Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 957: Still so servile

Ma Guotao found that he couldn't help but be convinced by their Majesty sometimes.

Get a drop of blood essence from a supernatural being to promote the evolution of their war horses in the Great Zhou?

He really hadn't thought about this.

Even he knew that there was a probability of failure.

How precious is the blood essence of supernatural beings? Once failed, they were not sure whether the drop of blood essence could be recovered.

At the same time, once the evolution failed, the sweat-blood horse would most likely die. How could it be so easy to absorb?

In order to increase the success rate, the best sweat-blood horse must be selected at that time. Once it failed and died, the loss would be even greater.

So, even if the blood essence could be recovered, the loss of the sweat-blood horse would likely make his breeding work in vain.

In comparison, feeding the blood essence to the supernatural beings already in their Great Zhou, such as Qiansui, or to the Bailian Realm warriors like Jie Liancheng and Zhou Chongshan, are better and safer choices.

In fact, Zhou Xu also thought about this problem.

But in Zhou Xu's view, the war horse is more important!

Feeding Qiansui with blood essence can indeed make Qiansui's individual combat power stronger, but can it kill thousands of enemy troops on the battlefield?


But Xianzhen Camp can do it! And it only needs a successful charge!

Under this premise, if he can solve the problem of insufficient physical strength and speed of Xianzhen Camp's warhorses, then the value of Xianzhen Camp, and even all the heavy armored cavalry in the future of their Great Zhou, on the battlefield will be directly raised to a new level!

Of course, this matter is said, and the difficulty of specific implementation is still very high.

For example, the first problem he needs to face now is where to get this drop of blood essence.

This wild extraordinary creature is not so easy to find.

Especially under the premise that extraordinary creatures basically have intelligence comparable to that of humans, they will stay away from Dazhou at the beginning when they see that Dazhou is not easy to mess with, and will not give them the opportunity to discover themselves.

This is also one of the main reasons why Dazhou has basically encountered no extraordinary creatures after it has grown stronger.

Other extraordinary creatures have brains, and they know that they can't beat them, so they have already hidden away.

In fact, Zhou Xu had also thought about lowering his requirements. If he could catch a horse of the exotic level, he could use it for breeding.

As for directly catching a supernatural horse, Zhou Xu didn't have this idea.

He felt that this kind of supernatural creature was difficult to control and might not cooperate with them in breeding.

In any case, he just told Ma Guotao about this plan. As for how to implement the plan in the future, it depends on whether he can meet supernatural creatures next time.

It is difficult for Zhou Xu to make any guarantees about this matter, but he has a little idea.

Just as he and Ma Guotao were discussing this, a wolf howl came from a distance, causing the horses here to fall into chaos.

To this day, there are still wolves on this grassland.

After all, the cattle and sheep of the herdsmen are the best food for the wolves.

The other party's target is not the horse farm here, but the sheep of the herdsmen in the distance.

The frightened sheep began to flee in all directions. At the same time, dozens of wolves broke into Zhou Xu's field of vision.

Just when he was about to signal Qiansui and Silk to deal with the wolf pack over there, another wolf howl came from a distance.

Along with this wolf howl, more evil wolves rushed out from all directions, which stunned Zhou Xu.

"Damn! Is the scale of this wolf pack so large?"

In his impression, the scale of wild wolf packs generally does not exceed 30, and at most about 50, but the wolf pack that broke into his field of vision was obviously more than that number.

Then, before Zhou Xu could think more, a white figure suddenly broke in at the end of his field of vision.

It was a white wolf with a snow-white body. It howled to the sky in the outer area, as if it was issuing some instructions to the wolf pack.

From Zhou Xu's perspective, he soon discovered that the wolf pack that entered later had quickly formed an encirclement from the outside.

However, this encirclement was not aimed at the sheep, but at the wolf pack that appeared before.

At this moment, Zhou Xu had undoubtedly reacted, but at the same time, his interest became higher.

While signaling Chitose and Silk to stop, he observed the actions of the wolves in the distance with interest.

The size of the subsequent wolves was obviously larger, and during the action, the tactical thinking was clearer and the execution efficiency was higher.

Seeing this, the result can be basically determined.

This is indeed the case.

The wolves that targeted the sheep were surrounded and intercepted throughout the process, and were soon hunted down.

Then, under the howling of the white wolf, the wolves commanded by it quickly dispersed, acted as sheepdogs, and began to help the herdsman gather the scattered sheep.

The overall efficiency can be said to be unexpectedly high.

During this period, the herdsman quickly ran to the white wolf, bowed to it, and then took out a large piece of beef jerky from the package he carried with him and presented it respectfully.

Seeing this, the white wolf was not polite and directly bit the beef jerky in his mouth.

Just as it was showing off, Qiansui, who was lying at Zhou Xu's feet, couldn't stand it anymore and just snorted.

Invisibly, the pressure from the extraordinary creature quickly spread out.

At that moment, the white wolf obviously felt something, and his legs and feet trembled on the spot, and the large piece of beef jerky in his mouth fell directly to the ground. At the same time, he quickly lowered his body and lay on the ground looking around until he found Qiansui.

The moment he saw Qiansui, the white wolf's eyes lit up, and then he immediately picked up the beef jerky and ran over happily.

Then he put the beef jerky in front of Qiansui in a rather flattering manner.

In response, Qiansui rolled his eyes at it.

Needless to say, this was the little white wolf at the beginning, and also Qiansui's lackey.

And those it commanded were not wild wolves at all, but domestic wolves domesticated in their Great Zhou.

Because the white wolf itself is also very intelligent, now it directly leads a group of domestic wolves and becomes the guard team of the herdsmen on the grassland.

Its main task on weekdays is to deal with those wild wolves and some wild beasts on the grassland to ensure the safety of their herdsmen in the Great Zhou.

At that time, when commanding the domestic wolves to fight, it was quite impressive.

Zhou Xu really didn't expect that after so many years, this little white wolf is still so servile.

However, this also shows that Qiansui's deterrence here is indeed full.

[Speaking of which, I felt at the time that this little white wolf should not be an ordinary albino wolf. Just the brain is not something that an ordinary wolf can have. ]

With this thought in mind, Zhou Xu did not hesitate and directly activated the truth.

[Eyes of Secrets! ]

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