Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 637 Ending hastily

This was undoubtedly a tactic provided by Zhou Xu, but it was not what he came up with. It was the original border battle with the rat people. After the fortress gate was smashed over, Li Ce used this tactic to guard the city gate passage and avoid the rats. The tide surged into the fortress.

Now with a little adjustment, it can be reproduced on the battlefield in front of you.

Although it cannot go up the wall, it does not prevent him from using it on the ground.

Looking at this scene from a distance, Long Zhantian's heart twitched severely.

As a defender, their city gate was forcibly blown open in a short period of time. From that moment on, he knew that there was a siege weapon on the opposite side with astonishing destructive power.

But he didn't expect that the weapon would appear in the city defense battle.

At the same time, what the other party did also surprised him.

You know, unless you take the initiative to send troops out of the city to attack, it can be said that it is extremely rare for a city defender to take the initiative to open the city gate under normal circumstances.

After all, the city gate is not an ordinary door that you just pull and push to close it.

In order to ensure its strength, sufficient materials are often used when manufacturing this city gate.

The direct result of this is that the weight of the city gate is extremely exaggerated.

Even with the help of the structure of the city gate itself, which can be opened and closed relatively easily, this process often requires multiple soldiers to exert force at the same time, and the efficiency is not high.

In this way, in a siege battle, once the city gate is opened and the enemy swarms up, the risk will increase exponentially.

However, the situation in Huangsha City, which is now garrisoned by the Zhou Dynasty troops, is different.

The attack range of the three-bow bed crossbow is there. At this moment, the enemy troops have not rushed close, so naturally there is no such concern.

At this moment, at the end of the city gate passage, the crossbowmen had already maximized their fully formed muscle memory operations.

The second giant crossbow bolt quickly burst out, tearing apart the bodies of all the enemy soldiers in the line.

The two attacks before and after brought unprecedented fear to the soldiers on the opposite side.

Let them clearly realize that this is a force that they cannot compete with.

Sensing the commotion of the troops at the front and realizing that the situation was not good, Long Zhantian's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately made a decisive decision and issued an order to withdraw the troops, bringing the first round of siege to a hasty end.

Listening to the cheers coming from behind, standing on top of the wall and looking at the enemy siege troops that quickly dispersed, Zhou Xu couldn't help but have a flash of regret in his eyes.

"What a pity. These two three-bow crossbow attacks are enough to cause chaos in the opponent's position. If the opponent continues to launch a strong attack, we may be able to take this opportunity to directly inflict heavy damage on the opponent."

Zhou Xu really didn't expect that the other party would withdraw so simply.

This undoubtedly shows that Long Zhantian was immediately aware of this problem and at the same time showed enough decisiveness. He was indeed not a fool who only knew how to launch an offensive.

Now that the opponent's entire army was retreating and he was asked to send troops out of the city to pursue him, he really didn't dare.

Although the two-shot attack of the three-bow bed crossbow looked scary, the attack trajectory was narrow after all, and it was not a large-area bombing. With a full attack, it only killed a hundred and eighty people.

Leaving aside the morale and psychological aspects, it is impossible to shake the opponent's military superiority.

Going out of the city to pursue them at this time will give the opponent a chance to restore their morale. If a counterattack comes, the pursuing troops will probably never come back.

On the other hand, if they don't pursue them, they will be equal to winning a battle. While relieving the tension of the soldiers under their command, they can also boost their morale, which is also a good thing.

"The other side should not launch another offensive today."

Now that the enemy's siege troops had retreated, Zhou Xu had no intention of staying on the wall any longer.

"Shi Lei, after nightfall, ask Drogo to lead the centaur cavalry to harass the opposite camp and come back after dawn. In addition, you ask the patrol to publicize that the enemy troops are coming to attack the city. Something we can easily defeat.”


After briefly giving instructions, Zhou Xu turned and left the wall.

Since the other party came to do this with him, he would drain all the value out of it.

A moment ago, the people in Huangsha City were panicking due to the sound of sirens. However, before long, news came from the patrol team that the enemy troops had been easily repelled by them, causing everyone in the city to panic. The people couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.

As mentioned before, the population under Yan Sheng's command comes from many countries. Even in this small yellow sand city, there are populations from all countries, and the population composition is quite complex.

As citizens of a defeated country, they undoubtedly know the power of this guy best.

This also directly led to the situation in front of them, making them feel even more incredible.

[Could it be that the tyrant finally suffered his retribution? Are you going to deal with him more harshly? 】

At this moment, this idea emerged from the minds of many city residents, causing them to gain a wave of prestige in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

This is undoubtedly a good thing.

Giving out porridge exudes goodwill and demonstrates benevolence. Although it can win the hearts of the people, if you want these people to loyally submit to their Zhou Dynasty, you will undoubtedly need enough prestige.

To put it bluntly, it’s strength!

If you are only good to the people but have no strength, although they will think that you are a good person, they will also think that you are not very good and there seems to be no future for you.

On the other hand, if you have strength but are not good to the people, they will think you are a tyrant and a coward!

If the people obey your orders, they are just afraid of you, rather than following you sincerely. Once they get the chance, chaos will inevitably arise.

You must have strength and be good to the people! Let them live a good life, have hope in life, and not have to worry about interference from foreign enemies, then they can follow you in a serious and down-to-earth manner.

And you can also be called the last statement king.

Nowadays, the mentality of the people in Huangsha City has undergone many changes in just over two months.

[Now it seems that the Great Zhou Dynasty is quite powerful, and after capturing Huangsha City, he did not let the soldiers burn, kill and loot. He even gave porridge to save people before. If I surrender to the Great Zhou Dynasty, wouldn’t it be better than following that tyrant? better? 】

Invisibly, deep in the hearts of the people of Huangsha City, loyalty to their great Zhou Dynasty has begun to grow.

At the same time, within Da Zhou’s plain farm.

As the first batch of people sent over, half of the farmers headed by Kong Daqian stayed in Huangshan Village and Black Moon City, while the rest were all assigned to plain farms.

Over this period of time, their inner loyalty to Da Zhou has also grown day by day.

But unlike the people of Huangsha City, they saw the vast mountains and rivers of the Great Zhou Dynasty and gradually returned home.

However, this day was still quite hard.

Kong Daqian, who was wearing a straw hat, wiped the sweat from his face and looked at the vast plain under the sun. At this moment, he had only one thought in his mind.

[If the plowing is not finished, the land will never be plowed! ! 】

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