Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 642 Internal Discussion (Additional update for the previous monthly ticket accumulation of 9

Sufficient troops to defend the city, coupled with the existence of Zhou Xu, a humanoid cannon, largely made up for their lack of experience in defending the city.

After a round of strong attacks, the siege troops led by Long Zhantian could be said to have tried their best, but they failed to capture the Huangsha City.

After the initial explosive attack, Long Zhantian could tell that their momentum had begun to wane.

On the other hand, the opponent has already stabilized its position, and if it continues to fight, it may be difficult to gain much advantage.

After Long Zhantian thought about it in his mind, even though he was angry, he still made a rational decision and retreated his troops.

Looking at the retreating enemy troops, Zhou Xu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This first battle to defend the city was really more tiring than he expected.

After the war, Zhou Xu also summoned his generals to conduct a post-war summary.

"There is no problem with our tactics. It was the lack of experience of the soldiers during the actual implementation process and the miscalculation of the opponent's strength that caused subsequent problems. The siege force of these guys should not be underestimated. .”

Speaking of the latter part, Shi Lei's voice unconsciously contained a hint of happiness.

"Thanks to the king for this city defense battle, otherwise it would have been a different situation."

In this city defense battle, Zhou Xu's presence indeed played a vital role. The enemy used the siege tower to target their wall area. The most threatening first round of attack was Zhou Xu's flying stone attack. 'The mantra was called back.

Afterwards, the opponent switched to using a battering ram to score the goal, and Zhou Xu used the 'flying stone attack' to destroy the battering ram and contain the opponent's offensive.

To say that he is the key figure in this battle is really not a problem at all.

Hearing this, Zhou Xu was not satisfied. He was more concerned about the upcoming battle.

"The other side has been fighting everywhere in the past few years, annexing surrounding countries to expand its territory. In the process, it has accumulated more experience in sieges. It is normal for it to surpass us in this area, but we do not need to be too discouraged."

"We didn't have enough experience in defending the city before. For us, the most difficult thing was the first battle. Now that we have survived this battle, we have gained experience because of it. This is a good thing."

"Now let's talk about what situations we encountered in the battle to defend the city. We can take this opportunity to exchange experiences and make a summary."

Zhou Xu's words made the generals headed by Shi Lei nod, and then they started talking one by one.

The atmosphere of the entire internal discussion was quite good. After their internal discussion, Zhou Xu gave Silke an order...

"Silk, go and call Bai Tu over."


Compared with the generals sitting here at this time, Bai Tu is still just an outsider after all, and Zhou Xu cannot trust the other party just because the other party has a five-star panel.

During their internal discussions, some of their shortcomings at the military level were inevitably exposed, and these shortcomings could not be known to Bai Tu for the time being.

Only then did he wait until the internal discussion was over before calling Bai Tu over.

After all, the opponent also has 500 troops under his command, which is an important part of the Huangsha City defenders. In addition, more importantly, facing this enemy, Bai Tu is more experienced than them.

"Subordinate Bai Tu, please see your Majesty!"

"Without courtesy, we are planning to discuss the next countermeasures. You have more experience fighting with the opponent, and you should know their methods better than we do."

As Zhou Xu spoke, he motioned for Bai Tu to sit down and join the discussion.

However, in the following discussion, the information Bai Tu could provide them was actually limited.

Zhou Xu, who had seen the opponent's panel, knew in his heart that Bai Tu's talent was in attacking cities and fortifications, and defensive battles were somewhat unprofessional for him.

Although it cannot be said that it cannot be used at all, it cannot take advantage of it.

Under this premise, there was actually no problem with the city defense tactics Zhou Xu and the others had formulated before, and they even targeted the opponent's siege tactics to a certain extent.

The fight wasn't that smooth, Chun Chun just didn't have enough experience.

In this field that they are not good at, their king has already reached this point. As a subordinate, Bai Tu naturally doesn't have much room to offer opinions.

"Then Bai Tu, what do you think the other party will do next?"

Faced with this problem, Bai Tu slowly spoke after pondering for a while...

"The opponent should know how powerful we are in this battle. According to my subordinates' thoughts, the next step is to confirm and test whether we still have the strength to fight. In the next few days, the opponent will most likely choose to attack continuously. City, if they cannot achieve results, they should give up the attack temporarily."

While talking, Bai Tu collected his thoughts again. Zhou Xu didn't need to ask any more questions, so he started talking on his own.

After all, after surrendering to the Great Zhou Dynasty, he also wanted to perform well and gain the trust of their king as soon as possible, so as to gain a stable position.

"The opponent's visual strength is only more than 3,000 troops. According to our defense strength, it will be difficult for the opponent to attack by force. To adopt a siege is to seek death. The best way in the future is probably to retreat first and gather more troops. If you have more troops, come back!"

Having said this, Bai Tu hesitated for a moment, and then added another sentence.

"If the opponent gathers more than 5,000 siege troops in the future, we will be in danger. According to China's size, it is not difficult to achieve this."

After listening to Bai Tu's analysis and thoughts, Zhou Xu nodded.

Regarding the other party's subsequent actions, it can be said that he and Bai Tu had the same ideas.

"If the other party comes to attack with five thousand troops, then judging from the current situation, this small yellow sand city will definitely not be able to defend it."

"However, after we first breached the city gate and the general withdrew his troops, it took more than two months before we attacked again."

"If my guess is correct, the other party conducted a conscription after that, recruiting soldiers, training them for two months and then rushing into the battlefield."

"To gather five thousand troops on the other side, at least two to three thousand more soldiers must be recruited. Considering the training time, we can still buy a month or two."

Having said this, Zhou Xu estimated the time in his mind.

"One or two months is enough for us to move all the residents in Huangsha City. At the same time, our reinforcements should also be able to arrive."

He is not a fool. It is impossible for him to fight the opponent with just these thousand troops.

Just in case, the follow-up reinforcements must be prepared in advance.

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