Thunder Martial

Chapter 1444 Refining and Metamorphosis

The one who spoke was the young wolf cub in animal skin, a real higher life. WWW.23WX.COM

"Psychic Yuxin, do you have news about Psychic Yuxin?" A light flashed in Zichen's eyes.

"I'm not sure yet, but I'm 80% sure. It will take a few days, and you will go with me when I confirm it," said the animal-skin young wolf cub.

"Only the psychic realm?" Man Shi asked.

"It's a huge relic. It's the largest relic in the Tongyou Pagoda. It's divided into many layers. I can only take you there. As for whether there are other gains, it depends on you."

Naturally, there is no reason to refuse this kind of thing, Zi Chen nodded and said: "That's fine, it just takes a few days?"

"Three days, if I don't come to you after three days, then you can go to this place to find me." The wolf cub gave a piece of jade with a place marked on it.

"Okay! See you in three days!"

The wolf cub didn't stop and left quickly, while Zi Chen and the others also headed towards the trading place.

At the current trading place, there are more monks than last time. Apparently they have also heard about the psychic realm and are ready to arm themselves before going.

The war spirit stall owner still occupies this trading place, and there are many good things for sale inside.

When Zichen and others stepped into the trading place, the heavy hammer had already finished refining, and his realm had not improved, but his strength was more concise and agile, and his combat power was also greatly improved.

In these stalls, there are many king-level life essence liquids for sale, and Zichen and others also bought some.

"Look here, there is actually a psychic domain crystal!" Shangguan Hong exclaimed.

"Spiritual Realm Crystal, there is also here." On the other side, Dong Qing made a discovery.

"I have it here too." Man Shi shouted.

Next, Zichen and the others also discovered that there were pieces of psychic domain crystals placed in front of other booths.

The flood of psychic domain crystals means that the psychic domain center is about to be born. This is already a recognized secret.

Many of these stalls are selling psychic domain hearts, which can almost be said to be flooded, but the prices are not cheap at all. Just like what was negotiated in advance, the value of each piece of psychic domain crystals, At half a million lucky points.

Such a price also frightens away many greedy monks.

It is almost useless to refine one piece, and it needs to be refined several times in a row. In this way, a lot of luck points are needed, and most people can't get them at all.

And those war spirit stall owners have either refined a few pieces and transformed once, and the rest is not enough to transform again, so they sell it. There are also some, just get one or two yuan, useless, but fortunately sold.


Seeing these things, Zichen didn't hesitate at all, the lucky points on everyone, except for the heavy hammer, everyone else bought the psychic realm crystal.

During this period, Zi Chen had the most lucky points, and bought more than ten psychic domain crystals at once.

You know, during the six months that the world collapsed, Zi Chen killed many alien war spirits, and when these war spirits died, Zi Chen could also get lucky points, and the number was very considerable. In addition, the massacres along the way , is also one of the important reasons for the skyrocketing luck points on his body.

When Zi Chen and the others were buying the psychic domain crystal, the heavy hammer walked in front of a crystal ball worth millions.

He looked at the crystal ball, dazed.

"What is this?" Man Shi leaned over, and after seeing the introduction on the crystal ball, he also let out a surprise.

"Is this a memory? What kind of memory is worth millions?" Man Shi asked, staring at the war spirit stall owner.

The war spirit stall owner replied: "To be precise, this is a memory carried in a piece of remnant soul."

"Remnant soul, whose remnant soul is it?" Man Shi asked again.

The war spirit stall owner shook his head and said, "I don't know, this memory cannot be watched, because there are remnants of souls in it, once you watch it, you must either fuse the remnants of the soul, or refine the remnants of the soul."

"This thing is simply a waste product. Are you sure someone wants it, and it's a million lucky points? Did you know that a million lucky points can buy two psychic domain crystals?" Man Shi said again.

Now, with only a few dozen lucky points left on him, he naturally thinks that this million is a sky-high price.

After hearing the news, Zi Chen and others came over, and after hearing Man Shi's explanation, they all had strange expressions on their faces.

During this period, Chong Hammer didn't say a word.

Zi Chen looked at Chong Hammer and said, "Brother Chong Hammer, can you be sure that this remnant soul is useful to you?"

This thing is useless to normal humans. As for the memory inside, what use is it?

It's like gambling, with a million lucky points, betting that there will be a major discovery in the memory of the remnant soul.

But the memories in these remnant souls are from before the Yufu Realm was established, and are of no use to the current Yufu Realm, unless the remnant souls still remember several powerful techniques.

Under such circumstances, humans will naturally not gamble, because a million lucky points are enough to buy the fighting skills he wants here.

And the appearance of this thing is obviously not aimed at human beings, but at war spirits. Zi Chen can see the longing in Zhong Hammer's eyes at a glance.

