Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 652 Thousand Years of Fierceness

Obviously, Zhou Xu also knew that in the face of Yan Sheng's 5,000 siege troops, even if he could defend Huangsha City with conventional means, he would have to pay a heavy price, which he did not want to see.

Sometimes, it is not difficult to win the battle, but the difficulty lies in obtaining the greatest victory at the smallest cost!

And the behemoth army in front of him was his answer.

Although Zhou Xu didn't know exactly how old an extraordinary creature like Chitose would be considered an adult, at least in terms of size, it was comparable to Big Bone and Two Bones.

Under this premise, as a living creature, Chitose naturally moves much faster than Big Bone and Two Bones, without the stiffness of the giant skeleton beast at all.

After entering the battlefield, he rushed, pounced, and swung his claws all the way, bringing up large pieces of severed limbs and debris. The attack was so smooth that he also killed all the surrounding enemy troops to death.

"Damn it, it's a supernatural creature!"

Although extraordinary creatures are rare, Jie Liancheng has seen them.

Yan Sheng, who heard this next to him, changed his expression on the spot.

When extraordinary creatures appeared near their city and attacked their city, they caused considerable losses.

In order to hunt him down, he specifically ordered Xie Liancheng to lead 300 troops out of the city to encircle and suppress him.

The siege lasted from daytime to the next morning, before the extraordinary creature was killed by force.

But Yan Sheng only knew about the existence of extraordinary creatures, and did not know that the heart of that extraordinary creature also contained a drop of 'heart's blood', and that drop of 'heart's blood' entered Xie Liancheng's house by mistake during the encirclement and suppression. His mouth has greatly improved his physical fitness, and his strength has also improved by leaps and bounds.

At this time, Yan Sheng never imagined that the other party could actually take advantage of extraordinary creatures for his own use.

Although an extraordinary creature could not kill many of his soldiers, its existence itself could exert a strong deterrent effect.

The morale of his soldiers was already low due to the existence of those giant skeletal beasts. Now the appearance of this extraordinary creature was enough to defeat them.

Sure enough, just as he guessed, his soldiers had begun to lose their fighting spirit.

In fact, in the current situation, the siege tower of their siege force has been destroyed, and the city gate area cannot be easily approached due to the presence of those skeleton monsters.

For them, this situation is equivalent to being grabbed by the throat by the other party. Even if they don't die, they have nowhere to exert their strength.

Then the appearance of this extraordinary creature gave them a fatal blow.

His eyes kept scanning over the extraordinary creature and those giant skeleton beasts.

[My dear, labor and capital can't do anything to deal with those skeleton monsters, but you are a living creature, labor and capital can't deal with you? 】

Taking a deep breath, Yan Sheng quickly ordered.

"The personal guards listened to the order and went with Gu to kill that evil beast!"

When the surrounding Guards soldiers heard this, they all cheered up and immediately protected Yan Sheng and approached Chitose.

At the same time, in order to increase the momentum, the First Emperor's exclusive battle horn was blown in the battlefield, in order to tell the soldiers that His Majesty the First Emperor had personally taken action, and in this way to stabilize the morale of the troops.

Sure enough, as soon as the horn was blown, many soldiers who were already panicking calmed down a little.

Obviously, as the first emperor who unified the surrounding countries, Yan Sheng still had some prestige among the soldiers. In addition, Yan Sheng himself also arranged people to deliberately promote himself in the country and boast himself to the gods.

Now that the battle horn was blown, it really showed some effects, and it also made him the focus of attention on the battlefield.

At the same time, at the top of the wall, Zhou Xu concentrated his energy and commanded Big Bone and Two Bones to destroy all the enemy's siege towers. Then he relaxed his control over Big Bone and Two Bones and began to let them play freely.

Facing 5,000 enemy troops, Dagu Ergu couldn't kill many originally. Relaxing control could at least reduce his own consumption.

At the same time, it also allowed him to spare some of his energy and pay attention to the situation on the battlefield.

And it happened to be at this time that the horn from the opposite side came out. Zhou Xu didn't know what the horn meant, but he also saw that along with the horn, a heavily armed guy rushed out with a team of people. .

【Eye of Insight! 】

Zhou Xu activated his mantra to improve his eyesight so that he could see more clearly.

However, because the distance is still too far, I can't see the other party's attribute panel, and there's nothing I can do about it.

[Look at that movement, is it heading towards Chitose? 】

Just as he was thinking this, the guards with Yan Sheng as the center had already approached Chitose, who was fighting from left to right on the battlefield.

At the same time, Chitose also noticed their presence, and a pair of dark golden eyes quickly glanced over, making Yan Sheng's whole body feel cold.

[Damn, what a beast! ! 】

To say that he was not afraid at all would be a lie. At this moment, Yan Sheng's hands and feet could not help but tremble, but considering the situation in front of him, he still forcibly took a deep breath and tensed up his face. Face, maintaining his majesty as the First Emperor.

But when he saw Chitose approaching him, he was so frightened that he turned pale on the spot and quickly handed over his trump card.

As a tough mantra came out of his mouth, invisible power gathered in his hands.

The next moment, a dazzling electric light burst out from Yan Sheng's palm, turned into a terrifying lightning, and struck Chitose's body!

The lightning was so fast that Chitose didn't even have time to react before he was struck by the lightning.

The huge flying body froze on the spot, and then fell to the ground with a 'bang'.


On the top of the wall, Zhou Xu's eyes were cracked as he saw this scene through his 'Eye of Insight'.

At the same time, Jie Liancheng, who was in the battlefield, was also startled by the lightning.

[Damn it, Yan Sheng, the old Bideng, actually hides such a skill? ! 】

With the flash of this thought, Xie Liancheng was almost scared into a cold sweat. Although Xie Liancheng was confident about his own strength, he did not have the confidence to face the lightning attack.

That lightning attack is so fast that even if you want to hide, you can't dodge it. Who will be hit by that lightning and be chopped into charcoal?

As the person who released that bolt of lightning, Yan Sheng was obviously quite satisfied with his masterpiece.

At the moment when the lightning struck Chitose and caused the burly figure to crash to the ground, all the pressure on his body was immediately swept away, replaced by a wave of unconcealable ecstasy and pride.

At the same time, the surrounding soldiers who witnessed this scene were also dumbfounded.

No one thought that their Majesty, the First Emperor, had mastered this kind of divine method.

They reacted and were about to cheer, but in the next second, the body that should have turned into charcoal suddenly moved.

Immediately afterwards, a more violent roar was heard, followed by the figure that stood up again, spreading on the battlefield!

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