Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 925 The clarion call for the decisive battle

At this moment, listening to the other party's report, Bai Tu suddenly realized a problem.

"Wait a minute, the lizardmen soldiers don't seem to have such symptoms. Didn't any of them get infected?"

Hearing this, as a medical soldier who has served in the South Border Fortress for a long time, the other party directly said...

"Lizardmen and humans have different physical fitness. Maybe they have strong resistance to ratmen or all viruses. Since I started serving here, I have never seen any lizardmen have any obvious symptoms. Even if there are, they will recover by themselves in two days, and there is no need to do anything."


After receiving this answer, Bai Tu was speechless for a while.

This kind of physical fitness is really enviable! They humans dare not even think about it.

The medical soldier who simply finished the report turned around and left quickly. In the past two days, the number of wounded in their South Border Fortress has continued to increase. At the same time, coupled with the sudden outbreak of the epidemic, the medical team, which was already busy and dizzy, was completely overwhelmed.

Taking advantage of the temporary lull in the Skaven's offensive, Bai Tu and Soros took a break after arranging the defense.

During this period, including Locke, the Wood Elf mages whose power of truth was greatly consumed were transferred to a quiet room in the fortress to meditate and recover.

At that time, the time when Zhou Xu obtained the meditation technique was actually different from the time when the Wood Elves set out.

However, after Zhou Xu understood the effect of meditation, he immediately wrote down the practice method of meditation and ordered people to send it to the Wood Elves as soon as possible.

Meditation is essentially the same as the basic skills of the mage. For the Wood Elf mages who are already proficient in casting the truth spell, it is not difficult to learn, let alone for Locke.

Locke never thought that there would be a day when his power was almost exhausted.

From the perspective of an extraordinary mage, the power of truth in his body is extremely huge, far beyond the reach of ordinary mages.

The energy he used to spend on beating Sean and his gang of brats was nothing to him.

Who would have thought that the scale of the war here was so terrifying!

Locke didn't feel good at the moment, and his whole head was aching.

With the continuous operation of meditation, he finally slowly relaxed.

Exhaling a long breath, Locke didn't know how long he had been meditating, but he felt that it was almost time to take a break.

As a result, when he opened his eyes, he found that the tribesmen, including John, were meditating seriously, with no intention of stopping.

Seeing this scene, Locke's expression flashed a little unnatural, and he was also a little embarrassed.

I always feel that I have been inexplicably surpassed by the younger generation in the tribe.

With this thought, Locke's mind suddenly lost the idea of ​​resting, and quickly operated the meditation again and entered the meditative state.

At the same time, outside the South Fortress, without them continuing to add burning materials, the whole fire was getting smaller and smaller.

Noticing the situation here, the rat tide that had been impatient for a long time on the periphery of the battlefield surged again.

After receiving the news, Soros and Bai Tu climbed up the wall as quickly as possible, and then activated the "Eye of Insight" to observe the rat tide.

Now in their Great Zhou, in addition to the Population Registration Department, the "Eye of Insight" is basically a must-have for scouts and generals.

In addition to being able to obtain enemy information to a certain extent, it can also effectively expand their insight and field of vision.

Maintaining the "Eye of Insight", Soros's sight quickly swept over the rat tide.

"No rat trolls appeared in this wave of rat tide!"

Although the current situation does not mean that the rat trolls have been completely destroyed, at least they have suffered heavy losses.

As this thought flashed through his mind, Soros, who said this, had a bit of excitement in his voice.

In the rat army, rat trolls can be said to be a very important component.

In the case of pulling away, the rat trolls can directly threaten their walls and even the interior of the fortress by throwing rat barrels.

Close the distance, the five-meter-high height and muscular body can make you fully appreciate the incredible melee ability of the ratman!

Simply put, the rat trolls are very difficult to deal with in terms of combat ability, in addition to being brainless.

Even Thoros didn't expect that they could resolve this threat with a wave of spells cast by the wood elf mages!

This can be said to have solved a very difficult problem for them, no wonder he was so excited.

In the blink of an eye, the outer rat tide had already crushed the vine area that was cut off by the blood explosion, and pressed close to the South Border Fortress again.

Without even a moment of stagnation, the rat tide's offensive immediately began.

Seeing this, Bai Tu quickly gave orders...

"Open the gate, let the archers lock the gate, and the spearmen and shieldmen on both sides are on standby at any time!!"

The gate of the South Border Fortress had been burned through by the blood explosion spell, and now it basically maintained its appearance. In fact, it was already fragile. A few random collisions could cause it to shatter on the spot.

But even so, Bai Tu did not intend to let the gate be directly defeated by the ratmen. He kept it for now, and maybe he could use some fake and real means to mess with the ratmen's mentality later.

The gate was opened, and the archers who received the order quickly opened their bows and shot arrows, and efficiently killed the rats surging from the front with flat shooting.

Around the city gate area, after many confrontations with the rats, Bai Tu could completely confirm that compared with the three-bow bed crossbow with narrow attack trajectory, letting archers block the door and shoot rats with rapid continuous shooting is more efficient.

Of course, this is not the point, anyway, the killing is limited.

The real purpose of Bai Tu's move was to try whether the ratmen on the opposite side were subjected to the blood explosion.

Now that he confirmed the situation, the follow-up actions were quickly launched.

"Large shield soldiers form a shield wall! Spearmen follow up!"

The classic contradictory combination appeared again, and a new round of charge and killing between the two sides broke out completely.

During this period, in the rear positions of the ratmen, driven by the strong obsession, after sending out three waves of rats as the vanguard, the leader of the ratmen immediately threw all the regular army forces in his hands into the subsequent waves of rats, obviously going all out!

During this process, the adjutant beside him didn't know when he started to have red eyes and a crazy state, just like a replica of the ratman leader next to him.

Putting all the troops on the front line, the ratman leader officially sounded the horn of this decisive battle! !

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