have a minimum of three stars. Under this premise, he also has a four-star spiritual attribute and a five-star command attribute!

Especially the five-star command attribute can be said to be what excites Zhou Xu the most.

According to his current situation, when it comes to the star rating of five-dimensional attributes, those with four stars are already purple epics, which themselves are rare in the world.

And he actually has a lot of such epic-level commanding generals, such as Shi Lei, Li Ce, Ye Jinghong and Soros. After the four of them have fully grown up, they all have this epic-level commanding general. .

Looking back on the past two years, he realized that he was really lucky back then, and he never encountered him again.

From Zhou Xu's point of view, the golden legend without five stars always feels a bit meaningless.

He himself has a five-star commander, but after all, he is the supreme ruler of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He can't just ignore government affairs all year round and lead troops to fight outside, right?

As a monarch, his main job is to handle government affairs and engage in development and construction. Leading troops to fight is the job of the generals.

And now, it finally appears! A 'golden legend' talent has appeared who has the ability to be his 'generalissimo of the world' in the future!

Coupled with Bai Tu's talent of 'invading like fire', he can be said to be a top character for conquering cities and territories!

Zhou Xu felt that the idiot named Yan Sheng definitely did not have the 'Eye of Insight', or that he had the 'Eye of Insight' but because there were too many people, he was too lazy to look at it. Otherwise, it would be impossible to lose a five-star talent. Working as hard labor in mining on the border.

In fact, Zhou Xu felt strange for a moment just now that so many prisoners of war from the defeated countries were released at this border location, and the idiots were not afraid of them causing trouble.

But then he thought about it again and figured it out.

It was precisely because they were afraid that these prisoners of war would cause trouble that they were placed in this position.

How many troops are there in other cities? The border city is a place where a lot of troops are stored. There are four to five hundred prisoners of war, all of them are sallow and thin, with their hands and feet shackled and without weapons. If they dare to rebel, the border garrison will come directly to kill them. It can be said that it is easy to kill them!

At this moment, Zhou Xuna was feeling a tsunami in his heart, but he still maintained a calm appearance on the surface.

"You surrendered to me because you want to take revenge on China?"

Zhou Xu really didn't want to mention the word "China", but he was afraid that the other party would not understand it if he didn't mention it.

In this regard, Bai Tu nodded and admitted frankly.

"Yes! But there's another reason!"

"tell me the story."

"We, the people of Wei, have no way to survive here. In addition to revenge, we also want to seek a way to survive for our compatriots. Please grant it!"

This Bai Tu spoke frankly, and Zhou Xu couldn't help but feel a hint of appreciation in his heart.

"I, the Great Zhou, have always been open to all rivers. If you sincerely surrender and serve me, the Great Zhou, I, the Great Zhou, will naturally be willing to accept you."

Speaking of this, Zhou Xu's voice paused.

"Bai Tu, since the hard laborers here are all your people who defend the country, it is up to you to collect and manage them, count those who are willing to join the army, and report to me."

After simply arranging this matter, Zhou Xu turned to look at Silk again.

"Silk, you can take a few of your subordinates to stay here to take care of them, and then take them to the military camp in the border city for settlement. Don't take care of this mine for the time being. The current situation is special. It's not good for me to be away for too long. First, Take a step."

Who dares to come here to mine this border mine when the border city has fallen into their hands? So it doesn't matter if you don't care for the time being.

"Silk sends you your Majesty's greetings!"

As soon as Silke shouted these words, Bai Tu, who was kneeling on the ground, was immediately startled.

【He's actually the king? ! 】

Bai Tu never expected that the man who looked like a god descending from heaven was actually the king of Zhou Dynasty, so he reacted quickly.

"Bai Tu sends you off to your Majesty!"

At the same time, the hard laborers kneeling behind them also started shouting...

"Farewell, Your Majesty!"

Amid the shouts of the crowd, Zhou Xu rode away.

After sending the king away, Bai Tu fisted at Silke again and wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to call him. It was impossible to call him by his first name like their king, right?

At this moment, Silk and the others were all wearing helmets and covered by their long hair, so Bai Tu and the others did not realize that Silk and the others were not human beings at all. They only felt that each and every one of them was extremely handsome. It's ridiculous, but at the same time, as a soldier, he is also incredibly strong.

Just now, the scene of Hilke and the others breaking through the resistance and charging in like divine soldiers descending from the sky still made him emotionally agitated.

During this period, Silk said lightly, probably guessing what Bai Tu was thinking.

"Just call me Lieutenant Silk."

"Yes, Lieutenant Silk!"

Bai Tu, who confirmed the title, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then my subordinates will follow the king's order and go to count the personnel."

"Go ahead and count carefully, don't make any mistakes."


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