"Not sure, but I have a feeling that if I miss it, I will regret it," said Hammer.

"There are only a million lucky points, just buy it, but the premise is that the remnant souls in it will not fight back." Zi Chen said.

"This remnant soul is not strong, and has no means of attack, so it won't counterattack." Heavy Hammer said.

"Then buy it."

Chong Hammer's last hesitation was also dispelled by Zi Chen's words, and he used the last million lucky points on his body to buy this remnant soul.

The remnant soul was bought away, and the war spirit stall owner turned around and left. Zi Chen looked at him thoughtfully.

Next, everyone who spent all their lucky points left.

The heavy hammer was reading the memory of the remnant soul, and Zichen and the others also took out the psychic domain crystal, preparing to refine it.

In the psychic domain crystal, there is a powerful wave of spiritual power, almost psychic.

Zi Chen sat cross-legged, holding a piece of psychic domain crystal in his hand, a suction force came out of his hand, the power in the psychic domain crystal was forcibly extracted, and then merged into his body.

After this power enters the body, it fuses with its own power, and then triggers a change in its own power.

It's like injecting some active objects into the rigid force, making the rigid force gradually become flexible.

With the change of these powers, Zichen obviously felt that these powers were more concise and agile than before. With the same punch, the power contained in the punch at this moment is also more dense than before, and the power is naturally stronger.

A piece of psychic domain crystal was refined very quickly, but Zi Chen's power was only partly transformed, and if he wanted to completely transform his power, he could only continue to refine it.

Fortunately, Zichen has a lot of psychic domain crystals on his body, so it's no problem to complete the first transformation.


The three days passed quickly, but the wolf cub hadn't been found, which showed that the place was real.

And Zichen and others also left the customs at the same time three days later. When they all appeared, they gave people almost the same feeling.

There was a psychic aura surging around them, and all the power in their bodies had undergone a transformation for the first time, becoming agile and powerful.

Man Shi and Wu Xie's self-confidence exploded because of their power transformation again, but they did not dare to challenge Zi Chen who had also transformed.

During the three days, the heavy hammer also fused the remnant soul, and thus appeared. He was dressed in a black robe, surrounded by the light of power, and he looked more and more mysterious.

"How?" Zi Chen also asked after seeing the heavy hammer.

In fact, there is no need to ask, Zi Chen can also guess that the remnant soul is of great use to the heavy hammer.

"It's my soul before I was alive." There was an unconcealable joy in Zhong Hammer's words.

"Then congratulations!" Zi Chen's eyes lit up.

Zhong Hammer nodded and said, "Congratulations indeed. After merging this part of the remnant soul, my strength has recovered a bit. Even if a higher life comes, I have the confidence to drive him away!"

At such a moment, the combat power soared, which was definitely good news for the entire team.

"Three days have come, let's go find Langwei!"

The name of the wolf cub is Langwei. According to the map guidance, coupled with the flying magic weapon, the group arrived at the designated place in less than half a day.

Lang Wei seemed to have been waiting for a long time. After seeing Zi Chen and the others, he also walked up quickly and said, "I thought you wouldn't come."

While speaking, a light flashed in his eyes as he looked at the crowd. Obviously, he also noticed the changes in this team in just three days.

"There was some delay on the way." Zi Chen explained.

"Let's go, the news has been confirmed, the psychic domain center is here!" The wolf cub led everyone forward.

On the way forward, I can also see many monks, but these monks can only stay in the distance, looking into the depths from time to time, full of longing, but they do not take the initiative to step forward.

Zi Chen noticed these people, and doubts appeared on his face. The wolf cub saw Zi Chen's doubts and explained: "The city they are in has no higher life, so they lose the qualification to investigate immediately."

This place is perceived by the higher life, and only the higher life and the forces he belongs to have the ability to take a share. As for other forces without higher life, they have no such qualifications at all.

"Keep a low profile at that time, because there are too many advanced beings here." Lang Wei instructed as he moved forward.

"Are there many higher beings like that golden gorilla?" Man Shi asked.

"Golden gorilla?" A look of disdain flashed in Lang Wei's eyes, and he said, "It's true that he is a high-level life, but he is the weakest among the high-level life."

Afterwards, he solemnly said: "Among the higher beings, the ones you need to be vigilant about are those whose own strength has not reached the realm. Because they are very powerful and confident, the reason why they didn't break through is because of the psychic Yu Xin wants to be perfectly baptized, and then let his own domain grow perfectly. Although these people are not strong enough to reach the domain, their various supernatural powers, as well as their physical bodies, have already reached the peak of the first level domain, and their combat power is very strong."

During the explanation, everyone went deep and saw many human monks along the way. These people, the weakest ones, were all relatively higher life forms.

Insufficient combat power, other humans, even monks from top-ranked cities, are not qualified to stay here.

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