Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 644: The imperial commander’s personal expedition

Yan Sheng has always been a master who said, "Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish." Now that they had already spoken out for this reason, the ministers below did not dare to persuade him any more, and they all fell silent.

Thinking about it from another angle, with General Xie Liancheng here, this expedition must be successful immediately, so there is no need to be too nervous.

On this side, the First Emperor, Yan Sheng, led the expedition in person. The preparations were much more troublesome than an ordinary conscription expedition.

Taking into account the recruitment and training of new recruits, it took a full two and a half months to officially set off. By this time, the season was already midsummer.

Yan Sheng, who was wearing a military uniform, was sweating profusely and cursing in his heart.

"In this expedition, I am determined to crush that bandit to ashes and show off the might of China! Let's see who dares to attack China again, let's go!!"

Originally, he wanted to ride on horseback, but the midsummer sun was too harsh. Before sending troops, he simply showed up to show off, then turned around and got into the carriage.

In Yan Sheng's hands, there are 5,000 permanent troops. Excluding the garrisons on the four borders and the garrisons scattered in various cities, the garrison strength here in the capital is only 500.

Considering the safety of the capital, Yan Sheng thought about it and directly ordered that 400 troops from the 500 veterans be sent out with the army. The remaining 100 troops will continue to stay in the capital to ensure the peace of the capital, plus the two thousand soldiers recruited. New recruits, the strength of this expedition directly reached 2,400.

The team was arrayed in formation. At first glance, it was densely packed and the momentum was quite high.

At that time, as long as they join up with the frontline troops currently stationed in Black Rock City, they can gather 5,000 troops and attack Huangsha City with ease!

The large army set out from the capital to rush on their way, but they couldn't go any faster even if they wanted to. They were basking in the sun all the way, and it took them a month and a half just to travel.

By the time they arrived at Black Rock City and joined the frontline troops headed by Long Zhantian, the season had already reached autumn.

This kind of thing is actually the norm in the cold weapon era.

Regarding this situation, Yan Sheng was not in a hurry at all. In his opinion, now that he had 5,000 troops, he could capture Huangsha City in just a short time and there was no need to wait until winter.

If it doesn’t work, isn’t there still this guy Xie Liancheng?

Although Xie Liancheng's attitude made him unhappy, he couldn't deny that he was indeed a strong general. With his help, there was no need to worry about Huangsha City being defeated.

"General Long Zhantian, please see your majesty, long live your majesty!"

Regarding the general under his command, when Yan Sheng first received the news, he wanted to slap him a few times and call him a loser.

But after all, so much time has passed since I received the news, and the anger in my stomach has almost disappeared.

Now that he saw the other party, Yan Sheng frowned.

"Get up and get ready. The army will set off in three days to capture Huangsha City!"

Their large army had traveled a long and dusty road to reach Black Rock City, and they definitely needed three days of rest and recuperation.

After all, it took several months, so there was no need for him to rush for a few days.

At the same time, here in Huangsha City...

Zhou Xu didn't know what was happening on the opposite side during this period. He originally thought that in two or three months, the large force on the opposite side would attack, but he never thought that the wait would last from late spring to autumn.

The other party didn't show up for a long time. Zhou Xu didn't think that the other party had given up on Huangsha City and was most likely holding back a big move.

At that time, once the enemy troops attack, the size of this troop cannot be underestimated, let alone anything else.

After realizing this, in order to be able to defend this Huangsha City, it became necessary to improve the strength of the garrison.

On this day, Bai Tu and his soldiers had just finished training when they saw the Zhou soldiers in the camp next door busy maintaining their weapons and equipment.

It has been almost half a year since they surrendered. During this time, although Bai Tu and the others have been in Huangsha City, they have learned a lot from their chats with the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

I know that although their army in the Zhou Dynasty is small, they are following the route of elite soldiers. This is different from the situation in other countries where they go door to door to capture strong men during recruitment, and as long as they are men, they will immediately seize them and send them to the army.

In their days, only those who passed the test and met the standards in all aspects were eligible to join the army.

After that, you have to go through a long period of rigorous training before you can be considered a qualified soldier.

According to Zhou's standards, their ordinary soldiers are equivalent to other countries' elite troops!

Bai Tu had no doubt about this.

After living together for such a long time, it is not difficult to see with eyes that Dazhou's soldiers are indeed well-trained and well-equipped.

The crystal iron sword exuded an icy cold light in the sunlight, and it looked like something extraordinary at first glance. The scales in the hand also made a metallic sound during the cleaning process.

Let’s not talk about the sword. Just the metal scale armor alone requires at least a centurion in their defense country to possess it, and the sword must be owned by a general.

But all the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were equipped in this way. Generals like Shi Lei, Zhuo Ge, and Silk had even more powerful armors.

How many of these men who are soldiers don't like armor and weapons?

Bai Tu looked at the metal scale armor and crystal iron sword with great envy, but he did not dare to mention it. He wore the wooden armor and iron sword that he had seized from the Huangsha City arsenal.

He had no complaints about this.

The more sophisticated the equipment, the more expensive and time-consuming it is.

They had just surrendered, so they should have some self-awareness and not think too much.

He took a long breath and suppressed the envy in his heart. Just when Bai Tu was about to take care of his own sword, Silk walked over quickly.

"Warrant Officer Bai Tu, the king has summoned him."

Upon hearing the summons, Bai Tu did not dare to delay and hurried to the city lord's mansion.

"Subordinate Bai Tu, please see your Majesty!"

"No gift."

The energy channel had just been opened this morning. At this moment, Zhou Xu was looking through the reports sent over. Some important matters still required him to go through them personally.

After seeing Bai Tu arrive, Zhou Xu put down the report in his hand and went straight to the topic.

"You performed well in the previous city defense battle. You also completed the training missions in the past few months very well. Now you should be able to train with the large army, right?"


Speaking of joint training, Bai Tu couldn't help but show a hint of embarrassment on his face. As early as two months ago, they had already tried to train together with a large army.

Embarrassingly, they found that they could not keep up with the training intensity of Dazhou soldiers. They had no choice but to continue training alone.

But this incident also aroused the competitiveness in Bai Tu and these soldiers. In the past two months, they continued to increase the intensity of training.

Just two days ago, they were finally able to keep up with the training intensity of the large army.

"Well done. Now that you can train with the large army, it's time to upgrade your equipment."

Hearing this, Bai Tu's ears twitched, and his heart beat uncontrollably.

[Difficult, could it be said...]

"Just now, the supply force has delivered the latest batch of armor weapons. Let's count the number of people and queue up at the arms depot to receive them."

At this moment, Bai Tu, who clearly got the answer, knelt down excitedly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!"

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