Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 720 Let’s warm up a little first

Since the demobilization would take some time, Zhou Xu still slept in the general's mansion in Jielian City that night.

Early the next morning, Li Bowen and a group of officials from the old dynasty came to see him again.

"Little man Li Bowen, please meet your Majesty!"

While he was talking, all the officials from the old dynasty followed Li Bowen and knelt down one after another.

"Everyone is free of charge."

After receiving permission, Li Bowen stood up and respectfully expressed...

"Your Majesty, these officials from the old dynasty have been persuaded by the villain and are willing to serve me, Great Zhou."

At this point, Li Bowen's voice paused.

"At the same time, the villain said yesterday that he would spend all his wealth to support the king. At this moment, the villain has ordered the servants in the palace to transport all the money from home, as well as some food to help the victims."

At the same time that Li Bowen said this, the sound of moving was also heard outside the lobby.

At this moment, the servants of the General's Mansion were helping to move boxes and boxes of things into the courtyard of their General's Mansion.

Each big box requires two or even four people to move it. The dull sound made when the box falls to the ground further proves that the box is not light. The things contained in the box are naturally It's self-evident.

Looking at these big boxes, Zhou Xu smiled widely.

"Bowen really cares about the people and is the pillar of the country!"

"The king is wise, and the little man was inspired by the king to make up his mind!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Zhou Xu laughed out loud when he heard this.

If he had not seen Li Bowen's attributes panel and knew that the other party was indeed an outstanding talent, he would have suspected that the other party's position as prime minister was achieved through flattery.

Looking at Li Bowen, who turned around and was about to become the new king's favorite, the officials from the old dynasty who came with him were not willing to lag behind and spoke out one after another...

"We are also willing to spend all our wealth to contribute to the king's new policy! We have brought it all this time!"

Needless to say, those who came with Li Bowen this time were all officials from the old dynasty who had united the front with the other party and advanced and retreated together.

After surrendering to him, this group of people will most likely unite and form an internal party. This is the team brought by Li Bowen himself.

What's the next step for this party? Just for personal gain!

From the perspective of a ruler, it is definitely not a good thing for the people under his command to form cliques for personal gain.

However, even if he had to deal with these officials from the old dynasty who came to send money and perform their duties, it would definitely not be done now.

"Okay, okay! It is my great fortune to have virtuous ministers like you! Don't worry, I, the Great Zhou, will never treat meritorious ministers badly!"

While giving generous compliments and making a big deal out of the officials of the old dynasty, Zhou Xu also quickly activated the 'Peeping Eyes' to confirm their panels one by one.

Yan Sheng's method of selecting officials is very simple and crude.

Anyway, he will arrange things, and those who can handle it well will be promoted, and those who can't handle it will get out.

Although the method is simple, the effect is quite good. In the end, if you can reach a high position, you will naturally have a certain ability.

[Good guy, besides Li Bowen, there is another person with three stars in intelligence and three people with three stars in spirit! 】

[Although the remaining ones are all two-stars, their talents are consistent, and they can display greater abilities than ordinary two-stars in these positions. 】

[The loyalty of these guys is so damn good! 】

[But this Li Bowen, is it because of the conversation yesterday? Now the loyalty level has risen to 63 points, which is a good sign. 】

In summary, although these guys are not good people, they are indeed capable and not waste.

As I said before, as long as you have the ability, you should use it.

Although these guys are not very loyal, as long as they stay in peace, Zhou Xu is not afraid of anything they might do.

At the same time, judging from Li Bowen's situation, you can still try to brush up your loyalty. If you brush it above 70 points, you will have a certain degree of loyalty.

After sending all those people away, Jie Liancheng ordered the people to close the door, and then his eyes fell on the large boxes that had been piled up in their courtyard.

"Take a look?"

Jie Liancheng looked at Zhou Xu excitedly, obviously impatient.

Zhou Xu was not surprised by this.


Almost as soon as the word Zhou Xu was spoken, Xie Liancheng raised his hand and opened a box in front of him that was much smaller than the other large boxes.

"Let's warm up a little first, hahaha..."

In an instant, under the sunlight, Zhou Xu and Jie Liancheng felt themselves being dazzled by a burst of golden light, and then they uttered the word in unison.


At this moment, what was placed in front of them was a box full of gold! Under the sunlight, it really shines like gold!

As a general, Xie Liancheng was relieved of his military power, but his treatment was still very good. In this era, he belonged to the wealthy class who could afford to live in a big house, hire servants, and were not short of money at all on weekdays. But he I have never seen so much gold, let alone Zhou Xu.

"Damn it, are you so energetic right from the start?"

Xie Liancheng clicked his tongue.

A whole box of gold would make people excited in modern society, and now, the impact is not small at all.

Looking at this box of gold, Xie Liancheng couldn't help but roll up his sleeves and wanted to try the gold.

"Give labor and management a raise!!!"

As a result, he hugged the box and exerted his strength. After the box barely lifted off the ground, it immediately fell to the ground with a thud.

"Fuck! I blindly guessed that there might be five hundred kilograms here!"

Although this box is small, the density of gold is very high. The same volume of gold weighs almost three times that of iron!

No wonder it took a strong man to move this small box in at that time.

At the same time, this also made Zhou Xu and Xie Liancheng basically certain that the small box contained gold and the big box contained silver.

And there are three small boxes containing gold like this!

In addition, the amount of silver is even more exaggerated. There are eighty-seven boxes, which fills the courtyard of the General's Mansion. This is probably not all. Those guys must have kept a lot of it themselves.

Looking at the large boxes of gold and silver, Jie Liancheng felt a little numb.

"Aren't these guys so greedy?"

Zhou Xu may not be very clear yet, but Xie Liancheng is quite familiar with the income and prices here.

It is no exaggeration to say that this house may be worth their entire country’s tax revenue for several years!

He couldn't even imagine how these guys got so much gold and silver.

Later, when he thought about it, Xie Liancheng suddenly came to his senses.

We have been fighting all these years!

Zhou Xu's mind was spinning faster than Xie Liancheng's, so he naturally guessed this earlier. He shook his head and didn't know what to say.

"Anyway, load them all into the car first and send them to the palace to be locked up. When the time comes, coins will be minted and then taken out for use."

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