Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 654 A great victory

Compared with the pursuit force that chased away in the blink of an eye, the follow-up rescue force quickly caught up and rescued Chitose, who was covered in burnt skin.


After suppressing his fatigue, Zhou Xu quickly ran down the wall and went to confirm the situation when he saw Chitose being sent back.

Hearing the sound, Chitose, who had regained consciousness at this moment, drooped her ears and looked at Zhou Xu pitifully. In those dark golden eyes, where was the majesty and ferocity from before? Some are just children's grievances after being bullied.


When Zhou Xu saw it, his heart softened.

After all, he raised her from a young age, how could she not have any feelings?

"Okay, okay, you're fine."

While talking, Zhou Xu wanted to touch Qiantose's head as usual.

But after that bolt of lightning, the hair that was originally like a cloak on Chitose's body had been chopped into ashes, and the skin on the surface was even more charred, causing Zhou Xu's hand to freeze on the spot.

[If the surface of this skin and flesh are all wounds struck by lightning, will it hurt to death if I touch it? 】

Just when Zhou Xu was thinking this, Chitose didn't know if she saw his hesitation, but then she stood up and took the initiative to put her head against his palm and rub it.

As a result, Zhou Xu was startled by the feeling of his hand. It was not as dry as expected at all.

According to Zhou Xu's expectation, after being struck by lightning, the skin would probably become like charcoal, but the feel of Chitose's skin now is the same as that of normal skin.

Zhou Xu, who noticed this, quickly looked down at his palm. It was now completely dark, as if he had touched a handful of coal.

The burnt black color on the head that he touched was obviously much lighter.

"Come here, hurry up and get a basin of hot water, bring some rags and brushes, and scrub Chitose's body."

After receiving the order, the people below acted quickly, and hot water, rags, and brushes were quickly ready.

Chitose used to lick and clean her own fur, but she had never encountered such a battle before, and she was really not used to it now.

Fortunately, Zhou Xu was there to comfort him, and Chitose himself was also very intelligent. He knew that the people around him would not harm him, so he stopped resisting.

After some scrubbing, Chitose soon revealed her normal skin color, which made Zhou Xu greatly relieved.

From this, it is not difficult to see that Chitose's injury was not as serious as he initially expected.

But then a new doubt arose.

[Is this because Chitose is physically strong enough to withstand it, or is the intensity of the opponent's lightning attack actually limited and not as scary as it looks? 】

This issue is quite important for Zhou Xu.

After all, no one knows who the thunder and lightning will hit next, but judging from the current situation, with only limited intelligence, it will be difficult for him to find a breakthrough in this matter.

Just when Zhou Xu was thinking this, Chitose let out an obvious cry of pain, and at the same time, the body's instinctive resistance movements knocked the surrounding staff to the ground on the spot.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu quickly went up to calm Chitose's mood. At the same time, he looked closely and saw a large piece of flesh that looked like charcoal on Chitose's front leg near his right shoulder.

Needless to say, this was probably the area where the lightning struck directly.

When Chitose's entire body was scorched black before, this injury was not obvious, but as the skin and flesh in other parts were wiped clean, this injury gradually became glaring.

Now it seems that there was undoubtedly some error in his previous judgment.

Looking at the scorched black wound, Zhou Xu's eyes were filled with distress, which also made him even more wary of the thunder and lightning attack.

Not to mention anything else, as an extraordinary creature, Chitose's physical fitness must be higher than theirs. Even Chitose was injured like this. If it were any other soldier, he would most likely be dead.

[The thunder and lightning attack is obviously a mantra method. The opponent only launched one attack at that time. Does this mean that this mantra consumes a lot of money and the opponent cannot use it twice in a short period of time? 】

The situation at that time was chaotic after all, not to mention that before that, he was still controlling the Big Bone and Two Bones to destroy the enemy's siege tower. When he noticed that side, the thing happened immediately, and he saw the lightning In a flash, Chitose was knocked to the ground.

Everything happened so fast that the information Zhou Xu could obtain was very limited.

He was trying hard to recall all the details of that time in his mind.

At that time, he was too far away from the wall of Huangsha City, and he couldn't see clearly with his 'Eye of Insight', but after careful consideration, he was still able to extract some useful information.

[The attack distance of the mantra should not be far away. The opponent should be able to get close and then launch the attack. 】

As the thoughts flew around, the Zhou troops responsible for chasing the enemy out of the city had already finished the battle and retreated back into the city. Although they were all tired and out of breath, their mental state was extremely high.

Regardless of the fact that Chitose was injured, they took advantage of the existence of the giant skeleton beast and Chitose, an extraordinary creature, to directly defeat the opponent's siege tactics and make the soldiers on the opposite side collapse in morale and lose their will to fight.

In the follow-up pursuit, the enemy troops who had no intention of fighting faced them and only wanted to escape, without much resistance at all.

Although the specific statistics have not yet come out, there is no doubt that they won a big victory!

How could this make the Zhou soldiers not excited? !

Especially the soldiers headed by Bai Tu, although the enemy country is still there, this great victory that killed the enemy army still makes them extremely happy!

After the war, I read the report sent by Shi Lei.

Their casualties in this battle were basically negligible. Under this premise, according to the latest statistics, it was confirmed that 1,179 enemies were killed and 385 were captured alive.

Among them, there were many enemy soldiers who died at the hands of Chitose and Ogu Ergu. They were all dead without complete bodies. There is no way to make statistics. But what can be confirmed is that the specific number is definitely higher than this, and it is further finalized. What a victory!

Although Chitose's injury made Zhou Xu upset, but his troops had won such a victory, Zhou Xu had no reason not to reward all the soldiers.

"Pass my order and ask the cooking squad to prepare wine and meat to reward the entire army. However, please pay attention to arranging the shift staff on the wall to make sure there are no mistakes."

The enemy's siege troops were demoralized and retreated in disgrace. They would definitely not be able to attack the city again in a short period of time. After arranging work shifts, Zhou Xu didn't mind letting the soldiers drink some wine to celebrate.

Anyway, the alcohol content of fruit wine in this era is not high. If you want to get drunk, you have to work hard one jar at a time.

But these fruit wines are not cheap nowadays. Who can afford to drink them?

"Besides, to count the military merits of the officers and men, Shi Lei, please follow the rules and formulate the rewards to be distributed as soon as possible and send them to me for review."

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