Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 663 Be Prepared

After sorting out the information obtained in my mind, the most critical point at the moment is the 7,000 troops on the opposite side that have been recruited.

[For me, the best result would be that something happens to the other side during the process of recruiting these 7,000 troops. If the other side successfully recruits 7,000 troops, or even launches an offensive towards me, then I will have to bear the consequences. The risk becomes greater. 】

Of course, he can choose to pull up the skeleton behemoth army as he did before, and rely on the number of armored dragon skeletons to intimidate the opponent.

But this move has been used in previous battles, and it is no longer a secret.

Under this premise, since the other party has made the decision to assemble an army of 10,000, they must have made corresponding psychological preparations.

When the army besieges the city, the battle will definitely not end immediately. There are not enough troops stationed in the city, and the actual killing efficiency of the skeleton beasts is relatively limited.

The most important thing is that after a large-scale manipulation, the power of his mantra will be consumed a lot. If the siege army on the opposite side adopts siege for consecutive days, then the yellow sand city will most likely not be able to defend it.

Faced with such a situation, it is wrong to focus on resisting the siege of 10,000 siege troops. The key point is to directly kill the opponent's plan at the step of recruiting 7,000 troops and fundamentally solve the problem. Ten thousand troops attacked Huangsha City.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu's eyes fixed.

"If he doesn't mess up, then I'll let him mess up!"

While talking, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on Jie Liancheng.

"Lao Jie, since the other party asked you to perform a reconnaissance mission here, you might as well just hang around for a while, and then find an opportunity. I will give you a person, and you can find a way to take him back. You don't need to stay with me, you just need to take him back. Just throw it into the city, can you do that?"

In this regard, Xie Liancheng nodded after thinking about it for a while.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to be around all the time, but if you just want to throw someone into the city, I don't think it's a big problem."

"Okay, let's settle this first. This is my plan number one. Now let's talk about plan number two."

Zhou Xu always likes to be prepared, whether he needs it or not, he likes to be as prepared as possible.

"What's Plan 2?"

"Kill Yan Sheng."

It is true that it is possible to cause chaos in the opponent's country without killing Yan Sheng, but it cannot be denied that killing Yan Sheng is the most direct way.

"How to kill? Should I go?"

Jie Liancheng had a headache. In their simple discussion just now, they had clearly realized that killing this guy was by no means an easy task.

Hearing Jie Liancheng's words at this time, Zhou Xu shook his head again.

"Although you are strong, you are not a good choice."

"How to say?"

According to Xie Liancheng's idea, if he couldn't kill Yan Sheng, then who else could?

Zhou Xu, who roughly understood Xie Liancheng's thoughts, also showed great patience at this moment.

"A person's energy is limited. He cannot be alert to everyone around him at any time and at any time. His spirit must relax. And if he wants to do this, he must be alert to everyone around him. people to make distinctions.”

"You can simply understand it as labeling the people around you as 'threat' or 'no threat'."

"And you are too strong, that's why Yan Sheng is suspicious of you. As long as you get close, or even just show up, he will start to be wary of you and be ready to escape with your life at any time. Do you understand?"

Jie Liancheng was stunned for a moment after hearing Zhou Xu's explanation, and then he suddenly realized.

It's not like he never thought about finding an opportunity to kill Yan Sheng before, but he never found the opportunity.

Now it seems that the problem actually lies with him.

"So we need a suitable person who can gain the trust of the other party and at least not be suspected by the other party to do this."

Having said this, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on Jie Liancheng again.

Although he can also arrange manpower from his own side and let Xie Liancheng find an opportunity to take him back, and then approach Yan Sheng and wait for the opportunity.

But this operation is undoubtedly too time-consuming. It would be great if there were some suitable candidates ready to use.

At this moment, Jie Liancheng naturally understood the meaning of Zhou Xu's words.

He's just not good at thinking about these things, but he can still react when Zhou Xu has already said it.

"There seems to be a candidate like this, but I don't know if he can do it."

Taking these requirements into consideration, Xie Liancheng spoke slowly after some thought, with a bit of hesitation in his tone.

"tell me the story."

"Beside Yan Sheng, there is a guy named Li Wenjian. He is also a time traveler. Like me, he was summoned by Yan Sheng."

Zhou Xu raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

Although he didn't want to interrupt Xie Liancheng's words, he couldn't suppress his curiosity and asked...

"How many time travelers did Yan Sheng summon? Is the summoning altar still there?"

Faced with this problem, Xie Liancheng counted on his fingers.

"Including myself, there are four in total that I know of. The altar seems to be gone."

"Will other time-travelers pose an obstacle to us?"

"Probably not. Everyone basically does their own thing, and they rarely interact with each other on weekdays. In other words, they don't dare to interact with each other. After all, we all have special identities and we are afraid of being jealous by Yan Sheng."

Hearing this, Zhou Xu nodded. After having a rough idea in his mind, he had no intention of continuing to ask further questions.

"Let's continue talking about Li Wenjian."

"Okay, if you want to say who is closest to Yan Sheng and wants to kill him the most, I'm afraid it's Li Wenjian."

"There's got to be a reason for this, right?"

Zhou Xu asked as he took off the water bag from his waist and drank some water. After chatting for so long, he was also thirsty.

During this period, Xie Liancheng didn't think much and directly stated the reason.

"Because Yan Sheng castrated him."


The water I just drank into my mouth was squirted clean on the spot.

"Cough cough cough cough!!"

Following a violent cough, Zhou Xu wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Let me ask, what happened?"

"We had won battles before and annexed various countries. When Yan Sheng proclaimed himself the First Emperor, he held a big banquet in the palace. The guy drank too much at the banquet and said, 'How dare you build a country with just such a small amount of land? What the hell? Calling him the First Emperor will make you laugh to death!’ That’s basically what it means.”

Having said this, Jie Liancheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"When Yan Sheng heard these words, he was naturally furious. He sent the imperial army directly and planned to arrest Li Wenjian for questioning. But guess what?"

"What's wrong?"

"When the imperial army caught him, he was teasing the concubine in the harem and preparing to rape her."


"Yan Sheng's temper is such that he will be repaid for his actions. Just based on what he said before, Li Wenjian couldn't even hope for a good harvest, let alone touch his woman. In the end, although he didn't behead him, he was castrated. ”

As Xie Liancheng spoke, he made a knife-wielding gesture with his palm.

"Speaking of which, this is worse than just killing him."

"Since then, I heard that Yan Sheng took him directly with him. If anything went wrong, he would punch and kick Li Wenjian and torture him in various ways. He even asked Li Wenjian to wait there during that time. I think it's quite perverted to humiliate him, so Li Wenjian must hate him to death, but..."

Xie Liancheng changed the subject.

"You'd better not have too much expectations for Li Wenjian. When that guy was first summoned, I thought he was full of nonsense. He pretended to know everything. He liked to point out the situation and speak eloquently. It actually makes no sense.”

"After getting along for a while, everyone realized that he was just a useless keyboard warrior. That's why Yan Sheng castrated him so easily. At the same time, he was not afraid of him at all. Instead, he kept him by his side and tortured him. So once he got through, he would have been beaten into a slave. He must hate him, but Li Wenjian may not have the courage to do that."

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